Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 787 What drives your elevator?

After Aleister showed Cyril's letter of introduction, the Black Prime Minister took Aleister and her "daughter" Leviathan straight into the ziggurat.

At first, Aleister was a little worried about whether Leviathan would hit some bottles or hurt students or something - large dogs must be walked on a leash, let alone her walking a shark or a dragon. .

But Aleister soon discovered that Leviathan seemed to be silly on the outside, but was actually very smart - although she didn't like to talk, she could understand and speak. And at least he's more obedient than a real child.

Occasionally, I met a student who came over to say hello to the Black Prime Minister and cast a curious look at Leviathan... Leviathan did not intimidate the other person, but always behaved very quietly and politely.

Although no students came over to try to touch Leviathan or say hello to Aleister. After all, for the extraordinary people on the twilight path, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

They adhere to the principle that if you can avoid being rude, don't be rude, and if you can avoid being rude, don't be rude. They firmly believe that "meddle in one's affairs and die young."

But even so, Leviathan still held his head high and nodded politely to everyone passing by. This seems to be a habit inherited from Alphonse.

"You are...Miss Crawley!"

A somewhat familiar voice sounded, and there was no concealed surprise in the voice - for Ziggurat, a school as lifeless as a social office building, this was a rare ray of vitality.

Aleister turned around and looked over, finding a boy with freckles who looked a little timid.

It was the same Paul she had met on the ship.

"Yo, Paul."

Aleister smiled softly and made a friendly voice: "Long time no see... How is Dimit's injury?"

——She still remembers my and Dimit’s names!

Paul's mood suddenly rose.

He walked over quickly and said happily: "His injuries are almost healed... His spine was broken by the sea monster's tentacles before, so he couldn't move. But after he came back, the instructor helped him repair it. , It’s almost healed now, and I can go to the ground now, but I’m still resting..."

He walked closer and closer, completely ignoring the dark appearance. He only had eyes for Aleister.


When he got close to Aleister, Adolf, who had been silent all this time, suddenly made a sound to scare him.

Only then did Paul notice the other person's presence, and he was startled the next moment: "School, principal?"

"It's the vice principal, classmate Paul."

Adolf said seriously and pointed upward: "The principal is watching you. Be careful what you say."

"Yes, I know……"

Paul's thoughts were disrupted by Adolf, and he couldn't remember what he was about to say.

But because that matter was very important, even though he was very afraid of Adolf, he still stood here motionless and thought hard.

Because he didn't want to look too stupid, he picked up a random topic: "Ah... this, this big guy, so handsome! What's his name?"

"Leviathan, this is my daughter."

Aleister replied proudly.

"Is it actually a girl..."

Paul looked a little confused, but he didn't have any special reaction to this title - after all, in his understanding, it was normal for ladies and eldest ladies to call their pets "son" and "daughter" .

The servants of the nobles also have to treat those pets with far higher respect than the servants, as if they are really a young master or young lady.

He meditated for a while and finally thought about it: "Oh yes - Miss Crowley, my family... my sister wants to see you... although it may be a bit rude..."

"Your master?"

Aleister directly exposed his euphemistic words: "Blood Coral? Isn't she your former master? Are you going back again?"

"Yes, yes... I'd better go back... It would be great if you got to know my master."

Paul was a little embarrassed, but relieved.

The boy said quickly: "My master said that she has something that will interest you."


Aleister didn't take it seriously: "Go back and ask her what it is specifically."

Paul answered at once: "My master has asked me to bring you a message - Heracles, she said. You will agree when you hear the word."

Hearing this, Aleister's expression suddenly became serious.

Hercules...that was the royal family of the Herasl Empire, and also the bloodline of Yulia.

Once the matter involved Yulia, Aleister immediately became serious: "How do I contact your master?"

"My master says she will come to you if you give her permission. She will have a way of finding you as long as you stay in Leipzig."

"...It's best this way."

Aleister's eyes became colder.

She looked at Paul and kindly reminded him, "If you can resist Moon Child's kiss, you'd better stay away from your master."


Paul also lowered his head, ashamed of his lack of firm will.

He had already escaped from his master... although he did so under his master's deliberate release. Blood Coral doesn't like to be forced or controlled. She likes people to ask for her. So when Paul wanted freedom, she immediately gave it to him.

——You can go out and play casually, but you will come back eventually.

She knew Paul too well. And it turned out that she was right.

Paul persisted for many years, but he couldn't hold on in the end.

Aleister turned around and left with Adolf. Just as she walked a short distance, Paul suddenly shouted behind her: "That--"

Aleister turned around and looked at him quietly.

"... I will try my best!"

"Don't say this to me, say it to yourself."

Aleister turned his head slightly, half-turned his body and said to him coldly: "You are working hard for yourself-not for anyone other than you."

For Aleister, this is an old saying that he is tired of hearing and saying.

But after these words fell, Paul seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole person froze instantly.

"You students talk a lot."

Aleister whispered to Adolf: "You don't look like a necromancer at all - too noisy."

"You seem to like him."

"It's okay."

Unlike his previous cold attitude, Aleister gave Paul a very good evaluation: "This kid is promising - the blood coral didn't ruin him, probably because of this reason."

"That's why we kept him. After all, he is more or less a little spy..."

The old man smiled and chatted casually while pulling Aleister and Leviathan into a fairly modern transparent elevator: "Let's get on the elevator first."

Aleister looked at the various cables buried in the wall of the transparent elevator and asked curiously: "What energy does your elevator use? The mana of the Dusk Path? Or is it driven by spirits?"

"Of course the elevator uses electricity."

The old man replied as a matter of course: "If it is driven by spirits, shouldn't it be called a spirit ladder?"

What he said makes sense.

Aleister was speechless for a moment: "What a surprise... I thought these pipes were used to transport mana."

"That's for easy maintenance. After all, we are prone to corrosion and damage here. It's easier to check if it's fully transparent... By the way, necromancy can do it, but there's no need to waste resources."

The two chatted as the elevator rose steadily and slowly.

From the other side of the transparent elevator corresponding to the door, Aleister clearly saw a black column - this is the backbone of the psychic tower.

It is wrapped in a strong amber glow...or in other words, it is continuously producing the power of the Dusk Path. And this is the core driving energy of the psychic tower.

Even if you don't have necromancy attainments, you can easily see that its texture is like a skeleton.

"Is that the spine of the amber?"

Aleister asked with interest.

"...I didn't expect you to know this kind of secret knowledge."

Hearing this, the current Black Phase was a little surprised.

Aleister asked: "Is this some kind of secret that cannot be told?"

The old man shook his head: "Not really. The main reason is that there is no need to show off... and even I myself don't know where it came from or why it is so huge.

"If I tell my students, they will ask me curiously, and I can't answer them at all. But at the same time, I don't want students to care too much about it... Once you are too obsessed with something, you will go astray on the path of dusk."

The vice-president of the psychic tower said without hiding: "So we only put this knowledge in the textbooks, but don't test it - in this way, we can demystify the mystery, and students can understand it without caring too much about it. "Where did it come from..." Aleister murmured. She actually knew the answer to this question - it was not from the memory of the previous life. But when Aiwas was learning advanced divine arts from the Church, he had already seen this secret. The textbooks of advanced divine arts were full of the origins and taboos of various celestial officials and pillar gods. Among them, Lingbo Celestial Official was naturally mentioned. This is exactly the opposite of what most people know - because Lingbo Celestial Official looks like a glowing skull, many people think that Lingbo Celestial Official was at least promoted from humanoid creatures. But in fact, Lingbo Celestial Official was a monster left over from the "taboo" era. - He was once a huge sea monster, a monster with a human head and a snake body!

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