Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 139: Speculation

This guess is of course not without reason. In fact, it is based on some ready-made examples.

This reminded Qi Xuansu of the Tianshi family.

Strictly speaking, the Celestial Master is not the son of the first generation of gods, but the second generation.

The seniority of the Taoist family cannot be equal to the seniority of the family. The seniority of the Zhang family: the wind is clear and the clouds are quiet, and the mountains are unfettered.

Zhang Feishan, who was "tempted" by Ziguang Zhenjun, is of the "mountain" generation, and Tianshi is the "wu" generation, so the real son of the first generation of gods is of the "shi" generation.

This son of a god who was supposed to shine was eventually unknown due to various external factors. He left behind two sons and a daughter. The eldest son also did nothing and died early. The remaining sons and daughters are the Tianshi Zhang Wushou and Zhang Wushou. hatred.

Because of this, although Zhang Jucheng is not Tianshi's biological son, Zhang Jucheng's father is Tianshi's eldest brother, and Tianshi has never married a wife and has no children. Therefore, according to the clan inheritance system, Zhang Jucheng has two wives. After the inheritance, Zhang Yuyue was recognized as the direct granddaughter of Tianshi.

Of course, if his granddaughter failed to live up to her expectations, Zhang Yuelu took advantage of the situation and took over. Now whenever the granddaughter of the Heavenly Master is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is Zhang Yuelu. Those who don't know the inside story think that Zhang Yuelu is her biological granddaughter.

As his grandson-in-law, Qi Xuansu naturally knew these inside stories, so it was difficult for him not to think of the Zhang family.

From Xiao Bodhisattva’s memory, we learned that Xiao Bodhisattva and Monk Xiao are siblings.

At first, Qi Xuansu rejected the speculation that Xiao Bodhisattva or Monk Xiao was the baby because the time did not match.

But if we refer to the story of the Zhang family and regard this baby as the son of the immortal of the "Shi" generation, and regard Monk Xiao and Bodhisattva Xiao as the Heavenly Master and Zhang Wuhen, then it will make sense.

In other words, hundreds of years ago, a monk obtained a strange baby through a pilgrimage to the Snowy Mountains. However, Buddhism at that time did not directly use the baby. Maybe Buddhism had not yet made up its mind, maybe it was not the right time, in short Hundreds of years later, Buddhism used this baby to conceive two children, namely Xiao Bodhisattva and Monk Xiao.

As long as this baby does not have immortal cultivation, his lifespan on earth can exceed a hundred years. If the baby's subjective feelings are not considered, it is treated as an object, and extreme measures such as banning and freezing are used directly, then it is not a problem to survive for hundreds of years. Others can do the same, but no one wants to live like this. They would rather die directly.

When needed, take it out and unseal it, then the existence time of Monk Xiao and Bodhisattva Xiao can be roughly matched.

Because its origin is unknown and it involves that weird snowy mountain pilgrimage, Buddhism dare not say it clearly. Therefore, under the guise of some legend, a Buddhist venerable discovered this baby in the ruins of the Sea of ​​Death. Monk Xiao rarely communicates with his peers. When contacted by brothers, Xiao Bodhisattva is even more mysterious than Monk Xiao because they cannot see the light.

Now it seems that the ruins of the Sea of ​​Death are mostly real. These temples dedicated to the one-eyed stone Buddha should be the so-called ruins. Monk Xiao and Bodhisattva Xiao were even born in these temples.

So Buddhism really didn't lie, it just deliberately concealed some facts and caused misleading.

If this guess is true, then many things can be explained. Buddhism has been in contact with extraterrestrial demons many years ago, but there is another problem.

Can the monk who participated in the pilgrimage represent Buddhism?

This principle is very simple, and the same applies to the Taoist sect. Can people like Yao Zu, Yao Yueyan, and Earth Master Yao Ling represent the Taoist sect?

The answer is probably no, at most it can only represent part of the Taoism.

By analogy, this monk who participated in the pilgrimage and brought back the baby may not represent Buddhism. At most, he represents part of Buddhism. This may be the reason why Buddhism only created Monk Xiao and Bodhisattva Xiao after hundreds of years. Obviously, there are differences within Buddhism. Without external pressure, there will definitely not be an agreement on this matter.

From this the second question arises, does Buddhism know the origins of Monk Xiao and Bodhisattva Xiao?

If it were a Taoist sect, the Earth Masters had done many things behind the back of the Grand Master, including but not limited to refining the "Heart of the Immortal Stone". Did the Grand Masters of all generations know the inside story?

It can only be said that the great sects of the past generations only knew part of the truth, and the situations of the great sects of the past dynasties were different. Some people simply did not know, while others turned a blind eye and were unwilling to delve deeper.

This point can be taken as an example of Qi Xuansu. His fortune was entirely due to the third "Heart of Immortality Stone" left by Yao Zu. Before that, most of the top leaders of the Taoist sect were definitely unaware of this, but the Taoist sect knew After that, there was no intention to eliminate Qi Xuansu, nor did he regard Qi Xuansu as a taboo heretic. Instead, he followed the trend and pushed Qi Xuansu to a high position.

It may be a similar situation here in Buddhism. At the beginning, the senior leaders of Buddhism did not know about this matter, but someone cut it first and then reported it. The result was an established fact. Buddhism looked at Xiao Bodhisattva who was brought back. , Monk Xiao, I definitely can't do it, not because of kindness, but because I can't bear it. Economic accounts are always the simplest and most intuitive. After all, Buddhism is short of talents. If you want to compete with Taoism, you must make careful calculations.

So Buddhism pretended to be confused and kept these two people, and there was a rumor that a certain Buddhist sage found the infant Monk Xiao in a ruins in the Sea of ​​Death and brought him back. In Nalanda Temple, after several hours of secret discussion, the three great masters decided to accept him as a disciple and train him as a Buddhist Dharma Protector.

These are all partial facts. The so-called "three great scholars talked secretly for several hours" should imply the differences among the major factions within Buddhism, and finally reached an agreement.

Now it seems that this "certain Buddhist venerable" is very suspicious. He is the key. He is probably the descendant or reincarnation of the pilgrim monk, inheriting the legacy of his predecessors and continuing to implement this plan.

Is this person still alive? If you were still alive, what status would you have now?

Considering the hundred-year limit of the human world, one of two conditions must be met to be able to stay in the human world now, excluding the One-Calamity Immortal.

One of the conditions is naturally the reincarnation of the Mahayana Bodhisattva in Buddhism. This is also the main reason why Buddhism is so deep. No matter how it is passed down orally and written down, it is not as good as the direct reincarnation of people in the world. Hundreds of years of secrets will not be lost or forgotten.

The other is that when they brought back Xiao Bodhisattva and Monk Xiao, this Venerable was still very young. Just like Qi Xuansu, who became Shenzhi Zhenren at a young age, decades later, he can still stay in the world at the age of nearly a hundred years old. .

In this case, the venerable person he was back then was still a very young venerable person. Decades later, he is now at least one of the three great masters, or even King Kong.

Then this person is the mastermind behind the adventure of the Buddhist radicals.

Qi Xuansu informed Master Cihang of his various speculations. After hearing this, Master Cihang fell into deep thought: "The water in Buddhism is indeed deep, but you are right about one thing."

Qi Xuansu was startled: "Which point?"

Master Cihang said: "Buddhism is best at following the local customs. It varies from place to place and from person to person, so the branches of Buddhism are very different. For example, Buddhism in the Central Plains is influenced by metaphysics and is similar to Confucianism and Taoism, and they are also called the three religions. Nanyang Buddhism is influenced by local witchcraft, and it always has some witchcraft elements. There is also Fenglinzhou Buddhism, which is influenced by Tianmen and has developed a combination of gods and Buddhas.”

Qi Xuansu nodded slightly, he knew this.

After Wang Jujun failed to usurp the throne, the Confucian sect entered a period of decline. When "Huang Tian" defeated "Cang Tian", the Confucian sect was tired of the cumbersome style of study of Confucian classics, the weird and shallow theology of prophecies and the five constant principles, so they Instead, they looked for a new place to settle down, and metaphysics began to flourish.

Because metaphysics and prajna are similar, monks also talk about metaphysics.

Therefore, Buddhism in the Middle Kingdom actually pioneered the unification of the three religions, and has many connections and similarities with Taoism and Confucianism. Later, Buddhism and Taoism were competing. Buddhist monks in China either became Taoist priests or Confucian scholars. Anyway, the unification of the three religions was the general trend. Many of the principles were similar. There was not much difference. It was just a matter of changing clothes. It really came and went easily. .

This is what Master Cihang said.

Nowadays, the main force of Buddhism that competes with Taoism is not only the Buddhist ancestral court, but also the Buddhism in the Western Regions.

Master Cihang continued: "Buddhism in the Western Regions has a very strong black tone. This is not inherent in Buddhism, but the result of following the local customs. It is not fundamentally different from the Confucianism and Taoism of the Central Plains, the witchcraft of Nanyang, and the Tianmen of Fenglinzhou. One of its manifestations is primitiveness and cruelty. This primitive sect advocates gods and all things. It has great similarities with shamanism and witchcraft. It is very different from orthodox Buddhism. It is specious. In the past, it has been excluded from Dzogchen, Mahamudra, In addition to the four major factions of Daoguo and Daweide.”

Qi Xuansu said: "So the real person suspects that this primitive sect is related to the One-eyed Stone Buddha. They believe in the 'Eternal Life' and participate in pilgrimages. However, after they were absorbed by Buddhism, they brought their beliefs into Buddhism and influenced Buddhism. The earliest At that time, Buddhism was wary of it and mainly adopted a suppressive attitude. However, as the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism deepened, the main body of Buddhism was too depleted and was unable to continue to suppress it. This faction began to rise and took over the Buddhist sect. Part of the power is mainly anti-customer.”

Cihang Zhenren gave a hint and said: "So Taoists should be wary of people like Chen Shuhua and don't make wedding clothes for others."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said: "This is indeed a difficult problem."

Qi Xuansu then changed the topic: "This is probably Xiao Bodhisattva's hometown. I didn't expect that there are such unknown secrets hidden. It reminds me of the last war in the Western Regions."

"The mural shows monks and shamans returning to the world. The monks took away the baby, and the shaman built a palace in the Snowy Mountains at the pilgrimage site. It happened that Buddhism was behind the war in the Western Regions to support shamanism."

"Since the descendants of this pilgrim monk have usurped part of the power of Buddhism, is it possible that shamanism is not immune to the same and has its power usurped by the descendants of the pilgrim shaman? The cooperation between the two parties did not end with the return of the pilgrim ended, but continues to this day?”

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