After Lingquanzi knocked on the door, Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu glanced at each other subconsciously, feeling a little guilty for some reason.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuelu's clothes were neat and there was nothing wrong with him. He straightened his appearance slightly and said to the door: "Please come in."

Lingquanzi pushed the door open and asked: "Deputy Hall Master, how is your injury? Originally, City Master Ai wanted to send two maids to take care of you, but considering the identity of the Deputy Hall Master, there is no room for error, so we will take care of you ourselves. For the best, I made my own decision and asked Deacon Qi to stay here."

"Chief Lingquan did a good job." Zhang Yuelu nodded, "When you go out, you must be on guard against others. How is the follow-up of Cimut Fort?"

Lingquanzi came here just for this matter, and said sternly: "After Deacon Qi left with the deputy hall master, I sent people to search the entire Cimut Fort thoroughly inside and out, and found that some of them were related to the ancient immortal. I have destroyed the relevant inscriptions and murals after rubbing them myself. No one else was involved in the whole process, in case someone could not resist the temptation of the ancient immortal and hide these contents secretly. "

When it came to business, Zhang Yuelu immediately entered the state of deputy hall master and asked: "Where is the extension?"

Lingquanzi handed the thick stack of drawings in his hand to Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes signaled Qi Xuansu to stay away, as if these drawings were very dangerous things, and then she explained while looking through them: "In the past, many Taoist disciples could not resist the temptation of the ancient immortals, and secretly collected and communicated with the ancient immortals through their positions. Therefore, the Taoist sect has regulations that Taoist priests of the fourth grade and below are not allowed to access such content at will."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Can a Taoist priest with four offerings of wine be able to resist the temptation?"

Zhang Yuelu shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. It's like bumping into ghosts when walking at night. Adult men have more yang energy than children, and the probability of bumping into ghosts is also smaller. If the Taoist priests of the fourth-grade wine-offering priest and above have been If the ancient immortal is suspected of corrupting and tempting, then the third-grade Taoist priest Youyi and the fourth-grade Taoist priest Jijiu will be examined by Beichen Hall, and the second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest will be questioned by Da Zhenren and other real people in Jinque. As for Da Zhenren, that is, first-class Taoist priests. Since the time of Xuan Sheng, there has never been an innocent Taoist priest who has defected to the ancient immortals, but there is an ancient immortal who accepted the offer and became a first-grade innocent Taoist priest of our Taoist sect."

When Qi Xuansu heard these secrets for the first time, he couldn't help but ask: "Can I understand that the first-grade innocent Taoist priest is actually only on the same level as the ancient immortal?"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at Qi Xuansu: "According to what Tianshi said, it is indeed the case. It's just that the existence of ancient immortals is more special. The great immortals have changed from generation to generation, but the ancient immortals are still the same faces. Take the more famous Ziguang As far as Zhenjun and Zhenjun Siming are concerned, when Xuansheng and Donghuang were alive, they were enemies of the Taoist sect. Today, Xuansheng and Donghuang have ascended and passed away, and they still remain in the world and are enemies of the Taoist sect. It’s a huge prison for them.”

Qi Xuansu half understood what he heard, but he didn't feel comfortable asking further.

Zhang Yuelu had no intention of continuing and said instead: "Chief Lingquan, please continue."

Lingquanzi continued: "After taking care of this, I asked people to place gunpowder in several key locations of Cimut Fort, so that this place can be completely destroyed at any time."

Zhang Yuelu never raised his head: "Very good, the Taoist sect's attitude is consistent. The buildings related to the Temple of Obscenity and Ancient Immortals must be destroyed."

Lingquanzi asked: "Judging from these records, which ancient immortal is it?"

Zhang Yuelu raised his head and said slowly: "It should be Zhenjun Siming."

Lingquanzi said: "It turns out that he is the one in charge of life and death. No wonder he was able to resurrect that monster. By the way, Deacon Qi is indispensable for successfully wiping out this group of monsters this time."

Zhang Yuelu was not modest at all. He smiled and said, "I still know a lot about people."

Lingquanzi said: "Given time, Deacon Qi will definitely achieve great things."

Qi Xuansu said quickly: "Deputy Hall Master and Chief Lingquan are too generous."

Zhang Yuelu put a thick stack of rubbing drawings into his Sumeru items and suddenly asked: "Who has touched my Sumeru items?"

Lingquanzi immediately said: "Deputy Hall Master, if there is nothing else, I will order the destruction of Fort Cimut."

"Lao Lingquan is in charge." Zhang Yuelu nodded.

Then Lingquanzi quickly left here under Qi Xuansu's complicated eyes, without any intention of explaining anything to Qi Xuansu.

Zhang Yuelu's eyes fell on Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu coughed lightly: "I have no choice but to obey authority when the matter is urgent."

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "I don't mean to blame Tianyuan. After all, you also saved me, so I want to thank you very much. If I blame you for this, I will lose my liver and lungs."

Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yuelu changed the topic: "But, did you look through it randomly? For example, a certain box."

"Absolutely not." Qi Xuansu immediately firmly denied it.

Zhang Yuelu looked Qi Xuansu up and down, but saw no flaws, and then said: "I believe in Tianyuan's character, but if I know that you dare to lie to me, huh."

Qi Xuansu's expression was slightly stiff.

This was the fundamental reason why he never dared to completely let down his guard against Zhang Yuelu. He was indeed hiding something from Zhang Yuelu, and this alone could make him irrecoverable.

Seeing Qi Xuansu's expression, Zhang Yuelu couldn't help but ask: "What are you afraid of? Even if you read it randomly, can I still eat you? This is not like you. You are not even afraid of Diswen. Are you still afraid of a weak woman like me? ?”

Qi Xuansu's heart trembled, fearing that Zhang Yuelu would see any flaws again, so he deliberately said: "Miss Tantai, like a tiger, like a dragon..."

"Stop, stop." Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes at him, "Is it addictive to pretend to be a Taoist priest in the flower garden? Well, I will give you a job. Write down the specific process of slaying the demons in writing, and then give it to me, and I will copy it... …After review, it will be handed over to the real person in charge.”

Seeing that Zhang Yuelu's attention was diverted, Qi Xuansu breathed a sigh of relief, but said: "Transcribing?"

Zhang Yuelu glared at him and simply stopped pretending: "Do you have any objections?"

"No objection, whatever the deputy hall master says will be whatever he says." Qi Xuansu said seriously.

Zhang Yuelu smiled and said, "You are a poor talker."

Just when Qi Xuansu felt that the matter had ended, Zhang Yuelu suddenly asked: "Tianyuan, are you hiding something from me?"

Qi Xuansu froze: "Why did you say that suddenly?"

Zhang Yuelu glanced at him: "Everyone has their own secrets. I won't get to the bottom of it. I just hope you won't treat me as some scourge."

Qi Xuansu forced a smile: "I've even told you about revenge, what else is I hiding from you? As for the savage beast, you are my boss. Isn't it right for me to be more respectful to you?"

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "Actually, the difference between being respectful and disrespectful is mainly in front of others. When it's just you and me, there's no need to be conscientious."

Qi Xuansu said in a strange way: "You do one thing in front of others and another behind your back. It's more like a wealthy lady and a poor scholar secretly..."

Under Zhang Yuelu's gaze, the second half of Qi Xuansu's sentence stopped abruptly and he swallowed it back in his stomach.

Zhang Yuelu snorted softly: "It seems that I am worrying too much. Not only are you not afraid of me, you are also very bold. However, you are used to being low-key and pretending."

Qi Xuansu had been in contact with Zhang Yuelu for a long time, and gradually got to know her temperament. Her harsh words showed that she was not really angry, but when she spoke softly and uncharacteristically, he had to be careful.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu was not too afraid and used his old saying: "I just said it casually."

Zhang Yuelu obviously did not have Qiniang's rich experience in dealing with Qi Xuansu. If Qiniang were here, he would have to make Qi Xuansu admit his mistake on the spot.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Qi Xuansu was about to leave.

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yuelu called Qi Xuansu again.

Qi Xuansu looked at Zhang Yuelu and said deliberately: "What other instructions does the deputy hall master have?"

Zhang Yuelu raised his right hand, made a wine glass gesture with his thumb and index finger, and asked, "Is there any wine? I've finished the wine I brought."

Qi Xuansu hesitated and said: "You are injured, why don't you drink in the bar?"

"The deputy hall master asked, you only need to answer, yes or no." Zhang Yuelu said with a straight face, using his spear to attack the other's shield. Who asked Qi Xuansu to address the deputy hall master first? Since you asked what the order was, you have to be satisfied. you.

Qi Xuansu said helplessly: "Wait."

By the time Qi Xuansu came back, Zhang Yuelu had already gotten out of bed and sat at the table, reminding Qi Xuansu of the scene of him sitting obediently waiting for dinner in the Wanxiang Taoist Palace when he was a child.

He placed two luminous wine glasses and a crystal bottle on the table. He sat opposite Zhang Yuelu and said, "There are no knives for burning, only wine and malt liquor."

Zhang Yuelu was not picky. He took the crystal bottle, uncorked it and poured wine into the cup in front of Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu held the wine glass with both hands and did not refuse.

Zhang Yuelu said while pouring the wine: "There is a poem from the ancients: 'With a luminous cup of grape wine, if you want to drink from the pipa, you will be urged immediately. Jun Moxiao, who is lying drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times?' This time we destroy the demon, we can come back safely, you Great credit, I’ll give you a toast.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yuelu filled up a glass of wine, not a drop more, not a drop less.

Then she poured herself another glass, drank it all in one gulp, pointed the bottom of the glass at Qi Xuansu to indicate that there was no remaining wine, and then looked at Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu picked up the wine glass and drank the blood-red wine in one gulp. It was a little bitter and astringent when he first entered the mouth. After the bitterness, the sweet and sour taste gradually emerged. It was spicy at first and then mellow when drinking white wine. It feels like there are different approaches but the same purpose.

Then Qi Xuansu also imitated Zhang Yuelu and took a photo of the bottom of the cup.

"Okay, let's have another drink." Zhang Yuelu continued to pour the wine from the pot.

Not long after, the crystal bottle was empty. Qi Xuansu was a little drowsy. He looked at Zhang Yuelu with drunken eyes. He saw her bright eyes and Xia Fei's cheeks, which were bright and moving.

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