Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 684 How did I become the Pope?

Whether it was the pure white saint pretending to be attacked, or the "rescue" of those cardinals. As well as their current "questions" and "answers", all were discussed.

Because this is also in the interests of the cardinals.

Some of them do want to be the pope. But the one who wants to be the pope the most is the now deceased Cardinal Loki.

These cardinals want to run for the pope, not because they are greedy for power. But the "old antiques" among them think that a saint of amber cannot lead the church properly.

In other words, they are not qualified.

However, the saint showed them that the amber has the possibility of recovery and recovery... So it is better to let the saint continue to be the pope than to let other cardinals who are opposed to her be the pope.

If it cannot satisfy everyone, at least everyone can feel "okay".

But there is an inevitable risk of letting the saint be the pope. That is the saint's amber.

In the general perception of the church, if an elf amber is often a sign of psychological problems. But it's easy for civilians to condense amber, who can't have some mental illness...

But the Pope, as the leader, and the Saint, as the candidate for leader, are not allowed to condense amber.

Because it means that the faith is impure or the moral character is flawed - if even the Pope and the Saint are condensed, how can they lead the Church forward? And it also means that they have the "possibility of going crazy" or "the possibility of dying at any time".

Even the "most modern elves" are conservative after all. They can't accept too high a risk.

Therefore, even if the Saint successfully runs for Pope, there is still a possibility that her amber will be discovered or leaked deliberately before her amber is healed.

——So the Church chose the Hawkeye Organization as the scapegoat.

I condensed amber because of my moral flaws, but if it was poisoned, then I would be the victim.

...No, that's not right.

Aiwass shook his head and gradually sobered up.

In the sudden shock, his thoughts became clearer -

According to the moral standards of the Church, it is unlikely to deliberately pull someone to be the scapegoat.

And looking at the panic level of Miss Alice... She probably knew that the Saint would condense into amber. That is to say, she knew the effect of the Tears of Time and determined in advance that it would be used on the Saint!

Then the person who invited them here was also obvious-

It was the now dead Cardinal Loki!

Although the Church had found the remaining Tears of Time from the "relics" of Cardinal Loki... But it couldn't figure out where the rest had gone.

Because at that time, there had been some people who "suddenly condensed into amber", and some people, like the Saint now, announced that they were "passively condensed into amber" to legitimize the amber phenomenon they had hidden for a long time... This led to the fact that the amount of Loki used at the time was destined to be unreconciled and unresolved.

Obviously, one of them was handed over to these assassins from Hawkeye!

It is estimated that a certain cardinal discovered this when searching for Cardinal Loki's relics. Then after discussing with Gray, they decided to play such a play.

After all, someone has to be the Pope, but except for the most neutral Saint, anyone will be dissatisfied.

The path of dedication is a very extreme path.

Because everyone firmly believes that they are walking on the most correct path... Such a madman is much more terrible than ordinary people when he goes crazy.

Thinking of this, Aiwas suddenly thought of the past few days... He saw so many cardinals from Cardinal Cyril.

So many cardinals gathered together for a serious meeting, but the Saint was not present. And Matilda, who was closest to the Saint, was also not present.

Although they were discussing the issue of "warriors", such a thing might not be able to convene so many cardinals two days before the Pope's election day - they should be considering another plan.

For example, push the conflict to the "warriors" first, or there are other plans...

But after Aiwas appeared and declared himself a cardinal, they all left.

Aiwas only slept for a few hours, and how could a meeting that could make so many cardinals gather together seriously end in just a few hours? This is an immortal species that does not take time as time.

Obviously, the reason for calling them together has disappeared - because they unanimously passed the motion of "Let Aiwas serve as the interim pope".

- Rather than letting a cardinal who usually opposes them serve as the pope, it is better to choose a human!

Thinking of this, they suddenly understood.

And from this point of view...

The only one who knew that Aiwas would hold the lunar eclipse ceremony the night before to complete the Lord of Scales and Feathers was Cardinal Cyril. He was probably the convener of that meeting... just to let the other cardinals see the birth of this "human cardinal" with their own eyes.

After sorting out this thought, Aiwas didn't have any thoughts of continuing to resist.

Being the pope - it's not a bad thing. He is the most powerful person in the world... Although he is just an agent who is pushed to the surface, and it is only limited to half a year... But will anyone refuse such a good thing? He is not brainless, right?

- It's like Aiwas just drank too much, although he didn't understand, but subconsciously refused first.

Moreover, this is not an evil conspiracy that will bring chaos, but a good thing to maintain order and prevent the Theocracy from splitting.

Aiwass, of course, would not continue to raise objections. The wine is also completely sober.

"But why didn't they tell me... Oh, maybe they were afraid that my acting skills were not good."

Aiwass, who was fully awake, finally reacted.

In the eyes of these Theocracy elves, Aiwass should be a quite honest and good person. I am afraid that only a few Avalonians and Star Antimonians know that Aiwass is not a good bird.

——After all, it seems that Cardinal Siegfried is also confused. That guy is obviously not very even among the cardinals, not everyone knows the full plan.

Just like Cardinal Fafna, she only knew that the wine might be poisonous, but she was not sure whether the assassin had put the poison into everyone's wine.

That's why she came here to give a warning...not to remind Aiwass, but because she was worried that Cardinal Siegfried might accidentally be poisoned...

The saint has never drank, so there is no possibility of adding more wine later. She just needs to be the first one here, and then when no one else comes, she can pour the wine herself and then test it to ensure that her glass is absolutely safe...

Just as Aiwass, who was gradually waking up, was seriously reviewing the review, the Pure White Saint suddenly spoke up and brought Aiwass back to reality: "If there are no other objections...then proceed to the second round of voting.

"——Raise your hands if you disagree."

There was silence, no one raised a hand.

"——Raise your hands in agreement."

After she finished speaking, she pulled Aiwass up and raised his hand.

All the cardinals raised their hands and agreed that Aiwass could run for the pope as the agent of the Pure White Saint.

At this time, the nine o'clock clock also rang.

The melodious and sacred bells sounded outside the window.

The papal election ceremony officially begins.

The pure white saint opened her eyes without any covering, exposing her single eye that had become amber in front of everyone.

"As the host of the ceremony, I submitted three candidates for the Pope in accordance with the usual practice. These places adhere to the principle of fairness and objectivity, are based on voluntary registration, are selected by the last eternal pope, and are confirmed by all the cardinals of the Papal Hall.

"——Aiwass Moriarty. The successor of the Lord of Scale Feathers, the newly promoted Cardinal. The only short-lived Cardinal, the only human Cardinal... and the fourth level who is only nineteen years old. devotee.

"——Favna. The representative of the Candlestick, the only dragon cardinal, the leader of the Home Faction. The manager of the Third Circle.

"——Galatea. The agent of the Twin Mirror. The only cardinal of the structure, the leader of the Monument Repair Association, and the manager of the seventh circle."

Hearing this, Aiwass subconsciously looked at Belisarius.

And Belisarius looked away slightly.

Favna and Galatea, one is a pro-foreign faction and the other is a conservative faction.

As the leader of the radical faction of the "Judgement Center", Belisarius should have been in the position of Aiwass.

——The radicals couldn’t even squeeze in one of the three choices!

This probably also represents the attitude of the entire Papal Hall towards radicals now that Cardinal Loki has died...

I don't know if it's irony or justice... Among the three candidates for the next pope, none of them are elves, or even have elven blood!

By now, Aiwass already knew the results of the election.

After all, the papal election is a real-name vote. No cardinal would want the Theocracy to break up - because all are good people in a sense "for the good of others".

In this case, basically everyone's actions can be inferred. In other words, everyone will go to the "best future" in harmony - as long as the road to the future is not blocked.

A group of philosopher kings who truly sacrificed their lives for others and truly had the strength to practice what they advocated.

This is also the true foundation of the Theocracy's strength.

——In this world line where the reputation of the Pure White Saint has not been destroyed by Ningbo, Aiwass will definitely be elected with unanimous votes.

That future is already determined.

…I’m going to be the pope?

For a moment, Aiwass felt that his nineteen years of life were really like a dream and an illusion.

It’s so dreamy and fantastical!

Didn’t I come to the Theocracy to be an exchange student?

Why was I inexplicably allowed to rule the Eternal Theocracy?

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