Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 60 Return

Under the command of Lingquanzi, everyone in Tiangangtang successfully blew up Cimut Fort, and then returned to Wugo Mountain to leave the city. After Zhang Yuelu's injury improved, they set off for the Western Region Taoist House in Daxue Mountain, and then they would leave from Yaochi from Daxue Mountain returned to Yujing by flying boat.

After this battle, everyone's impressions of Zhang Yuelu and Qi Xuansu changed greatly.

Zhang Yuelu took the lead. He clearly had the highest position and the highest realm, but he was the most seriously injured. No one could say anything wrong.

Qi Xuansu also proved himself. Although he was only a seventh-level Taoist priest at the Kunlun stage, he killed the demon leader with one sword. This was witnessed by the head of Lingquan, and Arthur from the Holy Court testified. After Shangguan Dun’s After the translation was publicized, it became known to everyone.

For a time, Qi Xuansu's reputation reversed. He was no longer a pretty boy who relied on nepotism to get to the top in the eyes of everyone, but a stranger with real abilities. As for how to "differentize" the method, no one saw Qi Xuansu kill Diswen with his own eyes, so they could only imagine it.

Arthur has completed his mission and is about to return to the Holy Palace. Today he came here specifically to say goodbye to everyone in the Taoist sect.

Although it was Qi Xuansu who successfully killed Diswein, Arthur also played an important role. If he hadn't used himself as bait to make Diswein accidentally take the "higher black blood", the outcome would have been unpredictable.

In fact, the killing of Diswein cannot be entirely attributed to one person, but is the result of the collaborative efforts of the entire team, including many Taoist priests. If they had not vented the Yin Qi and blocked the Earth Qi, the Reifno clan would have been destroyed. Illusions cannot be used, and it is difficult to successfully exterminate this group of criminals.

Because they had fought side by side, everyone in the Taoist sect had a good impression of the head bishop of the Holy Court, and they all saw Arthur off.

Arthur finally said goodbye to Qi Xuansu alone. After all, during this period of time, besides Ellie, Qi Xuansu communicated with him the most, and the two of them still had some things in common.

"Qi, if you go to the Western Continent in the future, remember to come find me." Arthur handed an address to Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu put it away solemnly: "Definitely."

Arthur left Ugo Shanli and embarked on his return journey.

Just three days after Arthur left, everyone in the Taoist sect also left Ugo Shanli and went to the Snow Mountain Palace.

Before leaving, Zhang Yuelu left the ultimatum of the fifth-grade Taoist priest to Aili as agreed, and took Shangguan Dun away with him.

Shangguan Dun got what he wanted and was promised a birthplace of a ninth-grade Taoist priest. He was overjoyed and had no regrets at all.

At the same time, Zhang Yuelu also sent a message to Mu Jin, telling them not to come to Wugoshanli again, but to stay on standby at the Snow Mountain Palace, waiting for them to meet up.

Compared with the solemn atmosphere when they arrived, everyone in the Taoist sect was in a good mood on their way back. Galloping on the vast Gobi desert, even if the road was still blocked by wind and snow, they could still feel a bit like walking in the snow.

Zhang Yuelu's injury has recovered. He is wearing a cloak and hood and galloping at the front, looking very cool.

Qi Xuansu was slightly behind her by half a horse's head, but not as free and easy as Zhang Yuelu. Zhang Yuelu, like Qiniang, always said the same thing: drinking is drinking, and errands are errands. The task of summarizing the incident in writing still fell on Qi Xuansu, which made Qi Xuansu very distressed.

It is true that the Wanxiang Taoist Palace did teach how to write official documents back then, but after so many years, Qi Xuansu is still proficient in swords and fire, but he doesn't write much. He has almost forgotten it. Now he wants to pick it up again, which is a bit worrying. , so Qi Xuansu took advantage of the time on the road to start drafting early.

Xizhou from Wugoshanli to Daxuan belongs to the category of the Western Regions.

In the Western Region, most of it is the Gobi Desert, with oases and cities in it, forming a scene of numerous countries. Take Ugoshanli as an example. You can call it a city or a country. If you include the area of ​​the desert and Gobi, Ugoshanli is roughly equivalent to a land in the Central Plains. But if you exclude the desert and next door, it is equivalent to a county.

The only exception is the Daxue Mountain in the north, which was named Baishan in ancient times. It has snow in winter and summer, so it is named Daxue Mountain. The Jinzhu people call it Zheluoman Mountain, which is 21,900 feet high, about 5,000 miles long and 600 miles wide. The highest peak is Tomur Peak, and the Snow Mountain Palace is located under this peak.

The group spent more than a month walking through the vast Gobi desert, and finally a city appeared in sight. This was the former poison-donating country, one of the thirty-six countries in the Western Region.

Speaking of the countries in the Western Regions, it is more appropriate to describe them as grasshoppers. When the Central Plains Dynasty was at its peak, the countries in the Western Regions surrendered to the Central Plains Dynasty. The Central Plains Dynasty also established the Western Regions Protectorate, Anxi Protectorate, and Beiting Protectorate in the Western Regions. When the Central Plains Dynasty weakened, the Western Regions countries surrendered to the Jin Dynasty. The Court of the Tent King honors the Golden Tent Khan.

In the second year of Shenjue's reign, the country of Donodu belonged to the Protectorate of the Western Regions. During the period of the empress, it was placed under the jurisdiction of Shule Dudu Mansion. Later, only half of the Jin Dynasty was left, and all the Western Regions were lost, which was ruled by the Golden Horde.

In the last years of the former Wei Dynasty, the imperial court had too much time to take care of itself. Even Liangzhou, which led to the Western Regions, was lost, not to mention the countries in the Western Regions. Therefore, all the countries in the Western Regions surrendered to the Golden Tent. However, due to the civil strife in the royal court, the Golden Horde's control over the countries in the Western Regions has also been greatly weakened. The countries in the Western Regions have gone their own way. In addition, many Golden Horde nobles have fled to the Western Regions to avoid the disaster of war, making the Western Regions increasingly mixed. , chaos.

It wasn't until the Daxuan imperial court regained Xizhou that the Xiandu country returned to the jurisdiction of the Central Plains imperial court and the Xiandu county was established.

Daxue Mountain and Kunlun meet in the country of donating drugs. Kunlun is dark and Daxue Mountain is red. There is a poem that says: The yellow sand is boundless for thousands of miles, and the vast Gobi desert is resistant to the severe cold. Hongdai is clearly powerful, and two mountains meet two heavens.

It was late August when everyone left Yujing. After fifty days of traveling and a journey of more than ten thousand miles, it was already early October when they arrived in Ziandu County, and winter had officially entered.

Everyone is tired of the journey, and it doesn’t matter if it’s windy, snowy, or cold. People who are congenital are not affected by the disease and can still bear it. The key is that many people are almost vomiting after taking the "Qingjun Pills", if it were not replenished in Wu Ge Shanli Part of the provisions, including the "marching pills", were not eaten. After the "marching pills" were used up, they could only eat some dry food that was as cold as stone. It really made a bird appear in their mouth.

So Zhang Yuelu decided to rest in Ziandu County for a few days before setting off for the Daxue Mountain Palace.

The group of people entered the county town, but did not attract much attention. After all, this place is not far from the Daxue Mountain Palace, and it is considered the core sphere of influence of the Western Region Taoist government. Because people from the Taoist sect often pass by here, the city also has the function of a post station. Taoist temple.

The master of the Taoist temple is named Xu Huiqian, a seventh-grade Taoist priest. He is holding a cup of hot tea and sipping it. After winter, it was freezing cold, but Guanli was directly under the Snow Mountain Palace, and there was plenty of money and charcoal, so the room was very warm.

At this moment, a young ninth-grade Taoist priest pushed open the door and came in, reporting: "Master, there are people here, dozens of them."

"Dozens of numbers? Could it be that Tiangang Hall has sent someone here again? What's going on this year? The shamans are not done dancing yet?" Xu Huiqian hurriedly put down the tea bowl in his hand, stood up and went out to greet him.

When Xu Huiqian came out of the gate of the Taoist temple, he saw dozens of people and horses, all wearing uniform cloaks and riding horses with the logo of the Kunlun Taoist Temple. Who could be from Tiangang Hall?

Xu Huiqian glanced at it, and when he was thinking about who was in charge, he heard a young man say: "Master, we are Taoist priests of Tiangang Hall. We are going to the Daxue Mountain Palace. Please arrange a place for us to stay and prepare more." Eat.”

When he heard the words "Tiangang Hall", Xu Huiqian secretly thought that he had indeed guessed correctly, and hurriedly said: "It's a matter of duty."

The young man said again: "This is our Deputy Hall Master Zhang and Master Lingquan. Both of them are Taoist priests of the fourth grade wine ceremony. Master, please don't be negligent."

Xu Huiqian was shocked, the deputy head of Tiangang Hall? Two deputy hall masters of Tiangang Hall have already gone to the Western Region Taoist House, and now there is another one? Is it possible to go into full-scale war with shamanism?

Thinking of this, Xu Huiqian looked in the direction pointed by the young man. One was an older, middle-aged Taoist priest, and the other was a young woman. He took it for granted that the middle-aged Taoist man was the deputy hall master, and the young woman was mostly the resident. If he had the skills, he saluted Lingquanzi and said, "I have met Deputy Hall Master Zhang." Then he saluted Zhang Yuelu and said, "I have met Master Lingquan."

At this moment, everyone laughed out loud, even Lingquanzi had a smile on his face.

Zhang Yuelu had no intention of correcting him, but just ordered: "Deacon Qi, please help make arrangements."

In front of outsiders, the two still addressed each other by title. And for some unknown reason, Zhang Yuelu had to leave everything to Qi Xuansu, as if once he got used to it, he was not used to using others anymore. In the eyes of others, they only think that the relationship between the deputy hall master and Deacon Qi is very unusual.

Qi Xuansu was used to being manipulated by Qiniangzhi, so he didn't think anything of it and agreed casually.

After saying that, Zhang Yuelu and others entered the Taoist temple. Qi Xuansu stayed behind and explained to Xu Huiqian: "Master, the girl just now is Deputy Hall Master Zhang. You have mistaken the person."

Xu Huiqian said "Ah!" "There is such a young deputy hall master."

Qi Xuansu said: "Our deputy hall master was born in the Zhang family of the Shangqing Dynasty. He is a fourth-grade wine-provoking Taoist priest. Not long ago, he was appointed by the great master on duty as the deputy hall master of Tiangang Hall."

Xu Huiqian's heart trembled when he heard that the Zhang family of Shangqing Mansion was appointed by the great master in rotation. At such an age, he really has a bright future, and he is afraid that he will have a place in Jinque in the future.

He suddenly felt uneasy in his heart, secretly wondering if he had just offended the deputy hall master.

Qi Xuansu saw what Xu Huiqian was thinking and comforted him: "Deputy Hall Master Zhang is not a stingy person and will not care about this. The temple master should arrange accommodation earlier. This time, in addition to two fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priests, we also have a sixth-grade Taoist priest." Taoist priests, the rest are seventh-grade Taoist priests, it’s best to follow the specifications.”

Xu Huiqian quickly cheered up and wrote it down carefully, for fear of making any mistakes.

After Qi Xuansu finished explaining, Xu Huiqian called on the people in the Taoist temple to arrange accommodation for everyone.

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