Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 661 Lord of Scales and Feathers: Let me do it

"...How could this happen?"

Evans opened his eyes slightly, feeling a little confused: "Can the path... still be reversed?"


Just then.

Suddenly, a man wearing black gloves patted his shoulder from behind.

A voice that he was very familiar with suddenly sounded from his ear: "Don't be nervous, Aihuasi. This is normal."

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That was the voice of the Lord of Scales and Feathers.

In Aihuasi's eyes, the world around him quickly became dim. It was like it was night and the curtains were drawn again. Only a small circle of space around him was bright.

"... very normal?"

"It is very normal. The reason why professionals have almost fatal deviations from the path is that they are not completely compatible with the path they belong to. Their power actually comes from the "profession" they are compatible with, and the holder of the profession is naturally likely to change paths. After all, the power of the phantom demon is not dead. When changing jobs, it is normal to take your own customer resources with you, right?"

The Lord of Scales and Feathers put his hand on Aiwas's shoulder, half comforting and half quibbling: "Think about it carefully-the extraordinary people who belong to the same transcendent path and can match the professions of demon scholars and demon incarnations... and the ascended warlock, are they the same group of people?

"Didn't you once encourage a child with adaptability to the transcendent path to find a way to change his job to an ascended warlock instead of a demon scholar? "

Hearing this, Aiwas frowned slightly.

This seems to make some sense...

He recalled the story of "last week" that his adoptive father told him.

-Although Aiwas doubted whether it was the real last week, the information in it should still be referenced.

In that world line, Huan Tiansi was promoted to the pillar god "Endless Knot" of the "Transmutation" path. After that, the alchemists of the Balance Path controlled by him fell into the Transmutation Path and became "Elementalists". This is an example.


Looking at Aiwas who was thinking, the Lord of Scales and Feathers just smiled lightly.

Seeing that Aiwas was still in a state of hesitation, he patted Aiwas on the shoulder and simply said: "Then let me do it."

The next moment, the world in front of Aiwas became bright again.

Everything that happened before seemed to be just a fleeting illusion.

Facing Aiwas's question, Siegfried was explaining seriously: "There is such a possibility. It usually appears when the description of a certain profession is between two paths..."

Suddenly, Aiwas's face changed.

He changed his previous frowning and solemn attitude, and put on a light and comfortable happy smile. The emerald on his chest became brighter, and Aiwas's pupils turned into emeralds of the same color.

"Aiwas" was relaxed and waved his hand at ease: "Okay, that's enough. Let me tell you in person. "

The other cardinals naturally knew what was going on.

So they all bowed to Aiwas and greeted the Lord of Scales and Feathers.

"Aiwas" squinted like a fox, showed a happy smile, raised his hands like a conductor and slightly pressed down: "No need to be polite, everyone--"

And the real Aiwas felt this strange feeling.

He was still in his own perspective. But there was a strange feeling of "this body does not belong to me".

To describe it, it was like a game cutscene that had become a "first-person perspective" and "I" was talking nonstop. Although Aiwas could "skip" this conversation at any time to regain control, the body was acting spontaneously before that.

"--When it comes to the path of adaptation, what do you think of?"

The Lord of Scales and Feathers suddenly asked.

The cardinals immediately fell into a silence of "a teacher asking questions in class".

However, Siegfried did not turn this question into a teacher's self-questioning and answering, but cooperated and said seriously: "Probably... strong survival ability. Whether it is a 'pharmacist', a 'prophet', an 'assassin' or a 'hunter', they all emphasize the ability to survive in the wild or in extreme situations. "

"You might as well put it more clearly - that is a coward."

"Evans" said lightly.

His dark green pupils stared at Siegfried, making his body stiffen.

"But this situation will end from today.

"This is the deal between me and the Silver Crown Dragon - I created an opportunity for him to personally end the Xiong Tiansi. Please don't forget that those extraordinary people whose 'careers were reversed' would have embarked on the path of power five hundred years ago.

"Although 'power' has become 'authority', are there no such brave warriors in the material world? Or -"

"Evans" looked at Siegfried, and then at Fafner: "Have you two forgotten that you once belonged to the path of 'power'? Forgot your original intention to embark on this path? Or do you think that you are no longer the same person as before?

"It was Xiong Tiansi who converged this part of the power and did not create it into professional power and distribute it to the material world. I obtained his power and expanded the definition of 'adaptation' - the original 'adaptation' only emphasized harmony with nature. To coexist and increase one's own survivability, but a crucial definition is missing.

"——That is, in extreme situations, 'fierce struggle' is also a part of adaptation! Isn't it precisely because of the lack of this part of the previous adaptation that you regard it as the path of a 'coward'?

"That's because adaptation lacks the 'power'. Now, I have completed the path of adaptation and the definition has been expanded... Is there any problem with this?

"People who are originally in line with this concept may enter other paths because of the aspects of this concept - for example, their protective heart makes them more suitable for the path of dedication; their sense of responsibility and willingness to respect order, Then let them enter the path of authoritarianism; those behaviors of fighting nature made them become hunters even though they entered the path of adaptation; and those warriors who longed for violent battles entered the path of indulgent love. way.

“But that doesn’t mean they are suitable for these paths, but it means they have no choice.

"Because the heritage of 'warriors' has disappeared. This is a world without warriors.

"And my contractor, the warrior named 'Star', together with the Silver Crowned Dragon defeated Xiong Tiansi, and even played an irreplaceable important role. He took back the duty of a warrior for this world. This Isn’t it a great achievement?”

"After all, I signed a contract with you not to make things difficult for my contractors. You all signed the contract voluntarily - I didn't force you or harm you, right?"

"Aiwass" had a kind and gentle smile on his lips, but his words could not be called soft: "If you still don't understand anything——

“Then ask first, and then go find someone else to make the noise.

"I'll wait here."

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