Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 144 Dong Baijing

Yunjinshan Dazhen's Mansion is located in Wuzhou. From top to bottom, Wuzhou Taoist Mansion is all disciples of Zhengyi Dao. It can be said to be the most "pure" Zhengyi Dafu.

Dong Baijing serves as the chief minister in Wuzhou Taoist Mansion. He is thirty-five years old this year and is a Taoist priest with four levels of wine sacrifice. If you look at the entire Taoist sect, he is both young and talented. But compared with people like Zhang Yuelu, Li Tianzhen, and Li Minghuang, they are not good enough and can only be said to be average.

After all, Zhang Yuelu was more than ten years younger than him, and he was also a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest. Ten years later, Zhang Yuelu might have become a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, or at worst a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest. In any case, the Taoist sect still pays attention to the promotion and appointment of young people. There are strict restrictions on the age of the Grand Master, down to the age of preparing wine for sacrifice and candidates for wine sacrifice. This is a rule set by Xuan Sheng himself to avoid The Taoist sect will repeat the mistakes of the Confucian sect, but the prerequisite is that it is good enough.

Dong Baijing didn't have such lofty ambitions, he was content with what he had, and he didn't want to go to Yujing Jiutang, so he stayed in Wuzhou Taoist Mansion.

As for how Dong Baijing met Zhang Yuyue, it's a long story.

Dong Baijing is two years older than Zhang Yuyue, and Zhang Yuyue did not go to Yujing alone at a young age like Zhang Yuelu. Before she grew up, she had been studying various ethnic studies with her fellow clan members in Dazhen Mansion. course. After she became an adult, she was first assigned to the Wuzhou Taoist Mansion by her family. She was put under the family's nose and became familiar with the various rules within the Taoist sect. After all, the Taoist sect was not the Taoist sect of the Zhang family, nor the Taoist sect of the Li family.

Zhang Yuyue arrived at Wuzhou Taoist Mansion, met Dong Baijing, and worked under the same boss, somewhat similar to Qi Xuansu and Mu Jin. However, the relationship between Dong Baijing and Zhang Yuyue was very harmonious at that time, unlike Qi Xuansu and Mu Jin, who were at war with each other.

Dong Baijing still remembers the scene when the two first met.

That day, he was immersed in a vast sea of ​​documents. His boss, who was about to retire to the mountains, personally led a young girl to the signing room. The girl was clearly a new arrival, but she was not shy at all. She looked calm and acted with ease.

Dong Baijing only felt that the girl was so dazzling that he didn't dare to look directly at her. But he never thought that his boss would lead the girl to his desk and ask him to help his new colleagues.

The girl was generous and introduced herself: "My name is Zhang Yuyue."

But he blushed and did not dare to look at the girl. It took him a long time to answer his name, but he forgot to say his cousin.

"Dong Baijing." The girl smiled, "I'll call you Brother Dong Dao."

Later, Dong Baijing, who had no background, continued to stay in Wuzhou Daofu to earn qualifications, while Zhang Yuyue, the daughter of the Zhang family, rose steadily and went to Yujing, whereupon the two separated.

He agreed to remember it clearly.

Zhang Yuyue, who has become a grown-up girl, will take a flying boat from the ferry at Yunjin Mountain to Yujing. Before leaving, he specially went to see her off.

Zhang Yuyue stood on the deck of the flying boat, looking at Dong Baijing on the shore below, waving goodbye and saying with a smile: "When I come back next time, I may be released as the deputy master of Wuzhou Taoist Palace. By then, you can He is my subordinate."

He was still blushing and couldn't say a word.

As for the later, there is no later.

When Zhang Yuyue first arrived in Yujing, the two of them still exchanged letters from time to time, but gradually, they stopped hearing from each other.

Until three years ago, Zhang Yuyue suddenly returned to Wuzhou and found him.

Zhang Yuyue did not hide her past experience, she told him frankly, and then asked him a question, would you like to marry her?

Dong Baijing didn't hesitate too much. He just thought about it for half an hour and then gave Zhang Yuyue an answer.

He wants to marry her.

As a noble daughter of the Zhang family, Zhang Yuyue does not ask for a house in Taishangfang or any betrothal gifts. She only has one request, and that is to get married quickly, preferably within ten days.

So the two got married in an extremely low-key manner, without six ceremonies, no high hall, no relatives and friends, no sedan chair, and even because of the rush of time, there was no wedding dress and only two wedding candles.

The Zhang family's attitude towards this marriage was very strange and ambiguous. They neither explicitly opposed nor supported it. Only Zhang Yuyue's brother made a very low-key appearance and left in a hurry without even having a glass of wine.

Outsiders had no idea about the dispute between Zhang Yuyue's father and brother. Intimidated by the majesty of the Zhang family, many of Dong Baijing's colleagues did not dare to come, making the wedding of the two extremely deserted, even worse than an ordinary wedding at the Jade Capital City God's Temple.

Zhang Yuyue didn't talk much about the Zhang family.

Because of this, Dong Baijing did not know much about Zhang Yuyue's situation.

He knew that his wife had a cousin with a fairly good relationship, who was very famous in the Taoist sect, and her name was even published in the palace newspaper inside the sect. However, he did not know what the current situation of this cousin was.

This was even the first time he saw Zhang Yuelu in person.

"This is the cousin that Yu'er often mentioned." Dong Baijing didn't notice the expressions of the two sisters, and looked at Qi Xuansu, "This is the cousin-in-law."

This is not to blame Dong Baijing, who made Qi Xuansu say "cousin-in-law" smoothly, and the cloaks of the two are very similar.

But Zhang Yuyue is very sure that this thief is not a brother-in-law.

Although Zhang Yuelu was from a small sect, she had a special status. If she wanted to get married, whether it was a marriage or a son-in-law, there would be no trace of it.

In other words, there are only two possibilities, either the two of them will make a private decision for life, or this thief will just tell the truth.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuyue's face darkened.

Zhang Yuelu didn't get angry very much. Over this period of time, she had become somewhat accustomed to Qi Xuansu's "accidental mistakes", and out of nowhere she said something shocking, which was very embarrassing.

She has begun to worry. Qi Xuansu is reliable in everything, whether it is fighting with others or handling things, but this aspect is really a headache. When she meets her mother, Qi Xuansu will do it again, it will be really impressive. .

Qi Xuansu also realized that he had said something wrong. He wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to speak. He was in a dilemma, so he had to look at Zhang Yuelu with eyes asking for help.

Zhang Yuelu gave him a warning look, straightened up his expression slightly, and said, "It's still too early to call him 'cousin-in-law', at least after he has met my father and my mother."

Qi Xuansu quickly got off the slope and said, "Yes, yes."

Dong Baijing suddenly said: "I see, is my cousin leading her brother-in-law home?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "That's right. My cousin-in-law doesn't have to be so polite. Just call me 'Qingxiao' and him 'Tianyuan'."

At this moment, Zhang Yuyue suddenly said coldly: "Fellow Daoist Qi, as Qingxiao's cousin, why haven't I heard her mention you in the past?"

Qi Xuansu answered truthfully: "In fact, I only found out today that Qing Xiao has a cousin with whom he has a good relationship."

Zhang Yuyue was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Qi Xuansu's answer to be so unreasonable.

Strictly speaking, Qi Xuansu is indeed telling the truth.

Zhang Yuelu had no choice but to deliberately keep a straight face and said, "There are some things you don't need to know."

Qi Xuansu took advantage of the situation to put on a henpecked look. He is the best at pretending.

Zhang Yuyue wanted to use this matter to make trouble, but she didn't expect that she punched the cotton. She couldn't help but feel a little depressed, and said: "Qingxiao really can't mention my affairs to outsiders casually. But I still live in Yu. When I was in Beijing, Qing Xiao never knew someone like you. It has only been three years since I left Yujing. It is said that Lu Yao knows how to master people's hearts over time. How much can I understand in three years? "

Dong Baijing was actually not very disgusted with Qi Xuansu and said, "Yu'er, after all, you are a guest. Don't be so rude."

Zhang Yuyue said coldly: "Stop talking and let him speak."

At first glance, one can tell that she is a quite strong woman, especially at home. She is still different from Zhang Yuelu, who is very reasonable.

Dong Baijing was used to it, so he just smiled helplessly, stopped speaking, and observed Zhang Yuelu's expression.

To his surprise, Zhang Yuelu was not worried at all.

Qi Xuansu didn't seem to notice Zhang Yuyue's aggressiveness, but instead asked, "How much can you know in three years? You shouldn't ask me, you should ask Qingxiao, how much does she know about me?"

Zhang Yuyue squinted her eyes, and suddenly realized that this young man was a bit interesting, and there was another shadow faintly revealed, a shadow that she would never forget.

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