Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 877: Horus and the Primordial

Two... fifth energy level? ?

Rogue held his breath.

His mind froze for a moment, and a strong sense of crisis burst out from his heart as he realized this.

——How come the energy level of this team is getting higher and higher!

He has never heard of any archaeological relics that can alarm the fifth energy level extraordinary people...

Rogue regretted it very much at this moment.

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He can't run away now, the deposit has been taken... It's better to say that the deposit has been spent today, and even the change has been spent. At this time, he can't even return the deposit and run away.

... Forget it, who cares! I'll die, who can't die!

It doesn't matter if I die early or late, at least I've had enough fun, and there's no money left in my pocket that I haven't spent. I won't regret it even if I die!

Rurouni breathed hard and calmed his mind.

When he calmed down, he immediately realized another thing-

Why is this white-haired woman not breathing?

His perception was so sharp that he could hear the breathing sound in the building directly from more than a hundred meters away. It was impossible that he couldn't sense it... but the other party really didn't breathe.

Listening carefully, she didn't even have a heartbeat!

No wonder she looked like a puppet without any vitality... Could she be a ghost? A fifth-level ghost?

This is also the shortcoming of the profession of "survival expert". He can only judge how threatening the other party is to him. For example, "stronger than himself", "weaker than himself" or "not much different", but he can't accurately know the other party's energy level and path, and he doesn't know whether the other party is a living person or a phantom.

Fortunately, because he is at the fourth energy level, "stronger than him" is the fifth energy level of comprehensive strength; "similar to him" can only be the fourth energy level, and those who are weaker than him don't need to pay attention.

"...Yes, Bishop."

While he was calculating the other party's strength quickly in his mind, Rurouni actually bowed his head to Aiwas in great humility: "I am 'Rurouni', a fourth-level survival expert."

-Although he was not afraid of death, who would want to die if they could live well?

Not to mention, he was an [Adaptor].

It's not shameful to flatter a fifth-level healer. After all, if something happens to you, you still have to rely on others to heal you.

Thinking of this, Rurouni unconsciously became excited.

He did receive treatment...but the highest level of treatment he received was only from a second-level priest.

-He really hadn't experienced how powerful the fifth-level healing magic would be!

Not to mention him...all the mercenaries Rurouni knew had never received even fourth-level treatment.

Could it be that, as the legend goes, as long as there is still a breath left, he can be rescued directly...

"You all seem to have code names?"

Evans said with interest: "Is it to prevent the curse?"


Rogue nodded and answered obediently: "Of course, if you want to know my real name, you can..."

After all, the big shots of the fifth energy level don't need real names to deal with him.

The fourth energy level and the fifth energy level seem to be only one energy level apart, but the gap is like a natural chasm.

In Avalon next door, there are more than a hundred fourth energy levels that don't work in the Arbitration Hall alone. Now more than a hundred years have passed, and I don't know how many batches of people have been replaced... But the only one who has really risen to the fifth energy level from this batch of arbitrators is the Grand Arbitrator Meg.

The Grand Justice is a lawyer, the Grand Guardian is an air cavalry, and the Grand Judge is an inheritor. This is enough to prove that even if you control all the fourth energy level extraordinary people in a country, you may not be able to cultivate the fifth energy level from them. Even with all the power of a human nation, it is impossible to forcibly create the fifth energy level.

"That's not necessary."

Aiwass just smiled: "Then I'll also give it a code name. Otherwise, everyone calls each other by code names, and I use my name... It sounds weird.

"——Everyone can call me [Pope]. "

This extremely bold code name made the wanderer's heart skip a beat again.

As expected of a fifth-level transcendent, this ambition makes people dare not even think about it...

...But a fifth-level devotee should be almost a cardinal. As a candidate for the Pope, there is nothing wrong with this...

The current acting pope of the Church is a human after all. He will not be the pope for long, and his rule will probably end soon. By then, it will be time to re-elect the pope.

Maybe by then, Mr. "Pope" will become the real "Pope"!

Although generally speaking, it should be the successor of the saint...but since there is now a precedent of a human succeeding the pope, it is not impossible to make changes later!

As for Mr. "Pope"'s overly young face, the wanderer didn't care at all. The priest who mastered the fire worship method is close to eternal youth. Let alone looking like a dozen or twenty years old, he would not be surprised even if he was less than thirteen or fourteen years old.

At this time, Cardinal Galatea also spoke, uttering a voice as cold as ice: "You can call me [Puppet]. "

"Then everyone can call me... well, just call me [Sine]."

The high-nosed wizard also said.

The wanderer glanced at him.

He still remembered clearly that when this old wizard, whose name had at least ten syllables, first came to the team, he pointed fingers at them. He didn't think about the specific words at all, but the general idea was that they were all idiots.

——It's ridiculous, a really smart person would call others idiots every day?

In the eyes of the wanderer, the path of wisdom is exactly the path that only fools pursue!

How many truly smart people would be so obsessed with pursuing higher wisdom? I'm afraid wisdom is just a tool to achieve their goals for them!

In front of the fifth-level priest, the great wizard seemed so respectful and polite that he even had the idea of ​​giving himself a code name.

"... Well," Professor Bard hesitated, "Do I need it?"

"No, teacher."

Evans smiled and said, "Why don't you let them call you professor? Anyway, you are indeed a professor."

...Can a fifth-level priest be called "teacher"?

Hearing what Aiwas said, everyone's heart suddenly jumped.

The kitten looked at Professor Bard and suddenly said, "Have I seen you before?"

"Oh... yes."

Professor Bard nodded and said cheerfully, "We met five years ago. At that time, you were still at the third energy level, working as an 'assassin'."

It seemed that Professor Bard felt very lucky to see his former teammate who had gone down to the ruins with him and came out alive.

"Let me continue to introduce you..."

The great wizard gave himself the code name "Sine" temporarily, and said respectfully: "This is 'Encyclopedia', a dream monk, a Horus."

The man in a white robe with brown skin, thick eyebrows and black eyes nodded.

He stood up, crossed his hands and touched his shoulders, then bowed slightly and saluted: "Aton bless you."

Evans looked at "Encyclopedia" with interest and looked at him.

When Baike was a little timid, Aiwas nodded slightly: "Xi Tiansi bless you."

The name "Aton" is the name of Xi Tiansi by the Horus people, and it is said to be Xi Tiansi's real name.

The Horus people are slightly different from humans in other places. They do not worship the Nine Pillars directly, but first worship the "Three Suns". The third sun is Xi Tiansi, also called Aten.

It is precisely because Xi Tiansi, as the Tiansi of the Dedication Path, is threatening to Sizhu. Therefore, the Horus people are not welcomed by the elves and the Theocracy, and some elves will compare the Horus people with the dwarves-after all, the real reason why the dwarves are hostile to the elves is that they worship the Flame Tiansi.

Although Sizhu himself does not care much about this kind of thing...if he cares, he will directly send his eternal pioneer to crush the other party. Before the Snake Father started the "final act of transcendence", the Dedication Path itself was the most Tiansi Path-this is because Sizhu is happy to share the power of the path with others.

"Quite rare, Horus."

The wanderer muttered.

The Horus Empire is an empire older than the Horus Empire.

Since the birth of mankind, the Horus people have created their own country, which is the same period as the Taichu and Ancient Parthia. It was not until the peak of the Horus Empire that the Horus Empire and the Parthia people defeated the Horus people and took away one-third of their territory respectively, which interrupted the endless expansion of the Horus Empire.

The Horus Empire finally raised endless desert storms, completely separating the borders from the outside world for five hundred years, and thus saved its remaining territory. It is said that the original Iris Territory was part of the former Horus Empire. Because the duke who cut down this piece of land was called the Duke of Iris, he was named the Grand Duke of Iris.

The Iris people have a saying...It is said that the curse of the child of the moon was spread from the Horus Empire.

Because the Horus people made a curse when they were defeated, so that the invaders' countries would be torn apart, their monarchs would be usurped, the land would dry up, the wealth would drain away, the morals would be corrupted, and the blood would flow like a river.

I don't know if this curse is true, but the ancient Parthian Empire did lose their king. And the Helasar Empire was indeed torn apart and morally corrupt, and the rich land belonging to the Horus Empire that the ancient Parthian Empire took away also turned into a desert. Now, because of the fear of the Horus curse, the ancient Parthian Kingdom and the Iris Kingdom dare not touch the Horus "Empire" whose territory is not even as large as their own.

Because of this, the Horus people are rarely seen in the outside world.

But what is even rarer is this... or this pair.

The wanderer thought and looked at the remaining two people.

He was an ascetic monk wearing tattered linen clothes, with a solemn face and bright eyes. His muscles were so strong that he could hold up the linen clothes.

... and a man with an unfamiliar oriental face and a gray robe.

He had long black hair and a long goat-like beard. He had a strange coldness about him, and you would feel noticeably cool just by being around him. He looked to be about 40 or 50 years old, with his eyes closed, and just nodded to Aiwas.

"This is a monk who protects the temple, his name is 'Mu'. There is only one closed syllable... because he has made a vow of 'closed Zen' and cannot speak, so we all call him that."

The great wizard introduced: "And the other one is a great wizard from the Taichu Empire.

“This wizard is called Zhu Tang, and he usually keeps his eyes closed. He and Mr. Mu came together from the ancient Parthian Empire across the desert. Because of their characteristics, they are called ‘unsighted and speechless’ by the Parthians.”

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