Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 683: This time I really sobered up

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Hearing Gray's words, Aiwass was stunned for a moment and opened his eyes slightly.

His brain was still in a strong fluffy state - not the excitement and imbalance of drunkenness. It feels like shrinking into a dry and warm bed on a cold winter day. If you close your eyes at this time, you will soon enter infinite tranquility without thinking about anything.

Because of this, Aiwass felt that his brain was running so sluggishly for the first time.

But fortunately, his instincts were still running, and he was keenly aware of something wrong from this accident. Although he couldn't immediately figure out why he felt something was wrong, Aiwass subconsciously wanted to raise his hand.

No matter what happens, I can't handle it now. It's better to refuse first and talk about it later when you wake up.

Such thoughts passed through his mind for a moment.

——But then, Aiwass found that he couldn't raise his hand at all.

His dominant hand to comfort Gray was firmly held by her, unable to break free.

He was stunned for a moment, and was about to raise his left hand when he heard Gray speak again: "Raise your hand in agreement."

The next moment, eleven cardinals raised their hands. Aiwass quickly put down the left hand he was about to raise.

Besides Aiwass, there were nineteen cardinals present.

Eleven agreed, and there is no doubt that it has reached the halfway point and can enter the discussion stage, but it has not yet reached two-thirds - that is the number of votes for direct passage.

Therefore, according to the rules of the Theocracy, the saint and those who have not yet voted can conduct an additional round of narration.

Gray grabbed Aiwass's hand and said to the cardinals: "There is no doubt that I cannot continue to participate in the papal election in this state.

"But we have to elect the next pope here - because this time the eternal pope's body is already at its limit. We don't have to wait until March 3rd next year.

"I regard Aiwass as the acting pope, which means 'before I recover, he will temporarily take over the position of pope and preserve the [Holy Crown]'. It is not about letting Aiwass actually rule the Theocracy - that is Say, if you plan to elect me as pope, you can choose Aiwass first. And during the period of acting as pope, I will also assist Aiwass in managing the Theocracy. "

"I have objections."

Cardinal Cyril spoke.

His voice was hoarse and he looked quite bad.

Once he left his ceremonial grounds, Cardinal Cyril's physical equilibrium was disrupted. The traces of arborization and amber on the body have become active - it looks like the vines are twisting and swallowing the crystals and gradually crystallizing.

Aiwass looked at him worriedly.

The Cardinal was the last to arrive and the one who least expected the election to take too long... He had to get back to his room as quickly as possible.

Cardinal Cyril spoke, his voice mixed with the creaking sound of a curved and strong vine: "Her Royal Highness the Saint... is acknowledging that she can recover from the amber state as soon as possible. But if she has not recovered for a long time, is it possible? Let Cardinal Aiwass rule the Theocracy for decades?”


When people heard this question, they immediately woke up and waited for the pure white saint's response.

Gray also nodded solemnly and answered:

“Cardinal Europa claimed that this poison will be over in a few months… So let’s tentatively estimate it for three months to half a year.

"If I recover before June 3rd, we will complete the handover of the Holy Crown before June 6th; if I recover before September 3rd, we will complete the handover on September 9th. And if at the extreme date has not yet been restored, then the second round of papal elections will be held on that day - excluding me and Aiwass.

"In other words, it will only be a temporary pope for six months at most. I don't think this will pose any risks or violate any taboos."

The pure white saint said solemnly and seriously.

Her eyes were missing the straps, and when people looked at her face, they felt a little strange.

But at this moment, this face seemed more sincere.

"I also have objections."

Cardinal Belisarius slowly raised his hand: "If Cardinal Aiwass is elected pope, then he will be the supreme ruler of the Theocracy and the spokesperson of the Nine Pillars. If he refuses to hand it back to the Holy See on September 9th, Holy Crown, there is nothing we can do because we still have to obey the orders of the current Pope.

"So, how can we ensure that Aiwass, as a human being, will not abuse his power and return power to 'Pure White' in a timely manner?"

Same as what Cardinal Cyril said earlier.

Cardinal Belisarius' question happened to be what the elves were most worried about at the moment. He was simply like a mouth substitute, saying what the elves who were not present but had something to say wanted to say!

At this moment, there were voices from all over the Theocracy applauding Cardinal Belisarius for his courage and justice.

Pure White just shook his head slightly.

She raised her head, supported her seemingly weak body, but said firmly: "Although Aiwass is a human being, he is also Si Zhu's favorite, and he is also a cardinal recognized by the Nine Pillars God.

"As the only human cardinal at present, and the only short-lived cardinal, we must believe in the possibilities brought by this miracle. It is better to say that it is precisely because Aiwas is a human that making him the acting pope is the least risky decision.

"As we all know, the people of each circle are close to the cardinals who manage this layer. Because the elves are free - we can freely choose the environment in which we live, so that we can live and live where we want. In the long time, we will eventually come to the area that suits us best.

"And because of the personal charm of each cardinal, everyone has their own supporters behind them. In addition to the supporters of each cardinal, the Church has mediators, homeland factions, monuments repair associations and other forces. Each force is composed of multiple cardinals... Therefore, anyone who is elected will definitely get the support of the residents of his circle, the support of his followers, and the support of his own forces.

"But on the other hand, I was caught in an accident because of the assassination of the Hawkeye Organization. If I were absent from the Pope election at this time and let one of you be elected Pope, this might cause controversy - the controversy comes from 'if the election is normal, will the situation be the same as it is now'.

"Since there are people who support someone to be Pope, there will naturally be people who oppose it. Opponents will definitely make a fuss about me, making it seem like I am an opponent of His Holiness the Pope - I don't want that. No matter who is the Pope, he is the ruler of the Theocracy and the sacred leader of the Church. I don't want people to be hostile to each other because of this, and I don't want the Theocracy to split because of this...

"So I made a bold decision, even if I am not suitable to be Pope now. But I will still participate in the election as a 'proxy'. "

The White Saint has a clear mind.

She clearly reviewed all the situations with people.

One point was emphasized in particular - indeed, I can not be the Pope, and Aiwas can not be the Pope either. But what if a cardinal you hate, or a cardinal from a faction you hate, becomes the Pope, what will you do?

Do you just accept it, or do you say "unfair, rematch" to make trouble?

If it is the former, I will feel uncomfortable and will not agree; if it is the latter, then the Church will be divided. In the context of the Saint being attacked and forced to withdraw from the election, no matter who is elected, no one will be recognized by others.

Aiwas looked at the White Saint in a daze.

He gradually understood.

-This should be discussed.

Playing me, right!

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