Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 140: Caught

Cihang Zhenren did not immediately confirm Qi Xuansu's guess, but he did not deny it either.

The reincarnation of the Mahayana Bodhisattva of Buddhism ensured that the various secrets of Buddhism could be passed on in an orderly manner to a certain extent. The Taoism was different. Before Xuansheng integrated the Taoism, the Taoism had always been in a state of disunity.

The large camps were divided into two, namely the two sides of the Yuxu Sword Fight, one with Nanhua Daojun as the master, and the other with Yang Zhu as the ancestor.

The medium camps were divided into five, namely the five major Taoist sects of East, South, West, North, and Center.

There were even more small camps, which could be subdivided into nineteen or even more, such as the Cihang lineage, the Donghua lineage, the Qingwei lineage, and so on.

At this time, the internal fighting in the Taoism was not only endless, let alone exchanging what they had, that was strictly guarded.

In the process of Xuansheng integrating the Taoism, death was inevitable, and many secrets were cut off from inheritance. There were also some secrets that were retained, such as those of witchcraft, but the parties involved would not reveal everything, because that was the foundation of their own survival. There are also the Zhang family and the Li family, who know their own affairs, which outsiders will never know.

In this way, many secrets known by the Buddhist sect may not be known by the Taoist sect, and perhaps only some Taoists know them, while other Taoists are unaware of them.

For example, Qi Xuansu had no idea who the Taoist priest who lost to the monk in the pilgrimage team was. Maybe someone in the Taoist sect knew him, but Qi Xuansu was definitely not one of them. If you think about it carefully, this is reasonable. The matter of the ancient Taiping Dao sealing "Cangtian" has not been passed down, and it was discovered by later generations.

From the matter of "Huangtian" and "Cangtian", it can be seen that the Taoist sect and the Confucian sect have long been in deep contact with the outer demons. This is not a unique method of the Buddhist sect, but it was lost in the Taoist sect later. On the contrary, the Buddhist sect has an orderly inheritance and has not been lost.

Since the ancient Taiping Dao can use "Huangtian" to fight against "Cangtian", it can be seen that the ancient Taiping Dao has a high level of attainment in this regard, so the Taoist priest who participated in the pilgrimage in the mural is likely to be from the ancient Taiping Dao.

It's a pity that the ancient Taiping Dao was committed to the rebellion and uprising in the Central Plains, and had been charging at the forefront of the fight against the imperial power of the Confucian school. Naturally, it became the focus of suppression by the Confucian school. It was beaten to pieces early and finally completely extinct. The "remnants" of the ancient Taiping Dao were also forced to go into exile overseas after the Wang Gong Rebellion.

Coincidentally, exactly two hundred years after the Wang Gong Rebellion, Emperor Taizong Wen of the Li family was born, and thus entered the era of the Li Dynasty of the Great Qi Dynasty.

Today's Taiping Dao is essentially the same as Taoism, and it is reintegrated. In other words, Xuansheng first integrated Taiping Dao, and then further united various forces on the basis of Taiping Dao and integrated Taoism. Therefore, Taiping Dao has always regarded itself as the orthodox of Taoism. If you want to do the set of legitimate and illegitimate, then Taiping Dao is the legitimate son. Although Zhengyi Dao and Quanzhen Dao do not recognize it, it is not easy to directly oppose it. If you seriously argue, you may really make this matter a reality, unless you deny Xuansheng's status.

The new Taiping Dao and the ancient Taiping Dao are basically two different things, so it is not easy to generalize them. Naturally, they have not inherited many secrets and unique skills of the ancient Taiping Dao.

The Cihang lineage can be traced back to before the Li Dynasty of the Great Qi Dynasty. It also experienced the last glory of the ancient Taiping Dao. At the same time, it can be said that the inheritance is orderly. After all, it has been led by women from its establishment to the present. This can be seen.

So after thinking for a long time, Cihang Zhenren said: "There is indeed this possibility about this matter, but even if the two families really unite, the impact is not great. After the last war in the Western Regions, Shamanism has been crippled and will not be able to fight again in a short time. Even if the descendants of the pilgrim shaman seize the highest power of Shamanism, it is the basic logic of power operation. However, I think of some other possibilities."

Qi Xuansu couldn't help asking: "What possibility?"

Cihang Zhenren looked at Qi Xuansu deeply: "You are the head of the Western Region Daofu. Master Zhangfu should know that there is a corpse-raising ground under the palace in the Great Snow Mountain, and naturally he should also know the most famous Shaman King. "

Qi Xuansu said: "Yes, this Shaman King once used the Khan of the Golden Horde as materials and the lives of more than 100,000 slaves to refine the "Immortality Stone". "

Master Cihang said: "The Shamanism's method of refining the "Immortality Stone" was passed down from the ancient Shamanism. Now we have confirmed one thing, the Confucianism and the Taoist sects have long known about the existence of the extraterritorial demons. After all, the Confucian Wang Jujun died because of the "Cangtian", and the Taoist sects also died because of the "Cangtian". The sect also drove 'Huang Tian' to defeat 'Cang Tian', which corresponds to the Confucian scholars and Taoists in the pilgrimage team. As for the Western priests, it is not surprising that the Holy Court, as the master of the West, knows this. So where did the shaman in the pilgrimage team know it? "

Qi Xuansu was stunned: "What does the real person mean... the ancient witch religion?"

Cihang Zhenren said: "From the result of the pilgrimage team killing each other, it is unlikely that they told each other. The pilgrims all want to enjoy it alone and will not easily tell this secret to others. Then there are two possibilities. One possibility is that the Buddhist monks deliberately pulled the shaman as a helper, but it is also a bit unreasonable. Can't others think of finding a helper? But they still came alone, which shows that there are some preconditions for this pilgrimage. Not just anyone can participate. It is likely that some qualifications are required. So I am more inclined to another possibility, that the shaman inherited this secret from the witch religion. "

Qi Xuansu agreed: "Compared with the three religions and the Holy Court, the influence of shamanism is indeed inferior, but if it is replaced by the former witch religion, it is almost the same. "

Cihang Zhenren continued, "There is also a certain relationship between Taoism and witchcraft, and it is still the same today."

When Qi Xuansu heard this, he understood the implication of Cihang Zhenren: "Since Shamanism knows, then would the geomancer also know? It doesn't make sense that the orthodox witchcraft knows about things that the side branches know."

Cihang Zhenren sighed: "Over the years, have the geomancers of all generations mentioned this matter? If others don't ask, they won't say it. Who knows what they are thinking."

This is a bit explicit and straightforward. If it were normal, Cihang Zhenren would never let such a handle fall. At this time, it can be seen that Cihang Zhenren did not regard Qi Xuansu as an outsider. Of course, Cihang Zhenren said this because she saw it clearly. She knew that there was a contradiction between Qi Xuansu and the geomancer, and Qi Xuansu absolutely recognized it.

The shadow of the geomancer always loomed over Qi Xuansu's head, which was a fact that Qi Xuansu could not avoid.

Qi Xuansu thought a lot at this moment, including Yao Yueyan's scroll, Yao Zu's plan to leave the "Heart of the Stone of Immortality", etc. It seemed to be a big game, but he had no clue, so he changed the topic in the end: "Let's solve Zhao Jiaowu's problem first."

Cihang Zhenren just nodded. After all, Qi Xuansu was not a child who wanted to rely on his wings. He was already a man with a family and career, and he had his own ideas. Even the elders couldn't say much.

So Cihang Zhenren said: "Let's go."

Xiao Yin followed beside him and listened to the two people's long-winded analysis here. What demons, monks, and shamans, he had been drowsy for a long time and yawned more than once. When he heard the word "let's go", he immediately shuddered and became energetic again.

After passing through the front hall where the one-eyed stone Buddha sitting upside down was enshrined, he entered the back hall. The style of this place is still mainly Buddhist temples, but it has also integrated many shamanistic styles. After the combination of the two, for some reason, there is always a weird feeling.

Zhao Jiaowu was here, but he didn't run away. After all, it was useless for Cihang Zhenren to run away without the help of Xiao Bodhisattva, and he would be caught in an instant.

Cihang Zhenren and Qi Xuansu were delayed outside for a while because of Zhao Jiaowu's "knowledge". If Zhao Jiaowu chose to run away, then Cihang Zhenren would have to take action.

Of course, Zhao Jiaowu couldn't hear the specific content of the conversation between the two people outside. Cihang Zhenren deliberately blocked the sound, after all, it involved the Earth Master. For Zhao Jiaowu, this period of time was naturally quite tormenting.

Zhao Jiaowu saw the two people come in, perhaps because the most intense emotional period had passed, he remained generally calm: "It turned out that the dignified Cihang Zhenren came in person, I am not at a loss."

Cihang Zhenren hid his hands in his sleeves and slowly said: "Zhao Jiaowu, you are also from the orthodox Taoist family, not comparable to Chen Shuhua, you could have gone further, but you betrayed the Taoist trust, lost your loyalty, betrayed the Taoist family, seriously undermined the stability of the Western Region, and caused great losses to the Taoist family. Now that things have come to this, what else do you have to say?"

Zhao Jiaowu said: "I have been caught in the net of heaven, so naturally I have nothing to say."

Qi Xuansu said: "You must have something to say, you must honestly explain your betrayal, whether there are any accomplices in the Western Region Dao Mansion, and other relevant situations."

Zhao Jiaowu said: "I have been the second deputy palace lord for many years, in charge of the law, I certainly know how serious my sin is. My sin is greater than the sky, what merits I can't make up for it, and no one can save me. Even if I cooperate honestly, will the Taoist sect spare my life? I'm going to die anyway, so why bother saying more. "

Qi Xuansu looked at him deeply and said, "The Taoist sect doesn't practice collective punishment. If this incident was only done by you, then the Taoist sect won't make things difficult for your family. But if you are stubborn and refuse to cooperate and explain, then the Taoist sect will investigate your family according to procedures to ensure that they are not involved. If they are also involved and betray the Taoist sect, they will be dealt with according to the law. "

Zhao Jiaowu laughed and said, "Family... My son is dead, so where is my family?"

Qi Xuansu said, "Family is not just your son, your Taoist partner, as well as your parents and disciples. They all have public positions. Although this kind of thing will definitely make them hopeless for promotion in the future, and they may even be marginalized, the key to whether they can keep their Taoist status is still up to you. "

Zhao Jiaowu was silent.

This is the Taoist sect's collective punishment. They don't punish their lives, but they punish them politically.

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