Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 874 Arrival at Narcissus Principality

April 6, afternoon.

The Principality of Narcissus, the Land of Protagoras, and the Port of Basel.

Aiwass, who was wearing a luxurious black and red papal robe, slowly came down from the elf warship holding a corona scepter.

His long golden hair has returned to shoulder length, and his emerald green eyes are as bright as gems. The chest of his robe also revealed a large emerald green gem. The papal robe is basically black, but it is decorated with dark red and bright gold thorns.

As for the corona scepter in Aiwass's was originally a decorative scepter that "looks very cool, but is not that strong". But now it looks just right with Aiwass's black and red robe - at least the style of painting matches it perfectly.

At this moment Aiwass just stepped off the boat, and people immediately knew that he was a big shot.

——The warship behind him is also proof.

"This is the Narcissus Principality..."

Aiwass sighed: "This is really my first time here."

Aiwass did not take the passenger ship this time—presumably the Theocracy did not dare to let their pope take the ship.

That would be somewhat dangerous. In this world where "taboos" exist in the depths of the sea, the sea is still dangerous even for fifth-level extraordinary beings. Not only is it endless as far as the eye can see, with no shelter or hiding space, but it is also possible to be attacked by the sea monsters sleeping at the bottom of the sea at any time.

Those are all monsters starting from the fifth level!

The ship Aiwass was on was the same type of warship that Helechin had taken when he went to Avalon Island. It is composed of a beautiful deep red color and its material is taken from giant trees. There are also a large number of gold and rubies inlaid around the hull. Each piece is close to one square meter in area and the number is close to two hundred pieces. Of course, this cannot be naturally occurring rubies, but is synthesized using classical alchemy. Large man-made ruby.

These rubies, which look like solar panels, are the "cannons" of the Theocracy's warships. It acts as an energy shield in itself, but can also be activated and fired at any angle.

This ship is called the "Cruel Preacher" and comes from ancient technology before the birth of Candle Sky and the establishment of the Theocracy.

The weapons were removed from Heleqin's ship. After all, the Theocracy was still in a state of permanent neutrality and peace at that time, and it was certainly not allowed to allow warships to enter the territory of the giant kingdom Alkotos - that would be disrespectful to the Alko people.

——Alk Man is the scientific name of the giant. This is the new knowledge Aiwass has learned from the Theocracy... It is real history that is impossible to learn in Avalon anyway.

Just as dwarves cannot call themselves dwarves because they cannot see how short they are, giants cannot call themselves giants. In the giant language, they call themselves "Arc". This noun is translated into Elvish as "people of the earth" or "sons of the earth", and the giant king is actually the "king of the earth" - this is why they have a "royal family" but no other "nobles" and "fiefs".

On the one hand, this is because the giants do not yet have a feudal system, but the more important reason is... In the culture of the giants, the giant king is not the "king of the giant country", but the "master of this land", and he is granted this His identity is naturally "the highest heaven that conquered the earth." Other giants were "born from the earth."

In the creation myth of the giants, the giants were born because the Supreme Sky was hungry and thirsty, but because of its incomparable power, no descendant of any race could withstand his power, so he destroyed the extremely solid earth. Its essence penetrated into the earth, and the pregnant and uplifted earth appeared in the world - that is, the volcano.

The first batch of giants were born from volcanoes, so they were always angry and dangerous like volcanoes. Therefore, giants are born with the power of fire and earth.

This is why in the King's Court of Giants, the icon of the Supreme Sky has such an exposed posture.

The royal bloodline is the first group of people to open their eyes and communicate with the Supreme Heaven. Therefore they are the eldest brothers of all giants. According to the tradition that giants are respected by their elders, the royal family is the oldest giant. Therefore, it naturally has the strongest strength and power.

Although in the eyes of humans, giants are savage, crazy and bloodthirsty... However, in the eyes of elves, giants are also another race that is equal to all races. They have their own culture and language, their own understanding of their own race, and their own political system...

The Theocracy would eventually become completely hostile to the Giants, partly because the Giants regarded the elves as imaginary enemies and were actively preparing for war, and partly because Carstenin was killed by the Giants.

The trigger of this incident was that the elves living on Avalon Island were massacred by giants.

Avalon is not an island where giants only exist. Before the Supreme Heaven created these giants, this place was originally a paradise where snake people, elves and a few winged people lived. There were also some witches and fairies living here. Later, because the giants always stole the eggs of snakemen and harpies to eat, and also caught snakemen and harpies to eat, they could not defeat these giants, so they moved away after a few battles.

The elves respect the traditions of the giants - because there are already differences between herbivores and carnivores in this world, and harpies and snake-men prey on each other. "Don't eat animals that can talk" is part of the teachings of the Nine Pillars, but not all races have the need to abide by it. Natural elimination and the law of the jungle are also the order of the wilderness, and the elves only need to watch and adjust.

For example, if the snakemen and harpies still remain on the island of Avalon, the elves will work hard to prevent them from becoming extinct.

But now that they have left, the elves will no longer pay attention to the giants. Just warn them not to go too far.

However, it may be related to the fact that the Supreme Heaven devoured the divine body of Nibiru after defeating him. Giants also have extremely voracious appetites, which causes them to repeatedly offend the elves.

In the end, these elves chose to completely oppose the giants and began a long war-but before the confrontation, they cut off from the Theocracy, indicating that their actions had nothing to do with the Theocracy.

That group of elves did not want to live in the Theocracy because they were more aggressive, cruel, and radical than their meek and quiet brethren.

They originally thought that their technology was far ahead of the giants, but they underestimated the giants' bravery and power. "Country Destroyer" and "City Breaker" were born from the last battle between the giants and these elves isolated overseas.

Si Zhu's eternal pioneer "Carstenning" was summoned to the material world - he is also a giant, but he devoutly believes in Si Zhu. He slew the giants who had caused the carnage, and then lived in the Temple of Carstenen for a long time, keeping a watchful eye on his violent kin.

People of strength can only be persuaded by greater power. After witnessing the extremely powerful "Carstenning", the Ark people gradually became more honest.

They established a country and gradually established a gathering place. Although the giants are still devouring other races, they have begun to use "civilized" methods such as trading or breeding, they no longer wage wars externally, and they have gradually become smarter. And when the Theocracy warned and punished them, they also became compliant... So there were discussions and disputes among the elves on how to deal with the giants.

After all, there is no distinction between good and evil in the way of devotion.

It was precisely because Carstening had not been stabbed to death in the back that Helechin needed to personally collect evidence of the giant's crime. He would come to collect incriminating evidence, which shows that the mainstream voice within the Theocratic State is not to start a war. Similarly, he can risk his life to collect incriminating evidence, which shows that there are many forces within the Theocratic State that are still hostile to giants!

Now Aiwass can be sure that if Helechin had directly driven the heavily armed Theocracy warship "Cruel Preacher" to Avalon...he would not even have to die at all.

This ship can even give him a faint sense of threat, which means that its firepower is absolutely fatal to at least the fourth level and below extraordinary beings. It can even cause fatal damage to extraordinary beings at the fifth energy level.

It has a very long range. Its beam can directly cover a distance of more than 20 kilometers. Enemies within this range will be targeted and tracked by the attack of the fourth-level spell "Scorching Ray" that is extended and enhanced. The maximum number of people who can be targeted at the same time depends on the number of divine spellcasters controlling this spellcasting unit, and tracking also depends on manual skills... If you focus the attack, nearly a hundred ruby ​​lenses can attack the same static target at the same time.

And it itself is also an extremely powerful altar of divine magic. The long-range spellcasting gain can cover a diameter of more than fifty kilometers - which can cover almost half a city.

With it, Heleqin's entourage will have a place to use without having to go ashore to fight.

If their group of people did not come ashore, Heleqin would not have to stay in the human gathering place for a long time to wait for supplies.

He was walking alone, with Pegasus at his side, and his movements were extremely fast. Just like Aiwass did in that ceremony - the giant couldn't catch up with him.

Although the original Yitiansi himself had wings and could fly. But even the giants created by the Supreme Heaven cannot fly. This is their fatal flaw... Any humanoid individual without the ability to teleport across space or the ability to fly will not have very strong maneuvering speed. This is determined by the laws of nature. Unless smashing all the obstacles along the way is considered a kind of displacement.

And with artillery cover, Heleqin could retreat at any time, reorganize and come back again.

After all, this is the most powerful warship in the Theocracy. It is the firepower that the elves used to fight against ancient monsters such as monsters, sea monsters, and dragons.

After the end of the war era, only three Cruel Preachers remained. One of them was the one Helechin destroyed, and this is the other one. It is a frigate used by two or more cardinals when traveling.

As for the more powerful "Oathbreaker" type, due to its high maintenance costs, all of them had been demolished before the birth of mankind... Many technologies have been lost today, but fortunately there are copies preserved. But even with Aiwass's order, it would be quite difficult to rebuild it.

There is no real "sailor" on this ship now, and the eighty crew members are at least third-level priests. And there were six papal guards accompanying him.

They all stay on the battleship and are ready for action.

Aiwass also finally realized how terrifying the elves with abundant martial virtues are...

And this time traveling with Aiwass was another cardinal.

"I visited here six hundred and forty-one years ago."

Cardinal Galatea's cold voice came: "Do you need me to be your guide?"

The girl with a temperament like snow and long pure white hair had no expression on her face, just like a doll.

She is the representative of the Twin Mirror, the only structural cardinal of the Theocracy. As the leader of the Ancient Monuments Restoration Association, when she heard that Aiwass planned to visit an Amber Age ruins, she expressed her strong desire to come.

"...Then it's not necessary."

Aiwass was a little helpless.

Six hundred years have passed, and even the terrain here may have changed...

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