Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 687: Leveling Up Plan

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After the results came out, the reporters were politely persuaded to leave the ceremony.

They didn't dare to talk too much at this time.

Everyone knew that the next step would be to play hide-and-seek with the assassin. Although the reporters were also very curious about the final result, no one dared to stay here to get in the way.

The main reason was that they didn't dare to arouse the suspicion and hostility of the Church. They were invited here by the Church not because they had any face, but because the Church was willing to give them this face. Similarly, if they angered someone, this face might be taken back.

They were just reporters, not the boss of the newspaper.

If they angered the Church and were ordered to ban all reporters under this newspaper from entering the Church... then no one could bear the responsibility. Even they themselves might get into trouble in the local area. Those officials would definitely do such things to please the Church.

Therefore, the idea of ​​"exclusive news" only went through their minds, and no one dared to wonder who the assassin master who would be caught was.

... Of course, the bigger reason was that the news of "who was the assassin who assassinated the saint" was 100% no match for the news of "the human pope who was only 19 years old".

Many times, the "exclusivity" and "authenticity" of news are not very important. If everyone is passionately discussing something, even if there is a truly valuable exclusive news, it is very likely that no one will pay attention.

In the end, only Aiwas and his three companions were left here by Saint Grey to have lunch together.

The lunch was very sumptuous... because it was not a human delicacy.

Grey, a clergyman second only to the previous Eternal Pope, showed Aiwas her unique attainments in advanced divine arts. As a banquet to celebrate Aiwas's appointment as Pope.

-- She prayed to the host of the banquet and summoned a full table of "hero banquet" out of thin air.

The host of the banquet himself liked to hold banquets for his friends, and almost every day was a sumptuous banquet. As long as strangers come to his domain and express respect and friendship, and bring any "gift that is thoughtful enough", they can be invited to the banquet until they are full.

After that, if they want to come, they can come at any time with a gift; if they are more familiar with each other, they don't even need to bring gifts, and they can even order dishes.

Compared with the almost endless food and wine in the dream world, Gray only asked for some dishes from the banquet that day.

There were eleven dishes in total, which was not a lot. But Aiwas didn't recognize any of them at all-because all of them were delicious dishes cooked with dream world phantoms as ingredients. They were all delicacies that did not belong to the material world.

For example, there was a dish with silver, moonlight-like small fish. They were still able to move freely in the cold and sweet fish soup. When they were eaten, in addition to the cold and sweet taste, they could only taste a texture like fish belly and soft like jelly.

There was another dish, which was a thickly cut and roasted dragon tail. It was covered with a thick layer of black sticky sauce, and the spicy smell rose with white mist, rushing into the nose half a meter away.

The most dangerous one was a dish that looked quite normal - it was a series of deep red octopus tentacles skewered on iron skewers. But when Aiwass took a bite, it suddenly came alive in Aiwass's mouth, and then punched his mouth mercilessly!

That is, Aiwass was stubborn enough to bite it into pieces and eat it into his stomach. It finally turned into energy obediently.

These were still recognizable to Aiwass.

There were also some dishes that looked very strange but tasted quite good - for example, a strange "crab claw" as big as a hammer, a large piece of soft meat skin with thorns like a sea cucumber, and pink meat that was like noodles but quite chewy...

When Aiwass tried to take a bite and found that it tasted really good, he decided not to ask the smiling pure white saint "what are they".

——It tastes good anyway, so there's no need to add unnecessary psychological pressure.

This table of extremely rich dishes took more than two hours for Aiwas and his friends to finish.

Including Janice, there were five of them in total. A few more cardinals joined in the middle, and they barely finished eating all of them without wasting anything.

At this time, the cardinals finally tasted "Holy Tree No. 1".

Everyone clinked their glasses in a friendly manner, and then smiled and clinked glasses with Aiwas, and everyone called out "Your Holiness" in a proper manner.

"You are really acting me, right?"

Aiwas couldn't help but complain: "Didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Because it would be more realistic."

Cardinal Galatea on the side replied: "This is the script I wrote - everyone said that because I contracted the twin mirror, I was asked to do it. Because I didn't know you well before, Aiwas was acting as the Pope. I could only choose the safest idea... Please forgive me."

Her voice was so cold that it was almost icy, which would remind people of a frozen and cracked lake or a crystal wind chime.

She was the girl with pure white hair and a temperament as white as snow that was brought down by the twin mirror gods earlier—the one that Hengwo secretly kissed.

She was the only one sitting at the table but had nothing to eat.

Because she was a construct—Aiwass knew the word construct. For example, Mechanical Dolls and Rune Golems are considered constructs. And when the game reaches version 6.0, the reputation of the construct family will officially appear... They are the servant race "Star Crystal People" from the extinct ancient civilization "Atlantis".

Roughly speaking, it is a kind of intelligent machine.

But unlike omnics, star crystals have souls, so they can also absorb the power of the path - they are not souls created out of thin air, but the souls of dead "Atlanteans" stored in a crystal. It is then implanted into a replaceable construct, thereby achieving a kind of "mechanical immortality."

Their biggest sign is that there will be a cardinal-like crystal on the surface of their body. The second thing is that their limbs are cold.

In fact, now that I think about it carefully, this actually has something to do with the "Swamp Man" technology.

If nothing else, Galatea should be a star crystal person.

When Aiwass was hesitating whether to say hello to Galatea to confirm, Cardinal Matilda on the side came over.

"I actually said it," Cardinal Matilda said helplessly, "Do I want to tell you in advance... But Gray said no."

"Because I want to give you a surprise."

Gray said with a smile and reached out to touch Aiwass's hair: "I heard that you have some resistance in Avalon? With such an identity...even if it is only for half a year, I will wait for you to come back. After arriving in Avalon, no one will dare to oppose you.

"This is...a thank you gift for the 'Zaozi' you gave me."

Isabel on the side suddenly looked over warily, and then Gray quickly touched Isabel's hair in a comforting manner.


Aivas was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Do I have resistance in Avalon?

Isn't Avalon...already counted as my treasure?

Only then did Aiwass realize that it was the persona he and Isabel were co-acting with when he showed weakness.

Ah this...

...but this is not impossible.

Gray is right.

Even if he is only the acting pope for half a year... Although everyone knows that this is just a "puppet pope", a "living coat rack" and "legged one" of Gray who cannot wear the "Holy Crown" because of the ice. "Safe" comes with "designated PPT preacher, stand-in media spokesperson"...

But even so, Aiwass can still touch part of the power of the Theocracy.

Even the king's groom and the earl's steward can be considered high-class people... let alone the eternal pope's substitute.

With this identity, the intimidating power of the name Aiwass will reach a new level. After all, no one knows how many people Aiwass can attract in the Theocracy... and the Eternal Theocracy is a typical humane society. Even if Aiwass only serves temporarily for a period of time, he will definitely get help from the cardinals.

"...But this is such a surprise."

Aiwass was a little helpless: "I was completely unprepared. Sherlock thought I was just here to attend a meeting, gather some heads, and go back in a while. Who would have thought that I would become the Pope when I went out of the door... "

But forget it, after all, he took advantage of it - Aiwass is not the kind of person who takes advantage and behaves.

"Then when will I take over?"

Aiwass asked simply: "Also, what kind of work do I have to deal with?"

"Nothing to do."

Gray said simply: "As for the specific time... you just have to decide. In fact, the Pope can still hold on for half a month, but if you have nothing to do, you can also advance it. It is best to take over within a week."

"No need to do anything?"

Aiwass was a little confused.

Then he suddenly reacted: "Do you mean... just like today's eternal pope, take a long sleep?"

——Isn’t that going to jail?

Gray said helplessly: "Yes, this is the most important responsibility of the Pope - to put on the Holy Crown, and then fall into a dream. In the dream, the Pope will merge with the entire kingdom of giant trees. 1. The Theocracy’s energy source is inexhaustible, and that’s not just because of the ‘blood of the giant tree’… or in other words, if the giant tree is just the remaining ‘corpse’, it is simply not enough to feed so many people…”

"……I understand."

Aiwass opened his eyes slightly: "In other words, the Pope actually wants to 'occupy the body of the giant tree' to keep it 'alive'?"

"That's right."

Gray nodded: "Your consciousness will penetrate into every corner of the Theocracy. Of course, you can also gather the power of the blood of the giant tree to create an incarnation. But this incarnation cannot leave the Theocracy...but that's the case. You can also do other things casually.

"And in this process, because of the strong act of devotion, your ability on the path of devotion will be directly pulled to the highest level. The purer the path and the more focused you are on dealing with various matters related to the giant tree, the more likely you will be in the end." You can get more benefits... If nothing else happens, you will soon be preparing to advance to the fifth level. If necessary, I will find someone to accompany you to advance.

"As for the lifespan consumed by driving the Holy Crown... I will also compensate you as soon as possible. These things will be taken care of before I fall into deep sleep."

Gray spoke clearly and clearly, obviously having already thought that Aiwass would ask these questions.

Ah, no wonder...

Aiwass suddenly understood why the Pope was so powerful but could not leave the Theocracy.

Because the "Pope" that people usually see is actually the incarnation of the Pope shaped by the power of a giant tree. It is essentially a phantom, not a living creature. The real Pope basically falls into a deep sleep all the time and cannot wake up for more than a few hours.

In this case, it would be much better than going to jail——

It’s not just lying around doing nothing, it’s just lying down and idle to gain experience!

That would be considered a kind of cultivation retreat!

Alas, but...

Aiwass suddenly remembered that he still had another chance to separate himself!

Today's Aiwass is not particularly "pure" because he still has some power from beyond the path.

But if Aiwass uses the Gap of Two Souls to split himself in two... then he will directly obtain an "absolutely pure" devotee incarnation!

He could have left this devotee clone in Theocratic country to level up on AFK. And another incarnation of the transcendent mixed with the Son of the Moon and the Sin Scholar can take the opportunity to sneak to Star Antimony to have a look.

It just so happened that he still had something to go to Xingzhi - he had to find a way to save Lily. We have to rush to the places we need to go and fish out the people we need to fish out before Fallen Sky Secretary comes.

In this way, there is no delay in both!


Aiwass nodded with satisfaction.

"...However, now that I have become the acting pope," Aiwass said seriously, "then I think the 'war' with Star Antimony can be stopped.

"After all, the initiation of this war has something to do with me. If I, as the acting pope, still support the existence of this 'war of revenge', I think the Theocracy's position will appear biased."

——At least it must end before Fallen Sky Division arrives. This is what Aiwass has already calculated.

Otherwise, when Fallen Heavenly Secretary comes down, he might give Avalon a slap in the face when he gets a firm foothold.

"...If you can think so, that would be great!"

Gray was also a little surprised.

Obviously she thought so too, but she didn't dare to mention it to Aiwaste.


She glanced at Isabel hesitantly: "Don't you need to discuss this matter with Isabel?"

"Aiwass can represent my attitude and point of view on all matters concerning Avalon and the Theocracy's position."

Isabel replied simply.

Aiwass added: "In fact, my wedding to Isabelle was scheduled for the end of May."

"...Ah, congratulations then."

Gray hesitated when he heard the news.

She frowned and asked: "Then...Your Majesty Isabel, will it be convenient for you to come to the Theocracy then? I'm afraid that Acting Pope Aiwas will not be able to go to Avalon..."

"I'm afraid not," Aiwass shook his head, "because it is also the coronation ceremony of the new queen of Avalon..."

"——I think it's okay."

Isabel said so.

She raised her head and looked at Gray, and said seriously: "Compared to being crowned in Avalon... I think coming to the Theocracy and being crowned at the wedding ceremony with the acting Pope is more sacred and has a higher standard. . In this way, it can also convey a concept to people...

"——We, Avalon and the Theocracy, are a close family."

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