Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 663: Adapting to the Great Deviation of the Path


If it weren't for the failure of other Tiansi in Adaptive Road, Adaptive Road might have changed hands once.

——The current situation of the Lord of Scale Feather is actually not much better than that of the Supreme Heaven back then.

Back then, people gradually developed a political order from their primitive state. From primitive power to authority... even the giant king himself became deviated.

The same goes for the Scale Feather Lord.

When the special environment brought about by the Supreme Heaven and the Beast Master completely ended, the definition of the adaptation path in the new era deviated.

But even the Lord of Scale Feather cannot come over and say, "You have a wrong understanding of these professions."

The profession has been born, and ultimately how to understand and use it is a matter for those extraordinary people in the material world.

And even the Eternal Theocracy, which has a deeper understanding of the Nine Pillar Gods, has this understanding... Then in other places, I am afraid this "misunderstanding" will be deeper.

When everyone realizes this, the definition of the path will also change. The dream world will affect the material world, and the material world will also affect the dream world - Yan Tiansi can be influenced by the dwarves and become stronger, which illustrates this point.

The original concept of Yan Tiansi was about fire and casting. Forging metals with flames to turn minerals into "tools" and "weapons" was one of the first powers people got from fire.

But later, with the development of civilization. "Flame" can do more and more things.

Nowadays, Yantiansi has gradually been bound to concepts such as "production" and "factory", and her power has naturally become stronger. This is to change the definition of path and career by modifying the narrative - just like when people need to let the blacksmith forge tools, the blacksmith is the creator of the tools; and when people need to let the blacksmith forge weapons, they become supplier of weapons.

When Yan Tiansi gradually spreads from the concept of "factory" and "steam" to the definition of "machinery", she can no longer be called "Yantian Si". At that time, she might have become the "Mechanical Tiansi". And if she spreads to the field of war through the "Creator of Guns and Swords", she can even involve the field of authoritarianism.

——In a sense, what the Lord of Scale Feather did was such a thing. These two things are of the same nature.

It's just that what Yan Tiansi annexed was the power of other Tiansi, and what the Lord of Linyu annexed was the power of other Pillar Gods.

The Lord of Scale Feather has indeed caused losses to other Pillar Gods - even if it is only a trivial one.

"Besides that, there is another reason. That is because of the special situation of the Theocracy..."

Si Zhu whispered to Aiwass softly.

Like a mother or a grandmother, patiently explaining what just happened to her child who seemed aggrieved because of being disliked suddenly - although Aiwass was not disliked and did not feel aggrieved.

And for this reason, Aiwass fully understood why these cardinals felt anxious.

——Just like "controlled fire" can cause unrest in the church.

In the final analysis, it is still a conflict between inheritors and professionals.

Many elves are proud to be inheritors.

The elves are a race with few sons and long lives, and an excellent inheritance is most likely to come from thousands of years ago - the more immortal people are, the more proud they are of such a long history.

In a traditional elf family, if the descendants choose the path of professionals, they will easily conflict with the elders in the family. The discontinued lineage will become a tantra, which also means the disappearance of the "surname", which is what they are proud of.

——Through the inheritance of surnames, we can go back two thousand, three thousand or even more years. The most glorious among them is the ancient inheritance that existed at the beginning of the birth of the elves, even before the birth of the elves.

Most of these inheritances have now been turned into tantras, and tantras are a kind of "inheritance corpse" in the elves' perception. Only the inheritance that has never been cut off is "alive".

But the inheritor will indeed increase the risk of Ningpa - even the cardinals gathered here now have different views on "Ningpa" and "inheritance". Not to mention those elven civilians.

Therefore, it is not a big deal for those who were originally professionals to suddenly become "warriors".

The real problem lies in those inheritors - and a large part of those who easily match the warriors' will to protect and fight are precisely these conservatives.

In other words, after this night, most of the conservatives among the elves suddenly woke up and found that they had suddenly become professionals.

And this will undoubtedly trigger a fierce conflict covering the entire Theocracy——

This is why these cardinals gathered to discuss.

They originally planned to summon the Pillar Gods to themselves to focus on discussing this matter. It's just that Aiwass came too early, and he had already arrived as soon as their conversation started.

From this perspective, what they said is quite good.

The original "disaster of trees and amber" has indeed turned into a "disaster of stars"——

The civil war among the elves is almost on the verge of breaking out and cannot be contained.

The only good news is... at least this war will not spread upward to the pillar god level for the time being and become a new path war.

Because of the Lord of Scale Feather's plan, the path of authority is the most harmful, followed by the path of dedication.

The Silver Crowned Dragon has already discussed this with the Scale Feather Lord in advance - this is part of the deal in itself.

After all, the Silver Crowned Dragon has finally become a complete pillar god, and even if a part of it is taken out, its power is much stronger than before. Si Zhu seemed to have a good temper and did not intend to cause trouble to the Lord of Scale Feathers for this kind of thing.

As for the sand timepiece that usually appears at such times, since the old man didn't show up, that means he doesn't want to care about it.

The great philosopher who also did not appear would naturally not object - first of all, not to mention that "wisdom" and "power" are opposites, just like the great philosopher and the supreme heaven are one and the same. It is basically impossible for a strange situation like "a mage to become a warrior" to occur. What's more, he still owed Aiwass half a favor, so he couldn't suddenly attack.

As for the Twin Mirror and the Eternal Self—Aiwass didn’t understand what they were doing here. Maybe I came here to take advantage of the opportunity to post some posts.

After all, I heard that Hengga also revered the twin mirrors when he was a mortal. "Love" and "beauty" are two sides of the same coin.

As for amber…

Perhaps it was because Cardinal Matilda, who was contracted by Amber, happened to be away. Maybe it was because Kohaku was too lazy to take care of this kind of thing, so Kohaku didn't show up.

The only one who seems to have an opinion on this is Snake Father.

In other words, Father Snake seems to have had opinions about the Lord of Scales and Feathers a long time ago——

Cardinal Cyril, who always smiled gently, now looked cold.

"As expected of the God who steals scales and steals feathers..."

The snake father said calmly: "You stole new things confidently again. You are still like this, as always."

"This is how weak people adapt. If you don't understand, you don't have to say anything."

The Lord of Scales and Feathers returned to the surface of Aiwass again, staring at the Snake Father with his dark green pupils.

He sarcastically said: "After all, you won't be able to fly for long, our great and strong man.

“What else is above you?

"Wall of Dusk, Cage of Error——

"Are you really going to touch it?"

Although hostile, the scale-feathered Lord's words seemed to contain some concern.

Aiwass couldn't tell for a while whether their relationship was good or bad.

But the snake father replied without thinking: "I will definitely surpass that wall.

"That's my destiny - even if there's nothingness behind it, even if I'm shattered to pieces.

"This is the fate of the transcendent."

"Ha, fate. Fate. Ha..."

The Lord of Scales and Feathers sneered and had no comment on this.

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