Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 802 The Birth of Dong Tian Si

This is the third day since Aleister left Leipzig.

The Count of Leipzig couldn't help but start thinking, Aleister... or, will that Lady Bayard really come back?

She left so quietly, and just before Pomponazzi arrived in Leipzig, even Prince Szijjártó didn't know she was going to leave for a while... Isn't this really running away?

He always felt that Bayard wanted to avoid Pomponazzi, so she left in a hurry when Pomponazzi was about to arrive.

... So thinking about it, would she have something to do with Pomponazzi? That's why Pomponazzi was so obsessed with seeing her, but insisted on being polite to her...

The Count of Leipzig, who was sipping red wine and watching the opera performance at the White Pigeon Opera House, sighed.

He felt like his brain was going to burn out.

Although Pomponazzi said that if he couldn't find Bayard, he wouldn't go back... but if he didn't come back for several days without saying a word, I'm afraid Pomponazzi would go crazy.

Because of this, he couldn't help but go back the morning before yesterday and reported to Pomponazzi that Aleister had left Leipzig.

——For some reason, Pomponazzi's mood suddenly turned bad after hearing that Ms. Bayard was going to Avalon.

He kicked Count Leipzig out with a few kicks and reiterated again-if you can't find Bayard, don't go back. Even though he already knew that Ms. Bayard was not in Leipzig at all.

But at that time, Count Leipzig was relieved.

Because he could feel that Pomponazzi must see Ms. Bayard this time. It doesn't matter even if he wastes some time here... and this is Leipzig after all, he won't have nowhere to go after leaving home.

So Count Leipzig went to the White Pigeon Opera House with peace of mind and played for two days.

Anyway, everything will be fine when Ms. Bayard comes back.

But today, he suddenly reacted.

——Is it possible that the Red Prime Minister wanted him to go to Avalon to find Ms. Bayard?

As the closest "children" to Pomponazzi, Leipzig always looked down on those young Moon Children who were so nervous that they sweated profusely when facing Pomponazzi.

He would only look at them with a smile, and feel dissatisfied with their impatient performance-you know, Pomponazzi is already a well-known mild-tempered type among the Moon Children.

Everyone knows that Pomponazzi believes in the feast master and does everything for happiness. As long as he strokes his hair, he is much easier to serve than those nobles who don't speak human words...

... He is much easier to talk to than Valentinus VI.

When Count Leipzig was not yet a count or a prince, he was favored by Her Majesty the Queen without any achievements. The ability to please people can be said to be a talent. When Valentinus VI died, he used the ability trained by this talent flexibly on Pomponazzi, and he felt like a fish in water.

——At least Pomponazzi was famous for telling the truth.

When Pomponazzi was happy, he was visibly happy, and when he was angry, it was easy to tell that he was angry.

Although his mood would change quickly sometimes, at least he would not chat with the clown who exaggeratedly flattered him like Valentinian VI... He looked happy in the first half of the sentence, but calmly ordered him to be dragged out and executed in the second half.

Until the man was executed, Count Leipzig didn't know what he said wrong and where he had said it wrong.

Among the two masters that Count Leipzig had served, Valentinian VI and Pomponazzi had opposite personalities.

Just from the expression and tone, you can never guess what Her Majesty the Queen is thinking. And she also hates others speculating on her thoughts.

The old queen sometimes sits in a dark room, sits in front of the piano and thinks silently, and it takes a long time before she slowly presses a key. She didn't like people interrupting her thoughts by speaking out when she was thinking, but sometimes she would suddenly ask questions without a clear reason, and he had to give an instinctive answer immediately.

At that time, "Fen", who was not even a noble, felt as if his heart was grabbed. His back was sweating profusely, but he could only sit still and didn't even dare to drink saliva.

And now... Count Leipzig has gradually begun to feel this kind of pressure from Pomponazzi.

... Is it that people will be like this when they get older?

Count Leipzig complained in his heart.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Pomponazzi still looks younger than me, and as a child of the moon, he doesn't have a "lifespan" in the human sense, and he is still focused on pleasure and full of energy every day...

However, Count Leipzig can vaguely feel a kind of "old man's stench" from Pomponazzi.

Is it an illusion?


"What a hassle..."

Count Leipzig sighed and took the initiative to wipe out his dangerous thoughts: "It's getting harder and harder to serve, and it's starting to become unreasonable..."

--He can't really go to Avalon, right?

Once he gets to the knights' territory, it's hard to say whether he can come back...

If he has a chance to see Ms. Bayard now, he really wants to kowtow to her.

Auntie, please, don't run around...

At this moment, the door behind him was knocked from outside. And Count Leipzig was too lazy to get up.

He was lying on a deck chair watching the opera performance, with young girls clinging to him. There were people behind him massaging his head, and there were people in front of him who were bowing their heads to serve him.


He called his bodyguard's name.

A man wearing a white hood, leaning quietly against the wall with his arms folded, released his invisibility, quietly walked over and opened the door.

He communicated with the whispers outside for a while, then closed the door and walked over.

"My Lord Earl."

His voice with a strong Parthian accent sounded: "Aleister is back."


The Earl of Leipzig suddenly became energetic and turned over to get up: "Where is she? Take me to find her!"

"After she came back, she went directly to the ziggurat. She was riding a ghost horse and was very fast. Our people did not stop her."

The man in white robe whispered.


The Count of Leipzig lay back again.

The ziggurat... is really troublesome.

He really didn't want to go there if he didn't have to. As the son of the moon, he has an almost instinctive resistance and resistance to the ziggurat. Just entering its range of influence will make him feel strong discomfort - the power of dusk has a very obvious suppressive effect on the path of love. It can be said that fire and water are incompatible.

"...Forget it, let's go for a run."

After all, Ms. Bayard is also a child of the moon... She is willing to go to the Ziggurat, so go there yourself.

Just in case, though.

"...You go and inform Lord Hongxiang. Just say that Ms. Bayard is back, and go directly to the Ziggurat when you come back. And I have already gone to find her..."

The Earl of Leipzig cautiously said this to the man in white robes he called "Isseld".

He instinctively felt a hint of danger.

After all, Valentine VII himself was a monarch who was close to the Dusk Path.

Now the first generation of Black Phase has woken up from his slumber. But in the face of the monarch's death, there was no movement from the Ziggurat... Is this reasonable?

Rather than choosing to remain motionless on the road at dusk, the Earl of Leipzig prefers... All this is just the calm before the storm.

All anomalies may be part of a conspiracy, and Ms. Bayard's visit to the ziggurat is part of it!

Anyway, let's start with one person. If something happens to him, at least Peng Bonaqi can save him!

At this time, Aleister had arrived at the Ziggurat and met the lich Matthias Grünewald again.

Hearing about Aleister's return, Adolf, the current dark minister and vice-principal of the Ziggurat, also rushed over.

But when he rushed to the top floor and saw Mathias, the place was empty.

"...Where is Miss Aleister?"

Adolf was a little confused: "I heard that she has come back?"

Matthias's hollow but gentle voice sounded: "She used the skill of traveling through the spirit world to leave. Aleister noticed that someone was following her."

"...So you left the stalker in the ziggurat?"

Adolf rubbed his forehead.

He had no fear of it. With the Lich Matthias around, the Ziggurat is never afraid of trouble.

I just feel a little troublesome... As a transcendent on the Dusk Path, there is no one who is not afraid of trouble.

"But, mentor."

Adolf looked at the skeleton floating in the air wearing a shabby black robe, and asked with some expectation: "Could it be that Miss Aleister..."

"She did bring back the sixth-level undead. That was the King of the Wild Hunt...the Helchin of Avalon."

Matthias's hollow voice sounded: "I underestimated her. This kind of thing can really be done..."

"I haven't seen it yet!"

Adolf said with some dissatisfaction: "Why didn't you call me, mentor?"

"She will come back."

Matthias turned around, two dim yellow flames burning gently in the skull's eyes: "And you have more important things to do.

"Go and tell the students..."

The Lich didn't finish his words.

Adolf's eyes suddenly opened wide.

Because at this moment, an invisible wave of coldness suddenly passed over his body - the sky became cloudy in the blink of an eye.

It was clearly noon at the end of March, but snowflakes suddenly started to fall in the sky.

It's not a blizzard...but a very silent snow.

The space between heaven and earth was instantly covered by the ubiquitous pure white snowflakes.

The silence is not just a description - in that snow curtain, it seems that no sound can penetrate. People walking on the street suddenly fell into chaos, but they could not hear sounds in the distance at all, and their visibility was only within three meters.

In an instant, the entire world was covered by blizzard and turned into an invisible winter.


The young Valentine VIII stood in front of the window, looking at the sky and the earth covered in white snow, with the corners of his mouth turning white with fear: "Is it the Black Phase... coming to kill me?"

He felt the power of dusk reverberating between heaven and earth.

"It's not good, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, someone rushed over and shouted: "Your Majesty in the bedroom... the bones of the late king are missing!"

Valentine VIII's eyes suddenly darkened, and he stumbled back into the bedroom.

It was the skeleton of his biological father that was placed here by the Red Prime Minister Peng Bonazi. Although Lucien also wanted to bury it, he did not dare to offend Peng Bonazi at all, so he did not dare to move it.

Even though Pomponazzi had left Lionheart City and went to Leipzig... Lucien could only place the horrible skeleton wrapped in human skin in his bedroom.

But now, only half of the skeleton in the room was left.

The remaining bones disappeared.

——Valentin VIII suddenly felt a strong fear.

It was like clearly realizing that someone had entered the house but he couldn't find the other person.

He had realized that his father, who had not been buried for a long time, had been transformed into a ghost by the heavy snow.

...Would it be a vengeful spirit?

Would he come for revenge?

At this time, in a garden outside the palace.

A skeleton covered in ice, while tearing off the remaining human skin on his body, raised his head and looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky.

He raised his hands, as if quietly embracing the snow. It was like a prisoner who had escaped from prison and was reborn.

In the Spirit Tower, the voice of the Black Phase sounded steadily:

"Go tell the students... the Spirit Tower is blessed by the Heavenly God.

"Go revise the textbooks. From now on, the concept of the dead will no longer be the soil of "the underworld" and "burial", but the ice of "silence" and "the end".

"——We respectfully invite the Winter God. The Heavenly God of dead silence, the Heavenly God of new life covered by the earth."

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