Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 183 The Divine Power of Taiyin

By the time Qi Xuansu woke up from trance, it was already a day later.

At this time, Qi Xuansu finally took the final step, from the stage of returning to true nature to the stage of freedom, that is, from an innate person to a genuine heavenly person.

Because Qi Xuansu is not a complete "Exiled Immortal", he is not in the realm of the Five Qi Chaoyuan of the Exiled Immortal, but in the realm of Sanren's transformation, like a cicada's skin and bones. Although he cannot possess special powers like a martial artist or an alchemist, he can He will usher in a rebirth. If he is reborn, he will not only be able to repair various hidden injuries and hidden dangers, but also be able to cleanse his essence and cut off his marrow, which will greatly make up for his lack of congenital bones. In other words, this is the miraculous power of Sanren in the heavenly and human stage.

In other words, the injuries Zhang Guyan caused to Qi Xuansu have been wiped out, both internally and externally, and his bones are finally worthy of his understanding. Qi Xuansu's biggest feeling is "lightness", and then There is no feeling of being dragged through the mud. In the past, Qi Xuansu seemed to have his feet stuck in the mud. Every time he wanted to take a step forward, it was very difficult. Now he seems to have left the quagmire and can walk freely without any hindrance. Now go again Practicing the "Magic Sword" will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

This is a "small rebirth". When you become an immortal immortal, you have to undergo another rebirth, which is a "big rebirth".

The latter washes the menstruation and cuts the marrow, takes off the mortal body, and is reborn. It takes a total of seventy-seven and forty-nine days. During this period, it is like being seriously ill. Everyone's "disease" is different. It has to do with the environment or experiences you are in. For example, if the exercise is from yang to strong, the deficiency fire will rise; if the exercise is from yin to soft, the qi will be weak and the body will be cold; if you stay in a bitter and cold place for a long time, you will have diseases of the lungs and heart; if the spirit and soul are divided, you will have headache symptoms. It doesn't affect your state of cultivation, so it's really no big deal.

That's it, it was expected. The key is that there is an unexpected gain.

The "Xuan Jade" fragment left by Zhang Wuhen further completed Qi Xuansu's witchcraft inheritance and gave Qi Xuansu a Dharma form.

Wu Zhu condenses the Dharma in different ways according to what he has learned. For example, the people from the Lingshan shamanism sect that Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu met condensed the Dharma of Wu Luo. Zhang Yuelu practiced the "Cihang Pudu Sword Code" and condensed the Dharma of Guanyin in White. If it is an orthodox shamanistic blessing of a Taoist sect, it usually embodies the dharma of one of the founders of the Three Pure Ones. This is the three incarnations of the Taishang Taoist ancestor who transformed into the Three Pure Ones in one breath, or some of the Taoist gods who are no longer in the world. The other Taoist sect founders include the Taishang Taoist ancestors. Inside, most of them have no Dharma and cannot be condensed. As for Buddhism, there are all kinds of strange things. Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, venerables, Arhats, and so-called gods and Buddhas all over the sky are mostly from Buddhism.

Qi Xuansu had no inheritance in this area and could not condense the Dharma. However, this "Xuan Jade" fragment came from Zhang Wuhen, and Zhang Wuhen obtained the inheritance of "True Lord Taiyin", so Qi Xuansu obtained the Dharma of "True Lord Taiyin".

The divine power of each ancient immortal is different. The "Taiyin True Monarch"'s divine power is mainly cold, and the female teacher is accustomed to using Taiyin's divine power. After True Lord Taiyin surrendered to the Taoist sect, Xuanyin Sect fell into pieces. Most people chose to follow True Lord Taiyin, but there were still many people who could not accept it. ..

The ancient immortals had fought bloody battles with the Taoist sect for decades, and each suffered casualties. In the eyes of many members of the Xuanyin Sect, the Taoist sect members were bloody executioners. How many relatives and friends were executed by the Taoist sect, but in one day, none of them were counted. The scene was busy, and everyone was back to the starting point. They had to pretend that nothing happened, hold hands again, and greet each other with smiles. Many members of Xuanyin Cult were shaken in their faith and began to doubt the meaning of all this.

In the past, True Lord Taiyin would still try his best to appease the believers. However, after True Lord Taiyin surrendered to the Taoist sect, the main source of divine power became the Taoist sect, and the Xuanyin Sect, which originally relied on for survival, became dispensable. Let him go.

These members of the Xuanyin Sect are living in various places, without a backer, and they have to face the pursuit of Daomen. In order to protect themselves, most of them choose to join other secret societies. Several other ancient immortals are also happy to see this, so among the Ziguang Society It is also reasonable that there are people who use the divine power of Taiyin.

After True Lord Taiyin ascends and dies, these Xuanyin Sect members can intercept the incense and wish power of those who still believe in True Lord Taiyin and use them for their own use. Or convert other divine powers into Taiyin divine power, so at first, neither Sun Hewu nor Yao Pei thought of Zhang Wuhen because of the female instructor's use of Taiyin divine power.

At this time, Qi Xuansu can also use this cold divine power, instead of just using basic divine power to transform into a simple golden body.

However, divine power is not like blood, mana, or true energy, which can be restored by itself. Relying solely on your own will is really a drop in the bucket. It mainly depends on external incense and will.

In this regard, gods generally collect the souls of believers after death into the Kingdom of God, so that they can be reborn in the Kingdom of God and live forever with the Kingdom of God. However, it seems that he has immortality, but in fact he does not have freedom. It's just that ordinary believers don't feel restricted, but think this is a great gift.

It is said that there are always countless Buddhist disciples in the Buddhist kingdom of the Buddhist Lord, known as the number of sands in the Ganges River. These so-called Buddhists chant sutras day and night, and they really have divine power. It can not only maintain the Kingdom of God from declining, but also continuously strengthen the golden body of the Lord Buddha.

When Buddhism and Taoism were fighting, the Lord Buddha fought a decisive battle with Xuansheng. He was beaten by Xuansheng until his golden body was broken, and he almost entered the first level of death. As a result, Buddhism was defeated and had to seek peace with Taoism. But even with such a serious injury, it only took the Buddha ten years to recover as before, which shows his great power and deep foundation.

However, the Lord Buddha is still not the top in the entire Buddhist system. The Infinite Light, the head of the Three Saints in the West, established the Six Paths of Reincarnation in his Buddha Kingdom of Ultimate Bliss, causing believers in the Buddha's Kingdom to be constantly reincarnated, wash away the memories of the past, and start anew. , rejuvenated, naturally not indifferent.

The Buddha's whirling Buddhist kingdom goes a step further, allowing believers to be born into the human world in the form of ghosts and immortals, and then return to the Buddhist kingdom after a hundred years of experience in the human world. The running water will not rot and the door hinges will not be beetrooted. And these people are often people with great wisdom and perseverance. After returning to the Buddhist kingdom, they are no longer as simple as ordinary Buddhist disciples, but will become the slaves of the Buddha, and even become Vajras and Arhats.

Therefore, Buddhist believers believe in the afterlife. In a sense, this is indeed the afterlife. However, the difference between this afterlife and the eternal life without liberation is a matter of opinion.

Compared with the sophisticated methods of Buddhism, the methods of the ancient immortals are much rougher. However, the kingdom of God is eternal. Whether you are a believer or a disciple of Buddhism, repeating the same thing for thousands of years will inevitably lead to insensitivity. Insensitivity does not matter. The power of piety that can be provided is greatly weakened. , as the believers continue to become numb and wither, they can only develop new believers with all their strength, seriously damaging the foundation of Taoism.

However, whether it is fine or rough, it has nothing to do with the current Qi Xuansu. He has neither a divine kingdom nor believers. There is only one way, and that is to obtain divine power from the Taoist sect like a spiritual official.

Seriously speaking, Qi Xuansu still has an innate advantage. In the earliest times, Zhengyi, who was in charge of things about ghosts and gods, was responsible for divine power, and Taipingdao, who was in charge of human affairs, was responsible for the power of money and money. Later, Xuansheng reformed, and the power of collecting the three realms was vested in Jiutang, and Ziweitang controlled the distribution of divine power. This is why Ziweitang is known as the leader of Jiutang. The first headmaster of Ziweitang once said that whoever controls the Taiping Money will own the world, and whoever controls the divine power will own the heaven.

Although a large amount of divine power expenditure, such as recruiting Zhenjun Xiang Taiyin, must be approved by the chief master and Jin Que before it can be used, Qi Xuansu's consumption of divine power is equivalent to that of a third-grade spiritual officer at most, and Zhenren Donghua does not need to say anything. As a deputy Lei Xiaohuan, the hall leader, can make the decision.

As long as there is a reasonable reason. As for the reason, it was ready-made. According to the old master Sun Hewu, the "Xuanyu" fragment was not included in the scope of merit. In other words, Sun Hewu wanted to record merit for Yao Pei and Qi Xuansu and report it to Jinque.

According to the Taoist sect's merit system, the small-scale divine descent that destroyed the ancient immortal was considered an "earth-character merit". The arrival of Lord Siming in Jinling Mansion was not a divine descent, but a descent. Killing a demon with the cultivation of heaven and man alone is also "Earth-Character Skill".

Although Qi Xuansu and Yao Pei failed to prevent Zhang Wuhen from resurrecting, they played a role in delaying the obstruction and warning, allowing Wanxiang Dao Palace to respond. Zhang Guyan could be considered to have died indirectly at their hands. If Zhang Guyan had not been Seriously injured, just using the "Immortal Sword to Blood Punishment" would not lead to death on the spot.

Calculated in this way, Yao Pei is the first one, who can probably make up a "Di Zi Gong", Qi Xuansu is considered a subordinate, and can probably have a "Xuan Zi Gong".

To be promoted from a fourth-grade Jiji Taoist priest to a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest, you need three "Di Zi Gong", which is also a "Tian Zi Gong". According to convention, two "Earth Character Skills" can be converted into two ordinary treasures or one high-grade treasure.

As for a "Xuan Zi Gong", it is an ordinary spiritual object, which can also be converted into peace money. Since it can be converted into peace money, it can naturally be converted into divine power.

Of course, according to the rules, there is no such exchange option, but there is no express provision saying that exchange cannot be made, so the power to make the decision lies in the hands of the person in charge. Considering the relationship between Qi Xuansu and Lei Xiaohuan, it should not be difficult.

This is where you can enjoy the shade under the big tree.

Qi Xuansu had a rough idea of ​​how much peace money a spiritual object could exchange for, but he had no idea how much divine power a "Xuan Zi Gong" could exchange for, and he didn't know how long it would last.

But no matter what, Qi Xuansu feels satisfied. Anyway, he doesn't care much about the inheritance of gods. The most convenient thing is the inheritance of martial arts. Instead of completing the inheritance of gods, he hopes to complete the inheritance of martial arts, be able to condense the body and soul, and even touch To the point where a warrior sees God and is not bad.

Qi Xuansu unlocked the restrictions in his residence and pushed the door open.

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