Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 803 A time of ambition

When Aleister, who looked like Bayard, tore through the snow curtain on his ghost Pegasus and rushed into Szijjjjjjjaldo Manor, the alarm sounded continuously that the barrier was being invaded by foreign objects.

But the former prince was so pitiful that he didn't even have a bodyguard by his side.

After watching him for a long time, he finally rushed over in a mess. Aleister, who was riding on the ghost Pegasus, couldn't help laughing: "This is the first time I have seen such a embarrassed prince. Facing the possible The assassin can only rush out with a bottle of medicine..."

After seeing clearly who was rushing in, Prince Szijjarto breathed a sigh of relief and put down the petrifying potion he was holding tightly in his hand.

He tried to defend himself: "It's not that I can't find anyone else...

"...But speaking of which, when Fenrir set up the barrier, he should have set you as a friendly target..."

Probably because of this "Ghost Pegasus".

Aleister thought.

Although this looks like an ordinary ghost Pegasus, it is actually the incarnation of the King of the Wild Hunt. Just like the Flame Butterfly is the incarnation of the Flame-Contrary Butterfly, and the Night Crow is the incarnation of Venes... It is understandable that such a large group of super-high-energy foreign objects collided with each other, and it was understandable that the barrier would call the police frantically.

At this moment, Honey Badger's voice came from behind: "Of course it's because I know who the person who came back is..."

She looked at Aleister, who had picked up a ghost Pegasus just a few days ago. She was already not surprised by Aleister's habit of picking things up at home.

"Guess who's coming?"

The honey badger chuckled and looked at Aleister.

"I guess it's Lily."

Aleister replied, looking towards the corner of the room and raising the corners of his mouth slightly.


Following the sound of the honey badger, Lily quietly emerged from the wall.

She smiled shyly at Aleister: "Long time no see... Miss."

She was relatively more polite and distant towards Aleister than she was towards Aiwass.

"I didn't realize it before, but this kid is a genius assassin..."

The honey badger couldn't help but praise.

It can be seen that she is really happy, and she even talks a little more than usual: "I feel that it only takes a few months to train a powerful assassin for His Majesty the Pope... Speaking of which, what happened outside What happened?"

As she spoke, she asked Aleister, who had just come back from outside: "Did the ziggurat create such heavy snow...such a strong power of dusk?"

"The Winter Maiden has completed her promotion."

Aleister did not answer the question directly, but replied: "Now, we should call her Winter Secretary."

"...Why are you getting promoted one after another?"

Prince Szijjarto murmured: "First the host of the banquet, and then Lady Winter... the host of the banquet is just that, she is such a powerful apostle after all. But Ms. Winter..."

He clenched his fists, feeling happy but also inexplicably unable to accept it.

Of course he knew about the Winter Maiden, who was a rather young apostle. In terms of kinship, she is even somewhat related to "Valentine", and she can be considered related to Szijjarto himself, and can barely be regarded as his ancestor.

——Because she is the last daughter of Valentine I and a true "princess".

Her mother is a half-elf who was a disciple of the first Black Phase when he was still a human. When Valentine I gave birth to this child, his oldest child was almost thirty years old.

Perhaps because the adaptability of the Dusk Path was too strong, she had traces of Ningbo when she was sixteen years old. Valentine I tried his best to save her life.

Valentine I was famous for his gentle personality when he was young, but he had quarrels with many people because of his daughter.

Dongnu was tired of this endless quarrel and didn't want to wait for Ningpo. She didn't want people to cause disputes because of her, so she ran away from home in an unprecedented heavy snow... and died quietly in the coffin she built for herself.

After her death, this soul was favored by Lingbo Tiansi and promoted to his apostle.

——However, the Winter Maiden was not even a transcendent before her death.

Is this fair?

Obviously they are from the same country, the same origin, the same bloodline...

I tried my best on alchemy and tortured myself constantly. I concentrate on reading books, studying and doing experiments every day. For this reason, I don’t even have the energy to fall in love or go out to play. Burning all his energy, he can only tragically touch the wall of the limit of his own talent.

He clearly realized that he would never be able to become a great alchemist, let alone complete the "Alchemy of Star Antimony". He couldn't become a fifth-level transcendent, and he couldn't even get his father's approval...

As for the Dusk Path...the Winter Maiden did nothing during her lifetime. He simply died and became an apostle. But now, he has been promoted to Tiansi without completing any great achievements.

That's Tiansi! A god that can be worshiped by people, a genuine candidate for the Pillar God!

A living person is worse than a dead person...

Prince Szijjarto had to admit that he did feel jealous.

"The season of ambition..."

Aleister glanced at Prince Szijjarto and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

She naturally tasted Szijjaldo's jealousy - Aiwass had reminded her that she was branded with jealousy by the Fallen Angel, so Aleister's perception of jealousy became more acute.

According to the observation of the Pope, the power of the Snake Father has officially reached the limit of the world with Amber. Now the transcendent power of the whole world is restless.

The originally honest people may become impetuous and start to envy others; the originally good-tempered people may also want to get angry; the originally loyal ministers may also choose to rebel...

If you think so, perhaps Hong Xiang's rebellion is also related to this matter.

"I don't know how long this heavy snow will last, don't go out if you have nothing to do."

Aleister warned: "This sudden snow will block sight and sound, dividing society into isolated islands one after another. I don't know how many people will die in this snow..."

Any promotion of the Angel will inevitably disrupt the world.

The material world is too fragile, and a little change in the dream world may lead to a huge change in the material world.

Just like the promotion of the host, people all over the world got drunk for several hours. There will definitely be people who get into trouble due to sudden intoxication, such as various traffic accidents, or people who are undergoing surgery, or people who are working at heights... Some people may fight because of excessive excitement, not to mention people who are allergic to alcohol.

It is impossible not to drink when Tiansi toasts.

But compared with the vision brought by Dongtiansi, the vision of Yantiansi can be said to be quite mild.

This kind of heavy snow that can block sound and vision... It is not so difficult to run to a place where you can hide from the snow in the city. But for adventurers or merchants in the wild, unless they can find a place to hide from the snow in the dark, this snowstorm is absolutely fatal to them.

And for Dongtiansi, who inherited the concept of "necromancy" and "undead spirits" of Lingbo Tiansi...

If he died in this snow, I am afraid that his body would turn into an undead spirit.

"If the snow only falls for a few hours, it's fine. If it falls for a few days, something serious will happen... I'll ask the Black Phase later. He may know something about this snow. If it doesn't end today, it will be a natural disaster covering the whole world."

Aleister narrowed his eyes slightly.

... Could it be that Lingbo Tiansi intends to use this method to let Dongdong Si attract the firepower of the Tail Ring Ritual?

This is not impossible, after all, Lingbo Tiansi is a thief who hides his head and shows his tail.

Lingbo Tiansi's innate skill is necromancy, which is "the skill of using corpses." Just like Lingbo Tiansi steals the power of amber... Perhaps for Him, the amber that is motionless and will not resist is itself a "corpse".

As the other side of this skill, the art of excavation is closer to the style of the Winter Girl - digging out usable things from the vast snow that covers everything. It is closer to waste utilization and the use of "ownerless things", but the essence is still the same.

Then, the Winter Girl who is dead and speechless is also a "corpse".

When the Winter Girl attracts all the attention of people, people will forget Him... That's why He pushed the Winter Girl to become the Winter Master at this critical moment.

You know, the Masters of the Dusk Path are the most numerous: the Rock Master of the Dusk Path, the Abyss Master of the Forbidden Path, plus the Amber Master who spans the old and new paths, and now the newly born Winter Master... Now that the influence of the Snake Father has just taken effect, there are already four Masters of the Dusk Path at the same time!

There is only one Master of the Wisdom Path now.

Aleister shook her head vigorously, trying to make her brain, which had become chaotic as soon as she entered the Star Antimony, clearer.

She put down the somewhat frozen Leviathan and waved for Lily to come over: "Where is Selene?"

Lily sat behind Aleister and put her arms around her waist. She shook her head slightly and did not answer the question.

Aiwas and Aleister had a close relationship, but Lily and Selene were different.

When Selene was like a child before, it was only obvious that Lily didn't like Selene, but Selene still liked to stick to Lily. After Selene, as a moon witch, gave birth to her first "child", her personality immediately became mature... As a result, Lily's boredom with Selene became more and more obvious.

Even Aleister didn't know how Selene would see Lily now.

"... I'm here."

Selene's voice sounded from outside the door: "I've been here."

She obviously leaned there all the time, just didn't want to stay in the same room with Lily.

"Is it okay?"

She pushed the door in, trotted all the way, and hugged Leviathan with some heartache.

"... Eh?"

As a result, the lamb Selene slightly widened her horizontal pupils and unexpectedly found that Leviathan's condition was not as bad as she imagined - although its skin was abnormally cold and its bones were stiff, the blood in its body was still vigorous.

Aleister, who had turned into Bayard while riding on a horse, chuckled: "It's fine. It won't be any problem if I'm in trouble."

Leviathan, this "daughter", is one of the marks that Aleister left in the world.

She might be jealous of colleagues like the Flame Butterfly and the King of the Wild Hunt who can always accompany Aiwas, or she might be jealous of Lily, Selene, and Yulia who have always been by Aiwas' side and protected by him... but she attaches great importance to Leviathan.

The path of love is a selfish path. But when she was fighting with the King of the Wild Hunt, she would rather be torn to pieces several times than let Leviathan bear even one attack.

If Aiwas is 100% favorable to Aleister and Isabel is 90% favorable to him. Then Leviathan and Vines, who used to be Bayard, have at least 60% "love".

Her original body is "No. 14". The reason why this identity exists is because she saw Bayard in the promotion ceremony. From this point of view, Bayard is also closely related to her birth... and she still remembers everything in the promotion ceremony very clearly, including how she seduced Bayard as a blood servant.

"You two come with me," Aleister stretched out his hand and lifted Selene in front of him, "I'll solve your problem first."

Now the influence of the Snake Father is getting stronger and stronger, two Celestial Officials a week. The Gray Celestial Official might be resurrected at any time...

Fortunately, the Black Phase did say that he has a way to solve this problem.

——Whoever dares to stop me will die.

The increasingly strong influence of the Transcendent Path made Aleister uncontrollably agitated.

The red and purple in her pupils overlapped and floated up, and Aleister's emotions could not help but become excited.

The lamb Selene looked back at Aleister in surprise.

Because she felt that Aleister's fingers were trembling slightly.

It was not cold or fear, but closer to... a restless feeling.

——Of course she remembered this feeling.

When she was Lily before, when the urge to kill came... she felt this way.

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