Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 53 Hantrick

Arthur soon discovered an iron door leading underground - although the above-ground part was seriously damaged, the underground part was generally well preserved.

Arthur pushed open the iron door, and the door axis, which had been eroded by time, made a harsh "squeak" sound. Behind the door was a deep and dark corridor. Because it had not been maintained and repaired for a long time, this corridor was seriously damaged. There was water accumulation in many places and even moss had grown on it. The sound of dripping water was even more permeable in such a deep environment.

Arthur gestured with his hands and said in extremely poor Chinese Mandarin: "

Qi Xuansu's three days of preparation came into play. Only he could understand what Arthur wanted to express, which was one of the reasons why Zhang Yuelu brought him in.

Qi Xuansu explained to Zhang Yuelu and Lingquanzi: "What he means is that this

Lingquanzi flicked his finger, and a talisman turned into a burning flame, like a guiding light, fluttering into the corridor. The fact that the fireball has not been extinguished means that the ventilation structure of the corridor has not failed and there is no methane inside.

Several people followed the flames into the corridor. The corridor here is quite spacious and can accommodate four people walking side by side without being crowded. It is about one foot high and is enough for an adult man to jump in the corridor.

There was an unpleasant smell permeating the corridor, but none of the four people paid it any attention, except for the three men. They were all people who often walked outside and were already used to it. But Zhang Yuelu used to stay in Yujing a lot and rarely experienced such an environment. His expression did not change at this time, which shows that his determination is tenacious. His achievements today cannot be explained by just being gifted.

At the end of the corridor is a small underground hall, which is where Arthur said the monks used to rest.

At this moment, Zhang Yuelu stopped, with purple energy flowing in his eyes. At the same time, he raised his hand to signal the others to stop, and said, "There is an ambush."

Before he finished speaking, two blood shadows shot out from the shadows and headed straight for Qi Xuansu, who was the weakest in cultivation.

Qi Xuansu only felt the fishy wind blowing against his face, secretly thinking that these criminals also know how to pinch the soft persimmon, but their movements did not stop at all, rolling to avoid and drawing the sword in one go.

I saw Qi Xuansu pulling out the "Execution" from behind while dodging the sneak attack of two blood shadows, and slashed towards one of the blood shadows.

This blood shadow was cut off by Qi Xuansu, but it did not die. Instead, it wailed and wanted to merge into one again. Another blood shadow rushed towards Qi Xuansu again.

At this moment, Arthur stretched one hand forward, and a strong white light shot out from his palm, and the two blood shadows immediately turned into blue smoke.

Arthur looked at Qi Xuansu and said seriously: "Qi, they are not human beings. They cannot be used to kill people."

Qi Xuansu put "Xu Xing" back into the sheath on his back, pulled out "Zi Wu" and asked, "Where is the peach wood sword?"

Arthur shook his head: "A silver sword will do. Spells will do, too."

Qi Xuansu was helpless. When making the plan, Zhang Yuelu and others completely ignored this issue. Lingquanzi was good at magic, and Zhang Yuelu carried a semi-immortal object. In the words of the Western Continent, it was equivalent to a sub-artifact, better than any silver sword. Being a hundred times stronger was not within the scope of consideration at all. Qi Xuansu didn't expect that Zhang Yuelu would ask him to come with him on the spur of the moment, so he didn't mention it.

Qi Xuansu had no choice but to put away "Ziwu" and reach out to hold the hilt of the dagger at his waist.

This is a relic left by his master. It is a high-grade spiritual object that he does not know how to use.

The group of people entered the rotunda. In addition to the corridor they entered, there were two roads connected here.

After Arthur checked around, he judged based on experience: "Left, storage. Right, dungeon."

Zhang Yuelu said: "I'll check the storage room first."

After that, she walked in front first, and the other three followed behind her.

The passage leading to the storage room was short and soon reached the end. However, the entire corridor was filled with a smell of blood that could not be dissipated, giving the four of them some bad expectations. After pushing open a slightly decayed wooden door, the sight in front of them made the four people's expressions change.

There were piles of dried corpses inside. The corpses were gray-white in color, like completely dry bark. There was no trace of flesh and blood on their bodies, leaving only skin and bones.

The blood of the dead gathered into a small blood pool, showing a black and red color.

Zhang Yuelu's tone was slightly cold: "Do they regard this place as their 'granary'?"

"I'm afraid, yes." Arthur nodded.

Zhang Yuelu did not speak, but waved to Lingquanzi.

Lingquanzi understood it, and after the four of them had exited the place, he took out a fire talisman and threw it into it. In a blink of an eye, the entire room was filled with orange-red flames. What's even more amazing is that no matter how raging the fire was inside, the fire talisman was still raging outside. No one was affected at all, not even a little bit of smoke.

The four returned to the rotunda and entered the road leading to the dungeon. However, Lingquanzi's flame failed here and went out as soon as it entered the corridor.

Arthur raised his right hand, and five light balls floated out from his fingertips, illuminating the entire corridor.

According to Arthur himself, he is a paladin who can wear armor and fight in close combat as well as use spells. Qi Xuansu understands him to be similar to a Qi practitioner.

This corridor goes all the way down, and the four people's footsteps occasionally make a clear splashing sound when they step into the puddles. In the silent environment, it is particularly clear, making ordinary people's hair stand on end.

However, the four of them were indifferent. Qi Xuansu whispered: "According to what Arthur said, this group of demons are good at using illusions. Could it be..."

Zhang Yuelu, who was walking in front, said: "As long as the person who casts the spell is not a heavenly being, you can't hide my 'Immortal Qi Watching Technique', so don't worry."

Lingquanzi added: "It is very difficult to create an illusion with human power alone, and it is difficult to last for a long time. We must rely on geographical advantages. We block the earth's energy and release the yin energy in advance to prevent illusions."

The four of them soon arrived at the end of the corridor, where there was an iron gate blocking the way.

Arthur slammed forward without hesitation, and the iron door fell to the ground, stirring up a circle of dust.

The dungeon behind the door occupies a large area, even larger than the castle on the ground. The light is very dark, half of it is illuminated by Arthur's light ball, and the other half is still in darkness.

The next moment, countless red light spots lit up in the darkness, which were pairs of blood eyes.

Almost at the same time, countless blood arrows were fired at the four people.

Zhang Yuelu finally took action, and with a wave of his sleeve, he swept away all the blood arrows aimed at the four people.

The sound of "chichi" could be heard all around. These blood arrows actually corroded the stone ground and walls into pits.

At this moment, a burst of applause suddenly sounded, and a young man slowly walked out of the darkness. He had a typical Western Continent appearance, with a slightly pale face, a smile on his lips, and his silver hair draped softly on his shoulders.

"This is really a very powerful method." The young man said in the Mandarin dialect of the Central Plains. Not only was he handsome, but his voice was deep and magnetic, and his behavior was even more polite.

Zhang Yuelu asked directly: "Who are you?"

"This beautiful lady, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hantrick, Hantrik Reifno, Viscount." The young man's left foot did not move, and his right leg was pulled back and stretched to form a slightly stretched position. Take a small lunge, place your right hand on your chest, raise your left hand diagonally upwards, lean your upper body slightly forward, lower your head, and touch your chin to your chest - a standard Western Continent palace etiquette.

Zhang Yuelu obviously couldn't understand this kind of etiquette, and twitched his lips expressionlessly: "Viscount?"

Arthur stumbled and said: "No, nobleman. Viscount, return to your true self."

Qi Xuansu said: "What Lao Ya means is that these demons do not have titles. The so-called titles are equivalent to our realm divisions, and viscount is roughly equivalent to our return to the true stage."

"It's interesting." Zhang Yuelu said.

The next moment, Zhang Yuelu appeared in front of Hantrick out of thin air, his five fingers like hooks thrusting straight into Hantrick's face.

A Taoist priest from Bishan Temple died in this way.

Hantrick thought that he had underestimated Zhang Yuelu very much, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated Zhang Yuelu. He actually failed to dodge and was stabbed into the face by Zhang Yuelu's five fingers.

There were five colors of true energy flowing on Zhang Yuelu's five fingers, which was the "Five Qi Yan Luo". Then she used her five fingers to crush Hantrik's head into a ball of blood mist.

Qi Xuansu's eyelids twitched slightly, and he felt a chill on his back. If one day, Zhang Yuelu knew his true identity and knew that he was lying to her, what would happen to him?

Qi Xuansu didn't dare to think about it.

Hantrick did not die immediately. He still maintained his standing posture, and a deep voice came from his chest: "This is not ladylike."

After the words fell, a brand new head popped out of Hantrick's chest. It was exactly the same as the head crushed by Zhang Yuelu. There was blood flowing on the silver hair and cheeks, which was particularly horrifying.

Zhang Yuelu was not afraid, but was a little surprised: "Isn't his head a weak point?"

Arthur said: "Heart!"

Zhang Yuelu's fingers were still like hooks, but this time he inserted them directly into Hantrick's heart.

At this time, Hantrick no longer dared to be careless in the slightest. He stepped back, and blood mist surged around him, covering his figure.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Yuelu possessed the "Immortal Qi-Seeing Technique" and could see through all kinds of visible appearances. For her, this blood mist was not even a blinding method, and she instantly found Hantrick's location.

Hantrick felt a chill in his heart. At the critical moment, he could barely avoid his heart, but Zhang Yuelu still caught him on his right shoulder.

Although "Five Qi Yan Luo" is a defensive method, in Zhang Yuelu's hands, it can also be used for offense, just like a shield hitting the enemy.

This grab completely shattered Hantrick's shoulder, and the entire right arm also hung down softly.

Even a warrior like Xu Kou had his arm broken by Zhang Yuelu. How could Hantrick resist?

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