Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 688 The Judgment Center of the Church

Time in the Theocracy always passes quickly - just like the last day of the holiday.

At some point, the clear afternoon sky was approaching dusk.

After the feast, Aiwas and his companions went to the 18th ring.

Because when they were still eating, they had received news that the "rat" had been caught by the Pope's guards.

He was obviously a fifth-level extraordinary person, and even a national-level organization would find it difficult to have several top-level strongmen. Being caught by the elves of the Theocracy was easier than catching a chicken. It is said that the other party did not even try to resist, and surrendered directly after the Pope's guards stated their identity and intentions.

From the incident to the arrest of the assassin, the time taken was no more than two hours. This was even when the "magic mirror" had not been put into use.

And because he was found in the 18th ring, he was directly locked up. Now he is waiting for the Pure White Saint and the "Acting Pope" to go there in person for interrogation.

——Although the Holy Crown has not been officially handed over yet, Aiwass has become the Eternal Pope of this term since the election ceremony. He must come to see this kind of major event in person.

"Is His Holiness the Pope coming to see it too?"

Cardinal Dominic, who greeted the reception of the guests at the 18th ring, asked with a smile.

"He is only acting Pope."

Aiwass corrected soberly: "Your real Pope is actually Her Highness Grey."

The cardinal in charge of the 18th ring is Cardinal Dominic.

Among all the exaggeratedly dressed cardinals in the Theocracy, this one can almost be called the wildest one.

The cardinal robe she wore was more like a restraint suit for tying up a mental patient than a bishop's robe - there were three shackles between her long boots. Her hands were chained behind her back, and there were more than a dozen metal locks of different sizes and styles hanging on her body. The heavy straps tied her up completely, making the pure white robe have a sense of sacred taboo.

Unlike this outfit... Cardinal Dominic is the most radical cardinal of the "Judgment Center" faction.

"It's not important whether you are the Pope or not. The main thing is that I am really interested in you."

Cardinal Dominic, who has long gray hair and a veil on his head, said softly: "You are not only the first human Pope. In the past two thousand years, you are also the first male Pope... and the first professional Pope in history."


Aiwass murmured.

He was a little surprised: "Do you support professionals?"

"I had a good relationship with Cardinal Loki and his controlled fire before."

Cardinal Dominic said frankly: "I think the professional system is the future of the world."

As early as on the road, Aiwas heard Pure White roughly talk about Cardinal Dominic's proposition.

Generally speaking, her idea is "the best contribution we can make is an absolutely fair reward and punishment system."

Cultivate habits through the system, and transform behavior through habits, so as to create a relatively better and continuously improving environment. Such a thing cannot be organized and completed by the parties themselves... Because if power is solidified for a long time, it will lead to corruption, but if power changes too quickly, it will lead to changes in orders every day.

Therefore, the "elves" will complete the systematic transformation for them.

Elves look down on the interests of short-lived species and will not be bribed; elves are not raised locally, so they do not have a complex network of interpersonal relationships; elves have a long lifespan and strong strength, and can fully and firmly implement a policy for hundreds of years. In addition, the "Judgment Center" in the rear also has a complete reporting and supervision system to prevent the "elf governor" in the front from doing anything too extreme.

"The inheritor is the 'power of the nobility'-although the elves do not have the concept of the so-called 'nobility', in fact, it is not something that ordinary people can touch. Only with enough connections can targeted training be provided at a very young age to make oneself synchronized with a certain inheritance.

"But ordinary people cannot do this. Those suffering people are even less likely-it is difficult for them to get the inheritance, and it will be even more difficult to inherit the power. According to my experience, if we just release the inheritance, a new class will be formed among humans - those who can inherit the inheritance will be more noble than those who cannot. So in this way, we have created a new nobility. "

Cardinal Dominic walked inside with Aiwas and others, sighing at the same time.

Aiwas had some doubts: "But don't professionals also need talent?"

"Strictly speaking, they don't need it."

Dominic shook his head: "Any race that can dream has its own path adaptability. Humans are a mixed race of nine paths, and because of this... the separation of adaptability will be more serious.

"In most cases, people without talent are not completely without the talent to become extraordinary people. It's that their talent direction deviates from the power they can get. For example, people who yearn for art or people with strong desires may have a way out in Iris, but not in Avalon. Because Avalon lacks extraordinary professional training in the path of beauty and the path of love.

"The reason why the former Helaser Empire was so full of talents was precisely because it was an era without discrimination and prejudice against any path. "

"——But they were also destroyed because of it."

Lily suddenly said.

After a short silence, Dominic nodded slowly: "Yes. That's why we must manage the extraordinary."

As the most tough and radical faction in the Theocracy, almost all the cardinals of the "Judgment Center" have a contract with the Silver Crown Dragon.

From another perspective-the Judgment Center itself is the army of the Theocracy. Except for a few in the mediator faction, almost all the paladins belong to the Judgment Center.

-According to the rules of the Theocracy, the Theocracy cannot directly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. But if you just rely on your mouth, not everyone will listen...or in other words, the local rulers will definitely interfere.

So the "Judgment Center" thought of a way to circumvent the rules...that is, to send the paladins of the Judgment Center to the local area to judge some sinners and villains that the people are eager to destroy, and teach them the ability to protect themselves.

In this way, they get the support of the grassroots people and let themselves stay in the local area reasonably. The other party cannot physically drive away these old-fashioned paladins, and dare not directly send troops to encircle and suppress them.

Because of this, the Judgment Center is also the faction with the worst reputation in the Church... because their behavior has actually caused "interference". And this interference is still controversial even within the Church, not to mention foreigners.

However, from another perspective, the Judgment Center is also the faction with the best reputation in the Church - because apart from them, the elves of any other faction will almost only treat the symptoms when encountering major events, or even just help people reduce the damage and impact. No matter how hard the people of this generation will face in the end, this is an inevitable link faced by this country.

Even those chivalrous mediators will only care about the injustices they encounter around them. Because there are too many and too complicated things beyond "reach". Relying on one's own strength alone, you can't manage them all in your lifetime.

——Only the Judgment Center will come from afar.

They will help them eliminate those evil parties and thieves without any benefits, and will continue to stay here to protect them.

As long as the weak call for help, they will come. No matter who the enemy is, a fair trial will be conducted - not for romance, but for justice.

This is the Judgment Center of the Theocracy, and it is also the reason why you can hardly see Paladins in the Theocracy.

Because Paladins are almost always running around outside, and they will not sit in a chair to meet people.

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