Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 825 Xingti declares a state of anarchy

At this moment. Xingti, Leipzig.

The silent snow has lasted for a week.

Now the snow is getting lighter, the sound of horse hooves has gradually leaked out from the snow curtain, and you can see outside through the sparse snow curtain. The snow will stop before night falls.

Obviously, the Winter Department has no intention of surpassing the Lingbo Tian Department. Therefore, the number of anomalies cannot be eight.

Because of this, many Xingti people feel sorry for the war in the north.

It was just one day earlier, and the Narcissus Principality was successfully established. Now, even the front soldiers have not completely withdrawn to the fortress, and the heavy snow is about to stop.

If the Black Hawks on the front line hold on for another two days, the situation will be completely different...

-You have persisted for several months, why can't you hold on for another two days?

If you turn back now, maybe it's still in time!

Because of this, the pressure on the Black Hawk Principality in Xingti's public opinion suddenly increased.

As the snow became lighter, daily production and life in Xingti cities also began to resume. People retaliated by shopping and consuming, buying a large amount of food and self-defense weapons that can be used for hoarding... Although such heavy snow should not come again, its appearance has sounded the alarm for people: it turns out that when Xingti is not in a state of war, the rear cities may also be in crisis!

And the media became extremely excited because of this-

Many people want to know what happened outside these days when they lived in isolation, and why Xingti became like this.

As soon as they bought the newspaper, they were stunned.

The promotion of the Winter Division, the independence of the Narcissus Principality, the death of two consecutive monarchs, the death of the first generation of Red Prime Minister, and the suspected death of the Count of Leipzig...

-What is this all about!

How come so many big things happened outside in less than a week? !

Which ones are true and which ones are rumors!

Some people say that Valentine VIII is dead, and some say that he is not dead. Similarly, there are people on the side of the Red Prime Minister and the Count of Leipzig who are trying to "refute the rumors" in this way, claiming that they are still alive.

Some people said that Valentine VII was not dead at all, but was forced out of the palace by the usurper Red Prime Minister; another newspaper claimed that Valentine VII died with the first Red Prime Minister; some even claimed that Valentine VII and VIII were killed by the cheating queen of the Red Prime Minister, and the Red Prime Minister was reincarnated as a real Valentine...

But no matter what the truth is, the fact that these news can be published...has already shown that the top leaders of Star Antimony are in a state of chaos.

People have just escaped from danger, and they are once again in chaos and panic because of the chaotic news from all sides.

Even people who are not sensitive to politics can realize at this moment...Star Antimony is afraid that something big is going to happen.

War, chaos, disaster, and death will come unexpectedly.

And in this panic and anxious atmosphere, people have become sensitive and irritable.

Many folk newspapers have criticized the cowardly behavior of the soldiers who came from the Black Hawk "choosing to escape on the eve of victory", believing that it was this defeat that directly led to the independence of the Narcissus Principality.

Because for the current Star Antimony, Narcissus Territory is a very important component - after all, when the overall economy of Star Antimony collapsed, only Narcissus Territory was still making stable money.

One of the main reasons for the collapse of the Star Antimony economy was the overload of the alchemist system caused by the Goblin Chamber of Commerce.

Narcissus Territory did not have many alchemists, and even the entire alchemy industry was not very developed. Of course, this may be due to the discrimination of mages against alchemists... In the past when the alchemy industry was most prosperous, Narcissus Territory was also notoriously slow in development.

But in any case, they have now become the territory with the healthiest industrial structure in the entire Star Antimony. It is all thanks to Narcissus Territory's continuous blood transfusion to Star Antimony that Star Antimony can now hold on for so long in this "dying" and "shaky" state.

And this is exactly the direct reason why Narcissus Territory demanded independence - the infiltration of the Mage Lords by the Moon Sons was a political reason, but the real reason for the independence of Narcissus Territory was completely economic factors.

Everyone knows that the problems of Star Antimony are continuous, continuous, and fundamental. This kind of blood transfusion has no end at all. No matter how much money is taken out, it will never come back to the account, and it is destined to increase.

When the borrower has no intention of paying back the money, it is not called borrowing... but robbing.

Xingti’s homeland is too far away from the Narcissus Principality.

So far that many Narcissus people do not have enough understanding that "Narcissus Principality belongs to Xingti".

Moreover, the army of the mixed alchemical colossus that was integrated from the Black Hawk Principality in the past only fought to the periphery of the Narcissus Principality. The Narcissus Principality, which was in chaos due to the Narcissus Principality’s illness, surrendered.

Because they were not actually beaten, they had no corresponding memory at all - in just 20 years, without special education, there were not many people in the Narcissus Principality who felt that they belonged to Xingti.

In addition to the sense of superiority in IQ raised by the Mage Tower, at least more than 80% of the Narcissus people do not think that the Narcissus Principality belongs to Xingti. They generally believed that this was just a strategy of the mage lords to show goodwill to Xingtan - a kind of vassal system, at most they just had to pay tribute and express their attitude.

Therefore, when Xingtan really started to ask for unlimited money, the Narcissus people immediately refused to do it.

——You have just been beaten up by the Avalonians. How can you have the dignity to ask us for money?

Although the Children of the Moon who had infiltrated had already prepared for war.

But their agitation had not even begun before victory was declared in advance.

And as they colluded with Black Hawk's top brass, the result was that none of the mage lords had officially participated in the war... and they actually couldn't participate in the war. Because despite fighting for several months, they still haven't penetrated into the core territory of Narcissus Territory. The Mage Tower can't reach the front line at all, and the Star Antimony-Black Hawk coalition has been defeated.

After fighting for so long, the total battle losses were not even half of the casualties caused by the rout during the retreat. This sounds very shameful.

As a result, many Star Antimony people began to wonder whether the Black Eagle people were not doing enough work - in fact, they did not want to fight at all, they were just acting with the people of the Narcissus Principality!

Many private newspapers began to denounce the Black Eagle Territory, demanding that they be responsible for this defeat. Because in Star Antimony, no one can take responsibility for this defeat.

Everyone knows that the independence of Narcissus Territory means the complete collapse of Star Antimony's economy. Without Narcissus Collar's blood transfusion, even the police in Lionheart City might not be able to pay their wages - and before that, their wages had been in arrears for two months.

Leipzig, another economic and technological center of Star Antimony, is also in chaos at this moment.

Because their economy is independent of Star Antimony, the superior salary is basically completely dependent on the "small treasury" of the Count of Leipzig. No one knows what the consequences of the disappearance of the Count of Leipzig will be... Whether the Count of Leipzig dies or leaves Star Antimony, it means that all of them will be unemployed immediately after the existing city assets are exhausted, so almost Star Antimony Public offices across the country have begun to gradually come to a standstill.

When they went out to purchase supplies, they began to notice something was wrong. Prices for everything began to soar, even to the point of being completely abnormal. But even so, they still have to buy it...because there are not many stores still open today.

In a line to buy bread, the price of bread has increased by 30% from the end of the line to the beginning. The thieves and robbers have begun to gather nearby and may raid the store at any time.

And the Black Hawk people's reaction was far more violent than they expected——

It was the day after the establishment of the Narcissus Principality, that is, the evening of March 31st.

The Principality of Black Hawk declares independence.

——Hey, you guessed it right.

We really don't want to fight, and we are really acting out with Narcissus - everything you said is right, so do you have any opinions?

As night falls, people's mood becomes more and more exciting. Rebellion stirred in their hearts, and all the dissatisfaction they had accumulated for many years exploded at this moment.

Under the light snow, the bank glass of the goblin merchants was broken one after another by desperate people. The extraordinary ones gathered into teams one after another and began to "hunt" in the city.

Their main hunting target is banks.

Originally, these banks were protected by troll security guards and city police, but now the police can no longer afford to pay, and they will continue to be unable to do so for the foreseeable future. Naturally, not many people will go against these crazy extraordinary beings who have become red-eyed...

As the Black Hawks in the police department left the team one after another, they were preparing to return to their true hometown.

Some local police officers from Star Antimony also took off their uniforms, masked themselves and blended into the crowd to participate in the robbery!

Anyway, the opponents are just a group of goblins and trolls! Without the police department deploying suppression devices, defeating them is much easier than venturing to the dragon's lair - and it also has the same amount of gold coins!

As the culprits, the goblins were also killed by the extraordinary beings out of anger.

By the time people who were a little late thought about this, basically all the banks had already been robbed. The most stupid ones among them began to try to rob the nobles - and were subsequently killed by the nobles who were also extraordinary beings and their entourage.

Then, people who were even later started trying to rob shops on the street, not wanting to leave empty-handed. And they were also stopped by other extraordinary beings. They had no reason to fight, but they fell into a fight to the death.

This was the most absurd and crazy night in Star Antimony's history.

The Sons of the Moon, Demonologists, and Alchemists all began to move closer to the headquarters of their organizations.

As for the current Queen Louise - now that the Red Prime Minister is dead, perhaps only the Son of the Moon is willing to obey her command. In fact, the children of the moon are now gathering towards the palace.

The Star Antimony War Department belongs to the Demon Society.

The transcendent power born in this chaotic atmosphere greatly increased their power and became the strongest in one fell swoop.

——That night, the Ministry of War announced that Star Antimony had entered a state of anarchy. In order to ensure the basic living needs and personal safety of residents, the Ministry of War will impose military control on all cities tomorrow.

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