Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 662 The Arrival of the Pillar God

After "Ewass" spoke, the ceremony room suddenly fell into silence.

All the cardinals looked at each other, but no one chose to speak immediately.

However, some cardinals still closed their eyes.

As the crystals of the path on their bodies lit up. When these cardinals opened their eyes again, the increasingly strong and mysterious atmosphere permeated the ceremony room.

"β€”β€”As you invited, Kunpeng. Here I come."

Cardinal Cyril's expression suddenly changed and became cold.

He opened his eyes, and his pupils turned into a strange color like amethyst. There was also a snake-like flame pupil, standing in the middle of the amethyst and burning fiercely.

"How long have we not been together like this?"

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A girl with pure white long hair and a temperament as cold as snow said with a smile.

Previously, her temperament was cold and silent, and she looked as quiet as a lifeless sculpture. The long hair that seemed to be cut off by a knife gave people a sense of silent sharpness.

But now, her pupils have turned into a mirror-like luster. But her temperament has become lively instead.

She put her hands together with an innocent smile on her face: "This opportunity is rare, why don't I draw a picture for everyone?"

There is no doubt that it was the twin mirror that descended into her body.

At this moment, another lady with brown wavy long hair and a laurel wreath on her head suddenly came over.

Her dark blue pupils quietly turned blood red. She grabbed Shuangshengjing's face, brushed her fingers across her cheeks, and pinched her earlobes. She just reached out and hugged Shuangshengjing directly, and then lowered her head and kissed her deeply without saying a word.

β€”β€”The moment Aiwas saw this scene, he guessed that it should be Hengwo.

But Shuangshengjing did not resist, but just smiled and hugged Hengwo with her backhand. After Hengwo raised her head, she tiptoed to chase after him and returned a kiss. Then she gently rubbed Hengwo's chin, and reached out to touch her head: "Good boy, good boy... Long time no see..."

Hengwo reached her hand into Shuangshengjing's hem without leaving a trace, and slowly touched her back from the waist up.

Just when the two goddesses were intimate, Belisarius, who had just questioned Aiwas, also changed his face.

He stood up, stretched out his hand and clenched his fist, nodded slowly, ignored the other pillar gods and spoke directly to the main business: "Yes, this is a deal between me and the Lord of Scales and Feathers. Now with the help of the Lord of Scales and Feathers, I have become a complete pillar god. So I handed over a part of the narrative about "power" wrapped in the path of authority to the Lord of Scales and Feathers.

"Of course, I can only decide the components within the path of authority. As for the other parts of the path, it has nothing to do with me."

He breathed slightly, like taking a puff of smoke, and slowly exhaled white frost. His pupils turned into silver-white dragon pupils, and his originally transparent heart like crystal was also covered with a layer of silver frost.

He was still questioning Aiwass before, but now he agreed with what "Aiwass" said.

"Okay, kids... let me say a few words. "

At this moment, a gentle motherly whisper sounded.

Farrna's pupils turned into a fiery red.

Not only that - the two curved dragon horns on her head also lit up two clusters of flames like candles.

The gloomy temperament on her body was swept away, just like a brazier was lit in the originally damp and cold room, making the air warm and dry.

She had a motherly smile on her lips, raised her hand and gently stroked the hair on her temples, and pushed the hair that originally blocked half of Cardinal Valrna's cheeks behind her. At that moment, Valrna, who was originally gloomy like a villain, now had a gentle and bright beauty like a wife and a mother.

The other cardinals who had not yet entered the state of divine descent bowed their heads to the descending pillars. And especially praised Cardinal Valrna devoutly: "Praise the God of the Holy Number Three, the noble fire thief..."

And "Varrna" just smiled gently.

She did not rush to speak, but walked through the whole room , gently stroking the head of each cardinal. And hugging them, letting them lean on their arms, whispering something in each other's ears.

First, those cardinals who had not entered the state of divine descent, and then those cardinals who had entered the state of divine descent - when Sizhu came to hug them, the divine descent characteristics on them also temporarily subsided.

These pillar gods returned to the dream world briefly in order to allow the cardinals they possessed to talk to Sizhu in person. They came back again after the contact ended. From this point, it can be seen that they still care about and recognize their contractors and agents.

When it was the last person, it was Aiwas' turn.

β€”β€”It felt like lying in a warm bathtub, with water submerging the body. As the water was drained, the body gradually appeared in the air, and the feeling of weightlessness dissipated. Aiwas gradually regained control of his body.

Sizhu used Fafna's body to hug Aiwas deeply.

Although Fafna is a giant dragon, she has transformed into an elf. She is about two meters tall, so Aiwas, who is 1.82 meters tall, is more than a head shorter than her.

That warm feeling is like warming up by the fireplace at home. Aiwas felt a strong sense of tranquility... and even smelled a pleasant smell from Fafna's clothes, as if it was exposed to the sun.

That feeling even made Aiwas see the word "mother" in his mind.

"You did a good job, child."

Sizhu said softly: "Don't pay too much attention to them... They are not hostile to you.

"Except for Ruoan and Gray, the Church has only one cardinal who has a contract with Kunpeng, and that is Loki. And that child has not shown much to others... So, the way to adapt is not in their cognition. "

Listening to Sizhu's gentle explanation, Aiwas gradually understood:

It turns out that what the Lord of Scales and Feathers said before was not an exaggeration.

In the minds of other cardinals, the path of adaptation is really regarded as a "coward's path."

That's why the Lord of Scales and Feathers asked Siegfried in this way at that time-and because of this, the Lord of Scales and Feathers wanted to get the power of "warriors" to correct the deviation of the path of adaptation.

Because the path of adaptation understood by people today has gradually deviated from the source of "survival".

For example, "poison" is indeed a means for the weak to defeat the strong. There are many animals and plants in nature. It is by relying on poison that they can survive in an environment surrounded by natural enemies.

And the ability to sneak and be invisible is just like a chameleon. That is also to prevent natural enemies from discovering themselves.

But if these two skills are combined, can assassins who are good at poison skills have a higher survival rate?

Quite the opposite.

Aren’t the challenges of assassins always strong or dangerous situations?

Similarly, the skills of hunters are also for them to survive in nature. Talking with wild beasts, taming wild beasts, and controlling bows and guns, as well as scimitars and daggers are also based on this purpose.

When the "beast disaster" spreads across the world, In the past, hunters who could hunt these monsters were the guardians of the race.

β€”β€”Apart from hunters, who else could fight against the hundreds of descendants of the beast master?

But now, the monsters are dead and the warriors are gone. Hunters have become the main profession for conscription - they are good at climbing mountains, have strong guerrilla, wild and night fighting abilities, are good at using various light long-range weapons, and have the ability to conceal their breath. Compared with assassins, they have a higher and broader vision, and can even share vision with animal companions.

This is the best soldier.

The trauma treatment ability of doctors is basically perfectly covered and replaced by priests. This This is also the reason why few cardinals have contracts with the Lord of Scales and Feathers, because once the "alchemical mixture" and the witches' "magic potion" are excluded, the remaining things will not have much effect.

In the end, the synonym of the doctor became "poison" - those who adapt to the Tao are good at using poison. Various difficult-to-remove curses and poisons have become synonymous with those who adapt to the Tao.

So an ironic situation has emerged.

- It is obviously a profession that extends from the source of survival, but the extraordinary people who adapt to the Tao are often in danger.

The entire Tao has been seriously skewed.

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