Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 686 Jacob and Cardinal Loki

Several old elves were discussing, and their voices became louder and louder.

An elf prisoner carrying a lunch box passed by and wore triangular luminous shackles on his hands. He came over and took a look at it curiously. Then he remembered that today is the Pope's election day: "Is it already March 3rd?"

One of the "wardens" glanced at him and said angrily: "Yes, have you finished the twenty sets of source of life mixture I asked you to make the day before yesterday?"

"I'm done, I'm done... I'm about to hand it in..."

"Forget it, Gulamanth."

Another old elf advised: "Today is a good day, give them half a day off."

The passing prisoner came over, looked at the message on the screen, and asked curiously: "Is this... the human pope? When did humans also have cardinals?"

"—What, the Human Pope?"

Not far away, there were human prisoners passing by carrying food. When they heard the sound, they suddenly became excited and ran over to join in the fun: "Is there an amnesty? Can you give us an amnesty?"

Immediately, many human prisoners, harpy prisoners, and goblin prisoners also heard the news, and they all wanted to come over to see the news about the new pope.

"It's none of your business, go back and eat!"

A young warden shouted harshly, waving his whip and driving everyone back. But these whips did not hit anyone, they just slapped in the air. Therefore, the prisoners were not too afraid, but retreated back in a swarm of laughter.

The other wardens didn't get angry, they just drank a cup of tea and watched him chasing people away happily.

They discussed leisurely: "It would be good to have a human being the pope. Besides, they are still Avalonians... Isn't Avalon also considered our territory?"

"Yes, the Avalonians can be considered one of our own."

"Actually, I think Cardinal Galatea is also good. After all, they are both members of the Monuments Restoration Society. But I still support Cardinal Matilda."

"It's impossible. Cardinal Matilda has a very good relationship with Her Majesty the Holy Virgin. She will definitely give up her vote to Her Majesty the Holy Virgin."

"Yes, it would be best to let a saint be elected pope..."

These old elves who are more than a thousand years old whisper so.

And just in the corner of this floor, in a more heavily defended and closed place.

A human young man wearing a linen robe, with luminous shackles on his hands and feet, and with silver-white luminous runes written on his body, was sitting safely at the dining table.

He has red hair - it's the vampire writer Bram Stoker. He looked a little thinner than before, but became more energetic.

But at this moment, on his table was a bottle of quite high-quality red wine produced by Star Antimony.

This is something that is normally impossible to provide to prisoners.

Because the person who brought it over sneaked in quietly.

"How's it going, Bram?"

Jacob said with a smile, drank all the barley tea on Bram's table, and then poured him a glass of red wine: "How is life here?"

"be honest."

While twirling the bolognese with his fork, Bram said: "Even the prisoners of the Theocracy eat better than the Avalonians - even many times better.

"If those pickpockets who can't find a job on the Glass Island know how pickpockets are treated in The Theocracy, they might sneak over by boat."

On his table was a spaghetti bolognese and a three-vegetable oil salad. This is not a special food provided because of his status, but the most standard prisoner meal - today they can even choose from tomato bolognese noodles, meat pies or sugar pies, and mutton stewed rice, and add it to the meal. Serve with a green salad or mixed stew.

In terms of food quality, it is really much better than ordinary Avalonians.

What he held in his hand was a shiny silver metal fork.

The Theocracy is not worried about prisoners hurting themselves or each other, and there is basically no possibility of escaping - those runes can control prisoners at any time, and can also make them unable to do or even think of certain things instinctively. Compared with Avalon's authoritarian spells, the Theocracy's authoritarian divine spells are gentler but more difficult to resist.


Jacob said with a smile: "That's it..."

"...Compared with the taste of human blood or human flesh, which one is better?"

"If possible," vampire writer Bram did not look up at Jacob, but his voice gradually became a little deeper, "I would your flesh and drink your blood.

"—Jacob Alexander. My old friend."

The next moment, a luminous humanoid creature suddenly appeared behind Jacob.

A strong sense of oppression and a sense of divine majesty made Bram suddenly raise his head and look at it.

In an instant, he was sweating profusely.

"Don't do it, 'Aiwass'."

Jacob said leisurely: "It's okay to scare."

[But he said he would kill you]

A voice that sounded a little aggrieved, with a mechanically synthesized sound, sounded out.

"...Is this the benefit of being a dog for Huan Tiansi?"

"Bram" sarcastically said: "Sir [Apostle]?"

He raised his head, his pupils turning into fire.

The sharp and arrogant voice that originally belonged to Bram became deep and magnetic, completely inconsistent with his slender appearance at the moment.

"You have misunderstood me, Cardinal Loki."

Jacob said leisurely: "'Aiwass' is something I made while I was alive...but I only activated it after my death."

"'Aiwass'...heh. This thing has the same name as your grandson. Is it a swampman made from his soul fragments?"

"Just scraps."

Jacob smiled slightly and pushed up his monocle.

That youthful appearance made him seem to have gone back in time and become that reporter.

"...Scrap? Whose scraps?"

"Shouldn't you know? Cardinal Loki, who knows everything... This is naturally the remnant used to make Aiwass. I was given some raw materials above, but I actually made Aiwass using only part of it. It’s out. Then the remaining part...can’t go back.”

Jacob said with a smile: "In our human terminology, this is called 'fire consumption'. This scrap is my thing."


Bram sneered, noncommittal.

He gradually retreated and became Bram again.

"Don't leave in a hurry yet."

Jacob spoke and showed off gently: "You know, my grandson has become the pope."

"Oh, I can guess it."

"Bram" paused and raised his head again, his pupils once again reflected a sea of ​​fire.

But his smile was sarcastic: "In other words, that is also one of my backup plans."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Whether you become the Pope or you are killed by Aiwass...whether you are alive or dead, you can always push the flow and get some benefits. It's quite a 'Moriarty'-style layout plan. Ah." Jacob said cheerfully.

"On the contrary, Jacob. He learned it from me. How can a father be like a son?" A small piece of Loki's consciousness hidden in "Bram" said with a sneer.


Jacob smiled slightly: "Are you really sure that this is your plan?

"Is there a possibility that... all of this is Moriarty's layout? From the very beginning, you didn't have 'so many choices'. The future full of countless possibilities, when Aiwass arrived, There is only one possibility left.

“All this is inevitable.

"Like I'd be here and you..."

Jacob smiled, reached out and grabbed the silver fork in "Bram's" hand, and let his skin be pierced.

"——You will serve me as your Lord.

"Taste, for I am the Eucharist...this is mercy."

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