Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 152: See Through

Zhang Yuelu and Li Qingnu looked at each other.

Li Qingnu casually took out an embroidered round fan. She was clearly a fireworks woman, but her demeanor was as dignified and elegant as everyone's daughter. There was also a bit of weakness and timidity in her dignity, like a weak willow supporting the wind.

Zhang Yuelu shook the folding fan in his hand and dispersed the surrounding smoke.

Li Qingnu suddenly said: "In the Shangqing Mansion, the surname Zhang is a common surname, but the surname Tantai is rare. But I heard that there was a Mrs. Tantai in Zhang in the Shangqing Dynasty, who was very famous. I wonder if Mr. Tantai and this Tantai What’s the relationship, madam?”

Qi Xuansu, who was about to drink tea, immediately pricked up his ears.

Mrs. Tantai.

This was the ultimate enemy of his trip, and he couldn't tolerate it.

As for why Mrs. Tantaiyun is so famous, it is not surprising.

The Zhang family is undoubtedly a big family with many rules. Few women who marry into it can make waves. However, Mrs. Tantai planned to change her daughter's surname to her own and put it into practice. Is this something that ordinary people can do?

Although Zhang Yuelu's father was only from a small sect, after the incident escalated, Zhang Yuyue's paternal uncles were unable to suppress it. Instead, they brought the incident to the head of the clan in front of the Heavenly Master. Even if there is a family member who is reluctant to use force, it can be seen that This Mrs. Tantai's methods are powerful.

In the end, the Heavenly Master made the final decision and decided that Zhang Yuelu's surname was Zhang. However, he still compromised and changed Zhang Yuelu's name himself and allowed her to become a disciple of Master Cihang. You must know that Master Cihang is the second most powerful person in Zhengyi Dao, equal to Master Qingwei of Taiping Dao and Master Donghua of Quanzhen Dao. Zhang Yuelu can become her disciple, which is something that not many people can envy. This allowed Zhang Yuelu to go to Yujing early. At that age, Zhang Yuyue and other members of the Zhang family were still hanging around in the local Taoist government.

Judging from the results, although Mrs. Tantai did not have a lot of capital, she relied on her own efforts to build a ladder for her daughter to ascend to the Qingyun Road, making her starting point no less than that of many Zhangs from a wealthy background. The son of the family.

To put it more bluntly, it’s a waste of money.

Qi Xuansu thought he didn't have this ability.

The Heavenly Master has no children, only many nephews and disciples. He once joked with Master Cihang privately that it was fortunate that not a large number of the descendants of the clan had married this nephew-in-law, otherwise she would have been in charge of the internal affairs of the Dazhen Mansion, and he, the patriarch of the clan, had no children. Although he was not afraid of facing his niece-in-law directly, he also felt a headache.

Zhang Yuelu inherited his mother's abilities and temperament to a certain extent. Fortunately, his father's temperament was somewhat tempered, so that he would not be as aggressive as his mother.

As for Zhang Yuelu's father's status in the family, it is difficult to describe. In Zhang Yuelu's words, dare to fight, fight and lose again and again, and fight again and again after defeat.

In any case, he is much better than Dong Baijing who surrendered without a fight.

Qi Xuansu has no hostility towards Dong Baijing, but he is unwilling to be a man like Dong Baijing.

He is sometimes afraid of Zhang Yuelu, not because of Zhang Yuelu's skill and force, and Zhang Yuelu never makes trouble unreasonably, but more because he is not upright, does not take advantage of the truth, and does wrong things, such as concealing the identity of the Qingpinghui and using Taiping money as a favor with Sun Yongfeng. The resume of the seventh-grade Taoist priest is blank, his behavior is inappropriate, etc. He has no words to explain, and naturally he has no confidence.

But Dong Baijing is different. He didn't do anything wrong, but he always bows his head in front of Zhang Yuyue. Isn't this what he asked for?

Of course, if you are confused about what the word "love" should be like, then Qi Xuansu has nothing to say.

Because of this, Mrs. Tantai is extremely famous, not only in the Zhang family, but also in Yujing. Even the masters of Beichen and Tiangang Halls, where Zhang Yuelu once served, have heard of Mrs. Tantai.

Therefore, Li Qingnu's words are not unexpected.

Zhang Yuelu said: "The Tantai surname originated from the Confucian sages. It has spread over the years, and there is more than one family."

Li Qingnu covered his mouth with a round fan and said, "I see, I thought you were the child of Mrs. Tantai."

Qi Xuansu let out a "tsk" sound.

Although Zhang Yuelu's disguise was perfect, it was still fake, and there was probably a flaw somewhere.

Zhang Yuelu lightly kicked Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu picked up the teacup and asked, "Is it not poisonous?"

Li Qingnu smiled and said: "Master, please rest assured. As the master said, we are open to do business. We are friendly and make money. How can we poison you? By the way, I haven't asked this master what your name is?"

Qi Xuansu picked up the teacup, took a sip, and replied, "My surname is Qi."

"It turns out to be Young Master Qi." Li Qingnu said, "I have been in this business for many years and have met countless people. However, it is rare for Young Master Qi and this Tantai... Young Master to visit the courtyard like this."

Zhang Yuelu simply stopped pretending: "Girl from Tantai, let's just say girl from Tantai. I'm curious, how did you tell?"

Li Qingnu pointed at the earlobe and said, "Generally speaking, we men from the Central Plains do not have the habit of piercing our ears and wearing earrings."

Zhang Yuelu's face froze and she subconsciously touched her earlobe. Although she rarely wore earrings, her mother had her ears pierced when she was very young.

Qi Xuansu sighed: "One hundred secrets and one sparse."

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu, spit out something similar to a whistle, and returned to his original voice: "Let's open the skylight and speak openly. What is Miss Li's purpose in coming to Shangqing Mansion?"

Qi Xuansu pouted. Zhang Yuelu was first in Beichen Hall and then in Tiangang Hall. Over time, he developed this habit of looking at everyone suspiciously.

It's hard to say whether this habit is good or bad. Qi Xuansu has also experienced it. He almost exposed his secret in front of Zhang Yuelu. God knows how Zhang Yuelu suspected his past experience based on a thin file. So sometimes, Qi Xuansu was really on tenterhooks, fearing that Zhang Yuelu would discover something wrong without paying attention, and his identity would be exposed, and he would be doomed.

It would be even more tiring if the two of them got married and stayed together day and night, so Qi Xuansu either stayed away from Zhang Yuelu or left the Qingpinghui as soon as possible.

"Is Mr. Tantai questioning me?" Li Qingnu asked, "My ancestral home is in Shangqing Mansion. This is not a secret. Is it wrong to return home to visit relatives?"

"I'm at a loss when visiting relatives. The key is to have relatives to visit." Zhang Yuelu said, "Miss Li just said that her father-in-law was convicted, her father-in-law died of illness, and her family property was confiscated. She had no choice but to live on the streets, and finally had to engage in this kind of work. A lowly job shows that Miss Li was desperate. Did she have any relatives or friends in Shangqing Mansion? If so, why didn't she seek refuge when she was living on the street? If not, what kind of relatives are you visiting now during the Chinese New Year?”

Qi Xuansu interjected: "Perhaps Miss Li's relatives and friends took the initiative to sell her into the courtyard when they saw that she was helpless. After Miss Li became famous, she ignored the past grudges and repaid them with kindness. In order to thank her tribesmen for selling her into the courtyard, she also asked It’s so touching to come and visit every year.”

Zhang Yuelu smiled: "Mr. Qi, your eccentric abilities are at least as good as the adopted son of the Li family."

"Young Master Tantai, I'm sorry." Qi Xuansu said.

Li Qingnu didn't expect that the two people singing together would actually leave him speechless.

Zhang Yuelu suppressed his smile: "Miss Li has good cultivation but devotes herself to a romantic place. She obviously has no relatives and friends in Shangqing Mansion, but she comes here every year in the name of visiting relatives. What is her plan? I hope you can tell me."

Baidi City is their territory, but Shangqing Mansion is Zhengyi's territory, and Zhang Yuelu is really confident.

Li Qingnu said softly: "If I don't tell you, what will happen to Miss Tantai?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "What can I do? Miss Li relies on the Li family behind her and is the Li family's money tree. As the saying goes, killing someone's wealth is like killing their parents. I can only report this matter to Tianshi Mansion and ask Tianshi Mansion to Decision.”

Li Qingnu suddenly smiled and said: "Miss Tantai, or rather Miss Zhang, I have long heard that you had a gambling fight with Mr. Li in Yujing. When I see you today, your reputation is indeed well-deserved."

Since Zhang Yuelu had already discovered the identity of the woman by Li Qingnu, he was not surprised that Li Qingnu could guess her true identity and said calmly: "Since Miss Li has recognized me, should Miss Li tell me or not?"

Li Qingnu's eyes turned around the two of them and suddenly said: "I can say it, but I have a condition. If Master Zhang refuses to agree to this condition, then even if Miss Zhang kills me, I will not Say half a word.”

"What conditions?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

Li Qingnu's eyes fell on Qi Xuansu: "Master Zhang is too powerful. I can't resist it. If I tell the whole story, I won't be able to explain it after I go back. In this case, I will talk to Mr. Qi alone. Can Mr. Qi ask? How much you pay depends on Mr. Qi’s ability. I wonder what Master Zhang wants.”

Zhang Yuelu frowned and his eyes also fell on Qi Xuansu.

She vaguely felt that there was something fishy about this matter, but for a while she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Do Li Qingnu and Qi Xuansu know each other? Not like that. Combined with Beichentang's summary of behavior and mind, judging from the various subtle movements and reactions of the two people, it was indeed the first time that the two met. Moreover, this visit to the academy was an impromptu decision of hers. Unless there was a real expert using a method like "Zi Wei Dou Shu" to divine the secrets, it would be impossible to predict it in advance.

So Li Qingnu's proposal to talk to Qi Xuansu alone was just a temporary move, rather than a premeditated plan?

Qi Xuansu didn't think deeply, he just felt that he was being looked down upon, but he didn't think so. There was indeed a gap between him and Zhang Yuelu, and it was abnormal to be looked down upon.

Qi Xuansu did not make any decision without authorization. He looked at Zhang Yuelu and waited for his boss to make a decision.

Zhang Yuelu retracted his thoughts and said: "In that case, Tianyuan, you should have a good chat with Miss Li."

Qi Xuansu asked both questions and answers: "Where is it?"

Zhang Yuelu took out Qi Xuansu's fire gun and handed it into his hand, and said seriously: "Right here, I'll wait for you outside, be careful."

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