Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 51 Dark Night Mountain

Everyone from the Taoist sect rested for three days in Aili's city lord's mansion, which was a great comfort to everyone who had been sleeping in Fengdan for the past half month. After all, there was wine and meat here, comfortable accommodation, warm fires, and There is a beautiful maid. Although no one dares to have any evil thoughts under Zhang Yuelu's nose, it is good to be pleasing to the eye.

During these three days, Qi Xuansu was not idle. He asked Shangguan Dun to learn the language of the Western Continent. He did not want to be able to speak and write, but just wanted to be able to use some simple daily vocabulary.

As for Zhang Yuelu, she has no intention of learning. After being promoted to the stage of heaven and human, the banished immortal can acquire a magical power called "Mind Reading Technique", and "Mind Reading Technique" also has a prerequisite magical power called "Heart Lake Legend". "Voice", which can bypass language barriers and communicate directly with the voice of the heart. She feels that rather than learning another language, it is better to directly practice this magical power.

Sanren naturally do not have such magical powers. They have neither "mind reading" nor "voice transmission from the heart lake". They only have "innate divine calculation", which is not as good as "Zi Wei Dou Shu". However, the basis of "Innate Divine Calculation" is to predict the trend by manually calculating various variables, rather than predicting the future by God's will. Therefore, after practicing "Innate Divine Calculation" to a certain level, you can greatly increase your brainpower, which is reflected in your memory and understanding. Somewhat enhanced.

There was once a Sanren who was in the celestial stage and spent nine days to completely learn the language of the Golden Account. He was proficient in sixteen languages ​​throughout his life, especially proficient in inscriptions and oracle bone inscriptions.

Relying on the advantage of Sanren, Qi Xuansu was able to communicate with Arthur simply in three days using a few simple words and various gestures.

The reason why Arthur was sent to the East was that he naturally knew some Central Plains languages, but it was very difficult to speak them, and he easily failed to understand his words. Originally, he had a companion who was very proficient in the Central Plains languages, but unfortunately he died on the way here. , so Ellie is needed to translate.

In his free time, Qi Xuansu also asked Zhang Yuelu about the similarities and differences between several major inheritances.

The differences between the several major inheritances of Taoism are reflected in various aspects, the most important one is the gap in combat power.

Taoism has specifically evaluated the combat power of several major inheritances without relying on external objects.

The Qi Master performs the most stably. It is difficult to defeat opponents whose realm is higher than one's own, and it is also difficult to lose to opponents whose realm is lower than one's own. They have always been the mainstay of the Taoist sect. The Qi school among the three major traditions of Confucianism is very similar to Qi practitioners.

Warriors and alchemists are two extremes. Before the gods, warriors had an overwhelming advantage over alchemists. After the Celestial beings, the alchemists can gradually compete head-on with the warriors, and even have a slight advantage, because the warriors' inability to fly for a long time is a fatal weakness. As a result, the warriors will be toyed with and applauded as long as they are distanced by the alchemists. As for the fight between human beings and immortals, it is full of unknown variables, and it all depends on the individual's performance.

Wu Zhu comes from ancient witchcraft and ancient immortals. As a path to Shinto, it is similar to the Buddhist inheritance. It requires a large amount of incense and wish power. The upper limit is extremely high and the lower limit is extremely low. As long as the incense wish power is enough, it can compete with the banished immortals of the same realm. If you don't fall behind, you can even win the battle. If you don't have enough incense and wish, you will be almost at the bottom of the Five Immortals, and even worse than the Sanren.

As the leader of the Five Immortals, the sample size of the Exiled Immortal is too small, but there is no doubt that he is in a crushing situation. Compared with the Qi Refiner, he can defeat people who are higher than himself more easily, and he has no defeat against opponents whose cultivation level is not as good as his own.

As for Sanren, they are full of strange things. They can win or not, and they can lose or not. It is always unexpected, depending on the number and type of magical powers practiced by Sanren.

Since the development of Sanren, there are a total of thirty-six kinds of supreme methods. No one has ever been able to learn them all. The principles are also very simple. Many of the magical powers and spells conflict with each other. Not to mention other inheritances, let’s just talk about warriors and alchemists. Warriors emphasize that the soul and body are integrated into one. Alchemists want the soul to travel without the body. Is it unity or separation? If you force yourself to practice both, you will hurt yourself first before hurting the enemy.

So far, the highest record of a Sanren is to practice twenty-four advanced methods at the same time, which is said to be comparable to the banished immortals. Unfortunately, this Sanren senior is also at the stage of heaven and human due to his miscellaneous skills and not being able to go further.

This has to mention the rules of the Taoist sect. No matter what the inheritance is, before being a heavenly being, you must strictly follow the fixed route of the Taoist sect and learn magical powers within the prescribed range. After you become a heavenly being, you can freely choose different supreme powers according to your own preferences. Dharma, the Dharma of Dacheng.

It is probably because the Taoist sect believes that before heavenly beings had insufficient knowledge and concentration, they knew what was happening but did not know why it was happening, and were prone to going astray and going astray, so they must be strictly controlled. After arriving as a heavenly being, with your own discernment, you can relax your control and practice everything except a few prohibitions and restrictions.

Therefore, in a sense, only when you reach the stage of heaven and human beings can you truly enter the palace.

Three days later, news came from Ellie's men that there had indeed been many cases of missing persons in Wugoshanli recently. However, the Western Region has always been a lawless land with rampant bandits and large population movements. The death of a few people is not a big deal. The city lord's palace didn't pay much attention to the major events. It wasn't until Ellie ordered to search for traces of outsiders that these cases were taken seriously.

Through the clues in these cases, Ellie finally locked her sights on the Night Mountain, which is about three hundred miles away from Ugo Mountain and the city.

This is a barren mountain where few people visit. The vast Western Region is vast and sparsely populated, mostly in uninhabited areas, so it is not that unusual. However, hundreds of years ago, there once was a powerful wizard living in the Black Night Mountain. This wizard cursed Ugo at that time. Shanli royal family and manipulated the king to rule Ugo Shanli behind the scenes.

Later, the wizard died suddenly and inexplicably. There were rumors that the wizard died in a fight with other wizards. Ugo Shanli was free again, until the Ai family lost the battle in Loulan City, retreated here, and captured Ugo Shanli. Mountain away.

To this day, there is still a castle on the Black Night Mountain where the wizard once lived.

Fort Cimut was once a strategic fortress used to resist the attack of the army. It was later destroyed during the Golden Horde's Western Expedition. After the wizard whose real name could not be verified occupied this place, he only initially repaired some areas and After the wizard's death, the previous rulers of Ugoshanli suspected that there was a curse left by the wizard in the castle and did not dare to approach it, so it has remained abandoned to this day.

Under such circumstances, although Fort Cimut was almost in ruins, the terrain was complex and inaccessible. There is no doubt that it is the most suitable hiding place.

After discussing with Qi Xuansu and others, Zhang Yuelu decided to immediately go to Black Night Mountain to exterminate this group of monsters, and then return to Kunlun to resume his life.

Qi Xuansu, Zhou Bai and others often walked in the rivers and lakes, and Lingquanzi was also an old man from Tiangang Hall. Of course, they considered whether Cimut Fort might be a trap, but after repeated discussions, they ruled out this possibility.

In the final analysis, it was the Taoist sect behind them that gave them such confidence. Very few people dared to provoke the Taoist sect for no reason. Buddhism, shamanism, and ancient gods dared to be enemies of the Taoist sect because they all had huge interests behind them.

The Ai family obviously has no such motive. In other words, the risks are too great and the benefits are too small. Smart businessmen will not do such a loss-making business.

Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu and others spent a day formulating two sets of plans, and then left Wugo Mountain and the city the next day, heading to Cimut Fort in Black Night Mountain.

Ai Li originally wanted to send soldiers to assist, but due to confidentiality reasons, Zhang Yuelu politely declined. Zhang Yuelu only took forty Tiangangtang Taoist priests and Arthur there.

It's not that Zhang Yuelu underestimated the enemy, but the forty Taoist priests of Tiangang Hall gave her the confidence.

The forty Tiangang Taoist priests may seem like a small number, but they cannot be underestimated. Because Qiniang had already made it very clear and clear that the threshold of Tiangang Hall is the seventh-grade Taoist priest and the innate person. The lowest among these forty Tiangang Hall Taoist priests are at the Kunlun stage, and the highest ones, Zhang Yuelu and Lingquanzi, are at the Guizhen stage. Even if they are against A heavenly being is also capable of fighting.

This configuration is only at the bottom of the Tiangang Hall. It is like a house, just a simple frame with no tiles on top and no walls on the bottom.

The other deputy hall masters are like magnificent palaces. Because there are unwritten rules in the Tiangang Hall, there are also forty regular officers with a formal establishment, and two deputy officers without a formal establishment. Eight unqualified deputies will be appointed. Taoist priests of the first grade serve as each deputy, and each deputy is equipped with two temporary servants, who are served by ninth-grade Taoist priests. The number of main servants of a seventh-grade Taoist priest is actually equivalent to seven people. Forty main servants are nearly 300 people. In addition, there are also spiritual officials who directly report to the deputy hall master.

If he is the chief deputy hall master, he has three hundred officers under his command, which is more than two thousand people. Including the spiritual officers, the number can reach four to five thousand. This is why the deputy hall masters can rush to the aid of the Western Region Daofu.

In the final analysis, it was because Zhang Yuelu's foundation was too shallow, and his subordinates had not yet had time to recruit deputies, let alone temporary deputies.

On the way to the Black Night Mountain, Arthur relayed some precautions through Shangguan Dun, such as not to let the sinners hurt themselves, otherwise they will become the living dead like wild beasts, and these sinners are difficult to kill, they have similar Due to the characteristics derived from Wufu's flesh and blood, all external injuries will heal quickly, with only the heart and head being weak points. And when necessary, they will turn into bats and blood pools, making them very difficult to deal with.

This is completely different from the zombies that Tiangang Hall often deals with, but Zhang Yuelu is also prepared. He is not afraid of swords, but always afraid of magic. The configuration of the forty Tiangang Hall Taoist priests is mainly composed of Qi refiners, warriors and alchemists. With the cooperation of each other, It can exert greater power than a single inheritance.

After arriving at the foot of Heiye Mountain, Qi Xuansu discovered that Heiye Mountain was actually just a small mountain. Not only compared with Kunlun, which stretched for thousands of miles, it was also much smaller than Maoxian Mountain outside Fengtai County. It could only be regarded as a small mountain. Mountain bag.

After Zhang Yuelu observed the terrain, he first sent five qi masters carrying telescopes and Zimu talismans to occupy several commanding heights to observe the specific conditions in the mountains.

Then Zhang Yuelu ordered ten alchemists to build a "Split Yin Halberd" formation at the entrance to the mountain, and then ordered ten warriors to block the ground with rocks and earth trees, or use gunpowder and ravines to destroy the circulation of the earth's air, causing " Living water" becomes "dead water".

These actions are all about destroying the possible formations in Fort Sanmut from the outside, just like filling in the trenches and moats outside the city before attacking the city.

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