Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 52: Secrets of the Ancient Immortal

Black Night Mountain is worthy of its name. Invisible Yin energy permeates the mountain, and then turns into clouds. The sky is dark from morning to night. If you enter it rashly, you will feel dizzy and weak.

If you stay in a place where evil or yin energy is concentrated for a long time, you will be easily affected by it. At the least, the spiritual platform will be stained and you will have various hallucinations. At the worst, you will lose your soul and become a madman. Even the body will be gradually corroded and the yang energy will gradually fade away. Decline, loss of longevity.

As the name suggests, the "Yin Dividing Halberd" functions to divert these Yin Qi or evil spirits, just like releasing floods.

After receiving the order, the alchemists took out the bag specially placed for the powdered stone from their saddle bags, then took the bag to the mountain pass, and used the powdered stone to draw a very large "Yin Ji" that was nearly a hundred feet long and ten feet wide. " is nearly a hundred times the size of the ordinary "Yin-Dividing Halberd", and only a "Yin-Dividing Halberd" of this size can divert the Yin Qi in a mountain.

As for sending warriors to block the earth's energy, it is also to serve the "Yin Dividing Halberd". If the earth's energy is not blocked and turned into stagnant water, but is allowed to flow continuously and "living water" is continuously injected, it becomes a classic question in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace. If a pool is filled and drained at the same time, how long will it take for the pool to be filled? Full or drained?

The warriors were extremely powerful and full of physical strength. Ten of them could be worth more than a hundred civilians. With the help of gunpowder, they quickly followed Lingquanzi's instructions to block and destroy several key nodes, creating a situation of closing the door and beating the dog.

The Qi Refiner who occupied the commanding heights sent out a signal with a talisman.

Lingquanzi, who was guarding the mountain pass, raised his sleeves and stretched out his hands, raised his two middle fingers, and drew in the air. A thin red line spurted out from his fingertips, like ink marks on a pen. As the fingertips turned up and down, in the blink of an eye, there was a line similar to The pattern book of the halberd is just like that, suspended in the air, filled with clear light and spiritual light.

Then he waved his hand again, using his two fingers together as sword fingers, pointing far away at the halberd pattern, and said "go".

Ordinary alchemists would still draw with powdered stone, but Lingquanzi had a higher level of cultivation and could draw the "Split Yin Halberd" without using any external objects such as powdered stone.

In an instant, Lingquanzi's "Split Yin Halberd" merged with the huge "Split Yin Halberd" on the ground, which seemed to be the finishing touch.

The "Split Yin Halberd" is called a halberd, but it is actually more like a simple arrow. At this moment, it actually lights up with a faint fluorescence. Immediately afterwards, the wind started blowing from the plains. This wind was not a spring breeze, a scorching summer wind, a bleak autumn wind, or a biting cold wind, but a dark wind. There were roars in the wind, as if crying and laughing, along the arrows of the "Split Yin Halberd" In the direction pointed, it surged out of the mountain, like a river invisible to the naked eye.

After this continued for more than half an hour, the yin energy in the mountain was exhausted, and the dark night mountain that seemed to be shrouded in a layer of mist suddenly cleared, as if the clouds were clearing and the sun appeared.

When Arthur saw that the Taoist priests of Tiangang Hall were "purifying" the place in an orderly manner, he couldn't help but said to Qi Xuansu beside him in half-baked Chinese Mandarin: "Qi, you guys are very good."

Qi Xuansu was actually seeing him for the first time, but he said: "This is what we do, how about it?"

While he was talking, Zhang Yuelu, who was standing on a big tree, floated down and ordered: "Chief Lingquan, Deacon Qi, and Bishop Yershou, follow me into the mountain. The rest of the people follow Deacon Zhou's command. Don’t let one go.”

Everyone took the order, and the person whose name was called by Zhang Yuelu followed Zhang Yuelu and walked up the mountain.

When Shangguan Dun heard that his name was not there, he hurriedly came to Zhou Bai's side. In the past few days, Shangguan Dun had become familiar with several deacons.

Among the people who entered the mountain, Qi Xuansu was undoubtedly the weakest in cultivation, but he was also the best in the Kunlun stage. The few people walked on the rugged mountain road as if they were walking on flat ground, and soon arrived at the gate of Cimut Fort. .

As Ellie said, this is indeed an abandoned castle. Part of the city wall has collapsed and all the wooden structures have been destroyed. Only the basic masonry structure is left. However, the gate of the castle is still well preserved and tight. closure.

Zhang Yuelu stretched out his hand and pressed it on the huge city gate that was two feet high. He only heard a "rustling, rustling" sound, like spring eating mulberry leaves. The two giant doors turned into pieces of fine sand and flew away with the wind. One thing remains.

This is exactly the "Six Void Tribulations" used by Zhang Yuelu to defeat Xu Kou in one move. It is the top magical power of a Qi Refiner. The threshold is extremely high. Even after simplification, ordinary Qi Refiners have to become gods to practice, but they can be relegated to immortals. It can be controlled in the realm of manifested babies.

This is where the Immortal is unreasonable. Otherwise, the Taoist sect would not copy the Immortal with all its heart, and would not hesitate to create a Sanren that looks nothing like him.

Arthur owned a Sumeru object, which they called a "space bag". In short, it was something similar. Arthur took out a two-handed giant sword from it and entered the castle first.

Lingquanzi followed closely and took out two talismans at the same time, making them hang around him and slowly rotate around him.

Zhang Yuelu took out his "Dragon Hand Gun" and a bag of fixed-load projectiles, and handed them to Qi Xuansu: "I don't need these things, you can use them for self-defense."

Qi Xuansu took the "Dragon Gun" and put the projectiles into his shoulder bag. For the first time, he did not say thank you and just said: "I took note of it."

Zhang Yuelu then walked into the castle.

Qi Xuansu hung up the "Dragon Gun" and "Blue Bird Gun" on the left and right, tightened his dagger, and was the last one to enter the castle.

The light inside the castle was very dim. There were twelve columns arranged vertically in the entrance hall, but half of them had collapsed, making the place crumbling.

Lingquanzi waved his hand, and many wall lamps lit up again.

Arthur very skillfully and quickly explored the entire castle hall and found some human skeletons, some of which were old, and some of which were newly deceased. This undoubtedly confirmed Ellie's speculation from the side.

After Zhang Yuelu came in, his eyes immediately fell on a tattered tapestry with a strange symbol painted on it.

This is a popular decoration in the Western Regions, also known as tapestry, woven with wool, while those in the Central Plains prefer to use screens.

Qi Xuansu followed Zhang Yuelu's gaze and asked, "What is this?"

Zhang Yuelu said: "That is... the mark of the ancient immortals."

So far, the war between Daomen and the ancient immortals has lasted for more than two hundred years. Daomen once had the opportunity to completely end this war, but it failed because of Buddhism's intervention. This directly led to a series of wars between Daomen and Buddhism in the Western Region. It wasn't until the face-to-face confrontation between Xuansheng and Lord Buddha that it came to an end.

This also led to the so-called "post-Three Religions Era".

The so-called "era of the first three religions" refers to the era when Confucianism dominated the world. At that time, Taoism and Buddhism joined forces to compete with Confucianism and eventually defeated Confucianism. After Taoism replaced Confucianism and became the world's orthodoxy, it made Confucianism and Buddhism its vassals. In the past, Confucianism took the lead and promoted the unification of the three religions. Nowadays, Taoism takes the lead and continues to promote the unification of the three religions.

At a certain stage, Taoism has become the de facto leader of the three religions. The three great priests of Confucianism, Xinxue, and Qiology chose to be loyal to Xuansheng, which is equivalent to the deputy head of Taoism, Da Zhenren.

The "Later Three Religions Era" turned into Buddhism challenging Taoism's dominance, and Taoism teamed up with Confucianism to suppress Buddhism. Eventually, Buddhism was forced to have a truce with Taoism and recognize Taoism's leadership of the three religions.

However, Buddhism still disagrees with Taoism on many things, and frictions continue. Especially regarding the Ancient Immortal, Buddhism publicly supported the Taoist sect to eliminate the secret societies, but secretly supported the Ancient Immortal to contain the Taoist sect.

The ancient immortals develop believers in the form of secret societies, causing Taoism to spend a lot of energy every year to eliminate various secret societies.

Qi Xuansu asked: "There are traces of the ancient immortals here, which means that this place is a stronghold of a secret association. In other words, the reason why those sinners collect living souls is because they want to please the ancient immortals and then obtain Ancient Immortal’s help?”

"That's understandable." Zhang Yuelu nodded.

Qi Xuansu finally couldn't help but asked: "Who is the ancient immortal?"

Zhang Yuelu hesitated for a moment and said: "In the context of Taoism, 'ancient immortal' is not a compliment, but is similar to 'evil god' or 'devil'. It is a powerful existence that Taoism must eradicate. The reason why it is called They are called 'immortals' because the methods they use are not magic... some of them are even the founders of Taoism."

Qi Xuansu was taken aback and lowered his voice subconsciously: "Taoist Patriarch!?"

Zhang Yuelu continued: "There is a saying that says, 'When a righteous person uses evil methods, the evil methods are also righteous; when evil people use righteous methods, the righteous methods are also evil.' The Taoist sect does not completely agree with this sentence, but it has to admit that the ancient immortals It’s the existence of ‘evil people using righteousness’.”

Qi Xuansu asked again: "Why did the ancient immortal betray the Taoism?"

Zhang Yuelu did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Flying swords are more powerful than fire guns, and many powerful spells are far more powerful than artillery, but why do the Taoist sect and the court vigorously develop firearms? Why can the Quanzhen Taoist sect be able to compete with Have you ever considered this issue? "

Qi Xuansu was startled.

Zhang Yuelu obviously knew many Taoist secrets that ordinary Taoist priests could not touch, and said softly: "If one day all magic and magical powers in the world disappear, then where should we go?"

Qi Xuansu frowned: "What does this have to do with the ancient immortal?"

Zhang Yuelu sighed and said: "Of course it does matter, but the Taoist sect has regulations. This is not something you can know now, so I can't tell you directly. When you become a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, or become the deputy palace master or deputy hall master , you will understand naturally.”

Only then did Qi Xuansu understand that the reason why Zhang Yuelu knew the secret was not because of his status as a fourth-grade wine-sacrifice Taoist priest, but because of his status as the deputy hall master. Lingquanzi, Sun Yongfeng and others were also unaware of it.

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