Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 869 Star Antimony is Infinitely Divisible

The meeting place of the Rosicrucian Society has always been a secret, and not everyone can be summoned for every meeting.

Their meeting mode is very special - when a senior official decides to summon other people, he will first summon four people, called "my cross guardians", to inform them of the time and place of the meeting, as well as the theme and importance of this meeting.

And each person summoned will summon up to four more people from the list of the association, and the summoned people will summon up to four more people... and so on.

In the end, there will definitely be someone who is informed of the address by multiple people at the same time, and there will definitely be someone who is not informed of the address.

That is the person who is considered untrustworthy by the people currently attending the meeting - or at least the person who no one is willing to guarantee.

- On the other hand, anyone who can appear here at least means that they are trustworthy.

But Master Walter's words clearly pointed out that there must be a traitor among them.

Walter's sharp eyes swept around.

There are only twelve people here, and the lowest energy level among them is also the fourth energy level. All those who know the secret of the Tail Ring Ceremony are here; all the remaining fifth-level superhumans in the Rosicrucian Society have gathered here.

There are still four people in total.

-- Ms. Marasia, Master Walter, Ms. Sprengel, and Dr. Leviqun.

In other places, four fifth-level superhumans are enough to form a country. Even in today's Star Antimony, they have occupied more than half of the fifth-level powerhouses!

With the death of Count Dawn, the first generation of Red Prime Minister Peng Bonazzi, Valentine VII, and Ms. Emma, ​​plus the two who were taken away after the split of the Narcissus Principality... and the two in the Spirit Tower who may leave the fifth level of Star Antimony at any time.

There are only nine fifth-level superhumans left in the entire Star Antimony.

You must know that at this time a year ago, Star Antimony still had a full 17 fifth-level powerhouses, the most in all human countries. But in just one year, this number has been cut in half.

Among them, if we remove General Karl, who is no longer a Transcendent, two people from the Royal Alchemy Association, one person from the Red Castle, and the unknown Master Chongbo... Even if we add General Karl and Minister Lalo who has just been promoted, the Demon Society can mobilize only six fifth-level strongmen, which is already at the same level as Avalon, which is short of talent next door!

The most terrible thing is that their black and red phases can no longer protect the kingdom...

It is obvious that the brilliant and glorious Helaser Empire can be rebuilt... How did it become like this?

"We are the only ones who know the ritual of the Tail Ring."

Looking at the dull atmosphere of the crowd, Master Walter spoke again and emphasized: "There must be a reason why the Church suddenly made such a big move.

"The Church cannot allow the sixth-level extraordinary to appear in other places. It will undoubtedly shake the balance of the world-besides, the Pope of this generation is a human. Power is intoxicating, not to mention that they are from Avalon. There is no doubt that they are coming for us. The purpose is to stop the Tail Ring Ceremony."

"What should we do?"

Ms. Marasia, who has white curly hair curled like snow and is already an old lady, said unhappily: "Should we stop? Anyway, the ceremony has not officially started yet, and we still have a chance to regret it."

"--It's useless."

Miss Sprengel just smiled and shook her head, denying: "The Tail Ring Ceremony has been prepared for almost a year. Now the outer ceremony has begun to operate, the inner ceremony will start in four days, and the summoning will be completed in another month. Foreign transcendents have begun to gather since the end of last month-it is obvious that they can no longer stop at this time."

"Miss Sprengel is right, cough cough cough..."

Dr. Leviqun coughed: "Now it's... cough, it can't be stopped. If we stop... we can't explain to others..."

He is a sickly man, sitting in a wheelchair, wearing glasses, and his thighs are even thinner than a normal person's arms. His skin is loose, but there is always a faint purple light in his eyes. The faint shadows entangled around him, making his presence seem much lower than that of others.

In fact, Dr. Leviqun is also the most unsociable one in the Rosicrucian, and not many people are willing to get close to him.

Because of the fly demon in his body - it is the evolution of the rift demon, and people who commit the sin of gluttony will become demons after death.

The rift demons have endless hunger, but their slit mouths will let food leak out all the time, making them one of the few demons that continue to attack humans. If they "fit in" If you "respond" to this state, you may evolve into a superior demon with adaptability - the fly demon.

Dr. Leviqun's body will continue to rot, and his pale and loose skin is full of fly eggs. These flies carrying fatal diseases are one of his avatars. Through the swarm of insects, he can also gather his consciousness. Wherever he appears, he can always take the lives of others silently... Even his colleagues are quite afraid of him. After all, no one knows whether he has planted the seeds of disease.

If he hadn't been called this time anyway... I'm afraid he wouldn't have been at this party.

Compared to others, Dr. Leviqun is more like a pure scholar. He is so weak that he doesn't look like a fifth energy level, as if he could die at any time.

"——Don't cough at me, Doctor."

Master Walter frowned, showing clear displeasure.

If it were usual, he would not be so rude to his friend.

He looked a little tired, and his beard was not groomed-others basically knew why.

Master Walter's only daughter, who was spoiled, rebellious, and now degenerated into the Son of the Moon, failed and died in the promotion ceremony last night.

Generally speaking, the Son of the Moon has a stronger vitality. Even if the ceremony fails or even seriously injured and died, it is not necessarily dead after returning to the real world.

In fact, he was somewhat suspicious whether the person who killed Andrea was Lalo and the Princess Royal who had completed the promotion. Given their distance, it is entirely possible that they entered the same promotion ceremony-Master Walter had already sent people to warn Andrea, but she was obviously unwilling to obey Master Walter's command.

The Red Castle now has only one fifth-level person, that is, the head of the "Secret Chamber Mechanism", Ms. "Blood Diamond". This means that the next fifth energy level will definitely become the "red phase" of this generation, and will also become the person Louise trusts the most.

As the current ruler of Star Antimony, Louise will definitely not participate in the promotion ceremony. So she will most likely encourage other Moon Children who are stuck at the fourth energy level to try to promote... Now that the Snake Father has a strong influence on the transcendental consciousness of the whole world, the energy level upgrade and promotion ceremony will be much simpler than in the past, and will become simpler and simpler with time.

Although Andrea has become a Moon Child... in a sense, she is dead.

But she is Master Walter's only daughter after all--

On the one hand, he knows that "it is just a monster that steals his daughter's body and memory", but on the other hand, he can't help crying when he looks at that face and listens to that voice. Every time at this time, he will understand why Valentine VII was bewitched by Queen Louise.

So Master Walter couldn't help but tell her this secret-promotion will become easier and easier in the future.

But unexpectedly, his news aroused his desire to rebel. Or, it is because the promotion will be easier later, so Andrea is in a hurry to get promoted at this time...

And Dr. Leviqun certainly knows where Master Walter's anger comes from.

"Sorry... cough..."

He did not quarrel with Master Walter, but nodded slowly while coughing, politely turned his head and covered his mouth with his hand, and then coughed non-stop.

Seeing that Dr. Leviqun did not pay attention to him, Master Walter felt like he had hit cotton with a punch.

He stared at Dr. Leviqun for a long time, and finally turned his eyes away.

He changed the topic abruptly: "So what should we do, everyone? Vote.

"How many people want to stop the ceremony? Some raise your hands."

Among the twelve people, only two raised their hands.

Both of them looked to be over 50 or 60 years old, and only one of them was at the fifth energy level, that is, Ms. Marasia.

"That means there are ten people who want to continue the ceremony. "

Master Walter nodded: "Then the ceremony will proceed normally--

"But we can't lose anyone else. We have to trick someone from a foreign transcendent as a sacrifice. This matter..."

"Let me go." Miss Sprengel suddenly said.

The words of this senior surprised Master Walter.

But he readily agreed: "Then I'll trouble you, Miss Sprengel."

Sprengel just smiled gently and didn't respond.

"... Ahem, ahem..."

And Dr. Leviqun coughed for a while and suddenly said: "I've actually been thinking about a possibility...

"Could it be... the Tail Ring Ceremony was a scam from the beginning?

"Just sacrificing one person can make a group of people advance to the sixth energy level. This is not equal at all. Even in terms of a 'ritual', this is too loose..."

"I have actually thought about this issue."

Unexpectedly, Master Walter did not say anything blunt like "There is no turning back" or "It has to be done now", but he really gave an opinion: "So we are prepared for both situations."

"Let's see if the Tail Ring Ritual can be established first. If it can, it's easy to say. If not...

"Then win over these foreign transcendents and give them benefits. We have the support of the Army Department and many officials on our side. If it really doesn't work...

"--We also go out independently, separate from the Alchemy Association and the Red Castle, directly divide the area to rebuild the country, and create a pure transcendent country... As a paradise for demon scholars, this is also a way. The transcendents participating in the ceremony this time, including the four of us, have already reached nine people. Even if a few may die in the middle, we are enough to protect a country together. "

"But how do you convince them? "

Ms. Marasia frowned, pushed her reading glasses and commented sharply: "The Transcendent never bows down to others - let alone the Transcendent of the fifth energy level."

"So we just create a country without a king, just like the Iris people did."

Master Walter said.

This scared people.

Because the main scope of the church's protection is "monarchs of various countries cannot be assassinated by other countries", people have never considered the possibility of abandoning the monarch. As long as there is a monarch, at least they can ask for help from the church when the country is about to perish.

But think about it... Now that the church is no longer neutral, their interference principles must have also changed.

In other words, "king" no longer has an irreplaceable meaning!

"Parliamentary system?" asked Dr. Leverkuhn.

"...should work."

Ms. Malacia thought for a moment, but then raised another question: "But what about Lalo and the eldest princess in our hands? This is also a card."

"Then it goes together. We can have a king, but the king has no actual power and is just a symbol. Such a country can be called a country of transcendence. It is better than having no king, because we still have people. It’s super.”

Master Walter said seriously: "There is also the tantra book "Rose Tantra" that our society has passed down from generation to generation; the "Blood-stained Tantra" that was previously lent to the Noble Red Society, Sprengel The lady has also retrieved it from Avalon, whether it is the skill of sealing the demon incarnation in the body or directly killing the demon in her contract, which is definitely valuable to them.

"If we build a country, these two tantras must also find ways to become skilled and popularized. They can become our core competitiveness."

"I think it's okay...but does the eldest princess agree?" Ms. Malasia was not greedy for the two tantra books, but just asked another question.

"She has a very weak character and will agree. No matter how bad the order is, it is better than chaos, and no matter how small the power is, it is always better than a real mortal. If the country is truly destroyed, the status of the exiled princess is not as good as that of a commoner... She will figure it out. ”

Master Walter said without hesitation: "Otherwise, why would I advocate saving her in the first place? Among the many children in the seventh life, she is the most controllable.

"Since everyone agrees - let's establish a country first. In this way, we can have the cards to negotiate with those people, and at worst, we can conquer them later.

"The city that we now fully control is only about a quarter of the mainland of Star Antimony. Although the area is small, I think it is enough.

"Only extraordinary ability is the most real thing in this world. As long as we are strong enough, the land lost now can be regained in the future; conversely, if we are weak enough, even if we have an infinite territory, we will still be unable to get anything. arrive."

"Then establish a country."

Ms. Malacia said decisively: "Go and tell the eldest princess that we will establish a country on May 1st."

And now, on the other side.

Lalo was still sitting in front of the mirror, frowning, playing an instrument here and there.

"Illusory Blood..."

He murmured, his face rarely showing frivolity, but instead looking extremely serious.

This ability...

...Why does it feel like a trap?

On the one hand, it can satisfy its desire to "dedicate everything to Star Antimony" and give itself a way to better directly intervene in the political situation without having to think about "how to make the monarch listen to itself."

After all, the end point of "persuading the monarch" is "forget it, I will do it myself."

And the eldest princess is full of desire to escape... This ability can completely satisfy two people at the same time.

No one would attack a monarch, and because of this, there was no flaw in the transformation - he could permanently transform into the eldest princess twenty-four hours a day, and then he would become the eldest princess herself.

Because of this...this ability can satisfy one's wishes and solve one's troubles at the same time...

It also brings out the evil within oneself.

But if he keeps using the appearance of the eldest princess... what's the difference between that and holding power?

But as the eldest princess said, she is now seriously injured and unable to move... Only with Lalo's treatment can her soul gradually heal.

She couldn't let anyone know about this, otherwise some people would want her to lie like this forever.

Therefore, all the "eldest princesses" who are out now can only be played by Lalo.

And on the other hand...

...As long as the eldest princess dies, no one will ever know that this "eldest princess" is Lalo.

He didn't even need to kill anyone - as long as he did nothing, the soul-damaged eldest princess would die on her own.

"What an evil ability..."

Lalo played the instrument a few times and murmured to the mirror: "Do you really want to see my ugliness? A god with no eyes and no self..."

I will never give in.

I will never give in to my inner desires——

"I bet you," Lalo murmured, "that my true feelings at this moment are not twisted.

"No matter what I go through, I will never be greedy for anything other than 'me'..."

That ordinary mirror will not reply.

But Lalo saw himself in the mirror looking up and showing a strange smile.

——Who knows?

La Luo in the mirror moved his mouth and said so.

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