Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 824 Isabel's Growth

March 31st.

Avalon, the House of Silver and Tin.

Yulia was tinkering with something in her room, wearing a monocle specially designed for focusing and magnifying.

But at this moment, there was a gentle knock on her door.

...Who, come at this time.

She frowned slightly, put the tools in her hands aside, and paused her work: "Please come in."

Yulia pressed a button to cause the alchemy glasses lens hanging on her left eye to cancel its effect and pop up automatically.

If it were at home, Yulia would never pay attention to the other party. But there is no way, this is the palace of silver and tin... maybe some big shot or something important will come to see me.


At this moment, a very familiar voice came from the door.

Yulia's body suddenly stiffened, and she suddenly looked up at the door.

I saw Aiwas opening the door with a smile, and just lying on the door, half of his body still hanging outside the door: "Did you miss me?"

She subconsciously took a step forward...but it only took one step to react.

"...Your Majesty, are you bored?"

Yulia puffed up her cheeks and said sullenly.

For a moment just now, she thought Aiwass was really back!

But Aiwass would usually call himself Yuli and would not knock on the door so softly.

And Aiwass doesn't have time to come back at this time...

"What's wrong! Isn't this considered Aiwass!"

Isabel took off the mask from her face and threw it into the void, turning it into nothingness.

She jumped in with a few light steps, not forgetting to close the door.

Then Isabel sat down on the chair next to Yulia, hugged Yulia and started to fake cry: "Little Yulia was so angry that she started calling me Your Majesty, woo woo woo..."

Yulia was helpless and sat directly on Isabel's lap, hugging Isabel's neck with her backhand.

For a "iron-blooded majesty", this is considered an act of transgression. But for Isabel, she especially enjoyed the intimacy Yulia showed her.

The fact that Isabel likes Yulia so much has nothing to do with the biological relationship between Yulia and Aiwass... Two girls of the same age who also lack friends, are kind and sincere, have been together for so long in the Palace of Silver and Tin. They have become close friends with each other.

The longer they get along, the closer their behavior becomes to their true personalities.

Isabel is no longer the gentle, wise, generous, and considerate person she was at the beginning - in other words, she is no longer holding her back. When Yulia became Isabel's closest best friend, Isabel liked to tease her, make jokes or act coquettishly.

And Yulia is no longer the soft and waxy look she had at the beginning.

Because her character was actually not that soft... If I had to say it, it was just that she was burned out by the Flame-Contrary Butterfly and had no strength at all. I feel groggy and helpless every day, which is more like weakness than gentleness.

After that, she continued to act like that just because the Yulia that Aiwass was familiar with was always the same posture as in the past.

She didn't want her most trusted, closest, and favorite relative to suddenly feel like a stranger—especially after Aiwass helped her resolve a life-and-death crisis.

In other words, she was instinctively afraid... afraid that Aiwass would alienate herself because of this.

No matter from a rational point of view or from her understanding of Aiwass, that would not happen - but she was still afraid. Because fear has never been related to reason.

But in front of Queen Isabel, who can see into people's hearts, Yulia's disguise seemed so childish and thin.

She likes to tease Yulia, and she can always make Yulia lose her power, but she won't make her really angry. Every time after she was so angry, she would comfort herself. After several such cycles, Yulia simply stopped pretending.

"That's right, Isa."

Yulia said softly: "I have something to discuss with you."

"You said it." Isabel said without hesitation.

"Not long ago, Master Nobel came to see me."

Yulia's voice deepened: "There is an alchemist competition over there in Star Antimony..."

"Do you want to go to Star Antimony?"

Isabel immediately guessed what Yulia meant.

Her brows furrowed slightly, lost in thought.

And Yulia continued: "Teacher, he was squeezed out by the people in Leipzig a long time ago. He used to be a very talented alchemist, but he was jealous of others... But now, the people who squeezed him out back then The man was already dead, and everyone knew that Nobel was a genius who was squeezed out by jealousy.

"But at this moment, an imposter appeared on Xing Antimony's side - he claimed to be Mr. Nobel's only direct student, registered patents for all of Mr. Nobel's formulas, and produced a series of 'Nobel's inventions over the years', however, almost all of them are suspected of infringement...

"——Because the 'Nobel student' claimed that they were all 'old inventions', things invented by teachers in the past years. But each of them was invented at a longer time than other inventions that are very similar today. Earlier. In other words, if his words are true, the inventors of these things will be replaced by teachers..."

"...That will cause controversy."

Isabel blurted out: "Isn't this just trying to bring hatred to Master Nobel?"

She was very smart to begin with. Under the intentional or unintentional training of Aiwass, she has an almost instinctive sensitivity to the relationship between people.

Especially today's Star Antimony - they just lost the war with Avalon, and their original contemptuous and arrogant attitude towards Avalon will turn around 180 degrees. At this time, Master Nobel, who lived in Avalon because of jealousy in the past, will definitely be hated or praised by people for this reason.

The hostility is because his help will inevitably increase Avalon's strength, thus tilting the balance of victory and defeat;

And the reason for praise is because, if "he didn't leave Star Antimony for this reason", then the outcome is not yet known!

If the media is willing and no one stops it, it can even exaggerate the importance of Nobel from the perspective of public opinion, and directly elevate it to the key hand in determining the outcome of the war through a chain reaction - Isabel believes that at least this step is It can definitely be done.

In this case, a "Nobel student" came out to "clear his name" and robbed other people's patents and reputations. If people become fanatical, anyone who stands up to stop him will be labeled as a "jealous person" and become "the main culprit of squeezing capable people away from Star Antimony."

——It is obviously my own invention, and I have done nothing wrong, yet I am attacked by fanatics for asserting my rights...

Just thinking about it this way, Isabel, who has a strong sense of empathy, felt an indescribable discomfort and depression.

"...If I were one of these researchers, even if I knew this person was a liar, I would still be disgusted with Master Nobel."

Isabel said softly.

Yulia nodded: "And more people don't know about this because they were not very familiar with Teacher Nobel. As Teacher Nobel was suddenly praised, many of these alchemy masters They all issued criticisms and asked people to calm down. With the appearance of this 'only student', people felt that they realized the truth - they were trying to suppress many people's attempts to clear the name of Teacher Nobel because of jealousy and fear. action.

"So when the news came back, Mr. Nobel was very angry. He wanted to return to Star Antimony to clear his name. At this time, the Earl of Leipzig planned to hold an alchemy apprentice competition in Leipzig... So Mr. Nobel He just wants to take me with him to participate, and by the way, he will personally transfer all his patents and properties to me, and also pass on all his real interpersonal relationships to me."

"...This should be Xing Antimony's conspiracy."

Isabel made a keen judgment: "I feel something is not right."

But she was still thinking, so she just hugged Yulia tightly while thinking: "Tell me first... what do you think?"

"——I also think this is a conspiracy."

Yulia said seriously: "If the teacher is secretly murdered, no one can explain that 'that person is not his student'. And his death will further intensify the internal conflicts of Xing Antimony, and may even become that person." Food for liars.”

"...No," Isabel frowned, "I think the whole incident is not quite right. But I can't tell what is wrong..."

So Yulia stopped talking and just waited quietly for Isabel to sort out her thoughts.

Suddenly, Isabel said: "Is there a possibility...that those people are targeting you?"


Yulia was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect this possibility at all.

And Isabel reacted: "When I was attacked by that succubus Emma, ​​it was your face... No wonder!"

In fact, she still hasn't figured out why Emma wanted to abduct Yulia.

At that time, she could only guess that it might be a conspiracy against Aiwass. By kidnapping Yulia, Aiwass must be put on the defensive, thereby restricting or even winning over Aiwass, and then controlling himself and the entire Avalon.

But now she finally realized belatedly - perhaps the original purpose of the Star Antimony Man was to get Yulia!

If you take this as your motivation, it all becomes clear!

"...Since the target is me," Yulia immediately became nervous, "then I won't go. Otherwise, I might cause trouble to Aiwass..."

She had heard Isabel mention it during dinner a few days ago that Star Antimony has now entered a state of anarchy, the monarch has died again, and the first-generation Red Chancellor has also been killed by "Miss Aleister" - and that is It is the alter ego and pseudonym of Aiwass. Considering that the Theocracy did not come to cause trouble, the monarch of Star Antimony should not have been affected by Aiwass, but died of "natural causes".

In other words, the situation in Xing Antimony has become so chaotic that even their own king will suddenly die.

And Yulia is just a third-level alchemist.

She has not yet been promoted to a high-level transcendent, and I am afraid it will be difficult for her to even protect herself...

"...No, wait."

But Isabel suddenly had an idea: "You can go."


"——Because I will also go with you."

Isabel replied.

Her eyes became brighter: "There is no monarch in Xing Antimony now, only the former queen is in power - and that queen is my grandmother's former friend, and she has met me before. At this time, I am visiting as a state It is very reasonable to go out in name.

"It just so happens that the war in Star Antimony has also stopped - just yesterday, the Narcissus Principality completed its founding. And Star Antimony chose to acquiesce. In this way, the Black Eagle Principality should be almost established... Star Antimony has now been internally controlled The chaos was so painful that with the death of the red phase and the silence of the black phase, I guess they must have been in a fight.

"At this time, a state visit from me can further confuse the situation. Whether it is Narcissus, Black Hawk or Star Antimony, they are all eager to get an ally. Avalon is a very credible ally - even if Not long ago they were trying to invade Avalon, but now they are vying for Avalon's goodwill and recognition.

"At the same time, for us, dividing Star Antimony into three parts is also conducive to the stability of Avalon."

In the past, this kind of thing was done by the Star Antimony people or the Iris people.

But Isabel felt that she might be able to do it——

Her talent is imitation.

In the past, I imitated Aiwass’ thinking mode, and also imitated Teacher Yannis’s piano playing and painting. As an artist, it may be difficult for her to have her own achievements. This is also the reason why she is currently stuck at the fourth energy level.

But as a monarch... her talent for imitation made her grow even faster.

But if enough people imitate it, your own fruits will surely come from them.

"Since I am going to visit Star Antimony, the Queen's Guards will naturally go with me. With the support of the Theocracy, Star Antimony's chaos will naturally not be feared - you and Master Nobel can also be included Protected."

Isabel's mood became excited.

But she still said very cautiously: "But we have to wait a little longer - tonight is the promotion ceremony of Aiwass and Aleister, and the snow has not stopped yet. Anyway, we have to travel and the game has to start. Wait for the snow to stop.

"I'll confirm the details with Aleister in my dream in two days."

"Promotion ceremony..."

Yulia was in a daze for a moment: "Is my brother about to advance to the fifth level? But I just..."

But she hasn't even reached the fourth energy level yet.

She bit her lip, feeling the urgency.

Even if she couldn't help...she didn't want to be left behind too much.

Thinking this, Yulia raised her head and looked at Isabel.

She probably thinks so too...

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