Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 800 Sin Card: King of the Wild Hunt

The lightning turned into a beam, shattering the corroded armor behind Heleqin!

The lightning that burst out was only a beam when it left the body, and as it continued to spread outward, it spread. It was like a pair of huge and forked lightning wings - the two wings behind Heleqin bloomed in an instant!

It was less than three seconds since Aleister first launched a charge.

The spears of both men stayed in each other's bodies, and remained motionless in this posture.

The heavy rain washed over them, but there was a trace of silence in the hustle and bustle.

After a short but seemingly long silence, a thunder was heard from the horizon.

The dim yellow on Heleqin's armor faded away, and the storm stirring in Aleister's body also subsided.

He turned into a silver-armored knight again, and took the initiative to give up the decapitated spear in his hand.

"...I lost."

Herchin's mask popped up, and his deep and echoing voice became clear and bright again: "The speed at which lightning destroys me is faster than the storm tearing you apart... If I were at the same level as you, I would die earlier than you. And as long as I die, the storm will stop."

Because he had no choice.

He taught Aleister only four skills in total - two charges and two strikes.

The only skills involving strikes are Thunder Fury and Storm Strike.

The former can make the weapon burst out a large area of ​​high-heat thunder in an instant, which is a very good burst attack and a long-range damage that melee transcendents lack; while the latter can roll up a storm when attacking, making the enemy unbalanced and powerless, blocking long-range attacks from a distance, and further increasing the wind with each attack.

In Helechin's view at the time, as long as Aiwas mastered these two skills, he could basically deal with most enemies.

After all, Aiwas, who used Heleqin's body at that time, did not need flexible jumping, dodging, charging, parrying and other complex and changeable skills like the lizardman warrior Origen - after all, he had Pegasus and did not need to consider the problem of mobility at all.

As a result, now, the past Heleqin has stumped himself.

Aleister seems to have great resistance to lightning damage... Therefore, he can only use storm strikes. With rich experience, Heleqin chose the most reasonable way to fight - penetrate Aleister's body and strike from the inside to maximize the effect of storm strikes.

If Aleister retreated at the time, her result would only be failure.

The gun body has been inserted into Aleister's body. Even if she turns into a bat, she will be directly rolled back and torn apart by the tornado. The best way to deal with the immortality of the Son of the Moon is to control it - even if Heleqin does not know spells, he also knows how to control the Son of the Moon.

But Aleister chose to fight with his life for his life!

She first launched a more explosive [Thunder Fury] on herself - at that moment, Heleqin knew that he had lost.

The part after that was just to see if Aleister could still use Thunder Fury under the pain of the storm.

When Heleqin admitted defeat, Aleister turned into a bat again and reorganized.

Her blood and energy had become weaker and weaker - visible purple spider webs appeared on her skin, and she was gasping for breath. If she died one or two more times, she would probably die completely.

"...Your hand is really heavy, Heleqin."

Aleister complained.

For a moment, she thought she was going to die.

Because after she canceled the Thunder Spear, her affinity for lightning had actually disappeared.

If Heleqin had not reacted and continued to use "Thunder Fury", I'm afraid that time would have turned Aleister into ashes.

It was precisely because Heleqin had enough combat experience and a fast reaction speed that Aleister won.

——Just like when four cards were drawn and it seemed that a straight flush could be made, he chose to play all-in.

"This is the respect for you..."

Herqin paused and added the title: "Master. I remember the bet, and I will never break my oath."

But in short, the result is good.

I am afraid that it is impossible to convince a pure warrior who fights to death by other means. Even if he wins, he may just choose to obey for the sake of affection...Only through this method can Heerqin be truly convinced.

Seeing the end of the battle, the Night Demon who had been waiting for it beside him finally breathed a sigh of relief and turned back into a crow. The blood rain in the sky also dissipated, and only the rain, which was smaller but still considered a heavy rain, washed quietly.

Her mentality was also very complicated-on the one hand, she was happy for Aleister's victory, and on the other hand, she was jealous of having a new colleague.

Aleister rested for a long time in the same place, and then started the sealing ceremony on the spot.

——But it was slightly different from the previous plan.

Originally, Aleister assigned the attribute of the wild hunt king Heleqin to be the earth attribute.

Because at that time, Heleqin looked like the former world boss, always an angry and roaring revenge hero. His armor was pitch black, as thick as the earth and as deep as the abyss. He was also an undead of the Dusk Path who was friendly to the earth attribute.

But now, Aleister has a new idea.

Heleqin is indeed an undead——

However, his personal will is now completely clear. He was blessed by the Lord of Scales and Feathers and gained the power of a warrior. And his own fighting style is storm and thunder... just like the Griffin Knights of Avalon.

——Although in terms of causality, it should be said that the knights of Avalon are imitating Helechen. After all, the Knights of the Round Table led by Arthur back then respected the former hero Hertzin. Heleqin's ability to transform from a wraith to a wild hunt is also related to Merlin's ritual.

Thinking about it from this point of view... maybe Heleqin is not suitable for the earth attribute, but more suitable for the wind attribute!

"Did you use tarot cards to seal?"

Heleqin came over and looked at Aleister who was selecting cards: "Which card am I?"

"You have to use two, and you have to wait until tomorrow - in order to fight you, my magic power is no longer enough to seal you."

Aleister said casually: "I want a tarot card representing you, and then a tarot card representing the pillar god who can suppress you."

With that said, she showed the first card.

That is the true [judgment].

The card depicts an angel blowing the trumpet of doomsday judgment, so that the dead can be redeemed, and even the souls of sinners can be redeemed. This is exactly the same situation that Helechen, the King of the Wild Hunt, is in now.

This card heralds resurrection, healing, reunion, the miracle of love - all good omens. It can also be regarded as a celebration for Heleqin who regained his sanity.

"As for the pillar god who suppresses you... I chose Weizhe, and the Tarot card is the [Pope] in the right position."

That is a card that can awaken a kind heart, which is suitable for Heleqin who has regained his consciousness again. At the same time, the pope is also the interpreter of the unknown, with the power of observation to see through everything... and corresponds to the emperor, indicating the master of the material world and the spiritual world respectively.

This exactly corresponds to the relationship between the Supreme Heaven and Weizhe!

"See you tomorrow, Heleqin."

Aleister bids farewell to the King of the Wild Hunt.

She used horn powder and sapphires to pour mana into these two cards. Then we went to Yingjiao Village to stay overnight.

At dusk the next day, Aleister once again used the Thunder Halberd to summon Helechin.

At this time, she had completed all the preparations for the ceremony.

"I pay homage to Wei Zhe, the God with the number four, the God who sees the truth, the God who remains silent——"

"Please watch over my heart and keep it like an endless storm..."

"——I respectfully invite Fallen Heaven Secretary!"

Aleister did not pause and declared loudly: "The sinful Tiansi, the fallen Tiansi!

“I know my guilt—I accept the mark of my wrath!”

The prayer ended on its own due to an error, but two completely different breaths had already poured into Aleister's hands!

The next moment, an eye suddenly opened in the dark clouds above her head.

A bolt of lightning struck Aleister directly!

At that moment, Aleister felt the world around him fall into complete silence.

Countless mysteries rushed past her eyes, which were all the secrets of this world from the beginning to the end. Aleister's eyes widened, but those things flowed through her mind like water between her fingers.

Nine pitch-black nails emerged from the void, accompanied by bursts of lightning, and hit Aleister's head one after another!

With each stick knocked down, the knowledge flowing in Aleister's heart became less and less, just like the water level of a rushing river dropped a part. When all nine nails fell, she woke up again.

And she immediately started calling Heleqin: "King of the Wild Hunt, Heleqin Dragon Flame!"

"I am calling your name now and branding you with rage!

"My life is your life, my destiny is your destiny -

"—Obey me, phantom of the twilight path!"

As soon as she finished speaking, another thunderbolt fell!

This time, Aleister's mind replayed the scene before Heleqin's death.

She finally understood the full story of Helechin’s death:

——That was a despicable conspiracy and a shameful betrayal.

"Wildfire" Utgaloch prepared a conspiracy - he took the form of a human and lied about being a survivor to deceive the humans in the human gathering place.

He claimed that "Helchin did protect the village for a short time, but he could not protect it forever. Once he leaves, the giant will immediately launch revenge - and 'his hometown' has been destroyed because of this. He is the only survivor."

Then he encouraged the easily swayed people in the gathering place to surrender, and then returned to his true form and treated them favorably. He swore in the name of the Most High that if they were willing to be loyal to the giants again, the giants would not kill them or eat them, but would give them food as long as they did not continue to betray them.

The villagers, who until recently had been slaves, were timid and shaken. Then gave in and betrayed.

So Utkalraj gave them poison. Let these villagers surrender to the food of Helechin and his entourage.

When Utgaloch came back, Heleqin had no fighting power.

He resisted desperately, but still could not defeat the well-prepared Utgalochi.

They were all captured alive, tortured and publicly beheaded.

Then, the giants put the bodies of Heleqin and all his followers into a big pot and cooked them. The blood from the fresh bodies mixed with the dried bodies and stewed into a pot of smelly broth.

And the resentful souls were floating in the pot of soup - the giant pot built by the Supreme Heaven made it impossible for their souls to be reborn or go to the dream world, but all boiled into their bones. At that time, their souls were still alive and had memories.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Endless murderous intent, anger, and hatred all echoed in the pot.

Their meat was eaten by the giants to celebrate the death of this difficult opponent. And those humans who betrayed Heleqin were also divided into a bowl of soup - the soup of heroes who tried to save them but were betrayed by them. There was a head in everyone's bowl, which was exactly what Utgarochi promised to "give them food"; and if they didn't eat it, it would be "betrayal again."

Some people may know about betrayal, but just choose to remain silent; some people disagreed from the beginning. And more people are completely unaware of this matter - those who choose to betray for the survival of the village are pushed into a deep pit and stoned to death by angry people. Those who betray others will eventually be betrayed by their own people.

And people try to pick up bones, and perform salvation and burial for Heleqin and his followers. However, the seal of the Supreme Heaven is not so easy to remove, and ordinary funerals cannot save their wronged souls at all.

These heroic souls, soaked in anger and hatred, wander in the wild at night and kill the humans they once protected again.

——Until Merlin used the Wild Hunt Transformation Ritual to transform Heleqin and his followers into Wild Hunt.

But even so, he was still angry. He should have self-awareness, but the wisdom gained from the Wild Hunt Contract still could not suppress the unquenchable anger in his heart. He lived in the gap between life and death day after day, almost forgetting who he was, but he did not forget the hatred in his heart.

Until that promotion ceremony.

He briefly became "Herchin" again, and finally remembered who he was.

Looking at himself in the photo, Aleister's perspective overlapped with Helechin's perspective in the past, and then separated.

Looking at Helechin who was looking at the photo in the cabin, Aleister raised his right hand.

A huge, horizontal black magic circle instantly appeared from the ground, wrapped Helechin and rose rapidly upward.

But when it rose to the highest point, a Pegasus pattern appeared in the sky.

The azure circular mark was imprinted around the Pegasus pattern - then the magic circle began to collapse from the outermost circle, and finally only a blue ring with a diameter of about one meter remained.

Two brand new huge tarot cards were also slowly printed out from the void, one above and one below, and appeared on the upper and lower sides of the ring. The azure electric light connected between the two cards, as if some kind of magnetic force attracted them to gradually move closer.

[Judgment] became [Eternal Tribulation], and the angel blowing the horn became a triple body with light, shadow, phantom and color overlapping. It symbolizes the past life, present life and the afterlife.

The kind and gentle [Pope] with his hands raised high has become somewhat frightening. There is a mirror-like halo behind him, and nine long spikes with roses on his head are about to fall. The throne behind him is an elephant and a bull, symbolizing weight. And below the huge Pope, there is a very small goddess, holding a bow in one hand and a sword in the other. In the middle of the picture, there is a five-pointed star - there is a newborn inside the five-pointed star.

Finally, as the two cards gradually formed and became clear, they slowly moved towards the center.

When the two cards were closely combined, it suddenly burst into a brilliant electric light - the illusion instantly shattered.

When Aleister opened his eyes again, he found that there was a transparent card with a blue crystal texture in front of him, which was slowly rotating. The Pegasus pattern was outlined in dim yellow on the card.

Aleister stretched out his hand and wrote the name of Aiwas.

And its attributes were immediately revealed.

[Sin: King of the Wild Hunt (Eternal Tribulation, Pope)]

[Level: 50 (Suppressed)]

[Twilight Path, Wind Attribute]

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