Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 804: Freezing the Count of Leipzig

The Count of Leipzig finally arrived at the Ziggurat reluctantly.

No one came to receive him, but when he arrived, the tightly closed door of the Ziggurat creaked and slowly opened.

The lights inside the Ziggurat were dim, and the old wooden floor would creak just by walking on it.

"... cough... cough..."

The Count of Leipzig couldn't stop coughing just by stepping into the Ziggurat.

He frowned and covered his nose with his hand.

There was an old smell everywhere here.

It was like the smell you smell after opening the creaking door of a shabby old house with peeling walls and spider webs. It was also similar to an old library that no one had entered for many years... Just walking to the bookshelf, you can smell a "smell from time".

If you pull out a dusty book at this time and open it, you will be choked by the suddenly strong smell in the book and can't stop coughing.

"This broken place..."

The Count of Leipzig couldn't stop cursing.

Just by walking in here, he felt a chill on his head. The random thoughts in his mind were reduced to a faint tension and caution, and all kinds of distracting thoughts were swept away.

It was as if he was in a completely soundproof environment in the noise of life that he was used to. It was so quiet that it was uncomfortable.

When Count Leipzig passed by the first light in the corridor, they suddenly became extremely high with a whoosh. The originally orange-yellow torchlight suddenly turned into a dark blue, and a fierce skull emerged from it.


The sharp laughter echoed from all sides of Count Leipzig. In an instant, all the torches in the corridor gushed out and turned into dark blue ghost fires.

The deep chill penetrated, making Count Leipzig's face as pale as a corpse - a thin layer of frost emerged from his skin, and his neatly combed golden oily hair also showed traces of frost.

At this moment, Count Leipzig suddenly heard a dripping sound.

He turned his head and found that a faucet was spinning by itself. Blood-like liquid slowly flowed out of it, and the "blood" on the ground flowed, gradually forming one messy handwritten font after another:

- Get out!

- Kill you!

- Turn back!

- Don't leave!

- You are not welcome!


"- Hum."

Count Leipzig snorted coldly, and a deep red flashed in the depths of his pupils. The blood of the Moon Son surged, making his face instantly ruddy, and the frost marks melted away.

"I want to see the Black Phase."

He said to the depths of the dark corridor: "I am here on behalf of Pomponazzi's will."

And as if to fight against him, the Spirit Tower instantly went crazy-those sharp laughs instantly became much louder, turning into layers of screams that made people headache and nausea. The torches on both sides of the corridor kept burning and extinguishing, and the door at the end of the corridor opened with a bang, but then closed violently.

A translucent spirit suddenly emerged from the wall - it was a little boy who looked about eleven or twelve years old. He floated over with a fierce expression, and when he approached Count Leipzig, he suddenly turned into a translucent skeleton, opened his mouth and breathed out cold air at him.

At this time, Count Leipzig suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the face of the undead.

He exerted force with his right hand, and it made a creaking sound even though it was a virtual body. In an instant, several undeads rushed directly from the wall one after another. Count Leipzig still clenched his right hand to exert force, and waved his left hand in the air to disperse them.

Finally, when a pair of hands came out from under the floor and grasped his calf, Count Leipzig could no longer bear it.

A deep red halo ignited in his pupils again, and a blood-red flame suddenly burst out from the palm of his right hand holding the ghost's head, spreading to his whole body!

Seeing that the flames were about to ignite the ghosts surrounding him... But at this moment, the flame in his hand suddenly turned from the end to the beginning, as if time was going backwards, and turned into a cold blue ghost fire.

When the ghost fire was about to spread to his skin, Count Leipzig suddenly withdrew the flame.

At this time, Count Leipzig noticed... In front of the closed corridor door, an old man in a black robe appeared at some point.

His hair was already bald, with only some pure white hair around his ears and the back of his head. But he had the same pure white beard, which was always connected to his hair.

He wore small round-frame glasses with thin rims, and had a stern face, looking unhappy. He was as thin as a shadow, which reminded people of a dead tree covered with snow in winter.

The old man pointed the bone staff in his hand slightly at Count Leipzig - it was obvious that the blood and fire summoned by Count Leipzig before were suppressed and dyed by him.

Count Leipzig certainly knew him. This was the actual manager of the Spirit Tower, and his status was only higher than his own.

For this reason, Count Leipzig nodded slightly to him, and his right hand touched his chest as a salute.

"Sir Adolf von Menzel."

The Count of Leipzig raised his head elegantly and smiled friendly: "I come with the goodwill and greetings of my master, my respected father, my blood of blood, Mr. Franz Pomponazzi."

"If you have something to say, please speak quickly."

Adolf said coldly.

The Count of Leipzig said friendly and enthusiastically: "I would like to ask, where is Miss Aleister Crowley? She may also be aliasing Ms. Bayard... In fact, she is a long-time friend of His Excellency the Red Prime Minister. My master wants me to invite her back for a chat..."

"I have never heard of Miss Aleister."

Adolf's tone was still cold: "Please go back."

The Count of Leipzig just smiled: "You are joking... My people have seen Miss Aleister enter the psychic tower. I have no hostility towards her, it is better to say that I come with the greatest respect. . Whether she is willing to accept my master's invitation or not, I have to meet her first... With her personal response, I can report back, right? "

"Oh," Dean Adolf nodded, "there is such a person."


"But she has left."

Adolf said sincerely: "She is not in the psychic tower now, please go back."

Count Leipzig began to feel a little bit unbearable - Adolf's reaction told him that the information he got was correct, Miss Aleister was indeed in the psychic tower, and the psychic tower did not want him to see her.

Is it Miss Aleister's own intention? Or is this a target of the psychic tower? Or... is this a personal conflict between the first generation of black phase and the first generation of red phase?

Count Leipzig frowned and thought for a moment.

He decided to be a little tougher.

"——Mr. Vice-Principal, this matter is very important. I am not kidding. Mr. Pomponazzi rushed directly from Lionheart City to Leipzig for her at this critical moment and looked for her here for three whole days. I have known that gentleman for nearly a hundred years, but I have never seen him so serious."

The Count of Leipzig first emphasized the importance of the matter, and then said seriously: "Miss Aleister should be my master's former lover. This is a private matter, and neither you nor I have the right to interfere."


Adolf frowned.

He thought of the figure of Miss Aleister, and his eyes began to become unfriendly when he looked at the Count of Leipzig.

The old man said leisurely: "So, you must see Miss Aleister?"

"This is a very important mission given to me by my master."

The Count of Leipzig emphasized: "I don't want things to be too awkward - my master should be on the way. If I can't complete the mission, then I will have no face to leave the Spirit Tower. At that time, it will be ugly for all of us. Now my master is the guardian of the new king. This is no longer a request from me as the Lord of Leipzig, but a request issued in the name of Valentine VIII-"

The implication is that you want to roll around and not leave, right?

Adolf laughed and was not afraid.

"In that case," the old man said leisurely, "then don't leave... Anyway, you can't leave anyway."

He stroked his staff and uttered a low and ancient chant.

The body of the Count of Leipzig gradually became stiff, just like the speed of his thoughts.

He looked down in panic and saw that his body was gradually solidifying.

Because he had never expected that Adolf would dare to attack him when he told Pomponazzi that he was about to arrive!

"You... this--"

His voice became stuttering. Because his thinking time was stretched out, his body movements also became stuttering-the control of the human body is a continuous process. If its continuity is interrupted, it will not turn people's actions into mechanical dances... but will make people unable to move and twitch on the spot.

"... [Stop...], [Cast...]! [Silence...]..."

Count Leipzig tried to send out the words, but the words that were pulled into pieces could not evoke the slightest power of authority.

"I'm not threatening you."

Old Adolf said leisurely: "You just can't leave... There's so much snow outside."


Where is there snow outside...

Count Leipzig opened his eyes and his mouth moved silently. His body surface became cold at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the blood in his body was suppressed by this cold air to the point where it could not be mobilized at all... He was obviously a high-ranking son of the moon, but at this moment he looked like an incompetent mortal.

Old Adolf laughed for the first time.

"If you don't believe me, look outside. Your neck should still be able to turn."

He pointed his staff at the wall next to Count Leipzig.

The brick walls automatically rolled open to both sides, leaving a window.

In an instant, endless paleness gushed in from the window, instantly submerging the motionless Count Leipzig, turning him into an icy snow sculpture!

"Have you ever thought about it..."

When Count Leipzig's thoughts gradually began to stagnate and his body gradually froze, he heard the old man's cold voice: "You have Yan Tiansi behind you, and we have Dong Tiansi behind us.

"Compared to Dong Tiansi's closeness to us... you might as well guess how much Yan Tiansi is willing to pay for you?"

The next moment, Count Leipzig, with his eyes wide open, finally turned into an ice sculpture in the vast snow.

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