Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 137: Master Cihang

After Qi Xuansu reported the situation here to Jinque, Jinque held a special meeting. During the discussion, Master Cihang took the initiative to request to go to the Taoist Palace in the Western Regions. Naturally, no one expressed objections. If something like this happened, an immortal must go there to take charge of the overall situation. You cannot rely on Qi Xuansu alone.

Since Master Donghua and Master Qingwei are pulling each other back and no one is willing to break the balance, then Master Cihang is the most suitable candidate.

So the matter was settled, and Master Cihang went to the Taoist Palace of the Western Regions.

After Qi Xuansu received the news, he immediately arranged manpower to prepare to welcome Master Cihang to the Western Region Taoist Mansion. This is also a strange phenomenon within the Taoist sect. The subordinates set up a battle array to welcome them. Whether they are sincere or pretentious, they all say they don't like it, but when it is their turn to receive their superiors, they have to spend a lot of time. I have tried my best to present a high standard, and it is best to present something new and original.

When Master Cihang arrived, headed by Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu, including the newly appointed Li Zhuyu, they all came to greet Master Cihang. Although Master Cihang was not Master Zhangjun, Master Zhangjun had this standard.

The specific process is still the same. How others greeted Qi Xuansu in the past, now Qi Xuansu greeted Master Cihang.

However, Cihang's style was different from Qi Xuansu's. She did not hold a meeting directly. After all, she was not in a hurry to go back this time and wanted to stay for a while. Therefore, she dismissed everyone in the name of rest, leaving only Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu to wait for a while. come over.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is the rhythm of Cihang's real talk with his "daughter and son-in-law" alone.

The Taoist government specially arranged a place for Master Cihang to stay, and the standards were very high. Just like the wooden palace in the Sheji Palace of the Borneo Taoist government was specially used to entertain distinguished guests, the Taoist government of the Western Regions also had a similar place, but it was not in the Daxueshan Palace, but It's on the bank of Yaochi.

The area of ​​Yaochi is not small. It is about seven miles long from north to south and three miles wide from east to west. It is in the shape of a half moon. It is mainly used for the rise and fall of flying boats. However, Yaochi has an outlet in the northwest and northeast, forming a waterfall. The water below forms a pool. They are called West Xiaoyao Pond, also known as Jade Girl Pond, and East Xiaoyao Pond, also known as Black Dragon Pond.

The Taoist government in the Western Regions built Taoist palace villas around Jade Girl Pond and Black Dragon Pond, which are like the scenic spots of an immortal's house. They are never open to the public except for receiving visitors from Jinque or important guests.

This time Jiang Daren went directly to Huqian County. If Jiang Daren came to the Daxue Mountain Palace, he would be arranged in the Black Dragon Pond of the East Xiaoyao Pond. As a female guest, Cihang Immortal would be arranged in the Jade Girl Pond of the West Xiaoyao Pond. side.

There is also a saying that the Prince of the East corresponds to the Queen Mother of the West, so the male guests are in the East Xiaoyaochi and the female guests are in the West Xiaoyaochi.

This was the first time Qi Xuansu came here. It was getting late at this time, and he could only see the bright moon in the sky, the silent shadows on the jade, and the clear scenery. It is said that this scene is known as the "Longtan Blue Moon". A waterfall hangs on the side of the pool, connecting it to the Great Yao Pool above. The Milky Way falls to the ground, spitting out pearls and splashing jade. There is a Tao Pavilion built on the top of the mountain above the pool, which is exquisite and unique.

Master Cihang invited the two of them to talk in the pavilion, while the rest of the entourage, Qian Wan, Yan Yongzhen, and Ke Qingqing, were waiting below. Looking up, the pavilion above seems to be flying in the sky against the backdrop of the moonlight and water. One has to marvel at the ingenuity and ingenuity of the pavilion. Only the upper echelons of Dao Sect can enjoy such beautiful scenery.

Master Cihang looked at the "Longtan Blue Moon" below, and said slowly: "I have learned about the relevant situation, but I never thought that Xiao Bodhisattva would be so bold and sneak into the Snow Mountain Palace by parasitism. Fortunately, you encountered this, If it were anyone else, they might not be able to handle it. Jin Que has reached an agreement on this issue, and Xiao Bodhisattva’s problem has to be solved.”

Qi Xuansu said: "It's just that Xiao Bodhisattva's whereabouts are unpredictable and mysterious. It's not easy to find her. Last time Qingxiao and I trapped and killed Monk Xiao. Even if we repeat the same trick this time, I'm afraid Xiao Bodhisattva won't be fooled. "

Master Cihang looked away and said: "You have to eat your food one bite at a time, and you have to do things one by one. Since you can't find Xiao Bodhisattva for the time being, then look for what you can find. Didn't you discover Zhao Bodhisattva from Xiao Bodhisattva's memory?" Jiaowu’s hiding place? Let’s settle Zhao Jiaowu’s matter first, so that we can comfort Master Chen’s spirit in heaven.”

Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu looked at each other: "We think so too. It's best to act immediately without further delay."

Master Cihang was noncommittal and asked, "What are the arrangements for the Taoist government?"

Qi Xuansu said: "The daily affairs are the responsibility of the Chief Deputy Palace Master Danjin and the Second Deputy Palace Master Shuangyu. I have also made it clear that any issues involving personnel appointments and removals and major decision-making will not be discussed during my absence. Unexpected events and Any matters of principle that you are unsure about must be reported to me. As for other matters, especially those related to secret associations, please leave it to Qing Xiao."

Zhang Yuelu expressed his position: "This is my old profession, and I will not repeat the mistakes of Nanyang."

Master Cihang thought for a while and said: "That's it. Tianyuan, Xiaoyin, I and I are responsible for arresting Zhao Jiaowu, while Master Lin will stay with Qingxiao to assist Qingxiao in case the ancient immortal intervenes. As for Jia Officer Yin Ling, it is better to stay at the Daxue Mountain Palace until the situation is completely stabilized, and then it will not be too late to rush to the frontline battlefield. "

This small meeting of three people was agreed upon.

The next day, Master Cihang announced that he was going to Yin, which could be regarded as the third generation of ancestors. However, considering that Cihang is an immortal and Qi Xuansu is a pseudo-immortal, there is no need to worry too much about safety issues.

The affairs of the Daofu were just as Qi Xuansu had arranged, but this time Zhang Yuelu intervened in the affairs of the Daofu in the name of Tiangang Hall. With Qi Xuansu's tacit approval and support, the Daofu looked at the wind direction and naturally dared not say a word of "no". Even if Li Zhuyu had some ideas, he could do nothing about it.

On the other side, Cihang Zhenren, Qi Xuansu and Xiao Yin took a flying boat and headed straight for the Sea of ​​Death.

Xiao Yin was not familiar with Cihang Zhenren, so he did not dare to be too presumptuous. He pretended to be quiet and shy and did not speak. In Xiao Yin's opinion, Lao Zhang was already very strict, so Lao Zhang's master would be even stricter? The character of the elders can be seen from the children. Lao Qi and Qi Niang are exactly the same. From this, Lao Zhang and Cihang Zhenren are exactly the same.

Cihang Zhenren was a little surprised: "Qingxiao always says that this child is noisy, isn't she quite quiet?"

Qi Xuansu cleared his throat and directly exposed Xiao Yin: "She is pretending. She is not familiar with Zhenren yet, so she dare not act rashly. Once she is familiar with him, she will be lawless."

Xiao Yin tugged at Qi Xuansu's sleeve and kept winking at him, signaling him to stop talking.

Qi Xuansu pretended not to see it.

Xiao Yin was almost dying of anxiety.

Qi Xuansu ignored her and continued to expose her past.

It's not Qi Xuansu's fault. Xiao Yin did something again in the past two days, which made Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu "proud".

Although Xiao Yin is not studying in Wanxiang Dao Palace, she still has to complete the final graduation policy paper. It happened that Xiao Yin had nothing to do these days, so she buried her head in writing the policy paper. Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu each had a lot of things to do, and they had to sort out personnel and allocate military supplies. No one could take care of her, let alone check her homework.

As expected, Xiao Yin made a scene. She quoted a large section of the words of "Wan Miao Zhenren" in her own strategy, and then passed it to Sun Hewu using the "Xun Fu Array". Sun Lao Zhenren looked at it wrong. In his impression, Qi Jiaozheng was not a person who liked to talk nonsense. Even if he talked nonsense after drinking, he should not be so nonsense.

Later, Sun Hewu asked and found out that the "Wan Miao Zhenren" here was not Qi Jiaozheng, but Qi Xiaoyin. Xiaoyin was still confident. Her courtesy name was Wan Miao, and she was a second-rank Taiyi Taoist priest. Isn't she Wan Miao Zhenren?

So it was this Wan Miao Zhenren.

In other words, those so-called Wan Miao Zhenren quotations were actually compiled by Xiao Yin himself. Others said this and that, but Xiao Yin just said what I said.

Endorsing yourself with your own words, the great masters of all generations have never been so arrogant.

It is conceivable that Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu are very embarrassed.

You two outstanding talents have taught such a daughter.

Zhang Yuelu has always been strict. After hearing about this, he was too ashamed to see anyone and never mentioned it. Qi Xuansu had a better mentality and treated it as a joke. However, the two agreed on one point. When Xiao Yin graduated, they would not attend. They could not afford to lose this person, so they would let Lao Lin go.

After Qi Xuansu told this to Cihang Zhenren, the old mother-in-law also laughed and called Xiao Yin a "ghost spirit". This was not a question of courage. Ordinary children would not do such things without imagination.

For most of the day, the flying boat entered the depths of the Sea of ​​Death and came to the top of Zhao Jiaowu's hiding place according to the memory guidance of Xiao Bodhisattva.

There was originally a temple dedicated to the one-eyed stone Buddha here, but unlike the temples on the edge of the Sea of ​​Death, the sand sea here changes more frequently. After the temple was abandoned, it was soon buried deep underground by yellow sand. Zhao Jiaowu was hiding under the yellow sand. No wonder Xiao Bodhisattva said that if he wanted to find Zhao Jiaowu, he had to turn the Sea of ​​Death upside down. This was also the truth in a sense.

Without the memory of Bodhisattva Xiao, Qi Xuansu would have to spend a lot of effort to find this place. It would probably be more difficult than Master Jiang's calculation of the route to Tongzhen Palace.

Master Cihang ordered the flying boat to hover in the air, and she jumped directly from the deck.

At this moment, the seemingly calm sea of ​​sand suddenly became turbulent and boiling, countless quicksands collapsed downward, forming a vortex, and then a huge sandworm as big as a dragon broke out of the sand, which was the one Qi Xuansu saw in the earth's energy tracing back.

The sandworm opened its huge mouthparts, stood up its huge body, and bit towards Master Cihang in the air.

Master Cihang did not see how he moved, but with a flash of sword light, the sandworm's mouthparts had been completely pierced, and transparent mucus flowed out of it, falling like rain.

The body of the sandworm fell sideways with a bang, and hit the yellow sand heavily. However, the sandworm did not die, but drilled into the yellow sand again.

As soon as Cihang Zhenren raised his hand, countless Buddha lights rose into the air and condensed into swords. There were tens of thousands of them, densely packed and covering the sky.

Then, as Cihang Zhenren waved his hand again, the swords of light fell like rain, all sinking into the yellow sand.

Even if the sandworm escaped underground, it could not escape being strangled.

Soon, the sandworm rushed to the ground again, already covered with wounds and moving slowly. After struggling for a while, it stopped moving.

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