Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 826 All in

Xingti, Leipzig. Prince Szijjaldo's residence.

A handsome, brown-haired middle-aged man with a stern face was talking to Prince Szijjaldo.

"If that's the case, then let's make it. If necessary, we need you to be the king first."

The middle-aged man's voice was low and calm: "Anyway, it's better to have a 'Valentine' than not, and the people will at least feel more at ease. The Army Department will support you, and the Society will support you. The Association has not yet selected a supporter, but at least it will not oppose you... Let's talk about the opinions of the Spirit Tower, they don't seem to be the kind of people who would take action in such an occasion.

"If that's the case, the only ones who might interfere with you are probably the Sons of the Moon. As for the departments controlled by the Sons of the Moon... such as finance, diplomacy, and the navy, they are not directly helpful in solving the current situation. We will send people to protect you, Your Highness, and you don't have to worry too much about their decapitation actions. "

He said so, and after thinking about it, he added: "In fact, by mid-May at most, the situation in Xingti will gradually stabilize. But if we let the Star Antimony continue to be in such chaos, what we will recover in May will only be a ruin. No one wants to see such an ending... Maybe some people will, but at least we won't.

"Chaos breeds new chaos, death brings new death, but order and rebirth will also be born from chaos and death. The great misfortune that Star Antimony is facing now is also a great fortune - when the trial of fire is over, gold will shine brightly. Star Antimony will eventually be reborn, lifted up into the sky, shining. Just like the mortal will eventually become Star Antimony."

...The implication is, am I that "mortal"?

Szijjártó's heart sank slightly, but he couldn't say anything.

After all, he is not talented enough - even if he is only counted among Alfonso's many children, his ability can only be considered as the middle level at most.

But it is also because of this that he will be found by the Society after the situation of Star Antimony has completely entered a state of chaos.

Because if he doesn't have support, it is absolutely impossible for him to sit on the throne. As the saying goes, "adding flowers to a brocade is not as good as sending charcoal in the snow." Now, they want to choose an excellent heir and a monarch who is easier to control.

——Anyway, we didn't do it first.

The Son of the Moon did it too!

Because the Son of the Moon has done this, others have ambitions and follow suit.

"...Yes, Master Walter."

Although Prince Szijaldo thought a lot, he didn't show it.

He nodded slightly and agreed: "I will try my best to cooperate with your plan. Everything is for Xingtan."

The calm temperament made the middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to say goodbye politely, Master Walter's eyes suddenly looked at a corner.

He turned around and looked at Prince Szijaldo meaningfully: "It seems that you have already made plans... I really came here for the right time."

When Prince Szijaldo said goodbye to Master Walter, when he turned around again, he suddenly saw Master Honey Badger there.

"...Did Master Walter see you?"

Prince Szijaldo was a little worried.

He knew the strength of the Honey Badger Master - that was a fifth-level assassin, and there was no adaptor in the entire Star Antimony that could keep pace with her.

"I let him sense it on purpose."

The Honey Badger, leaning against the wall with his arms folded, shook his head without any nervousness: "Otherwise, even if I put a knife on his neck, he might not be able to find me."

The assassin master who came from Hawkeye had such confidence.

Although not all fifth-levels can be restrained and killed by her, there are also types that restrain assassins.

But the demon incarnation is obviously not among them - their bodies are too fragile, and their perception ability is not as strong as that of priests and hunters, not to mention those extraordinary people on the path of beauty.

The survival ability of these demon incarnations basically depends on mopping shit... Because if they are killed, the demons restrained in the body will break free and go crazy, and the upper-level phantom demons are not so easy to deal with.

- Do you dare to kill me? I don't care anyway. The demon incarnation can be regarded as half of me, so if you dare to kill me, let's die together. I won't lose anything if I exchange half of me for one of you.

That's why Master Walter was not afraid at all when he realized that Prince Szijjaldo had a fifth-level assassin.

The honey badger slightly raised one leg and stepped on the wall behind him.

The place where the wall behind her and her shoes met was occasionally filled with black ripples like shadows.

The beautiful woman chuckled, and her body seemed to sink into cement, and slowly sank into the shadow formed by the wall behind her. Her voice gradually changed from clear to dull: "Let the people of the society know that you are not so easy to control..."

"Recruiting a fifth-level assassin means that this prince probably has some ideas."

"Where is Miss Aleister?"

Prince Szijjaldo asked the empty wall: "I have something to ask her."

"...She is preparing for an important ceremony."

After a moment of silence, the honey badger's voice sounded again, and it became clear as if it had floated up from the bottom of the sea: "If you have anything to say, I can ask her for you. "

"I want to know... why is Master Walter so sure that Xingti will get better in May?"

Szijjarto frowned: "Master Walter said that the Snake Father is affecting the entire world... Three Tiansi have been born this month, and there may be more next month. That is to say, affecting the entire world... Variables in the world will continue to increase, and all plans will be broken.

"No matter how I deduce it, I feel that the situation in Star Antimony will become increasingly chaotic... It may even spread from Star Antimony to other countries, eventually causing the entire world to fall into chaos. I don't I knew I had overlooked something, so I wanted to borrow Miss Aleister’s wisdom.”

"...You are really perceptive."

Aleister's childish and clear voice came slowly: "But your deduction is correct, Szijjarto. The world will inevitably become chaotic... Those people's stupid plans are just want to They just use this chaos to gain promotion.

"But their plan will eventually fail. Maybe because of arrogance, maybe because of stupidity, or maybe..."

She now returned to Aleister's appearance, taking off her ceremonial gloves and slowly walking down the stairs.

She tossed the glove to the corner, and one of the Honey Badger's hands reached out from the shadows and caught it in the air.

"...It's probably out of timidity."

Aleister said meaningfully.

Will everything be solved by waiting until May?

That is tantamount to saying: "When the [Endless Ring] ceremony is completed, everything will be fine!"

But do those demonologists really don’t understand that there might be a problem?

Probably not.

Now the secrets of the ceremony have begun to spread, and there is a lot of excitement... After all, it is necessary to attract foreign transcendants to come together. Since we are abroad, there is no way to restrain the other party from talking nonsense. Now more and more people know this secret, and the Theocracy must also know it.

However, the Theocracy did not send anyone to stop them.

This incident was enough to make them hesitate.

——But now, they can't stop.

Star Antimony has fallen into chaos. If they could not obtain any transcendent power from the Ring of Ending Ceremony to suppress everything, then they would have been gradually dragged into a bloody melee like a meat grinder.

Just think of it as a problem.

Anyway, those who transcend are those who transcend difficulties and dangers!

"Either win everything or lose nothing. They just chose stud on the card table of fate... This cannot be regarded as courage, but it is not a mistake, it can only be regarded as having no choice."

Aleister whispered, "It's fate."

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