Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 876 Kitten and Wanderer

It wasn't until it was completely dark that Durul finally came back drunk.

He was an unshaven, middle-aged man wearing hard leather armor. Even when he goes out drinking, he is still fully armed.

A long dagger, two throwing knives, a throwing axe, a crossbow, a powerful bow, a fully automatic pistol, a long sword, plus bottles and cans hanging on the waist...this is The "Survival Expert" has no disadvantages in all-terrain combat. This professional characteristic has a valuable value.

Born in Black Hawk, he grew up in the mountains and naturally became a good hunter. But he did not choose to join the mercenary group and become a notorious war mercenary. Instead, he chose to leave his hometown and go to other countries to become bodyguards for adventurers and archaeologists.

This day is quite comfortable and comfortable.

Durul can feed one person and the whole family has no worries.

He was a homeless prodigal who died at some point - without parents, wife, children, master or apprentice. So he didn't have any scruples. All the money you get from doing tasks is used for food, drink, and fun, and then used to upgrade equipment.

Leave nothing behind, spend it all.

Whenever you run out of money, just find a job - anyway, if you fail in the mission, you'll be in trouble. It's much more comfortable than dying without spending all the money.

And a fourth-level "survival expert" doesn't have to worry about work, nor does he have to worry about finding work when he runs out of money. As a result, after so long, he got a famous name in the industry called "Vagabond".

He originally took "Encyclopedia" and "Kitten" to have dinner and drinks. Turns out neither of them wanted to get drunk, so they went back in the afternoon. The wanderer stayed inside, hugging the woman, listening to the song, and playing cards with the wizards. The dozen lasted all day long, and I lost all the change I had on me before I went home satisfied.

"Old man, I'm back!"

The drunken wanderer shouted at the iron gate in front of the villa: "Open the door!"

Of course he had the key, but he was too lazy to open it.

As a result, just as he screamed, his ears suddenly twitched.

Three, four,, eight?

...Why is there so much breathing sound inside?

The rogue wiped his face and woke up instantly. As the power of adaptation circulated, the alcohol in his body was detoxified and dissipated in the blink of an eye.

He frowned slightly, his eyes becoming sharp and serious. Subconsciously, he stretched out his fingers and flexibly checked whether the position of his equipment could be accessed at any time.

Immediately, he took out the key and opened the iron door, trying to sneak in carefully.

At this moment, someone came out of the villa.

That was the trap master who went drinking with him at noon, codenamed "Kitten".

Generally speaking, people who work in their profession will give themselves a code name. The principle is similar to the promotion ceremony but different... The purpose of protecting the real name in the promotion ceremony is mainly to prevent offending others - for example, killing teammates who enter the promotion ceremony with the other party, or interrupting the other party during the promotion ceremony. Promotion, and then the other party comes to take revenge in reality.

There are people who are willing to accept defeat, but they are very few. Promotion rituals above the third level often cause permanent soul damage, and not everyone can swallow the feeling that their future is ruined.

If you cut off my future, I will kill your whole family - this happens too.

The mercenaries use pseudonyms mainly to prevent them from being cursed by demonologists or magicians after revealing their real names.

As long as you have the designated curse medium and know the other party's real name and a small amount of information, you can impose a curse.

After all, everyone knows that these mercenaries are rich and have nothing to do. It is difficult to find high-level priests to help lift the curse. Often people will be hung up with several difficult curses, and then send a letter to extort money. After sending the money to a designated location, the curse will be lifted for you.

It would be fine if we could really lose money and avoid disaster. But more often than not, when the other party is short of money, they will immediately think of this "good friend" and then use the curse again to ask for money.

If reverse tracking is not possible to locate the specific location of the Curse Master, this blackmail will often last a lifetime. There are also some more unscrupulous employers who will "give themselves up". That is to say, hire a group of mercenaries, use the name of interview to get the real information of the other party, and then collect the other party's belongings during the mission. After paying the commission, find the curse master to extort the other party, so as to get the money back. Maybe even more.

"Kitten" is also an adaptor of the fourth energy level, so he and "Vagabond" have similar interests.

She is short and has short dark gray hair. She always shrank in the black invisibility cloak and could only see clearly from her nose down. Judging from the shape of her lips and skin, she is not too old, probably in her early thirties at most. There were several threadbare and yellowing strips of cloth wrapped around the wrists and palms of both hands - those should also be some kind of extraordinary items.

Seeing that none of the traps stored in the trap master's hands were activated, and smelling no smoke from her body from a distance, the Drifter felt a little relieved.

"Uncle Drifter!"

The kitten was very anxious: "Why did you come back?"

"rest assured……"

Realizing that nothing serious had happened, the vagabond yawned again and resumed his drunken and lazy posture: "Anyway, I won't be hungover tomorrow. Don't I just leave tomorrow?"

"What, is there any distinguished guest? Is it some big shot?"

The Drifter asked half sarcastically, half insinuating: "Want to add some people to the team? Do you want more money?"

He didn't know much about archaeology and history, but he knew a lot about supernatural knowledge.

If they were willing to recruit six fourth-level supernaturals to do archaeology, it was probably not a very recent ruin.

Besides, the employer this time... the other party's strength was not weak. He should also be a supernatural.

Langke had already prepared to die in the ruins, so he wanted to enjoy the wine today.

According to his understanding of the wizard lords of the Narcissus Principality, they cared about reputation and honor more than anything else. If the ruins this time were old enough, the lord who heard about it would have to send some people in.

By then, they could get half of the fruits of this archaeological discovery.

After a little publicity, after a few decades... the archaeologists and employers this time would become the "such and such team" in the records, with only the names of the relevant wizard lords left.

Langke was not the first time to see such a thing.

But he was happy to see such a thing - anyway, the archaeological results had nothing to do with him.

If the mage lord wants to get someone in, then he has to be a powerful mage like the "heir" to help him brush up his qualifications, and at least he has to be someone the lord likes; he will also give them some extra money and equipment as "sponsorship". While the safety is improved, the income is also increased... Isn't that wonderful?

As for taking care of children - he knows it even better.

As long as he shamelessly drags the other party to drink, brag and play cards, and occasionally flatters him, not many rebellious young people will become his enemies.

"... He is indeed a big shot."

The kitten nodded.

The wanderer followed the kitten and asked casually: "Who did the great wizard bring?"

The other party did not use a code name. After all, he was a big shot and was not afraid of ordinary curses. And he usually showed up, so this time was not a big deal. But because of this, the wanderer could not remember the other party's name.

"It's bigger than that."

As he approached the door, the kitten lowered his voice a little.

She whispered, "You can't be disrespectful to adults..."

...Heh, I want to see which big shot is so arrogant.

The wanderer sneered, not taking the kitten's words to heart at all.

He has no home, no job, and no scruples. If he is forced into a corner, he will fight with the other party. Anyway, his life is worthless. It's not a loss to trade one for one and fall into the river of dreams together...

...But there is no need to implicate others.

Thinking of this, the wanderer took two quick steps to the kitten and pushed open the door of the reception room.

Under the bright light of the rune lamp, the crowd gathered together.

And the blond young man in the middle of the crowd heard the words, turned around and smiled gently: "This is the wanderer, right?"

There were two strange protrusions on the young man's head, which reminded the wanderer of a deer growing horns.

——The bright and warm glow allowed the wanderer, a survival expert, to capture the identity of the other party.

Survival experts can rely on intuition to keenly judge the other party's occupation type and label the other party with up to six labels. The labels customized by Rurouni are "good at using poison", "good at cursing", "good at illusion", "caster", "healer", and "can see through invisibility". Every time he looks at a person, if the other party meets one of these six conditions, the "most suitable label" will be automatically triggered, and the strength of the other party will be roughly judged.

When he looked at the other party's identity, he clearly sensed the other party's profession.

That is a "healer".

And much stronger than himself... that is, the fifth energy level.

In addition to the thorn pattern on the other party's body... this luxurious robe...

... Oh my, it can't be a cardinal, right?

A human cardinal? No, it seems that it is not human, how can humans grow horns...

Rurouni thought so, and looked at the white-haired female companion beside the young man.

That delicate and beautiful face looks distorted like a doll. But Rurouni knows that it is best not to look at such a woman who looks particularly beautiful... If he had not received the deposit, he would have turned around and ran away when he saw the other party.

As long as she is beautiful to a certain extent, any contact for any reason is dangerous. It's just that the source of danger is different.

And his "crisis intuition" also determines the other party's occupation type...

--Judgment: [Good at illusion].

The energy level is... the fifth energy level.

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