Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 145 Conversation

Zhang Yuyue looked directly at Qi Xuansu and asked in a questioning tone: "Fellow Daoist Qi, where do you serve now? What is your cultivation level? What is your rank?"

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Tiangang Hall, a seventh-grade Taoist priest with a cultivation level in the Yuxu stage, will soon be promoted to a sixth-grade Taoist priest and enjoy the treatment of a fifth-grade Taoist priest."

This was all done by him with real swords and guns, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Zhang Yuyue's brows jumped slightly: "Seventh-grade Taoist priest? Even if it is a sixth-grade Taoist priest, or a fifth-grade Taoist priest, so what? Fellow Taoist Qi, Qi Tianyuan, Qi Xuansu, as Qingxiao's sister, I hope you can recognize your own Status, it’s not that I look down on low-grade Taoist priests. After all, I also came from a low-grade Taoist priest. But if we change places, would you be willing to marry your sister to a low-grade Taoist priest? "

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "There is no way, my surname is not Zhang, nor is my surname Li. It will take some time to climb up."

Zhang Yuyue showed a rather weird smile, stared straight at Qi Xuansu's face, and said, "You're showing your tail, aren't you? 'Climbing' is such a wonderful word to use. Do you still want to conquer a big country?" "

Qi Xuansu had already learned about Li Minghuang from Zhang Yuelu. He was well prepared and immediately said: "Master Zhang is afraid that I will use Qingxiao as a stepping stone? That is really underestimating Qingxiao. As for conquering the country and so on, our sect can't Pay attention to this, it is better to abandon this bad habit as soon as possible. "

Dong Baijing glanced at Zhang Yuelu again. She found that this sister-in-law had already sat on the chair at some point, and was even sipping tea leisurely. She seemed to be aware of Dong Baijing's gaze. She put down the tea bowl again, sat upright, and tried her best to look worried. However, in this regard, she He really doesn't have Qi Xuansu's talent.

Zhang Yuyue had no time to pay attention to Zhang Yuelu at this time, and all her eyes stayed on Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu was not very afraid.

In terms of age, Zhang Yuyue is older. But in terms of aura, the domineering Zhang Yuyue is really not as good as the dragon-tiger Zhang Yuelu. If we want to make an analogy, the former seems to be energetic, but is full of yin and yang, while the latter seems to be peaceful and reserved, but is upright and upright.

So when Zhang Yuyue met Li Minghuang, it was like meeting the evil star in her life. She was completely defeated and could only hide in a corner and lick her wounds. However, Zhang Yuelu directly beat Li Tianzhen until he could not even enter Yujing. This was the gap between the two.

Of course, Qi Xuansu is not bad at getting Zhang Yuelu's approval. The chance encounter in Taiqing Square was just a good start. Later, Hantrick and Diswin were killed, and then they went to Yishan City to defeat the Lingshan Witch Cult. They counterattacked and killed the "Inn" assassins on the Tea Horse Road, until Baidi City faced their true identity. The relationship between the two of them is getting closer and closer.

If Qi Xuansu had been a good gentleman and accepted everything, maybe Zhang Yuyue wouldn't have ripped her skin off directly, but she didn't expect that Qi Xuansu had needles hidden in the cotton, soft yet hard, which made Zhang Yuyue furious. However, years of upbringing allowed her to maintain a superficial calm. , and said slowly: "What a bad habit. I didn't expect that you are so young that you would come up with these clichés."

Qi Xuansu said: "What are clichés? Isn't this a bad habit? Qing Xiao is my boss. She always teaches me this way. Qing Xiao can't be wrong."

Zhang Yuyue suddenly looked at Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu could only say: "That's true."

Zhang Yuyue suddenly felt that she might have thought wrong. Her cousin had been opinionated since she was a child, and she was bold and always liked to do things that others did not dare to do. Maybe she was not deceived by this thief boy, but planned to raise a pretty boy.

The more Zhang Yuyue thought about it, the more she felt that Zhang Yuelu could do such a thing, but her anger was still lingering and she still said to Qi Xuansu: "I won't quarrel with you, I want to tell you, don't look at Qingxiao because she is from the Zhang family and is from the Zhang family. The banished immortal, and even the deputy hall leader, wants to use her as a stepping stone for him to reach the sky. I advise you to give up this desire as soon as possible, and then go back to where you came from, otherwise our Zhang family is not easy to bully. "

Qi Xuansu figured that going too far was not enough, and this was a small test of his skills, so he chose to remain silent and retreat instead of making progress.

Zhang Yuyue vented the last breath of anger in her heart and took advantage of the situation to take a look at Qi Xuansu. To be fair, if she were not standing next to Zhang Yuelu, this thief boy would be pretty good. After all, he was in his twenties and was preparing for the sacrifice, and he was still at the Yuxu stage of cultivation. Not bad at all. But if you want to marry Zhang Yuelu, that is not enough.

Zhang Yuyue was examining Qi Xuansu, and her husband Dong Baijing also turned his attention to Qi Xuansu. This bookish middle-aged man didn't have much resistance or disgust towards Qi Xuansu, and his stance was far more objective and neutral than Zhang Yuyue's.

Seeing that his wife's anger had subsided, Dong Baijing took advantage of the situation and said, "Yu'er, if you have anything to say, you'd better say it nicely."

Zhang Yuyue did not embarrass her husband this time, and said to Zhang Yuelu: "Qingxiao, let's go inside and have a good talk."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu, stood up and said, "Okay."

After the two sisters left, only two men, Qi Xuansu and Dong Baijing, were left in the main hall.

Dong Baijing stretched out his hand to signal Qi Xuansu to sit down, and then said: "Yu'er has a short temper. If I have any regrets, I hope Tianyuan will forgive me."

Qi Xuansu smiled and said, "It's just human nature, there's nothing I can't say I'm sorry for."

"Is Tianyuan from Wanxiang Taoist Palace?" Dong Baijing asked.

Qi Xuansu nodded and said, "Yes."

"Actually, I also came from the Wanxiang Taoist Palace." Dong Baijing said, "So I understand your difficulties. Without using those meaningless correct clichés, we are indeed a head shorter than those who come from aristocratic families like them. , and more than one step slower.”

Qi Xuansu said: "I know."

Dong Baijing fell into memories: "Tianyuan, do you know why Qingxiao's sister is so opposed to it?"

"I also know." Qi Xuansu said, "Because Li Minghuang, the third deputy hall master of our Tiangang Hall, is second only to the chief deputy hall master and the second deputy hall master."

If Zhang Yuelu is unreasonable, then Qi Xuansu is suspected of being unreasonable at times.

Dong Baijing's expression was a little awkward. He was silent for a long time before saying, "What do you think?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Qing Xiao is different from her sister. If it were Qing Xiao, then she would choose to kill Li Minghuang herself. If she can't kill him now, she can kill him one day. This is what she said personally, and I have no doubt about it. ”

Dong Baijing didn't expect his sister-in-law to be so... cruel. She was indeed very different from Zhang Yuyue.

Dong Baijing couldn't help but asked curiously: "What if Qingxiao wants to kill Tianyuan one day?"

Qi Xuansu said matter-of-factly: "Of course I will not kill him at the slightest opportunity, but I will stand up and resist."

Dong Baijing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He originally thought that he and Qi Xuansu were fellow travelers, and very similar fellow travelers. But now it seems that they are not fellow travelers at all. The difference between them is like the difference between Zhang Yuyue and Zhang Yuelu.

Perhaps, his wife Zhang Yuyue saw the shadow of Li Minghuang in Qi Xuansu. Rather than saying she hates Qi Xuansu, she hates Wu Jiwu.

The reason why he was able to marry Zhang Yuyue was not because of how good he was, but just because Zhang Yuyue broke the jar and fell into a trap, and he probably didn't want to take revenge on Li Minghuang.

As for whether Li Minghuang didn't care about this kind of revenge, only Li Minghuang himself knew.

Thinking of this, Dong Baijing sighed.

In fact, he doesn't covet Zhang Yuyue's family background at all, so he doesn't care whether the Zhang family approves of this marriage, as long as Zhang Yuyue approves. He is just because of Zhang Yuyue and has nothing to do with anything else.

Presumably Zhang Yuyue also took a fancy to this and chose to marry him.

Dong Baijing remembered something and asked: "By the way, Tianyuan, how long have you and Qingxiao known each other?"

Qi Xuansu said: "We met on July 15th, August 15th, September 15th, October 15th, November 15th, five months, less than half a year."

"Half a year?" Dong Baijing was surprised, "So short!"

"Is it short?" Qi Xuansu smiled, "If it's the same thing in the pledge room, day after day, half a year is indeed not long, but if it's life and death, I think half a year is already a long time. It's as long as several lives and deaths. It’s like two lives.”

Dong Baijing was stunned, unable to understand this feeling.

Qi Xuansu did not explain too much, but instead said: "I am actually half a Jianghu person, and later transferred to Tiangang Hall. I like to write poems about ancient knights."

Dong Baijing asked: "Poetry? Is it "Xia Ke Xing" by Shixian? Kill one person in ten steps, and leave no trace in a thousand miles. When the matter is over, you brush off your clothes and hide your merits and fame."

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "It's not this one. This one is a little more fairy-like and a little less chivalrous. I like the other poem better."

The young man is chivalrous and makes friends with heroes from all five cities. Liver and gallbladder holes. Hair twitching. Talking. Life and death are the same. A promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold.

Like a yellow beam dream. Bid Danfeng. The moon is bright.

If you don't ask for a long tassel, it's because of the talent. The sword roars to the west wind. I hate climbing mountains and facing water, and send seven-stringed tung trees in my hand. Watching the return home.

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