Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 180: Death by Starvation

In the past, there was a saying of building a temple in Beijing, but now the form of war has changed. If a "phoenix eye" goes down, the vast expanse of white will be completely wiped out, and nothing will be left. This ancient "art" has withdrawn. The stage of history.

This pasture was completely destroyed, and it will take many years to restore it to its original appearance.

But this is not the point. The key point is that after taking down Zhaxia, Daomen regains the initiative. They can send troops from Fengshan Pass and Zhaxia to attack Dazun Temple in two directions. As long as Dazun Temple is recaptured, Daomen can attack Dazun Temple in a relatively decent way. End this conflict and put the pressure on Buddhism.

As for why Dao Sect did not regain Dazun Temple before, aside from the superficial arguments, there are two main reasons.

First, it is not cost-effective. There are very few people here and the economic value is very low. Taoism does not take it seriously, but Buddhism takes it seriously. Daomen can fight, but the cost of starting a war is seriously inconsistent with the benefits of the war, and subsequent garrisoning is also a huge expense, so Daomen has no motivation to fight. We are motivated to fight now because political factors outweigh economic factors. In order to maintain the majesty and order of the Taoist sect, we can ignore economic gains and losses.

The second is to support the pro-Taoist faction within Buddhism from the side. If the Taoist sect goes to war and takes back Dazun Temple, then the radical faction will definitely make a big fuss about this matter and take the opportunity to overwhelm the pro-Taoist faction, so the Taoist sect deliberately does not fight. As a support to the pro-Taoist faction, the pro-Taoist faction can say that Dazun Temple is the result of being close to Taoism. The future is bright and can weave better dreams for Buddhists.

The current problem is that the pro-Taoist faction has been suppressed by the radical faction. The radical faction even used Dazun Temple as a stronghold to attack Hu

Qianxian County and Chaxia Ranch, then Daomen doesn't matter anymore, Dazun Temple must be recovered.

This is a dynamic process that takes into account all aspects and weighs the results, rather than an isolated incident.

The first thing Qi Xuansu did after regaining the Tao Xia was to re-establish the Dao Sect's temporary stronghold in the Tao Sect and reserve supplies in advance to ensure that there would be no problems with logistics supply and medical support.

But after a battle between immortals, this place turned into a swamp, and it would take a lot of work to establish a stronghold.

This problem must be solved by the alchemist battalion, using continuous large-scale "pointing the ground into steel" to turn the swamp into steel solidity, which is not only extremely hard, but also can prevent earth escape, and then apply runes to solidify it, making it It becomes a sustainable effect, thus becoming a literally iron-clad camp.

So Qi Xuansu gave an order, and Feizhou carried the alchemist camp from the Huqian County base camp to Chaxia and began large-scale spell casting.

God Ho Luo was filled with emotion when he saw this scene. With more people and greater strength, it is easy to destroy but difficult to build. Even an immortal would find it difficult to restore such a large swamp to its original state, and may not be willing to do it. They also look down on such unskilled behavior, and there is no benefit in not doing it. Changing to the Alchemist Camp may take a little longer, but the end result is the same. The key is that there are no complaints.

In addition to the Alchemist Camp, the engineering team affiliated with Tianjitang is also preparing to enter. Once the Alchemist Camp has finished laying the foundation, it will be their turn to show off their skills. This is said to be a temporary camp, but in fact, permanent fortifications will be built to station here in the future. The Taoist Spiritual Officer will continue to be used, so it is necessary to

Once in place.

However, before the construction of the camp was completed, Jiang Dazhen sent Lingguan Ding Si over and asked her to serve as the highest military officer of Chaxia. She was responsible for supervising the construction and commanding the Lingguan troops. The main reason was to replace Qi Xuansu and let Qi Xuansu return to the base camp of Huqian County to participate in the discussion.

The purpose of this meeting was very clear. To discuss how to attack Dazun Temple next, the main decision-makers were Jiang Dazhen, Wuniang, and Qi Xuansu. Others could only serve as advisors and suggestions. This is also a three-person discussion in a sense.

God He Luo returned to the Kingdom of God, Qi Xuansu put away Xiao Bodhisattva's body and took Xiao Yin back to the base camp of Huqian County to attend the meeting.

The so-called base camp is essentially a small Taoist temple that was temporarily requisitioned as the "Chinese Army Tent." Qi Xuansu was stopped at the entrance of the Taoist temple because Qi Xuansu was wearing regular clothes today, and these spiritual officers were also unfamiliar and did not know what they were doing. Meet Qi Xuansu.

It's funny to say that when Qi Xuansu's status was low, including when he was just promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, he wanted to wear a crane cloak and a Taoist crown every day. Now that his status is high, he prefers to wear ordinary clothes and doesn't care about the ornaments he had cherished in the past. Huijian.

I have to say that human nature is always wonderful.

A spiritual official saluted Qi Xuansu and said very politely: "Please show me the ultimatum or other identification documents."

Qi Xuansu's token was given to Zhang Yuelu, so he had to take out the ultimatum that had not been used for eight hundred years and give it to the spiritual official.

After reading it, the spirit officer frowned and called to his companions in a low voice: "Take a look, isn't this ultimatum correct? Master Taiwei is the real person in charge of the Taoist House in the Western Regions. Why is there still a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest on this ultimatum? Isn't it correct?" Is it the same name?”

Another spiritual officer whispered: "Could it be fake?"

Qi Xuansu suddenly remembered that because he had not used it for a long time, his ultimatum had not been updated for a long time. It was processed when he was just promoted to the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest, so a lot of the information was naturally inconsistent.

Matters such as proving one's identity during experiments were all handled by the secretary. This time Yan Yongzhen was not with him. Xiao Yin, the secretary, was essentially a young general in black robes, responsible for going into battle to kill the enemy.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to take out the "Tai Xuan Sutra Urn" and said: "I am Qi Xuansu from the Taoist House of the Western Regions. My ultimatum has not been updated for a long time and there are some errors."

The two spiritual officers took Qi Xuansu's sutra urn with suspicion. After carefully confirming that it was correct, they respectfully returned the sutra urn and the urn to Qi Xuansu. They said with fear and fear: "I have seen Master Taiwei. We just..."

Qi Xuansu put away his things: "You have done a good job and fulfilled your responsibilities. Please give me praise. If there are no other questions, I will go in."

The two spiritual officers then remembered that they were still blocking Qi Xuansu's path, and immediately moved out of the way and saluted.

Xiao Yin made a face at the two spiritual officials.

Qi Xuansu led Xiao Yin into the Taoist temple. People here basically knew him, and the journey was smooth.

The center of the Taoist temple is a patio. As soon as Qi Xuansu walked into the patio, Long Xiaobai had already greeted him: "Master Jiang Da and Master Qi are waiting for the master in the small meeting hall."

Qi Xuansu handed Xiao Yin to Long Xiaobai: "I'll be there right away."

Xiao Yin threw herself on Long Xiaobai's body and rubbed it hard a few times: "It smells so good."

After passing the patio, to the left is the small meeting hall. It is called a "tang", but it is actually about the same size as an ordinary mortgage room.

Compared with Yujing or other major mansions, it was cramped and dark, and Qi Xuansu had to bow his head even when entering.

Qi Xuansu was the last one to arrive, and there were only Jiang Daren and Wuniang inside.

This is a meeting before the official discussion. There are small meetings for big things and a big meeting for small things, so there are only three people participating. The main thing is for the three of them to exchange information and communicate in advance. It is best to reach an agreement within a certain range, and then when the meeting is officially held, There won't be huge differences.

Jiang Daren sat in the middle, Wu Niang sat on the left, and there was an empty seat on the right, which was reserved for Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu had just sat down when Jiang Dazhen came straight to the point: "I want to report a temporary situation."

Qi Xuansu glanced at Wu Niang first. Wu Niang was also a little confused. She obviously didn't know about it. It seemed that it was an emergency.

Master Jiang Da said: "Zhao Jiaowu committed suicide."

Both Wuniang and Qi Xuansu were stunned.

Master Jiang Dazhen continued: "It's what happened last night. I only found out early this morning that I destroyed all my cultivation and died."

Qi Xuansu said: "Didn't he be transferred to Yujing? How could he die?"

Wu Niang sneered and said: "He will die just because he was handed over to Yujing. He might not die if he stays in the Western Region Taoist House. I have been in the Taoist sect for so many years and I have seen this kind of thing a lot."

Jiang Dazhen said: "Zhao Jiaowu was imprisoned in Beichen Hall, but he has a special status. Although he is a traitor, he was given certain preferential treatment, that is, he was housed alone, which is the same as house arrest. There are special guards who can keep him under certain conditions. It is common practice to meet various conditions put forward by detainees within the limit, and there is nothing to say.”

Qi Xuansu asked: "Where are the guards?

? "

Jiang Dazhen said: "According to what Beichen Hall said, the personnel on duty are still being investigated, and there is no very clear result yet."

This is undoubtedly a very official statement. Jiang Dazhen has no clear attitude, and it can be said that he has reservations.

Although Wuniang has not been a real person in Pingzhang for too long, she has been in Taoism for a long time and has a deep understanding of Taoism: "It's not surprising. Why emphasize the rules? Because rules can effectively reduce the cost of governance. , if everyone does not follow the rules and despise etiquette, then the cost of governance will be infinitely magnified, so procedural justice still needs to be talked about, at least on the surface.

"As the saying goes, human life is at stake, and the process of approving the death penalty is very cumbersome, which is reasonable. After all, people cannot be resurrected, so of course we must be cautious. After the county-level Taoist temple handles the matter, it will be handed over to the prefecture-level Taoist temple for review and approval. Afterwards, it will be submitted to the Fengxian Tang branch of the Honshu Province for final review. After the final review, the case file will be handed over to the Fengxian Tang main hall. After being reviewed and approved by Fengxian Tang, it will be handed over to Beichen Tang for review.

"Beichen Hall and Fengxian Hall have jointly decided that only five re-examinations will count. If there are loopholes in the file, or the confession is reversed in court, it will have to be retried. If no conclusion can be reached after the trial, or the case is very special, you can submit a monetary request. This process can take as little as one year or as long as three years, so most prisoners are sentenced to Kunlun except for those who must die for the most heinous crimes. Taoist temple.

“This kind of big and important case, even if we go as quickly as possible, it will take more than a year.

After such a long period of time and five reexaminations, the variables are too great. God knows what will be found out. If something is really found out, it will not end well. To put it bluntly, it is not difficult to let a person die, but it is very troublesome to let a person die reasonably and legally. It is better to die directly in prison. In the past, this was called a death. "

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