Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 50 Visitors from the West

Early the next morning, Ellie came over, and with her came a special guest.

This person has curly black hair, is tall, and looks very different from the people from the Central Plains.

Zhang Yuelu brought Qi Xuansu, Lingquanzi and Shangguandun to meet them.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Ellie introduced the identity of this person. His name was Arthur, a chief bishop from the Holy Court Tribunal.

Arthur took out a document similar to a Taoist ultimatum and handed it to Zhang Yuelu.

After Zhang Yuelu confirmed that it was correct, he returned it to Arthur.

Qi Xuansu knew the world at the bottom, but was not familiar with these higher-level things. He couldn't help but ask: "What is the referee department?"

Zhang Yuelu explained: "The Holy Court is the Taoist sect of the Western countries, and the Judicial Department is roughly equivalent to Beichen Hall and Tiangang Hall."

"The first bishop is roughly equivalent to the fifth-grade Taoist priest here. There are archbishops and metropolitans above him, which respectively correspond to our fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priests and third-grade Youyi Taoist priests. Further up, there are "Golden Que" corresponding to "Cardinal", the ordinary real person corresponds to the cardinal deacon, the counselor corresponds to the cardinal priest, the great real person of Pingzhang corresponds to the cardinal, the deputy archdeacon corresponds to the patriarch, and the great archbishop corresponds to the pope."

Qi Xuansu immediately understood that this was a colleague who should have found Ellie before them, otherwise he would not have appeared here by such a coincidence. From this point of view, the rumors that the Ai family has close contacts with Western countries are not groundless.

In fact, the Dao Sect and the Holy Court have had a certain degree of communication, which can be traced back to the Xuansheng era.

Xuansheng had three teachers, one of whom had traveled to various Western countries and made many friends, and had a great influence on the later Xuansheng. Xuansheng and all the subsequent great leaders have sent special envoys to communicate with the Holy Court. Because the two sides are far away and both are powerful, most of the time they are in harmony with each other. As long as there is no real conflict of interest, they can "distant". "Friends", as for Buddhism and Shamanism, it is "close attack".

Therefore, Zhang Yuelu did not have much hostility towards this Holy Court colleague, but instead had a cooperative attitude.

Arthur's Daxuan official speech was stumbling, so Ellie translated for him.

Ellie said: "Arthur was ordered by the archbishop to follow the footsteps of a group of sinners and came to the Western Region. But he was alone and was no match for this group of sinners, so he wanted to ask for help from the Taoist sect."

This is a coincidence. Zhang Yuelu immediately said: "We have an old saying in the East, which is called 'know your enemy and know yourself, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles.' So before that, I want to know about the guilty people you speak of."

Arthur was also very frank and immediately introduced the origins of this group of monsters.

Ali slowly translated: "The Taoists call them demons, the Holy Court calls them sinners, and they call themselves vampires, but ordinary people prefer to call them vampires or blood-sucking demons, who make a living by sucking human blood. It has a real body, no heartbeat, no body temperature, no breathing, and is immortal. It is somewhat similar to the zombies in the East. "

"The difference from zombies is that their sanity is the same as that of humans. They can think and talk. Even because of their long lifespan, they are knowledgeable and better than ordinary people, and they are good at using spells."

"This group of criminals exists in the form of families, with a total of thirteen families. It is said that their ancestor was cursed for eternity and had to drink the blood of living people throughout his life and live forever. Later, he learned how to control it from an ancient witch Using the power of blood for his own use, he created the second generation of sinners, and the second generation of sinners gave birth to thirteen third generation sinners. It was they who established the thirteen big clans, and later rebelled and eliminated the second generation of sinners. To blame the people.”

"The thirteen clans are divided into three factions, namely the Secret Alliance, the Sabbat Alliance, and the Neutral Clan, also known as the Secret Party, the Demon Party, and the Neutral Party."

"The criminals involved this time are from the Revno family of the Neutral Party."

"The vast majority of sinners are not born as sinners, but are transformed the day after tomorrow. Sinners make a living by sucking human blood. If they inject their own blood into other people's bodies, they will cause people to become sinners. This is how the sinners recruit new members, which they call 'initiation'."

"Before they were transformed into criminals, the members of the Reifno family were travelers and thieves, so they were scattered throughout the Western Continent like straw in the wind. The footprints of the Reifno family can be found in every country, but their whereabouts But the place is erratic, and many tribesmen travel with vagabonds and unpopular people.”

"It's not easy to find many Reefnors in one place at the same time. They like to be alone and prefer to use trace marks to communicate with their companions. The wandering Reefnors are famous for their ability to manipulate amazing illusions."

Zhang Yuelu heard this and interrupted: "As far as we know, the demon this time is not alone."

Shangguan Dun translated Zhang Yuelu's words to Arthur. After Arthur replied, Ellie said: "Because they are not traveling, but fleeing."

"In the Western Continent, people are divided into nine camps, namely: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Absolute Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil. I believe the Master Mage can already Understanding the meaning of these nine camps literally, although the Reifno tribe adheres to neutrality, it is chaotic neutrality.”

"They attach great importance to their own freedom rights, but are not committed to protecting the freedom of others. They despise authority, resent restrictions and challenge tradition. Many of their behaviors are difficult to predict. They tend to follow their hearts and often ignore the rules of the law. and secular traditions, they only think about their own arbitrariness, but in terms of belief concepts, freedom always comes first, and good and evil, right and wrong, and moral concepts are secondary to their own freedom. of."

"Because of this, the Reifno family often causes chaos within the thirteen clans, causing dissatisfaction and accountability from other families. However, the Reifno family often responds with a more contemptuous attitude, making the relationship between the two parties a fire and water."

Zhang Yuelu had roughly understood: "Did they get away with it this time?"

Shangguan Dun had already translated Zhang Yuelu's words without Zhang Yuelu's instructions.

Arthur nodded and replied in a low tone. Ellie translated at the same time: "Just last year, the Bruh tribe, the Gangro tribe, the McAwe tribe, the Nofele tribe, the Toledo tribe, the Rimmo tribe The Er tribe, the Vanzhu tribe, the Lesenba tribe, and the Tsimixi tribe jointly launched an attack on the Reifno family. This war only lasted for three months. The patriarch and most of the elders of the Reifno family All died in the battle, and the remaining members fled. The Holy Court took this opportunity to completely destroy the family and began to search for its members. Most of the remaining members of the Furno family took a boat to sea, but this group crossed half of the family. The Western Continent fled to the Western Region between the Eastern Continent and the Western Continent.”

Zhang Yuelu was thoughtful.

Qi Xuansu said: "According to Your Excellency, these demons only suck blood, but why do they want to steal people's souls?"

After Arthur heard Shangguan Dun's translation, he was slightly startled, and then Ali translated: "Sinners are not interested in souls. What really likes souls are demons. They often take away other people's possessions in the form of transactions." Soul. If this is true, it means that these escaped members of the Reifno family are making a deal with the devil and need to be eradicated as soon as possible."

Seeing that Zhang Yuelu had no intention of stopping the question, Qi Xuansu asked again: "In that case, why did the Holy Court only send one chief bishop?"

Arthur looked a little strange, but he still said through Ellie: "Because according to the treaty between the Taoist sect and the Holy Court, no one above the archbishop's jurisdiction can enter the Taoist sect's territory without the permission or invitation of the Taoist sect. In the same way, without the permission of the Holy Court, In order to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, the Inquisition only sent four chief bishops, and my other three companions died one after another. On the way here, two people died at the hands of members of the Reifno family, and one died unfortunately because he accidentally intervened in a conflict between local forces. "

Qi Xuansu really didn't know these things, so he couldn't help but look at Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu, who had been in the ancestral court for a long time, knew more about such things than Qi Xuansu, and nodded: "There is indeed such a treaty. The Western countries, including the Rakshasa Kingdom, are all divided into the scope of the Holy Court, while our Taoist sect is Based on the Daxuan Territory, it includes Fenglin Prefecture, Xiyu, Jinzhang and part of Posu Prefecture. Although Wugoshanli is not within the jurisdiction of the Western Region Taoist Prefecture, it was divided into the Taoist Gate when the treaty was originally made. "

"This matter involves the Holy Court, I need to ask the master for instructions."

After saying that, Zhang Yuelu apologized, took out a child-mother talisman from the Xumi object that led directly to the real person in charge, and left for the time being.

After a while, Zhang Yuelu came back and said: "Master Zhangtang agrees that we join forces with this friend of the Holy Court to eliminate this group of wandering monsters. But before that, we need to determine the specific location where this group of monsters is hiding."

Ali immediately said: "I have mobilized half of the soldiers in the city to investigate this matter. As long as they are still within the jurisdiction of Ugoshanli, I will definitely be able to find out their location."

Zhang Yuelu looked at Arthur again and asked: "Since you have been sent to the East, you should be familiar with our Eastern rules. I wonder what level of cultivation you have?"

Arthur could understand the relatively simple Daxuan Mandarin, and replied in a very jerky and strangely accented Mandarin: "If, according to Taoist standards, I am in the stage of returning to the truth."

Zhang Yuelu said again: "Generally speaking, someone with this level of cultivation should be an archbishop. How come you are the chief bishop?"

Arthur shook his head helplessly: "Because, I made a mistake."

Qi Xuansu had a suspicion in his mind. This person was probably a figure like Xu Kou, but Xu Kou didn't come this time, otherwise the two of them could have made friends.

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