Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 788: The Sloth Mark and Mathias

"The existence of Lingbo is related to 'taboos'. You can understand that the spine is actually 'snake bones'."

The black-haired girl smiled and said: "And the relationship between Him and Amber... do you really want to hear it?

"Now many of the concepts of the Dusk Path did not belong to Amber from the beginning, but Lingbo thought they belonged to Amber. The higher you go on the Dusk Path, the harder it is to walk, and this is also partly the reason... because the higher you go, the more you deviate from the Amber Path and the closer you are to Lingbo Tiansi. ”

This situation actually also exists in other paths... It can even be said that the main reason why the sixth energy level cannot be reached now is because of this.

The Snake Father does not care much, so the Fallen Angels, who work hard every day to dig people manually, have become the absolute mainstream of the transcendent path.

The transcendent path known by those demon scholars is actually the "path of fall and transcendence" from the very beginning.

Their path is getting narrower and narrower because they have to conform to the existing path and tend to the "real path" in their cognition.

Of course, if the Fallen Angels finally succeed in ascending to the throne, then these demon incarnations stuck in the fifth energy level will be collectively promoted. But obviously they don't have that opportunity.

The advanced divine arts are full of this kind of "black history", and it is easy to offend the gods if they spread it casually. And the more Aiwas reads, the more he fears the gods. Less... I can only say that distance creates beauty.

But even if Aleister didn't say it directly, Hei Xiang would definitely guess most of it.

The Dusk Path has no ability to pray, and cannot communicate with the great beings in the dream world, so the information is quite backward.

And the Dusk Path is notorious for being a taciturn person. If you don't ask me, I will definitely not tell you, and if you ask me, I will probably not tell you either... As a result, they can only make judgments by guessing.

After all, the two professions of necromancer and preserver are simply two choices split from the same inheritance. They all belong to the Lingbo Tiansi and have nothing to do with amber.

Seeing Adolf frowning and thinking, Aleister was very satisfied.

So she was merciful and stopped being a riddler, and directly announced the answer:

"The sea monster body that Lingbo left in the material world was the "forbidden" power that was completely cut by Him. After the taboo shell gradually faded under the scouring of time representing the power of balance, the skeleton immersed in the power of dusk was left.

"He ascended to a more intellectual form, making his appearance consistent with the emerging races such as elves and giants... This is actually a kind of separation from the original body. Even you don't know that Ling Amber is actually a giant snake with a human face, so there are even more people who don't know.

"——This is a kind of necromancy, isn't it? Achieving one's own goals by transforming corpses... Of course, transforming one's own soul is also included."

"That's right."

The Black Phase nodded and made a very authoritative voice: "This is necromancy. Preservation and necromancy are two sides of the same coin.

The preservationists of the Dusk Path can also learn necromancy, and necromancers can also learn preservation.

Although the gap between demon scholars and spellcasters is not particularly large, and botanists and alchemists have the same abilities, at least their teaching materials are completely different.

And between preservationists and necromancers, which side they want to lean towards is entirely based on personal will.

Even between each other, they can jump to each other for advancement... Just like a necromancer can become an amber craftsman at the fourth energy level. In other paths, the advanced profession is closely related to the initial profession... At least the demon cannot be advanced to the devil incarnation.

"The so-called necromancy is actually the 'treasure digging'. We call it necromancy only because the materials we most often use are the corpses of various animals after death.

"Just like in the heavy snow, experienced hunters can always find nuts buried by squirrels... The same is true for necromancy. It is the other side of preservation, so if these two are learned separately, the extraordinary will never reach a high position.

"If the essence of preservation is to 'extend the death of all things', then necromancy is to 'use dead things'. Whether it is medicine adapted to the path, cooking in the path of love, tailoring in the path of beauty, etc., they are essentially extensions of 'treasure digging'."

This is Hei Xiang's understanding of necromancy.

To put it bluntly, necromancy is the "art of waste utilization".

- Don't worry about how it becomes waste, just say whether it is used in the end.

"It's almost the same," the fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl nodded, her tone as mature as an adult, "Lingbo borrowed the power of Amber through some means, sealed the 'taboo' and wrapped it in a layer of amber shell... This is why 'Amber' and 'Lingbo' sound and behave so similar, because from this perspective, Lingbo is Amber's creation.

"And preservation and necromancy are both skills passed down by Lingbo. If necromancy is considered to be invented by Him, then preservation is the power He got from Amber.

"From this relationship, Lingbo is a celestial official, but in fact he is Amber's apostle. It's just because Amber doesn't accept apostles at all, so there is a situation where Lingbo first jumped out to become a celestial official, and then came back as a celestial official to do the work of an apostle.

"Lingbo directly distributes the profession of amber's preserver to mortals, just like the sand clock directly distributes the power of amber to the god of death-the gods in the dream world seem to be accustomed to not asking Amber's opinion. "

No wonder people misunderstand or admit their mistakes.

Because "admitting mistakes" is the purpose of Lingbo Tiansi. When Ling Ba deliberately touches porcelain and Amber says nothing, it is normal for people to confuse these two great gods.

With a very positive attitude - as far as the Twilight Path is concerned - He took the initiative to seal himself as the "Amber Spokesperson".

"With Amber saying nothing or doing nothing from the beginning to the end, she did a lot of things for him. This also included promoting the 'preservation technique', a profession that sounded like Amber... People felt that there was a relationship between them. It's a matter of course.

"——After all, it is really possible for the Pillar God to give birth to offspring."

Aleister, who had just given birth to an offspring, said in a subtle tone.

Zhutiansi is the son of Si Zhu, Xitiansi as the sun god is the son of Hengwo as the moon god, and Huantiansi as the Ouroboros is the son of the "Snake Father"... Their abilities are all similar, And its holy names have demonstrated this relationship.

Then people will naturally reason like this: Is Lingpo Tiansi also related to Amber?

"...We really think so."

Adolf's expression was a little subtle: "Even the principal has always believed that Lingbo Tiansi is Amber's biological god."

——There are also people who pretend to be grandchildren, which is really strange.

When Aiwass was learning advanced divine arts, he even complained about what kind of licking dog Lingbo was... But after Aiwass saw Amber's true image, he felt that Lingbo Tiansi was probably a pervert. .

Not to mention directly stealing Amber's power and sending it directly as a favor in his own name... This is simply an evil servant.

Sacred cutting, porcelain promotion, career plagiarism, licking dogs for thousands of years, causing Ningbo, actively pretending to be a grandson... Once Aiwass knows what Lingbo Tiansi has done, it will be difficult to call him "Lingbo Tiansi" with respect. "Potiansi".

This is called "knowledge is poisonous". Once you know something, your perspective cannot stop changing.

"No wonder He was dragged down by Ah Huan..."

Aleister cursed.

This place is different from Aiwass.

As a transcendent individual, Aleister actually somewhat understood Huan Tiansi's thinking after witnessing the corruption and absurdity of Xing Antimony.

Sometimes, you still have to rush. It’s impossible not to tutu!

King Daxi put forward guiding opinions, which is yes.

Falling Tiansi, Yingtiansi, Lingpo Tiansi, Yuantiansi...these veteran Tiansi who were voluntarily dismissed by this Dream Realm HR were indeed somewhat unqualified in their virtues.

Rather than letting them occupy the position of Tiansi, it is better to pull them down and share their power with all living beings!

Thinking of this, Aleister recognized the ceremony of the Ring of Ending more and more.

——If there is no linking ring ceremony, in the dream world where there is no Tiansi elimination mechanism, how long will it take to gradually replace them? Their arrival will certainly cause disaster, but don't they have other bad effects in the dream world? Fallen Heavenly Division has stolen souls to create demons for so many years. Which one has killed more people, the evil deeds he and his demons have done, or the disasters he has caused by coming to Star Antimony?

Is the disaster itself "the sum of the adverse effects that broke out in advance"?

You must know that in another world line, Zhutiansi, who took the initiative to come to the world through the Ring of Ending ceremony, did not cause any damage to the Theocracy. This shows that the Ring of Endings ritual is not directly related to the disaster.

The copy of Zhutiansi came because he saw that he had been promoted on the transcendental path. If he had not been promoted on the dedicated path, he would not be able to hold down others... so he took the initiative to come.

His original purpose when he came down was to protect the Theocratic Kingdom from other Heavenly Priests, and his subsequent purpose was to die.

The battle itself was more like encouragement, training and testing. The failure condition in other Tiansi battles is "all players die", while in Zhutiansi's copy it is "all players are eliminated".

There's just one difference...

According to the general development, the person who is responsible for "human resources optimization", after firing all those who should be seems that he himself should also be optimized.

May 5th, the ring of coherence...

It seems like there is only a month and a half left.

For a moment, Aleister's adoptive father's theories of "premature death" and "controlled fire" appeared in her mind... She was actually secretly looking forward to the arrival of the Ring of Ending Ceremony.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain——

"...No, that's not right."

Realizing the distracting thoughts in his mind, Aleister suddenly felt a chill in his heart and temporarily blocked all his thoughts.

But now she can't tell... are these distracting thoughts that belong to the path of love, or are they the righteous thoughts that transcend the path? Or does it belong to nothing, just a wavering of her personal will?

Aleister is still incomplete after all.

Without the superior divinity of the devotional path to help her maintain herself...she was still confused after all.

——Could my thoughts be naive thoughts arising from too little experience? Is the theory of the adoptive father and Loki correct? Will the theories I despise now be embraced as norms in the future?

Unknowingly, she stopped chatting with Heixiang and fell into loss and confusion.

An unexplained fatigue and laziness enveloped Aleister's spirit.

She began to think, began to fear, began to doubt herself, began to stagnate...

——When Aleister entered the Spirit Tower, the mark of laziness was silently imprinted in her heart.

"Do you need help, child?"

At this moment, a voice that seemed to ring in the void suddenly sounded in Aleister's heart.

Aleister was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly woke up.

With a certain gratitude, she asked politely: "Who are you...?"

Although she had guessed the other party's identity, the necessary etiquette was still required.

There are only two strong people of this level in Xingti who can sneak into Aleister's mind silently, and even until he took the initiative to speak, Aleister still couldn't detect the other party's existence.

"I am Matthias Grunewald. You can call me Matthias directly, or you can call me "Principal" like everyone else."

The first generation of Black Phase Matthias made a hollow but gentle voice: "Don't be too scared when you see me."

Leviathan suddenly arched his body and roared in response, and the scales all over his body suddenly exploded, like a cat with its fur exploded.

Just as Aleister was about to comfort her, he suddenly felt a strong fear from the bottom of his heart.

The extreme fear that seemed to clench her heart instantly cleared all her previous distracting thoughts.

What surprised Aleister the most was that even the little crow in her arms seemed to sense the fear, making a rough cackle, flapping its wings violently, and feathers composed of shadow energy flew everywhere.

"——Fear Aura!"

Aleister blurted out.

Moreover, it can make the Night Demon react, which means...

This is the fear aura that is enough to penetrate the sixth-level spell resistance!

The next moment, the figure of the first generation of Black Phase quietly appeared in front of Aleister.

It was not the removal of invisibility or instant teleportation. Instead, it gradually "infiltrated" from another plane overlapping with reality to this side.

——Aleister immediately thought of Aiwas at this time.

And what appeared in front of Aleister was a skinny human skeleton. He looked ordinary, without any majesty, and could even be called ordinary and poor.

There was not a single muscle or fat on his body. The pure white bones were wrapped in a tattered black robe. In his deep, hollow eye sockets, a steady dim flame flickered.

He didn't even hold a staff or wear a ring.

The only thing on his body that could be called equipment was a chain - a chain made of dark green jade, which was locked on his ribs and collarbones very casually, looking like a lock for a bicycle.

The three jade locks made of white, green, and yellow looked like some kind of ornaments. They were hung near his right collarbone, the corner of his sternum, and the inside of his left chest.

"I hope I didn't scare you, kid."

Mathias, wearing a black robe, said gently.

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