Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 182: Delusion

On the way back from the lower palace to the upper palace, Qi Xuansu asked Yao Pei a question: "Why was Zhang Wuhen sentenced to death by the Taoist sect just for stealing the inheritance of True Lord Taiyin? Even if he was going to die, why did Zhang Wushou do it himself? The Taoist sect Don’t you always advocate killing with caution when dealing with your own people?”

Yao Pei did not answer directly, but said: "If you have read the teachings of the Western Holy Court, you should know that they talk about original sin, that is, the original sin that humans are born with, and it is the root of all disasters and sins in humans. Therefore, believers in the Western Holy Church always talk about redemption and atonement. On the surface, our Taoism does not talk about original sin, but in some cases, we actually believe that some people have natural sin. "

Qi Xuansu immediately understood: "Because Zhang Wuhen is a descendant of the Ancient Immortal, her stealing the Ancient Immortal's inheritance is an additional crime, and the Ancient Immortal bloodline in her body is the original sin."

"That's right." Yao Pei said, "What does it mean for the descendants of the ancient immortals to covet the inheritance of the ancient immortals? And this is not just a simple inheritance, but also some of the divine power left by Zhenjun Taiyin in the world. This is something that Taoism must never Allowed. As for why Tianshi should handle it personally, there are multiple reasons. The obvious reason is to give Tianshi face, and it is better to handle his own affairs than for outsiders to interfere. The secret reason is that Tianshi also has this kind of problem. Original sin, if the Heavenly Master wants to clear himself of the suspicion, he must take a firmer stance than others. This is like a Hu person serving as an official in the Da Qi court, and his attitude towards the Hu people who refuse to submit is better than that of ordinary Da Qi people. Officials are more ruthless, so they can show their loyalty.”

Qi Xuansu said: "The Celestial Master is quite contradictory. While maintaining contact with True Lord Ziguang, he also has to express his firm position on matters involving the ancient immortal."

"There is no contradiction, one code is one code." Yao Pei said lightly, "An alliance is an alliance, and becoming an immortal is becoming an immortal. These are two completely different things. Does the Taoist school care about the ancient immortal itself? What the Taoist school cares about is Cults that have been repeatedly banned require a huge amount of incense and willpower to become immortals. Without the permission and support of the Taoist sect, a cult will inevitably be established, which will damage the foundation of the Taoist sect. This is not the case. With the status of the Celestial Master, the leader of a group. In the past, one person was inferior to ten thousand people, but now that there is no one above him, do we still have to worry about him joining the Ziguang Society? Even if the Tianshi is willing to join, does the Ziguang Society dare to ask for it? The Tianshi is not a small fish like you and me. Xiaoxia, that’s a giant whale, and the shallow pond can’t accommodate him. After he goes there, whose Ziguang Society is this?”

While talking, the two returned to Zhenyuan and broke up.

After Qi Xuansu returned to his residence, he activated the formation, went to the quiet room, closed the door, and then took out the "Xuan Jade" fragment.

This is his biggest gain.

After the catastrophe of the Jinling Mansion, he got the "God's Mysterious Jade", which is very precious. However, the divine power in this "God's Mysterious Jade" has been consumed by Zhenjun Siming. It is like a ship that has lost its "Xuanhuang". "The flying boat cannot fly and can only float on the water.

Now this "mysterious jade" fragment is the long-lost "mysterious yellow", which can replenish the water vapor of the dragon ball and make the flying boat go straight to the nine heavens.

The good wind sends me to the blue clouds with its power.

Qi Xuansu held the "Xuanyu" tightly, and the fragments began to "melt" slowly, turning into a golden trickle and entering Qi Xuansu's body.

As Yao Pei said, this is pure divine power after purification. It does not require any refining or transformation and can be used directly. Therefore, Qi Xuansu feels as if an empty reservoir is constantly being filled with clear water, rather than mud and sand.

In an instant, Qi Xuansu's face was illuminated by golden light.

Qi Xuansu gathered his thoughts and began to concentrate on absorbing the magical power of "Xuanyu".

The descendants of immortals, qi refiners, and Sanren must inherit the lineage from the five elements to the five elders, and transform the three flowers into the three pure things. Only then can they return to the original Wuji body and achieve the ultimate perfection.

At this time, Qi Xuansu looked inside and could see the five internal organs in his body. The heart was surrounded by a ball of fiery red breath, corresponding to the fire element; the liver was surrounded by a ball of cyan breath, corresponding to the wood element; the spleen was surrounded by a ball of yellow breath, corresponding to the earth element; the lungs Wrapped in a ball of white breath, it corresponds to the gold element; the kidneys are wrapped in a ball of black breath, corresponding to the water element.

If the five elements gather together to condense the five qi, and then unite the five qi into one, turning into true essence, it is called "small five qi Chaoyuan". The free and easy stage of the banished immortal corresponds to the realm of five qi Chaoyuan, so it is named.

After the Immortal has been in the world for a hundred years, he will face the first heavenly calamity, which is the most well-known thunder calamity. The second celestial calamity is the Yin Fire Calamity, which burns from under the Yongquan acupoint and penetrates directly into the Niyuan Palace. It means bypassing the external body and going straight to the internal organs. No matter how indestructible your external body is, if the internal organs turn to ashes, hundreds of years of hard work will be illusory. If there is great opportunity, great blessing, great good fortune, and you are lucky enough to survive this disaster, the five internal organs will respond to the five qi, and the five qi will be in full swing, and you will be perfect both internally and externally. It is the "five great qi heading towards the Yuan", and the difference between the big and small is the difference between immortals and mortals.

However, at this time, Qi Xuansu was far away from attaining the "Great Five Qi Chaoyuan", not to mention the "Little Five Qi Chaoyuan". The five major inheritances do not have attributes that specifically correspond to the five elements. The mystery of "Xuanyu" is that it gives the inheritance different attributes to make up for the shortcomings of Sanren.

The inheritance of Sanren is the foundation, which corresponds to the earth element and carries great virtues. The martial arts inheritance strengthens the blood and life, the spirit becomes clearer and the body becomes stronger, and the diseases in the world cannot harm it. The place of vitality corresponds to the wood element. According to the inheritance of the alchemists, the spiritual consciousness should be kept within, with one will not dissipating, and the concentration should be focused to release the Yin spirit. This is the true one will, the Yin spirit will not dissipate, and there is life in death, which corresponds to the water movement in the north. The inheritance of gods gathers the power of incense and wishes, ignites the divine fire, and uses it to create the golden kingdom of God. Whether it is incense or divine fire, there is a word "fire", which corresponds to the fire element in the south. Finally, there is the most lethal Qi Refiner inheritance, which is good at sword control and kendo, corresponding to the Western Golden Practice.

Now Qi Xuansu has gathered earth, wood, and water, but still lacks fire and metal. At this time, divine power is injected into the "Xuan Jade of God" to complete the element of fire.

If Qi Xuansu can get another piece of "Xianzhi Xuan Jade" and use the Qi Refiner's inheritance to complete the final Golden Element, he can combine the five Qi into one, turning mana, divine power, true energy, and blood energy into true essence, and truly compete with Zhang Yuelu and Zhang Yuelu. Yao Pei sat down on equal footing.

As for Li Changge, he should have completed this step. He gathered the "Xuan Jade of God", "Xuan Jade of Immortal", "Xuan Jade of Life" and "Xuan Jade of Death" to achieve the unity of the five qi and become an immortal. .

However, even if the "Xianzhi Xuanyu" is missing, it will not prevent Qi Xuansu from becoming a heavenly being. At most, he will not be able to achieve the five-qi Chaoyuan realm of banished immortals, but can achieve the realm of practicing transformation of Sanren.

If there were outsiders watching at this time, they would find that Qi Xuansu's entire body was wrapped in golden divine power, and there was a hint of fiery red in the gold.

At this time, Qi Xuansu's true energy gradually fell silent, and then divided into three groups, converging on the Zhongdantian position on the chest, the lower Dantian position on the lower abdomen, and the upper Dantian position between the eyebrows.

The three of them shine brightly. The Dantian above the eyebrows is like the blazing sun, the single field in the chest is like the bright moon, and the Dantian under the lower abdomen is like stars, corresponding to the three lights of the sun, moon and stars.

Qi Xuansu's consciousness gradually sank into a state of delusion.

What is delusion? There is an ancient story about Huangliang Dream, which tells the story of Patriarch Zhengyang who enlightened Patriarch Chunyang who had not yet become enlightened. After Patriarch Chunyang drank the wine given by Patriarch Zhengyang, he fell into a dream and enjoyed all the glory and wealth in his dream. When he woke up, he fell into a dream. When I came, I found that the yellow rice in the store was not cooked yet. I had a profound enlightenment from this, so I called it Huang Liang Dream. Among them, Patriarch Zhengyang’s method was to make Patriarch Chunyang enter the state of delusion. It is the state of delusion that lasts for thousands of years, but only after a big dream.

In a daze, Qi Xuansu seemed to be back on the road back to Yujing.

The shouts of death behind him gradually faded away, but the master's roar was still in his ears. Qi Xuansu could still hear his breathing becoming heavier and heavier. He could no longer remember how far he had run. He only felt that his footsteps were getting heavier and heavier. The "Qingyuan" in his hand became heavier and heavier, and everything in front of him became blurry, as if it was dyed with a layer of blood that was so rich that it couldn't be dissolved.

Behind him, a dark shadow like a demon was approaching step by step with a bloody butcher knife.

Qi Xuansu suddenly stopped and turned to face the demon-like black figure.

The black shadow was still moving towards Qi Xuansu. As it moved, the black shadow in Qi Xuansu's field of vision became larger and larger. At first, it was a bear standing upright, but as the distance got closer, in the blink of an eye, Already more than thirty feet tall, like the sun-chasing giant in myths and legends, its two eyes have turned into a pair of huge lanterns with blazing green fire, hanging in the mid-air.

The black shadow is getting closer and closer, and it is getting bigger and bigger, with no end. Even Qi Xuansu's field of vision cannot accommodate it. Only part of the black shadow can be seen. Its image seems to overlap with the Lord Siming who came to Jinling Mansion. The two eyes are like two scorching suns hanging in the sky.

This is the deepest fear rooted in Qi Xuansu's heart.

However, Qi Xuansu knew very well that this was just a nightmare, not too big or too small. After all, he was only becoming a heavenly being, not an immortal. He was still far away from the dreamland of inner demons.

The best way to eliminate fear is to face it head on. .

The relationship between people and fear can be summed up in four words: one waxes and the other waxes.

The more afraid he became, the more invincible this black shadow became. Eventually, he believed it to be true and could not move. He was crushed by the fear that turned into reality.

The more fearless you are, the more you can make it return to its original appearance, or even disappear.

The huge black shadow raised the bloody butcher knife in his hand and slashed it at Qi Xuansu's head.

Qi Xuansu did not dodge or avoid, and had no intention of evading at all.

The moment the butcher's knife touched Qi Xuansu, it disappeared into thin air.

Under Qi Xuansu's close gaze, the black shadow became smaller and smaller, changing from the sky-blocking Lord Siming to the size of a giant, and then gradually changed from a giant back to its original size.

That's not all, the black shadow continues to shrink, from a huge black shadow like a giant bear to a thin man, with a black scarf covering his face and holding a sharp knife. This is his true face - an ordinary "inn" assassin.

Qi Xuansu raised "Qingyuan" and chopped off the man's head.

At this moment, all the illusions in front of Qi Xuansu were shattered.

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