Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 20 A word worth a thousand dollars

Qi Xuansu's continuous actions can be said to have immediate effects.

Just two days later, the news that "Hua Taisui" Gao Shide was tied up in front of the Jade Palace gate spread throughout Beicheng. The local snakes who were already frightened became more and more cautious. Their news channels were very well-informed and they heard about it. When Wu Si was killed, he understood one thing. Mr. Gao made a mistake. Instead of scaring others, he angered Master Qi. Now that someone slaps you in the face, what should you do?

Of course you can pretend to be a coward, but the next step is that Master Qi will start to parade on the streets in the name of increasing the intensity of publicizing the ban on "Wu Shi San". The first stop is Wuliang Northwest, passing by your door. What will happen at that time? manage?

Businessmen talk about credit and confidence. As long as their own credit and the confidence of others are still there, they can move around and maintain their arrogance even if they are heavily in debt. Once your credit is gone and others lose confidence in you, all your creditors will immediately come to collect debts. No matter how big your business is, it will disappear in an instant.

The same is true for Mr. Gao's majesty. If he shows his timidity, he will immediately fall to the ground and be pushed down by others.

On the other hand, Qi Xuansu, after occupying the moral high ground, formed a condescending position. The power of public weapons was almost infinite, just like the heavy cavalry on the great plains. They were truly invincible and could not be resisted.

The local snakes also faintly heard that there were also some disapproving voices from the Imperial Palace, saying that the intention of Chief Qi was good, but he was too presumptuous and went too far.

However, he was quickly suppressed by Shi Zhenren in an understatement. Shi Zhenren said that in troubled times, heavy codes are used, and strong medicines are used for serious illnesses. Today is a peaceful and prosperous age, and the criminal law is very light. Therefore, many evildoers are lawless and have caused many old diseases in the world. In the past, the Imperial Palace did not act and let things go, making these old diseases particularly serious. Therefore, I want to deal with them in a short period of time. To achieve effective treatment within a short period of time, strong medicine is necessary.

The master of the palace didn't speak, the chief deputy palace master didn't speak, and no one else could refute.

Today's Imperial Palace is also in a balanced situation. Shi Bingyun is senior, but only serves as the second deputy palace master, similar to Li Tianlan of Jinling Daofu. The real person in charge of the house, Li Ruoshui, was born in the Li family, but was not a core member of the Li family. Similar to Li Qingnu, he did not even have a seniority standard and was relatively junior. The chief deputy head of the palace, Zhou Jiaoxian, was born in Quanzhen Taoism. He was neither above nor below, and he just happened to be in the middle.

It is true that Qi Xuansu is Shi Bingyun's subordinate, but he is also a disciple of Quanzhen Tao. Zhou Jiaoxian has no reason to embarrass Qi Xuansu. Of course Li Ruoshui, the real person in charge, can embarrass Qi Xuansu, but she has nothing to do with Gao Mingyin. The key is that Qi Xuansu holds After all, the Emperor Jing Dao Mansion will be happy, so there is really no need to get involved in this matter.

Qi Xuansu was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. As he expected, someone did go to trouble those storytellers, but he was caught by the waiting spirit officer.

The troublemakers were not from the Wucheng Bingma Division or the Qingluan Guard. These people from the public sect were all human beings. At this time, they saw that the wind was going in the wrong direction and immediately cut off their seats. After all, it is not the imperial court that investigates the officials, and the Taoist sect will not and cannot do anything to the people of the public sect. To put it bluntly, you, the old man, have no eyesight. You don’t fight the traitors, you don’t fight the lazy ones, and you only fight those who don’t have the eyesight. How do you compare with us? What does it have to do with it? Who is with you in the same boat? When disaster strikes, we all fly away. How can we stand out at this time?

Therefore, the people who caused trouble were all members of the Beggar Clan. Qi Xuansu just asked the spiritual officials to detain these people and interrogate them severely, but he did not rush to take action against the Beggar Clan.

At this moment, Ke Qingqing walked in and reported: "Sir, a letter has just been sent to me. There is no signature of the sender. As a rule, such packages of unknown origin are opened by the spiritual officer. What's inside There was only a letter and a copy of the account book. I briefly looked through it and found that both the letter and the account book were related to a business firm under Gao Mingyin's name."

Qi Xuansu was not surprised, and just said: "Initial results have been achieved, put them together with other evidence, and finally calculate the general ledger together."

"Yes." Ke Qingqing turned and left.

Wang Chongnian stepped in and said, "Chief, the Gao family has finally responded. Gao Mingyin sent a message through Chief Xu of the Superintendent's Department, saying that he wanted to meet with the chief in private."

Qi Xuansu did not agree in a hurry: "Old Wang, what do you think?"

Wang Chongnian hesitated and said, "Could it be the Hongmen Night Banquet?"

Qi Xuansu said without comment: "This is the Imperial City."

Wang Chongnian said: "If the principal decides to attend the banquet, it is better to be careful."

Qi Xuansu pondered for a moment and said: "Tell him that the meeting place is the branch of the Taiping Inn by the Penglai Pond in Haosheng Southeast Square. The meeting time is set at the end of Shenshi. It is just in time to enjoy the autumn waves and evening photos of Penglai Pond. Come if you want. Come, if you don’t want to come, forget it, I won’t force you.”

Wang Chongnian took the order and left.

Not only did he want to give Gao Mingyin a reply, but if Gao Mingyin agreed, he would also go to Taiping Inn to book a room. When Qi Xuansu and others first arrived in the Imperial Capital, the Imperial Capital Taoist Office was here to welcome them all.

Soon, Gao Mingyin replied that he would attend the banquet as promised.

In the evening, Qi Xuansu arrived at the branch of Taiping Inn. Zhou Lingguan originally wanted to bring a hundred Lingguan to guard him, but Qi Xuansu refused. In Qi Xuansu's words, the real person in charge never travels with such a big battle. Who am I to put on such airs in the Imperial Capital? People who don’t know better think it’s Master Qingwei who has entered the capital.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu only brought a few Taoist priests with him, but no spiritual officials.

Under the guidance of the shopkeeper, Qi Xuansu slowly climbed up to the second floor. Before he reached the door of the private room, he saw a person standing outside the door waiting for his arrival.

This man had gray hair on his temples and looked elegant, but his posture was very low. Before Qi Xuansu came closer, he had already taken the initiative to salute and said, "I have met Master Qi."

"Master Gao?" Qi Xuansu returned the courtesy, "I have admired your name for a long time."

"In front of Master Qi, I don't dare to be called "master". Gao Mingyin took the initiative to extend a hand and said, "Master Qi, please."

This was the first time Gao Mingyin saw Qi Xuansu up close. He could smell the murderous aura in Qi Xuansu very keenly. Confucianism said that nourishing qi, murderous aura is also qi. This cannot be cultivated by killing one or two people, let alone an ordinary family. What the young master can do when he kills a slave is different from the iron-blooded aura of the man in black who has been on the battlefield for a long time. This murderous aura is close to the aura of recklessness, somewhat similar to the green forest hero. When placed in the Taoist sect, there is also a special title, wild Taoist. .

Wild Taoist priests are a type of wandering Taoist priests. Some wandering Taoist priests like to travel around the world, and some wandering Taoist priests are eager to do justice. However, wild Taoist priests have always been famous for being bold, unruly, and decisive. This young mage in front of him is... He is the best among wild Taoist priests.

He knew that he had underestimated Master Qi. He fell into a passive position and was beaten everywhere, with almost no ability to fight back. If he could do it over again, he would definitely lead the people in person, and he would just lose money and avoid disasters. He would never Come this far.

It's just that it's too late to regret now, and he can only make up for it.

Everyone else stayed outside, only Qi Xuansu and Gao Mingyin entered the private room.

The two sat opposite each other. Qi Xuansu opened the door without being polite and said, "I don't like to talk in circles. If Master Gao wants to see me, he must have something to say, so please speak frankly."

Gao Mingyin thought about his words for a while and said slowly: "My son Wu Zang, I bumped into the Master. I hope the Master will forgive me."

Qi Xuansu leaned back in his chair: "The implication of Mr. Gao's words is that I am narrow-minded. Because Gao Shide offended me, I took revenge privately. Is that so?"

Gao Ming was silent for a moment and did not answer the question, and then said: "Gao Ming has no deep grudge against Master Qi, so he prepared a small courtesy and apologized to Master Qi on Quanzi's behalf."

Qi Xuansu glanced at him: "Master Gao is saying that I am taking personal revenge just to extort money from you. Although Master Gao doesn't have any curse words, he scolds me every sentence, and he scolds me in person. Master Gao, I What on earth did you do that makes you hate me so much?"

Gao Mingyin directly stretched out a finger.

Qi Xuansu said nothing.

Of course, a big businessman of Gao Mingyin's level would not offer a price of one thousand Taiping. He was not here for peace talks, but for provocation, so it must be ten thousand Taiping.

Qi Xuansu had never seen so much peace money in his life. His annual income was 3,600 peace money. In other words, he had to save for three years without eating or drinking to get so much peace money.

Now he only needs to nod his head, show his noble hand, and let Gao Shide and Gao Mingyin go, and he will get 10,000 Taiping money in vain.

This is not about making money while standing, it is about making money while sitting down.

This is the benefit of power.

However, Qi Xuansu not only did not show any emotion, but instead deliberately showed a bit of contempt.

Gao Shide was not surprised by this, and then added: "No worries about money."

One yuan of worry-free money is equal to ten yuan of peace money. Ten thousand worry-free money is equivalent to one hundred thousand peace money.

If Qi Xuansu did not rise to the rank of Taoist priest, he would have to work for thirty years to save so much peace money.

Qi Xuansu said slowly: "What a big deal. One hundred thousand Taiping money can buy the life of a ninth-grade fellow Taoist priest, plus a green lower body. How much Taiping money is this? It should be two hundred thousand at least, right?"

Gao Mingyin smiled and said softly: "People cannot be resurrected after death. The dead are already dead. It doesn't matter how they died. What matters is the living. The dead are gone, so are the living."

Qi Xuansu said unhurriedly: "This reminds me of the Jiangnan case. I still know a little about this case. At that time, Beichen Hall and Feng Xiantang jointly tried the case. Fang Linhou wanted to survive and let his family live. The deputy hall master of Beichen Hall who was in charge of the case gave an official ticket of 100,000 Taiping money. Fang Linhou did not expect to keep his position and real name, but only wanted to save his own life. He also agreed, but during the court trial, he took out the 100,000 peace money intact and handed it to Feng Xiantang in the name of bribe. He even took photos as evidence and gave it to Fang Linhou for the last time. If you hit him, he will be punished by one level and be executed immediately."

Qi Xuansu looked at Gao Mingyin: "One hundred thousand Taiping money can kill a real person, and it can also kill me. I can only accept Master Gao's kindness."

Gao Mingyin no longer deliberately maintained a low posture, and slowly sat up straight. The smile on his face gradually faded away, and he looked directly at Qi Xuansu: "In this case, there is no need to talk."

Qi Xuansu still leaned back in his chair: "I'm only going to talk about one thing today, which is about your confession."

Gao Mingyin's eyes suddenly darkened: "You are asking me to die."

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