Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 870 Black Saint and Pure White Pope

Even Aiwas himself had never expected that the cardinals would be so decisive.

After Aiwas showed them his sin beast form and cured the pure white saint's amber disease, Aiwas found that the cardinals who had originally had different opinions and differences reached a consensus at an unusually fast speed.

Aiwas said that he wanted to make the pure white contemporary pope, and all the cardinals agreed immediately; Aiwas said that he wanted the church to lift the permanent neutrality, and all the cardinals agreed immediately; Aiwas said that he wanted to interfere in the current chaotic political situation in Xingtan, and all the cardinals agreed immediately... Even Aiwas said that he wanted to go out for a walk, and the cardinals agreed completely.

Agree to everything. There was not even an objection, or even an additional opinion.

For a moment, Aiwas thought that they might "pretend to agree first, and discuss it later."

But the cardinals' ability to act was amazing: less than two hours after Aiwas called them to a meeting, the notice to each country had been sent out.

At that time, Pure White had already put on the Holy Crown and fell asleep on the Pope's throne; the candidate for the Eternal Saint was also activated - the current candidate ranked first was called Theresa, and now she has officially obtained the Eternal Heritage.

There was no objection to these two things.

Just give the order and it will be completed immediately. It is completely different from the style of the elves who usually drag their feet for decades.

According to the rules, the holy name of the new Eternal Saint should be granted by the Pope - after all, for thousands of years, the saints have become popes, and one has gone down and one has come up. However, now, Theresa's holy name is still granted by Aiwas.

The so-called holy name is the name of the saint in the outside world. Once you become an Eternal Saint, it means that you have completely cut off from the secular life and only serve as the Pope's agent. Therefore, the name given by your parents is no longer used, and the name given by the Pope is used instead.

And the holy name is usually a certain color, and it must be different from the color of the past two generations. The saint usually wears clothes of this color all year round.

In this way, no matter in which language system, there can be a clear reference, after all, there must be an accurate description and description of a certain color in each language. For example, when people say "White Saint", they can immediately know that it refers to Gray. Therefore, there is no need to consider the problem of translation and free translation when translating the name, let alone the ambiguity caused by the same name.

——From the very beginning, this is a name based on international communication and even cross-racial communication.

Aiwass didn't want to be special to destroy this pretty good tradition. But he has never been good at naming.

The colors used in the past three generations are green, blue and white.

Aiwass thought for a moment, but found that once he thought about "naming colors", the first names that popped up in his mind were "gold powder", "quicksilver", "smoke blue", "flaming red", "mint ice cream" and so on...

This made him very relieved.

At least the memory of my past life has not been taken away by that bastard Huan Tiansi...

In order to avoid the problem of thinking of mechanical keyboards when thinking about colors, Aiwas finally chose the black color that he used when he was a cardinal, and simply named it black.

——Although the black axis is also quite classic, let's talk about it.

According to Aiwas's request, the name of the Black Saint Theresa will be announced on May 5, the Holy Day of the Sand Clock. Now there must be a lot of people who are anxious to find Pure White to ask the Pope's opinion... But if they can't find Pure White, then they can't find it. It's good to leave them alone at this time.

The Church has been neutral for too long, and I'm afraid many people have forgotten the value of the Church. All they know is that "the Eternal Pope has the sixth level of energy", but they ignore those equally powerful cardinals and the Pope's guards.

At that time, Aiwas temporarily took over as the Pope, and some people started to jump.

In their opinion, Aiwass certainly cannot command those elves; and he himself cannot reach the sixth energy level... Then what is the difference between the Theocracy and paralysis at this time?

They certainly dare not directly oppose the Theocracy. But some things that the Theocracy originally did not allow, they are now doing secretly, and the Theocracy can't control them, right?

When the new pope takes office, the worst thing is to kneel down and apologize. Anyway, the benefits have been taken now, and it won't be a loss even if they spit it out at that time...

The mentality of luck is never desirable. But on the other hand, if there is no luck at all, it is difficult to seize the opportunities of the times.

They became big figures because of this, so how can they be cautious in their words and deeds after becoming big figures? When crises and opportunities appear again, they will still do the same thing-this is called path dependence.

In a sense, their guess is indeed good. It can even be said that they bet right.

Because the Theocracy really saw all these things and kept them in mind, but did not take action. After all, Aiwas was just a human who mastered advanced divine arts at that time. He temporarily became the Pope only because of the conflict between the cardinals and the saint... or, because of the amber disease, the pure white saint could not get the support of all the cardinals.

Aiwas was able to become the Pope not because he was popular. It was because everyone didn't want to choose either side, so they could only choose the "middle".

So it was really not his turn to command those things——

For example, the conflict between the good masters and slaves in the ancient country of Parthia has become increasingly acute. With the large-scale depletion of water sources again, the fourth water source war has already taken shape; the human body trade and slave trade of the goblins have become increasingly unconcealed; the Eagle Eye organization on the Iris side has begun to organize a transnational collective assassination of the high-level officials of the Black Eagle Principality and the Narcissus Principality who have turned to the Son of the Moon...

These things are very troublesome to deal with. They involve long-term conflicts between countries and races. There needs to be a long-term and stable policy that cannot be changed at will. So the cardinals are waiting for Pure White to release the amber and officially take office before dealing with them.

But now, this is no longer a problem.

After the founding of the country, the first thing the cardinals did was to turn over all these problems and hand them over to Aiwas for decision.

——The infighting among these cardinals is not because of power consciousness, but because of the struggle for the path. The extraordinary people who can reach the fifth energy level must have an extremely stable and resolute heart of the path. They completely believe that they are right, so there must be enemies that cannot coexist.

They are fellow believers and partners. But they are also enemies at the same time-they are "old enemies" who can coexist peacefully, understand each other, but absolutely cannot agree with each other.

However, the "Son of the Candlestick" has reappeared in the world.

Then there is no need for everyone to quarrel.

——They quarreled because there is no answer to this question at all.

But who is more right than the Son of the Candlestick?

Everyone watched Aiwas change from a pure-blooded human to the Son of the Candlestick, which means that this identity does not come from blood, but because of the recognition of the Candlestick. Since everyone is a believer of the Candlestick, and the Candlestick himself has made a choice, who can still say "I think the Candlestick does not understand the path of dedication enough"?

Anyone who dares to say that is a pure heretic and apostate!

Now that there is a standard answer, the quarrel will subside.

And the cardinals also accepted the change in the church's implementation policy very smoothly-the current world situation is obviously completely different from when the Church was established. It's just that all the popes of all generations are just "successors of Zhu Tiansi", and they don't want the Church to change in their hands... This is also caused by the blessing of amber flowing in the blood of the elves.

The elves certainly know that they are already antiques.

But who can deny it?

That is the law of the ancestors! The law of the ancestors cannot be changed!

Zhu Tiansi is still watching in the sky - really watching - if he is unhappy, who can take the responsibility? If there is really a problem, Zhu Tiansi, Sizhu... and all the popes of all generations, there is not one god who came down to dream?

Since no god came to dream or descend to point out that the past traditions are old and cannot be used, then no one can change the rules of the ancestors.

Death is not the end of this world - it is better to say that death is the beginning of eternal life. This is especially true for high-level extraordinary people, especially the elf bishops of the Church. After death, everyone will either go to the Kingdom of Giant Trees, or go to the Amber Forest, or be imprinted by the Spiritual Amber Heavenly Master, or become the Candle Master or the apostle appointed by the Candle Heavenly Master.

They may not think that the rules in the past are all good. But once you consider everything after death, no one dares to gamble on things in life.

——But now the situation is different.

Candle Master personally granted a human the identity of the Candle Master's Son. What does this mean?

It means that the old man Candle Master also recognized it, and the times have changed!

The era of elves has ended, and the era of humans has arrived - the old rules should naturally be broken.

These cardinals suddenly became active: they have long been dissatisfied with some old rules. The title of Candle Master's Son is much more useful than the Pope's order.

The happiest one among them is Cardinal Belisarius.

His way of "dedication" is closest to the concept of "justice".

He stayed in the ancient country of Parthia for a long time and saw many human sufferings. But because of the rules of the Church, he could not help others. He had to wait for "the locals to come and ask them"... But such a wait was so difficult.

He sometimes fell into self-doubt.

- Intervening in the internal affairs of other countries is indeed easy to cross the line and prevent the times from continuing to advance. It is trapped by the vision of the helper and cannot allow new things to be born. But why can't he take action when he has seen injustice?

Watching misfortune happen, watching the wicked be proud, watching injustice spread like fire... watching people in a daze, and their upright spines being broken. No one asked for help, no one dared to ask for help - is this justice? Just watching from the side, is this the contribution he can make?

And now, Aiwas has taken off his shackles -

Aiwas personally gave extremely clear instructions for the situation of the ancient country of Anxi:

"If you see something that makes you unhappy, you go and take care of it.

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can't give you the power of the entire Church. If there is an unfair judgment, you will be responsible for it; but if you believe in your own path, you can do it with confidence.

"I will go there sooner or later, and when I get there, I will see for myself whether what you do is good or evil, good or bad. And before that - there is no need to wait, since you want to do it, just do it first. If you make a mistake, make up for it, and if you do it well, keep up... Even if you make a mistake, it is always better than doing nothing."

This is completely different from Zhu Tiansi's idea that "those who make mistakes will always eliminate themselves", "the advanced will always eliminate the backward", and "just wait for civilization to change on its own".

Zhu Tiansi's idea seems to be superior, compassionate and rational. In his view, there are always injustices in the world. And the world will always move forward in a cycle and become better. Pain will always be a nourishment for people. If the pain is cured, it seems to solve the problem, but in fact it stops the progress of society.

It is better to watch and wait for society to develop on its own. Just prevent the occurrence of unstoppable and irreversible disasters.

The elves have always maintained this superior attitude.

From time to time, they warn and criticize them, or are very satisfied with their development and give them some good things. For most elves, there is no problem with this...

However, for the radical Cardinal Belisarius, he only feels that his own people are too arrogant.

For the future, do we have to kill the present?

Is it only pain that can bring progress?

But since the tradition is like this, he can't say anything. They could only wait for help from the locals in the desert.

It must be said that Aiwass's straightforward attitude now suits Cardinal Belisarius's heart more!

Originally, he was the cardinal who was most opposed to Aiwass, a human, becoming the Pope, but now he has become Aiwass's most fanatical follower!

——This human, he is more efficient than the elves!

——This son of the candlestick, his level is higher than the Pope!

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