Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 181: Silencing

There were no outsiders around, so Qi Xuansu asked directly, "Is it related to the Taiping Dao?"

"It's hard to say." Jiang Dazhenren said, "In theory, Beichen Hall is the biggest suspect, but it is not ruled out that someone wants to fish in troubled waters. If the Taiping Dao has any connection with Fenglinzhou, or Liaodong, Jinzhang, Silla and other places, it is not a big problem, but the Western Regions are not the sphere of influence of the Taiping Dao, and they should have nothing to do with Buddhism. We all know that the Taiping Dao has always advocated using tough measures to solve Buddhist problems."

Although Jiang Dazhenren stood on the side of Donghua Zhenren, he was not crazy, and would not put party disputes above state affairs. He still took the overall situation into consideration. It is not an exaggeration to say that Jiang Dazhenren is the Dinghaishenzhen of Taoism, so Jiang Dazhenren did not insist that it was the Taiping Dao who did it, which was relatively objective.

Qi Xuansu said: "That is to say, there is a possibility that Taiping Dao was framed."

"It may not be intentional, maybe someone simply wants Zhao Jiaowu to die." Wu Niang said, "This conflict between Taoism and Buddhism reflects a problem. Taoism has been seriously infiltrated by Buddhism, and confidential information has been leaked on a large scale. Not only the strategic planning of Taoism, but even the personal information of important members of Taoism has been leaked. Maybe there is a ghost in the upper echelons of Taoism."

Qi Xuansu agreed with Wu Niang's statement: "This is true. Back then, the Buddhist and Taoist alliances jointly fought against the Confucianism. You are in me and I am in you. Brothers can never be separated. "

Jiang Dazhenren took out a copy of the relevant file again: "Jinque has a lot of controversy about this matter. Whether it was Beichen Hall who did it or not, Beichen Hall's dereliction of duty is obvious. However, considering that Zhao Jiaowu was from Quanzhen Dao, Taiping Dao was not very confident in Quanzhen Dao. Finally, they decided to set up a group led by me to solve this matter. "

"These people are really good at making trouble. Don't you see that we are busy fighting here? I am afraid that Jiang Dazhenren will be idle." Wu Niang said sarcastically.

Qi Xuansu picked up a file and scanned it quickly.

Although the conclusion of the formal investigation has not yet come out, the general process has been sorted out.

After Zhao Jiaowu was handed over to Yujing, he was detained in a separate courtyard under the name of Beichen Hall. Just like Tianji City of Tianji Hall, Beichen Hall's separate courtyard is also in Kunlun Dongtian.

This place can be regarded as a prison, but unlike ordinary prisons, the guards here are more strict and more luxurious. It is more like a place for self-cultivation, specially used to house prisoners of the first level of real people. Ordinary prisoners are not qualified to come here.

Zhao Jiaowu was arranged here. There were two groups of guards, one group was a spiritual official and the other group was a Taoist priest, and Zhao Jiaowu was restricted in his cultivation.

According to the confession of the Taoist priest on duty, they arranged the corresponding formation in Zhao Jiaowu's room, which could be remotely imaged in the mirror and monitored by this method.

At the beginning, they found that Zhao Jiaowu had been meditating with his eyes closed since he moved in. They didn't think much about it, just thinking that this Zhao Zhenren was calm.

The next morning, they found that Zhao Jiaowu was still meditating, but they still didn't care too much, and said that Zhao Jiaowu was calm when he was about to die. Until dusk, Zhao Jiaowu was still motionless, and they finally felt strange and decided to report to the higher-ups. The deputy hall master above

Considering the extremely bad nature of Zhao Jiaowu's case, he did not want to get involved and did not learn the details. He just told them to keep a close eye on him and not let anyone else contact Zhao Jiaowu.

At midnight, the Taoist priest on duty reported to the deputy hall master again. The deputy hall master finally felt something was wrong. He came to the other courtyard in person in the early morning and led the Taoist priest on duty and the spiritual officer into Zhao Jiaowu's residence.

Because this is essentially a prison, where prisoners are held, it is a large suite with a living room outside and a study, bedroom, and quiet room inside, which is easy to manage, rather than the traditional Central Plains architectural pattern.

After the deputy hall master led people into the living room, he was not careless at all. It must be said that Beichen Hall is still experienced in this regard. Considering the possibility that Zhao Jiaowu deliberately made abnormal actions to deceive Beichen Hall to open the door on his own initiative, the deputy hall master was on high alert, almost step by step, to prevent all possibilities of jailbreak.

However, Beichen Hall miscalculated this time. Zhao Jiaowu did not intend to escape from prison. There was nothing unusual until the quiet room where Zhao Jiaowu was.

The deputy hall master entered the quiet room with great caution, and obviously also considered Zhao Jiaowu's attempt to take hostages, but later facts proved that these were all unnecessary concerns.

Zhao Jiaowu turned his back to the door, and seemed to be facing the wall, without any reaction.

The deputy hall master came to Zhao Jiaowu's side, reached out and touched him, and then found that Zhao Jiaowu was dead.

The news was quickly reported to Shen Mingxin, the second deputy hall master of Beichen Hall. Shen Mingxin immediately issued an order to control the courtyard internally, not allowing anyone to enter and exit at will, not allowing anyone to leak the news, and not allowing anyone to act without authorization, waiting for the order of Beichen Hall.

Then Shen Mingxin reported to Qingwei Zhenren again.

Qingwei Zhenren was also shocked. He asked Shen Yuqing and Shen Mingxin to go there in person to confirm whether Zhao Jiaowu was really dead. If not, they should do their best to save him. If he was dead, they should determine the cause of death and report it to him.

At the same time, an emergency team was set up, with Qingwei Zhenren personally serving as the convener. The team took control of the villa, investigated the relevant personnel, and prepared to report to Jinque.

Then Shen Mingxin officially confirmed that Zhao Jiaowu had died. The cause of death was the loss of cultivation, which was similar to the self-destruction "golden elixir" of the insect man. So there is a question here. When Zhao Jiaowu was placed in the Beichen Hall Villa, he clearly restricted it. How did he achieve the goal of losing all his cultivation?

Beichen Tang is an expert in this field. It is easy to draw a conclusion. There is a high probability that there is an insider who has unlocked Zhao Jiaowu's restriction and passed the message to Zhao Jiaowu. Whether it is coercion or inducement, in short Contributed to Zhao Jiaowu's suicide.

However, Beichen Hall does not think that the ghost must be from Beichen Hall. It may also be from the Western Region Taoist House, and may have been manipulated a long time ago. Naturally, the Western Region Taoist Government gave a severe refutation. When the two parties handed over, Beichen Hall had already carefully checked it. Now that there is a problem, Beichen Hall wants to shirk responsibility and involve the Western Region Taoist Government. This is not allowed.

However, Qi Xuansu, the real person in charge of the Western Region Taoist Palace, Li Zhuyu, the chief deputy palace owner, and Lu Yujue, the second deputy palace owner, all came from Beichen Hall, and served as the chief deputy hall master, deputy hall master, and assistant manager of Beichen Hall respectively. I was a little embarrassed, but I didn’t bite him to death, I just mentioned it.

A mouthful.

So Beichen Hall turned to investigate the motive of Zhao Jiaowu's suicide. Logically speaking, if Zhao Jiaowu wanted to commit suicide, he could have committed suicide long ago, and there was no need to wait until now. There must be a reason for this.

Taiping Tao cannot believe in Quanzhen Tao, and Quanzhen Tao cannot believe in Taiping Tao. Originally, Zheng Yiyi could be a third party, but considering the special relationship between Zheng Yiyi and Qi Xuansu, and now it is Zhengyi Yi who has formed an alliance with Quanzhen Tao, so in the end, this issue was left to Gave it to Jiang Daren.

The Third Master is confident that Jiang Dazhen will become the fourth great master worthy of the name. It can be seen that Jiang Dazhen's character has been recognized by everyone. If Jiang Dazhen becomes the sixth generation master, then maybe everything will be different.

Master Jiang Dazhen has to take care of the war here, and he also has to pay attention to Zhao Jiaowu's problem there. Fortunately, he is an immortal, so it is not difficult to temporarily create an incarnation, and there is no problem of being unable to do both.

Master Jiang Da asked: "Tianyuan, you are also a party involved, what do you think?"

Qi Xuansu thought for a while and said, "My hands and eyes can reach the sky."

Master Jiang Da naturally heard the implication of Qi Xuansu's words: "So, you also think that this matter was not caused by Taiping Dao."

Qi Xuansu nodded and said: "It is precisely because I think it was not Taiping Dao's fault that he could quietly let Zhao Jiaowu die under Taiping Dao's nose, so I say that my hands and eyes are all in the sky."

Jiang Daren pondered for a moment and said: "Wu Niang's words are very reasonable. Maybe there are other people involved behind Zhao Jiaowu. Although Zhao Jiaowu did not confess him, but took the blame, but that person Let Zhao Jiaowu die."

Qi Xuansu proposed a possibility: "Maybe the original

At that time, Zhao Jiaowu felt that that person could protect him, so he chose to bear all the blame alone. Later, Zhao Jiaowu discovered that the man could not protect him, so in order to survive, Zhao Jiaowu came up with the idea of ​​​​reporting and exposing the crime, but unexpectedly, the man still let him die. "

Wu Niang agreed: "I also agree with Tianyuan's guess."

Qi Xuansu added: "One more thing. Judging from this file, Zhao Jiaowu died in the middle of the night the next day, but before that, Zhao Jiaowu had been sitting quietly for a day. During this period, he basically did not move at all. He was just meditating with his eyes closed, so during this period, was he struggling and hesitating, or was he waiting for some news? Or was he just hanging on for a breath while he was on the verge of death? "

Jiang Daren and Wu Niang looked at each other and naturally could not give an answer.

If Qi Xuansu's speculation is true, Taiping Road has always boasted a strong fence, but this time it was broken through. No matter which possibility it is, it shows that there is an undercurrent within Dao Sect.

At this moment, Long Xiaobai knocked on the door outside.

Master Jiang Da said: "Come in."

Long Xiaobai opened the door and came in. Xiao Yin followed beside him, looking around.

Long Xiaobai glanced at Qi Xuansu and hesitated to speak.

Qi Xuansu said: "If you have something to say, just tell me."

Long Xiaobai then said: "The news just came from the Daxue Mountain Palace, Ma Er is dead."

Ma Er was the intermediary between Zhao Jiaowu and Buddhism. After he was captured, he has been interrogated. Considering that soul searching may lead to the omission of some details, he has not resorted to any means.

For a moment, the three people's expressions became a little solemn.

After a while, Wu Niang

He said slowly: "Cut the grass and get rid of the root."

Qi Xuansu said: "It's not surprising that in the Jiangnan case, the people who silenced the people went all the way from Jiangling Mansion to Jinling Mansion."

Master Jiang Dazhen sighed: "That's right, your hands and eyes are indeed all-powerful."

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