Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 873 Avalon's Second Legion

April 6, Avalon.

Isabel sat quietly in her study, flipping through the mail.

"It's really interesting."

She stretched out her finger and flicked the letter, chuckled and said, "What do you think, Sir Hermes?"

As early as a week ago, Isabel sent a letter to Xing Ti, expressing her intention to make an "official state visit".

But Xing Ti did not respond to this news immediately.

Although Avalon and Xing Ti are separated by the sea, this will not easily affect the transmission of the message.

Because this kind of international-level letter is handed over to the church for delivery. The apostle "Winged Fire" of the candle is keen on sending things for others, and the letters delivered by the apostles and delivered by the church can also keep the information safe to the greatest extent. So there is no possibility of "the letter is lost" or "the letter has been sent but has not arrived yet".

After so long, Xing Ti did not reply... and he replied immediately after the Church began to recruit soldiers yesterday.

Isabel was not angry, but just smiled and was calm.

Her eyes became brighter and brighter, and she already had the calm temperament of a monarch.

"They are scared, Your Majesty."

Mycroft Hermes said without raising his head.

He was wearing a thin sweater and a white shirt, sitting opposite Isabel, sorting documents slowly.

Compared with last year, this fat seal-like man is now obviously two circles thinner.

On the one hand, it is due to fatigue... and on the other hand, it is also because of this reason that his adaptability to the Twilight Path has weakened. The obviously abnormal "calm and solid obesity" is largely due to the inertia of his body caused by the overflow of his adaptability to the Twilight Path.

After all, neither he nor Sherlock's father or mother, nor other members of the family are fat. And Mycroft himself is quite self-disciplined, and there is no sign of his habit of gluttony and alcoholism.

He became so fat because his adaptability to the Twilight Path has exceeded his energy level - this is a typical way of losing control. Not all out-of-control situations will make people crazy or turn into deformed monsters. Becoming fat is also a milder out-of-control situation.

And now, as his workload gradually increases, Mycroft's adaptability to the Dusk Path has also deteriorated.

The flesh on his face has faded a lot, and he can already see some shadows of Sherlock. He is much more handsome than before and has a human appearance. Compared with Sherlock's image of a thin young man, Mycroft's face is still square, but he has a calm and upright aura.

He exhaled, and while standing up the documents and gently touching them on the table to put them away, he said slowly: "Obviously, those... small actions of the Theocracy scared them.

"Originally, they may have some concerns about your visit, Your Majesty. But now that the Theocracy has begun to recruit soldiers, they dare not refuse your visit. Or... they are eager for you to arrive at Star Antimony as soon as possible. It is best to arrive before the elves arrive. "

Mycroft looked at the Queen's Guard in the corner of the room, chuckled and asked: "Do you think I'm right?"

"Although we don't know why the Church suddenly lifted its neutrality and resumed conscription..."

The oldest Queen's Guard replied casually: "But since it was a joint decision made by His Majesty the Pope and the cardinals, it must be correct.

"Those humans should have replied. This is a courtesy. Besides, the ruler of that country is not the king, but the queen mother. They replied after hearing the news of the Theocracy's recruitment... This seems ridiculous. As if the Theocracy is recruiting to punish them."

"They are not qualified!"

Another elf who looked much younger than Isabel smiled and said in a crisp voice: "Far from it! My instructor said that if the elves re-established the Paladin Corps one day, we must be fighting against the enemies of the world."

"Indeed," the queen's guard who looked to be in his thirties and had the most mature temperament nodded. "If the church wants to clean up the fragmented Helasel, it still doesn't need to recruit soldiers. Those imperial people always think too highly of themselves - even when Helasel was at his peak, it would never let His Holiness the Pope change the tradition of the Theocracy for this.

"According to my understanding of the church, this is mostly to fight against enemies at the level of apostles or even celestial ministers. The early lifting of neutrality is just to prevent people from feeling confused and fearful at critical moments, and to let people adapt in advance. ”

She is the oldest among these guards, so she has never had a clear and distinct understanding of Xingti, but she knows a lot about the empire. She always feels that it is actually still a part of the Helasar Empire... She doesn't even know how many parts the Helasar Empire has been split into, and what their names are.

"Since they are so anxious, let's not rush for now."

Isabel did not correct her words, but folded the letter leisurely: "Let's set the time for a week later, let them dry first. And Aiwas plans to go there first to do something... to avoid causing trouble for him."

Now that she has a child, her work style has obviously become more stable.

After Aiwas merges with Aleister and takes off the Holy Crown, Aiwas will be able to meet Isabel again in the dream world.

Knowing that Aiwas is safe and well, Isabel finally puts her mind at ease.

Through communication in the dream world, Isabel also learned of Aiwass's plan.

Aiwass planned to go to the Narcissus Principality first and meet up with his mentor - Master Chongbo had already sent out a message to recruit archaeologists for a long time. Aiwass's archeology mentor Bud has also been sent there by Isabel, and Aiwass should be on his way now.

It is said that the ruins contain the remaining power of Tiansi, and Aiwass is very concerned about it.

However, as one of the very few dual-path fifth-level experts in the world, Aiwass will definitely not have any problems.

What's more, Aiwass said that there will be a cardinal accompanying him this time.

"But it's normal for Star Antimony to be panicking," Isabel said casually to Mycroft, "I heard there was something going on over there... white tide?"

"Yes, a kind of undead disaster. It is said that Valentine VII did not prepare a funeral when he died, so he faked his body. Some people also say that he became the earthly apostle of the Winter Division... After all, there is a blood relationship."

Mycroft nodded: "It hasn't expanded yet, it's only affecting a small area. The undead transformed by the former king have a special characteristic... that is, they will not lose too much of their original extraordinary abilities, and will retain almost complete sanity and memory.

"I think this is another kind of child of the moon - the cold child of the moon. Maybe it can be called the child of winter? Haha..."

Mycroft said and smiled.

If this happened in Avalon, he would definitely have a huge headache - the previous Queen got up with resentment and turned into an undead, saying that she wanted to return to the royal capital and take over the royal power. What she did was kill everyone else and turn them into undead with high intelligence like herself. This matter is very troublesome to manage or not. No matter how it is handled, it will definitely be true...

But since it happened on Star Antimony, Mycroft was happy to watch the fun.

He knocked on the table and asked Isabel, who was able to communicate privately with Aiwass: "I heard that it was a conspiracy of the Ziggurat? It was the price they paid for the Winter Maiden to be promoted to the Winter Division in order to fight against the Red Prime Minister. Now. Hong Xiang is dead...what does the Ziggurat say now?"

"The Ziggurat doesn't plan to deal with this matter. They plan to cut off the Winter Maiden to a certain extent."

Isabel really knew about this, and she said directly: "On April 9th, the Ziggurat will rise from the ground and fly to Avalon. I have already prepared a place for them to stay...just arrange it directly Go to Eagle Point Village. They will like the death energy and the power of dusk in Eagle Point Village... and the Wild Hunt can also form a barrier to prevent the leaked undead from entering the world of ordinary people."

This was something she and Aiwass had discussed.

Mycroft was stunned: "If I didn't ask, you really wouldn't tell me, my lord!"

"Because there is nothing to deal with in the short term. Most people will not know that the Ziggurat has come to Avalon, and there is no rush to recruit students. We do not have a soil that is complete enough to accept necromancy... …I have already let the Glass Staircase subtly start to influence public opinion last month, but it will take a few special events for people to accept coexisting with the Necromancer.”

Isabel smiled, quite proudly: "I am also doing things, Sir Hermes. Not everything depends on you."

Mycroft shook his head.

A little helpless, but also a little relaxed.

"By the way, there's one more thing -"

Isabel suddenly said: "Do you know the 'Second Legion'?"

As we all know, there is only one Griffin Legion in Avalon.

Mycroft nodded slightly hesitantly, shook his head, and said euphemistically: "I may know, or I may not know."

"Don't be afraid, Sir Hermes."

Isabel said cheerfully: "It's not a bad thing. That's the person Ligeia pulled out of me.

"The people inside are Haina and David. After Haina became a royal guard, David, who had become a warrior before, also got a new career beyond the road at the end of the month - the 'Black Knight' . Aiwass said that he has long wanted to embark on the path of transcendence... Now he is finally satisfied. Compared with being a demonologist, this profession is more suitable for him. "

Of course Mycroft knows what the Black Knight is——

That was the new profession opened up by "Lan Malok" of the Nitian Division.

That really belongs to their "ancestor" - although they are not from the same family, after so many years, they can be more or less related.

"I plan to form a brand new legion. The era of warriors has arrived, and we cannot let go of the air cavalry. As for the black knight, this profession that transcends the path will have the opportunity to change into Ligeia's profession in the future. I plan to recruit a new group of people, and the end of the month has passed...the first group of black knights should have appeared by now."

Isabel said with a smile: "Can you help me, Sir Hermes?"

"...Then which department should these black knights work in?"

Mycroft realized that a large wave of workload was approaching, and he covered his forehead in pain.

"Let's go to the Inspectorate. Compared to the inspector whose abilities and personality are biased toward discipline and surveillance, the Black Knight, who is obsessed with revenge and justice, is more suitable for supervising power itself... and is also more suitable for doing things that are not suitable to be done openly. "

Isabel narrowed her eyes slightly: "As the path of Avalon gradually becomes more complex, there will be more and more voices. We certainly hope that people will no longer be bound by constraints like in the past and unable to freely show their own path... But we also don't want those who are bewitched and bribed to mix in the crowd and bring chaos.

"As the path becomes more complex, society will become relatively freer, but also more chaotic - both Helasel and Xingti have proved this.

"The people of Avalon are also Helasel people, and we also have the opportunity to revive the glory of Helasel. But at the same time... we must also be wary of the fall of Helasel.

"'Use copper as a mirror to correct your clothes; use history as a mirror to know the rise and fall; use people as a mirror to understand gains and losses'... Aiwas said to me. "

Isabel said calmly: "Although it is difficult, it is the right path. So we have to go, but we can't go without worry. We have to go carefully - correctness means difficulty, because there is no easy thing in this world. "

After staring at Isabel for a long time, Mycroft suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and laughed out loud.

For a moment, he seemed to see the shadow of the old queen in Isabel...

This little princess... no, this young queen, is growing up so fast.

It's only been a few months.

"... So fast."

Mycroft murmured.

Somewhat disappointed, and a little moved.

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