Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 799: A life-and-death fight!

——It was a merciless and thunderous blow.

The Thunder Killer Halberd is a heavy armor-piercing halberd with a fierce force. It's not sharp, it can even be considered blunt... Therefore, if you want to cut off Heleqin's dragon spear instantly, you have to go all out.

If there is even the slightest weakness... it may not be possible to defeat it.

Aleister fights Helechin head-on, and it is almost impossible to win. Once her intention to destroy weapons is discovered, Heleqin may even follow her attack intention and pretend to expose flaws and set a trap.

You only get one chance, so don't be lenient.

...even if the target of the attack is himself.

And the damage of this blow was even greater.

Aleister, whose body was already covered in cracks, revealing the thin girl inside the "Aiwass" shell, was completely shattered by this blow to camouflage the mirror shell!

The Son of the Moon's physical body was completely unable to withstand such a ferocious attack - after the outer shell was shattered, Aleister inside was already in a state of near death.

Her skin burst out with clear purple-red cracks. An entire spine was shattered, little bits of blood spurted out every few inches on the back, and all the internal organs were shattered.


The purple light in Aleister's pupils became brighter and brighter.

In an instant, her body completely collapsed and turned into countless illusory bats.

Heleqin naturally also has experience fighting the Moon Son.

Without thinking, he swiped the dragon spear that had its head cut off and turned into a long stick - the crackling electric light gathered together, and suddenly exploded into an extremely brilliant fan-shaped electric light!

However, this blow did not cause much damage to Aleister who turned into a bat.

Heleqin suppressed his power to the fourth energy level... and at this moment, Aleister had a temporary third-level [Thunder Affinity] characteristic. Thunder-type damage happens to be the type with the highest resistance for Aleister!

Level three affinity - this is equivalent to the level of shadow affinity Aiwass had when he was able to fully accommodate the power of the shadow demon for the first time!

The next moment, those bats gathered together again and transformed back into Aleister!

Because the mirror image of "Aiwass" has been destroyed, Aleister will not be able to use this incarnation again until the end of the month.

However, Aleister, who was gathered together again, had recovered from his injuries!

Although her vitality is still weak, at least her injuries will not worsen and her battles and actions will not be affected!

"The immortality of the Moon Child..."

Under the sealed helmet, Heleqin's low and hollow voice rumbled: "It's really troublesome..."

He also killed many children of the moon during his lifetime.

There is no real fatal injury to the Moon Children, because they can break up and regroup at any time. If you can't kill all the bats in the stage of turning into bats, you can only continue to reduce the opponent's blood reserves through heavy damage again and again until it is completely reduced to ashes.

Even up to this point, it does not count as killing the Moon Child... The Moon Child that turned to ashes was just because the blood energy was completely exhausted, but it was not really dead.

Only by soaking the ashes in holy water and applying "purification" damage can the Moonchild's immortality be completely destroyed.

But just because he couldn't handle the Moon Child in life doesn't mean that Heleqin can't do it after death either.

What the Children of the Moon fear most, in addition to the purification-type damage that can completely kill them, is the control of the dusk path such as freezing and petrification, as well as the control of all spiritual levels except the path of love. For example, fear or hallucination - apart from being resistant to "Charm", the Children of the Moon are very weak in other types of psychic resistance.

Heleqin, who was riding on a translucent spiritual Pegasus, slowly exuded a dark aura that was so strong that it made people vomit.

——That’s [Fear Aura]!

Aleister immediately felt an aura that made his body stiffen and his heart tense. Her nerves became tense, her movements became stiff, and each movement required more effort.

That intense feeling of fear was like walking alone in a dark alley and suddenly hearing the faint sound of footsteps beside you.

But fortunately, Heleqin also suppressed the power of the fear aura to the fourth level... In addition, Aleister had just experienced Matthias's extremely powerful fear aura not long ago, so he was not too worried about it. Her actions had too great an impact.

Heleqin just looked down at Aleister and said slowly:

"With such a young body, how do you plan to use this overly huge halberd?"

That was the weapon used by the Punishment Demon, and it seemed a bit huge even to Aiwass himself. It was just right for Origen, the lizardman warrior I saw in the previous promotion ceremony.

——And now, Origen is among that group of wild hunters.

Aleister just looked at Helechin without fear, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Of course... no need."

She casually planted the thunder-killing halberd on the ground, then turned over and jumped onto the back of Leviathan, who was running back again.

Leviathan flapped its wings and soared high.

Aleister's book of law appeared in his left hand, and the pages were turning rapidly.


Heleqin was unmoved: "Are you planning to use magic?"

He slowly raised the dragon spear with its head cut off and aimed it at Aleister high in the sky.

The strong death energy is rampant, and the scarlet color that is close to black is spreading everywhere - it is the remaining power from the "Path of Power", now refilled by the power of dusk, the wild hunting tactic.

——Destructive charge!

It is completely opposite to the invisible body of the Necromancer Charge, which is the weird, unpredictable and terrifying fighting method.

Destroying charge symbolizes complete violence and ultimate destruction!

The translucent white ghost Pegasus was also soaked by the power and dyed black and red.

He gradually accelerated towards Aleister, who was high in the sky.

A sharp air shield appeared in front of the tip of Heleqin's spear, splitting the air in front of him and making his charge faster and faster.

And the black-red air shield in front of him is getting bigger and bigger, covering half of his body in the blink of an eye!

——Even if Aleister uses magic, it will be difficult to break the shield brought by the destructive charge!

No matter what obstacles are in front of you - whether they are barriers, walls, spells, or arrows, they will all be smashed head-on by the power of [Destructive Charge]!

"I'm afraid the spell won't be able to break through your resistance."

But Aleister just smiled and said: "I am just creating a new weapon that is more suitable for me!"

The next moment, a rainbow of seven colors bloomed in front of Aleister.

——Spell Card: Star Ice!

——Enchanting Card: Shadow Blade!

It can be used to shape complex ice sculptures, and of course it can also be used to shape simple ice guns - and they are indestructible!

A colorful ice gun condensed from Aleister's hand, and there was a layer of extremely corrosive shadow wrapped on it.

That's just the right weapon for her size!

She charged down from a high altitude and also used a devastating charge on Heleqin!

After coming out of the promotion ceremony, Aiwass did not find where his "Wild Hunt" professional level was, so he could not manually add points, but the knowledge he had already mastered would not disappear because of this.

In addition to the "Necrotic Charge" that can only be used by the undead body, the other three skills are still remembered by Aiwass!

The destructive charge that Helechin knows how to do, Aleister can do the same!

But as Aleister, who started late, her charging momentum was obviously much weaker than that of Helechin.

Not only is the speed slower... but while the black-red light shield in front of Helechin can completely cover his whole body, the shield in front of Aleister can barely block half of his body. This is despite the fact that Aleister is much smaller than Hlechin.

But even so, Aleister still showed no fear at all. Instead, he kept accelerating and accelerating!

It was like two opposing motorcycle riders crashing into each other with their engines humming.

If no one is willing to give in, then they will all perish in the end; but if they give in first and actively deflect the car, the end result will still be failure.

——Failure or death?

The deep purple light in Aleister's pupils became brighter and brighter, and the power of transcendence wrapped around the ice spear, turning its tip into an extremely deep dark purple.

She still chooses not to slow down!

Not only that, she also chose to recall the Thunder Killer Halberd on the ground, and quickly turned back to the place where the two collided!

The next moment, the two collided fiercely!

The air shield in front of Aleister was shattered in the blink of an eye by Heleqin who charged first.

Her whole body was hit hard by Heleqin, as if she was hit head-on by a dump truck! But this time, no bones in her body were broken, but she was blocked directly!

But at this moment, the hard ice gun in her hand bloomed with brilliant brilliance——

That is one of the characteristics of Star Ice!

[Effect: Summon colorful star ice, simply shape its posture and stay there for a period of time. Anyone who looks directly at the Star Ice and tries to destroy it or understand it will fall into a deeper and deeper illusion; those who fall into the illusion due to this effect will be frozen; those who are completely frozen due to this effect cannot actively escape from the illusion. Even though Star Ice no longer exists]

When Heleqin and Aleister collided head-on, the spear made of star ice had already been attacked by him!

In the blink of an eye, a thin layer of ice appeared on Heleqin's body.

However, as soon as it appeared, it disappeared again——

This time, Aleister used yin and yang to create an upgraded ice gun with five times the mana. Its spell effect was easily resisted by Heleqin!

However, this upgrade was not completely in vain... The spell card modeled after the sea monster still took effect for a brief moment after the upgrade, at least preventing Helechin from being defeated by Aleister's charge. The momentum of defeat launched a follow-up attack.

Before the charge and collision, the thunder-killing halberd recalled by Aleister had also arrived.

Aleister had been severely injured, and the Leviathan beneath him also flew away with a low scream. She instantly transformed into a bat, and then immediately regrouped on the spot. Leviathan flew back to catch her, and launched a second charge!

——Destructive charge!

Aleister waved the ice gun again with great ferocity and charged at Heleqin who was very close at hand!

Facing the flanking attack between Aleister and the Thunder Halberd, Heleqin chose to deal with the Thunder Halberd first.

He pointed the gun tip towards Aleister and rolled up a gray-black tornado, slightly blocking Aleister's attack.

The black tornado was wrapped in electric light - it was completely wrapped around the gun body, forming a brand new "gun head".

And Heleqin faced it straight towards the Thunder Killer Halberd, and smashed its direction directly!

Immediately afterwards, he pressed down the soft gun body, changed the path of the thunder-killing halberd, and flicked it directly into his hand!

He held the Thunder Halberd with his backhand and struck it directly towards Aleister.

But just before the thunderbolt was about to hit Aleister, it suddenly turned into nothingness.

Aleister's short-distance charge directly hit Heleqin.

The ice spear in her hand was given shadow, cutting, and erosion properties by the "Shadow Blade", which can be regarded as an extraordinary weapon - it easily penetrated Heleqin's armor, causing Aleister's first effective damage to Heleqin!

At this time, Heleqin's headless spear wrapped in a storm also pierced through Aleister's body!

It didn't have a spear head at all, but the extremely sharp, blender-like Storm Blade was also a spear head?

The spear body penetrated Aleister's skin, crushed Aleister's flesh and blood, and broke Aleister's bones - the violent storm blasted into Aleister's body, like a blower blowing air, messing up the internal organs and blood vessels. And the blood-stained spear body pierced directly from Aleister's back.

This was a blow that was enough to kill flesh and blood life instantly.

——But it was still not fatal to the Son of the Moon.

Aleister endured Heleqin's attack, but penetrated Heleqin's body with the ice spear in her hand!

She didn't penetrate it with her own strength, but let the ice spear continue to grow in his body!

With the sound of chewing ice, the ice spear had already reached the back of Heleqin's armor.

The power of shadow spread over his armor, corroding and piercing the dim yellow armor. But even so, Aleister's spear head failed to penetrate Heleqin's back.

At this moment.

When Aleister's flesh and blood were shattered by the storm that bloomed from his body, and the whole person gradually disintegrated from the inside.

A bright lightning as bright as the sun also bloomed from Heleqin's body at the same time!

——Thunderous Fury!

From the beginning of the battle until now, the two people who have almost always played in a mirror game finally chose a completely different way of playing.

And this attack is to die together!

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