Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 21 Decent

The atmosphere in the private room suddenly turned cold.

Qi Xuansu said: "There are no blessings or misfortunes, they can only be brought about by oneself. I don't want you to die. The only one who can make you die is yourself. Take Lvcui Lower Place as an example. Did I ask you to buy and sell people and force girls into prostitution? What about Wu Si? Did I ask you to hire a murderer? Did I force you to do all those bad things? How come I asked you to die?"

"You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense." Gao Mingyin also leaned on the back of the chair, "I came to see Master Qi this time to talk about dogs, the greenery, and hired murderers. Gao Mingyin Everyone knows nothing about it.”

Both of them were on guard against means such as voice talismans, so they did not leave any obvious evidence behind their words. As for Qi Xuansu's accusation, Gao Mingyin was categorically unwilling to admit it directly. "The dead person is already dead." , or "You are asking me to die" are all ambiguous words.

As for Gao Shide's matter, it has already been exposed to the public. It has been made public for a long time, so there is no need to deliberately avoid it.

Qi Xuansu said: "Whether you know or not, you have the final say? In the end, it depends on the evidence. Mr. Gao might as well guess, how many people have reported anonymously in recent days?"

Gao Mingyin smiled: "Reporting who? Could it be reporting someone Gao?"

Qi Xuansu said: "If you want to report me, you should go to Fengxiantang of Yujing. How could you go to Jade Palace? Even if you want to report to Jade Palace, you should send the evidence to the signature room of the real person in charge. How could you go to Jade Palace?" Where is my pledge room? You can’t let me judge myself, right?”

Gao Mingyin said: "These are all things that are made up out of thin air and are not worth mentioning."

"I don't think so." Qi Xuansu said, "Normally, no matter how strong the wind is, it can't blow down the big tree. The key is the deep foundation. But if someone loosens the soil, it's hard to tell."

Gao Mingyin said slowly: "Since this period of time, I have done nothing else but one thing, and that is to carefully investigate Master Qi's life. I don't know if I don't investigate. I was shocked when I investigated. Just last year At this time, Master Qi was still a seventh-grade Taoist priest. In just one year, he jumped three levels and became a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest. This kind of promotion speed is really rare, second only to the promotion from a fifth-grade Taoist priest to a fourth-grade Taoist priest in one year. Zhang Gaogong, a third-grade Youyi Taoist priest."

When Qi Xuansu appeared in Fengtai County, Zhang Yuelu had just been promoted to the fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest. Only then did Zhang Yuelu be appointed as the deputy hall master by the then rotating Da Zhenren Master. Before that, Zhang Yuelu and Yao Pei , Li Changge and others are all fifth-grade Taoist priests. Based on this calculation, it can be said that Zhang Yuelu has been promoted to two levels in two years. It can also be said that Zhang Yuelu has been promoted to two levels in one year. The span in between is still relatively large.

However, Qi Xuansu's promotion to the third level in one year was real. After all, he went to the Wanxiang Taoist Palace for further training as a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest, instead of becoming a fourth-grade wine-offering Taoist priest after further training.

Qi Xuansu said nothing, too lazy to argue. There are many irregularities in him, but in terms of promotion, he is really reasonable and compliant, even more convincing than Li Changge and Yao Pei, who were promoted exceptionally due to their status as gods.

Gao Mingyin changed the subject: "At first, I didn't understand one thing. When Master Qi first entered Tiangang Hall, it seemed that he was only at the Kunlun stage, or at most the Yuxu stage. How could he be so successful in just one day? In just a few years, he will become a heavenly being?"

"For this reason, I found many familiar friends to investigate and inquire carefully, and then I found out that after the catastrophe of Jinling Mansion, Lord Siming left something behind, which actually attracted Wu Guangbi, the leader of the secret society 'Tianting', and Qibao Master Yao of the workshop fought hard, but the final result was that Master Qi got an advantage. It is said that Master Yao personally delivered the object to Master Qi. It seems that it was precisely because of this object that Master Qi was able to reach the sky in one step, but that's all Why would Master Yao give such valuable things to Master Qi? Gao couldn’t help but wonder, what is the connection between Master Qi and this Master Yao?”

Qi Xuansu smiled instead of being surprised: "Isn't Mr. Gao's friend's surname Li?"

"What do Master Qi mean by this?" Gao Mingyin's face darkened.

Qi Xuansu said: "Because these words sound familiar. The last time I heard these words was when I was waiting for the flying boat outside Yujing City. The person who said this was named Li Zhuyu. She was the righteous daughter of the Li family and the Taoist priest in charge of Beichen Hall. At that time, I had not gone to Shang Palace to study. Now, almost half a year has passed, and the result is that I am still sitting here safely discussing the case with Mr. Gao, and neither Mr. Li nor Beichen Hall has come to see me again. , Aren’t you curious about the specific reason?”

Gao Mingyin originally thought that he had caught Qi Xuansu's painful leg and did not dare to bring him down. At least it would make him fearful and loosen his attitude, and then he could get off the mountain. However, he did not expect that Qi Xuansu was not afraid at all, and even There was no disturbance at all, which surprised Gao Mingyin.

Simply speaking from Qi Xuansu's attitude, it can be described as confident.

Gao Mingyin judged others by himself, so of course he would not believe that Qi Xuansu was innocent, and there was some connection between the Three Great Dao Traditions and the secret societies, which was not a secret for people at their level, so Gao Mingyin naturally came to a conclusion Qi Xuansu's backing was far greater than he imagined, or in other words, Master Donghua and Master Cihang valued this young man far more than others expected.

Two of the three highest ranking shenzhen masters in Jinque are willing to protect Qi Xuansu, so it would be difficult for the Li family of Taiping Dao to touch them. This is where he feels confident.

It was difficult for Gao Mingyin to explain clearly how he felt at this time. He probably felt regretful. He had three things to do when he took office as a new official. When he first arrived in the imperial capital, he was bound to perform an act of authority. He was careless in the greenery. If you hit the bullet, you can only admit that you are unlucky. If you fight him at this time, you will fight to the death.

Gao Mingyin took out a talisman and shook it gently. The talisman spontaneously ignited without wind, completely cutting off all connections between this place and the outside world, ensuring that no one would eavesdrop or peep, and that the subsequent conversation between the two would not be leaked.

Then Gao Mingyin stretched out two fingers: "This is all my wealth. I can guarantee that there are no voice talismans and no magic weapons that can take photos. If Master Qi doesn't believe it, you can search my body."

In fact, Qi Xuansu had one thing in mind: if he stood in a wall and had no desire, he would be strong. If he didn't take the initiative to expose his flaws, Gao Mingyin would have no chance of making a comeback.

Not to mention the high-profile words of justice and fairness, just talk about one's own interests. As the saying goes, anything good in the forest will be destroyed. There are not a few people staring at Qi Xuansu now. Qi Xuansu spent a lot of effort because of Wan Xiuwu's matter, and even It was Zhang Yuelu who personally came forward to owe the favor, and Pei Xiaolou and Xu Xiaoying contributed, so that future troubles were eliminated.

As for the Jinling Mansion, Master Donghua's protection is only one aspect. The key point is that the Li family is not clean in this matter. To put it harshly, it is simply a piece of shit. They were forced to burn Zhenwu Temple. If they had not known their fate, The sect met an unexpected end, disrupting the situation. Afterwards, all the charges could be pinned on the Zhiming sect. I am afraid that Taiping Dao would have to use the head of a second-grade Taiyi Taoist priest to answer the question, so Taiping Dao really has too much to take care of itself and does not dare to go too far. Pursuing the investigation is like fighting a wolf with a straw.

But if Qi Xuansu accepted the 20,000 yuan for worry-free money, he would be handing over his handle to others. With a gentle push from others, Qi Xuansu could be doomed. Once he was shaken out, he would be weighed heavily. Even Master Hua and Master Cihang could not protect him. Even if Qiniang takes action and barely saves her life, her future will be ruined. Zhang Yuelu is extremely disappointed with him, and the past year's experience has become a mirror.

In Zhang Yuelu's view, Qi Xuansu's revenge-seeking was against the rules, but it still made sense in terms of logic and emotion. There were many reasons for the inaction of the Wanxiang Taoist Palace and the Taoist sect. She was not a saint, so she naturally sided with Qi Xuansu. But taking bribes and bending the law for personal gain is another matter. There is no room for argument whether it is human feelings or legal principles.

Besides, with such a large amount, even if Gao Mingyin is willing to give it and Qi Xuansu is so mad that he dares to accept it, the 20,000 worry-free money will not reach Qi Xuansu's pocket. Qi Xuansu is afraid that Qi Xuansu will jump before Qi Xuansu can cover up the money. Come out and take all the money for your own good. Qi Xuansu couldn't resist, but if he really wanted to use his hands, Qi Niang would be able to hold him down with just one little finger.

To put it bluntly, because of Qiniang's existence, the larger the amount of Taiping money, the less attractive it would be to Qi Xuansu, and he wouldn't be able to get it anyway. It would be better to have a small amount of peace money of hundreds or thousands, at least there is a chance of escaping Qiniang's murderous hands. It's best to be less than a thousand, around seven or eight hundred, which is about the amount of pocket money Qiniang gave him. It is better to have a thousand sheep in sight than a rabbit in hand.

Qi Xuansu felt aggrieved when he thought about it. He was a dignified and powerful person in front of outsiders, and the future Taoist monk was also considerate. He only cared about whether his will was in line with the other, and never cared about these external things. However, he ended up being stuck in his pocket money by my mother. She It’s just that I’m stingy and greedy, and I won’t let others spend it. No wonder I can’t get married.

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said, "I said it with good intentions."

Gao Mingyin's expression immediately turned ferocious: "I don't care about twenty thousand worry-free money. This is not a question of money. I'm talking about business with Master Qi, but Master Qi wants to talk about life and death with me? In this world? There is no money that cannot be spent, and there is no person that cannot be killed.”

Qi Xuansu said calmly: "Can I understand that Mr. Gao is threatening a Taoist priest who is a fourth-grade wine worshiper? Two hundred thousand Taiping money can indeed buy my life. I don't deny it. But Mr. Gao Do you know what life and death are? The reason why you can sit here and talk to me today is because I gave you this opportunity, but you threaten me with life and death. If I don't give you this opportunity, what can you do with these harsh words? Tell who?"

After saying that, Qi Xuansu stood up: "The reason why I agreed to see you is that I hope you can pull back from the cliff and end it all in a dignified manner. At least it will not be difficult to keep your family comfortable with food and clothing for the rest of their lives. Since you don't want to be dignified, I have to help If you are decent, the final result will probably be very disgraceful.”

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