Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 153 Identity

After Zhang Yuelu left, only Qi Xuansu and Li Qingnu were left.

Li Qingnu got straight to the point: "There is a small formation here. It cannot stop Master Zhang from barging in, but it can ensure that Master Zhang cannot hear anything."

Qi Xuansu held the gun tightly, without concealing his defensive posture, and said, "If Miss Li has anything to say, you can say it."

At such a close distance, the "Dragon Fire Gun" filled with "Dragon Eye Yi Er" can indeed threaten the alchemist who is not good at physical fitness. What's more, Qi Xuansu himself has the magical power of Yuxu Wufu, which can also be used to a certain extent. Restrain the Alchemist.

Li Qingnu asked, "What did you say?"

Qi Xuansu said: "Of course it's Miss Li's purpose. Isn't Miss Li a member of Ziguang Society?"

"Ziguang Society, a secret society." Li Qingnu laughed, "Is Young Master Qi a Taoist priest of Tiangang Hall?"

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Exactly."

Li Qingnu said calmly: "The Taoist priest of Tiangang Hall is amazing. He is indeed upright."

Qi Xuansu did not get angry, but said: "What exactly does Miss Li want to say?"

Li Qingnu stopped smiling: "Do you really think of yourself as a Taoist priest from Tiangang Hall who hunts down evil spirits?"

"What does Miss Li mean by this?" Qi Xuansu was shocked.

Li Qingnu revealed the secret with one word: "'Jin Cuo Dao', have you forgotten your identity?"

After a moment of fear, Qi Xuansu immediately calmed down and stared at Li Qingnu with his eyes, but his thumb had quietly pressed down the hammer of the gun.

At this time, Qi Xuansu no longer showed any pretense as usual, and said slowly: "Miss Li, you might as well speak more clearly, what is the 'gold staggered knife'? What is your identity? I don't quite understand."

Sometimes, Qi Xuansu would indeed have the illusion that he was in another world. He was already an upright Taoist priest of Tiangang Hall. When he returned to Yujing, he would be promoted to a sixth-grade Taoist priest, enjoy the treatment of a fifth-grade candidate for sacrificial wine, and receive one hundred Taiping coins per month. For example, the Master Zhangtang has heard of his name, and he is expected to be promoted to a fourth-level wine priest in the future. More importantly, with Zhang Yuelu as a close friend, his future will be bright.

Qi Xuansu understood that all this was hard-won, and he didn't want to lose everything he had now and continue to be that lonely ghost wandering around.

Those who are close to vermillion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. During the time when Qi Xuansu was around Zhang Yuelu, he did change a lot under the influence of Zhang Yuelu. He gradually abandoned some bad habits and learned from Zhang Yuelu to become a qualified Taoist priest of Tiangang Hall and abide by the rules of the Taoist sect. , trying their best to capture members of various secret societies, and even occasionally think about grand propositions such as the future of Taoism.

But in just four months, the traces left by the past four years have not been erased. Qi Xuansu is still the same Jianghu person at heart.

He doesn't want to kill anyone, but he will show no mercy to anyone who blocks his way or ruins his affairs.

Qi Xuansu who wants to be a normal person will be bound by what is good and evil, right and wrong. Qi Xuansu who cannot be a normal person never asks these questions.

At this moment, Qi Xuansu's murderous intent was revealed.

If Li Qingnu intends to use his identity to blackmail him, or even intends to expose his identity and make him irrecoverable, then he will not hesitate to try to kill Li Qingnu.

It’s not like he hasn’t killed masters in the return to true stage, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.

At worst, he said afterwards that Li Qingnu wanted to escape, or that Li Qingnu wanted to kill him, so he had to take action and accidentally killed Li Qingnu. Even if Zhang Yuelu had doubts, he couldn't care less.

If he died in the hands of Li Qingnu, it would be over and there would be nothing more to say.

Li Qingnu was naturally aware of Qi Xuansu's murderous intention, but he continued: "Do you really think that after you enter the Tiangang Hall, you will become a cat of the Taoist sect? A mouse is a mouse."

Qi Xuansu's tone became calmer: "What do you want? The Li family is a money-spinner, rich in clothing and food, so there should be no shortage of peace money. I can't squeeze much money out of me. Do you want me to help you cover it up?"

Li Qingnu did not answer, but instead said: "Aren't you curious about how I know your identity? The reason why the Qingping Society uses the code name is to hide the identity. Logically speaking, the members of the Qingping Society do not know each other. The identity of the other party.”

Qi Xuansu was not curious: "Qiniang told you."

Li Qingnu glanced at Qi Xuansu in surprise, but did not deny it: "So if you don't rush to kill me, you should listen to what I have to say first."

Qi Xuansu was noncommittal and still held the "Dragon Gun" in his hand tightly.

Li Qingnu said: "Qiniang told me that you should pass by Shangqing Mansion, so I estimated the time and came to Shangqing Mansion to wait for you, but I didn't expect to meet you in this way."

Qi Xuansu asked: "You recognized me when we were in the flower hall?"

"No." Li Qingnu shook his head and said, "The information Qiniang gave you is a bit out of date. Qiniang said that you are at the Kunlun stage, but you are clearly at the Yuxu stage, and you seem to be a martial artist. If I If I had known this would happen, I would never have let you get so close to me. It wasn't until I guessed Zhang Yuelu's identity and you said your surname was Qi that I finally confirmed your identity."

Qi Xuansu was silent in thought, finding no obvious flaws, and then asked: "Are you also a member of the Qingping Society?"

Li Qingnu said: "You can call me 'Dian Jiang Chun', Qiniang sent me here. As for why Qiniang didn't use the mother-zig talisman to contact you, she was naturally afraid that Master Zhang would find out."

Qi Xuansu didn't think there was anything wrong with this statement. During this period of time, he and Zhang Yuelu had indeed been inseparable, and they really didn't dare to use the mother-child talisman to contact them directly.

Qi Xuansu said: "Having said that, I don't think it's any better for you to meet me in this way than to contact me directly with the Mother and Son Talisman."

Li Qingnu said: "That was not my original plan. It was the two of you who disrupted the plan. It's also my fault for underestimating Zhang Yuelu. In short, now that the arrow is on the string and I have to shoot it, I can't care so much anymore."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Qiniang wants you to take the risk to come to see me. What are you going to say?"

Li Qingnu said: "Qiniang wants me to tell you something. You are being targeted by a group of people. You should be careful during this period."

"Who?" Qi Xuansu asked directly.

Li Qingnu did not sell out: "They are second-class members of the Qingping Association. Their names are 'Little Qin Wang', 'Xie Qiuniang', and 'Hua Jianyi'. You have to be careful. You must know that the Qingping Association is not monolithic. Members Fighting each other is also common, just like you just wanted to kill me."

When Qi Xuansu heard the name "Xie Qiuniang", she couldn't help but feel a shiver in her heart, remembering the experience of Yulan Temple. Although this man's combat power is slightly inferior to Zhang Yuelu's, he is definitely not comparable to Qi Xuansu.

Li Qingnu added: "According to Qiniang's news, 'Little Qin Wang' and 'Xie Qiuniang' went to Zhongzhou, and 'Hua Jianyi' has been sending people to pay attention to your movements."

Qi Xuansu immediately thought of the group of liars he met in Jinguan Mansion. It seemed inexplicable at the time, but now that he thinks about it, it is very likely that they were subordinates of "Hua Jianyi".

Many things connected at once.

Li Qingnu added: "In addition, Qiniang wants me to tell you something. Master Qingwei of Taiping Dao came to Beijing to meet the saint. Taiping Dao sent thirty-six high-quality Taoist priests to accompany him. One of them was named Jiang Bie. Yun's fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest, he is the man behind the incident in Fengtai County. Zhao Guangji, the chief of Qianhu Station of Qingluan Guard in Luzhou, has also entered Beijing and is in the mansion of Qingluan Guard's pro-army commander. Waiting for Master Qingwei’s summons.”

Qi Xuansu frowned, not caring to sigh about Qiniang's magical power, and his attention was completely attracted by Qingwei Zhenren.

From this point of view, the "Xuanyu" matter also involves Zhenren Qingwei. If Qiniang hadn't put an end to it for him, I'm afraid that now he would have faced the behemoth of Taiping Dao, and it would have been not a narrow escape but ten deaths.

Li Qingnu said to himself: "Qiniang once helped me. In order to repay Qiniang's kindness, I ran all the way from the Imperial Capital to Shangqing Mansion. In the end, I was caught by Zhang Yuelu, the upright deputy head of Tiangang Hall. It’s a telltale sign, so what should I do?”

Qi Xuansu closed the hammer of the "Dragon Hand Gun" and said, "Leave this matter to me."

"How do you plan to explain my purpose to the clever Master Zhang?" Li Qingnu asked.

Qi Xuansu put away the "Dragon Gun" and said, "It's none of your business."

Li Qingnu laughed: "Do you like that Master Zhang?"

Qi Xuansu said: "It has nothing to do with you."

Li Qingnu turned back into the charming court lady, covered her mouth with a fan and said, "Okay, I won't ask questions, as long as it can be solved smoothly."

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