Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 63 Lingguan and Liyin

The flying boat landed in the lake outside Yujing City, stirring up a mist that looked like water and snow.

It was still late autumn when everyone left Yujing, and it was already early winter when they came back. Most of the time was spent on the road. Except for Zhang Yuelu, the others were not even injured. At most, they suffered some hardships on the way.

At the lakeside, the deer cart arranged by Tiangang Hall is already waiting. This kind of deer cart has four wheels. The deer pulling the cart are more majestic than ordinary horses. The carriage is very wide and comfortable and can accommodate four people. This time Tiangang Hall directly calls Nearly twenty deer carts arrived, lined up in a row, like a long queue.

The leaders were none other than Sun Yongfeng and Tian Baobao. When he saw Zhang Yuelu being the first to step off the flying boat, Sun Yongfeng immediately came forward to greet him with a smile on his face: "The deputy hall master has worked hard all the way. This time to annihilate the demon, the journey is more than ten thousand miles. It cannot be done without a hero. "

"No need to flatter me." Zhang Yuelu was still so unkind.

Sun Yongfeng didn't care and said with a smile: "Master Zhangtang has asked several times. The deputy hall master successfully eliminated the demon this time. Master Zhangtang and our Tiangang Hall are both proud."

Zhang Yuelu didn't believe it at all: "If you don't know, you think I killed some ancient immortal."

Sun Yongfeng led Zhang Yuelu to the deer cart at the front. Zhang Yuelu signaled Lingquanzi and Qi Xuansu to join her, and together with Sun Yongfeng, the four of them happened to ride in the same cart.

Four deacons, Mu Jin, Zhou Bai, Xu Zhen and Tian Baobao, took the second deer cart.

Mu Jin looked at Qi Xuansu with eyes filled with resentment. In her opinion, she was the only fifth-grade Taoist priest and the first to follow Zhang Yuelu. She was supposed to follow Zhang Yuelu, but now she was usurped by a seventh-grade Taoist priest. Position, why?

However, in the eyes of Lingquanzi and others, Qi Xuansu was a well-deserved hero of the annihilation of the demons and the killing of Diswen, and it was reasonable for him to be highly regarded by Zhang Yuelu. As for Mu Jin, she didn't even participate in the siege of Cimut Fort. At most, she was doing some hard work, so why should she be looked down upon?

This is human nature. We always look at problems from the standpoint of our own interests. Therefore, people never reason, or in other words, they only speak truths that are in their own interests from their own standpoint.

Four people rode in the same car, Qi Xuansu and Zhang Yuelu sat on one side, and Lingquanzi and Sun Yongfeng sat on the other side.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Zhang Yuelu began to explain the final work of this demon slaying operation, mainly to formulate a text and report it to the real person in charge. After the real person in charge confirms it, all those who participated in the foreign affairs operation can get a two-month period. During the holidays, there is no need to be on duty at Tiangang Hall and you can do whatever you want, while the internal affairs staff must continue to be on duty.

As for the specific written text, it is roughly divided into three parts.

The first part was a detailed explanation of the process of annihilating this group of monsters. Zhang Yuelu handed it over to Qi Xuansu, because Qi Xuansu was the only person besides Zhang Yuelu and Lingquanzi who participated in the whole process. After Zhang Yuelu fainted, it was Qi Xuansu who completed the final blow. .

The second part is the report about the ancient immortals. This part is the responsibility of Lingquanzi, because it was Lingquanzi who personally rubbed the traces of the ancient immortals in Cimut Fort. The fewer people involved in this matter, the better, so there will be no trouble. Two masters.

The third part is to ask for credit, and Zhang Yuelu, the deputy hall master, is personally responsible for this. It can be said that whether rewards can be given based on merit, and whether the credit will be embezzled by the boss, only depends on Zhang Yuelu's thoughts. However, Qi Xuansu is still relieved in this regard. Zhang Yuelu is undoubtedly a good and competent boss.

Zhang Yuelu said to Qi Xuansu and Lingquanzi: "You two don't have to be too embarrassed. If you really can't do it, you can write a rough outline first and ask Mr. Sun to polish it up a bit before handing it over to me."

Lingquanzi and Qi Xuansu both breathed a sigh of relief.

Sun Yongfeng didn't feel embarrassed at all. He was a well-known penman in Tiangang Hall. This kind of official document matter was a piece of cake.

Zhang Yuelu added: "You must be careful about the ancient immortals."

Sun Yongfeng's face tightened and he nodded solemnly.

Zhang Yuelu lifted the car curtain and looked at the scenery outside the car through the glass.

At this time, the deer chariot has arrived at the Taixu Bridge above the Taixu River, which is large enough for eight horses to go parallel. Not far away is the Yujing City Gate, where armored spiritual officials are stationed to verify the ultimatum.

Zhang Yuelu lowered the car curtain and began to close his eyes to rest.

These deer carts all had the Tiangang Hall logo, so the gatekeepers let them go directly. The convoy passed through the city gate and headed toward Xuandu along Shangqing Street.

When they arrived at the city gate of Xuandu, the four people in the car did not get out of the car. They just opened the door and handed over the ultimatum.

The gatekeeper's attitude was much better than usual. He simply checked the ultimatum and let him go directly.

The driver drove the deer cart until he arrived at the gate of Tiangang Hall. On both sides of the gate stood spiritual officials wearing black armor.

Lingguan is considered to be a spiritual path. The reason why it is not among the ranks of Taoists is that Lingguan is not considered a cultivation system.

The level of cultivation of the spiritual official is closely related to the identity of the "spiritual official".

As we all know, the journey of Shinto requires a huge amount of incense and incense. This is also the fundamental contradiction between ancient immortals and Taoism. There is no doubt that Taoist temples of Taoist sects are spread all over the world, and they have an extremely large number of incense and wishing powers. However, there are almost no gods among the upper echelons of the Taoist sect, so the Taoist sect uses this part of the incense and wishing power to develop the lineage of spiritual officials.

After becoming a spiritual officer, you don't need to practice. You will get the corresponding amount of incense and wish power according to your corresponding level, and then turn it into divine power through the special armor on your body. As long as you wear the armor, you are equivalent to having a realm of cultivation out of thin air, which is worth Take advantage of others’ decades of hard training.

This is why all the spiritual officials wear armor.

However, the spiritual official is not without barriers, and the requirements for the mind and character are extremely high.

Before the power of incense and fire is transformed into divine power, it is actually mixed and impure. It is mixed with a lot of human desires, such as asking for officials, wealth, blessings, etc. from Taishang Taozu. After entering the body, it is like all kinds of Noise disturbs the mind. If you cannot resist it and get lost in it, you will fail in your efforts.

The Taoist sect can use various means to strengthen the body, but it is difficult to directly strengthen a person's character. It can only depend on talent. If you want to become a high-level spiritual officer, you must be a person with a strong character and average qualifications. If you have outstanding qualifications and a tough mind, you will most likely choose to become a Taoist priest instead of an inferior spiritual official.

Furthermore, the armor of a high-level spiritual officer is difficult to make and costs a lot of money. Even if it is more expensive than forcibly creating a banished immortal, it is also much more expensive than training an ordinary Taoist priest.

Because of this, there are not many high-grade spiritual officials in the Taoist sect.

The disadvantage is that this level of cultivation is not your own after all. If you are deprived of your identity as a spiritual official by a Taoist sect, your divine power will also disappear. Or if you are demoted by a Taoist sect, your level of cultivation will also decrease accordingly.

In this case, the spiritual official can only cling tightly to the Taoist sect and completely obey the Taoist sect's orders.

This leads to the fact that the status of spiritual officials is naturally lower than that of Taoist priests. After all, the Taoist priests' cultivation is obtained through their own hard work. Even if they leave the Taoist sect one day, they will still be their own. Therefore, at the same level, Taoist priests can control spiritual officials. Even first-grade spiritual officials are only equivalent to second-grade Taiyi Taoist priests, and lower than Zhenzhi Zhenren.

The Taoist sect’s purpose of cultivating spiritual officials is actually very obvious. For example, high-quality Taoist priests are unwilling to do tasks such as guarding gates, guarding cities, and guarding the city, or do not have time to do them, while low-grade Taoist priests are not capable enough and are prone to mistakes. Only Lingguan is the most suitable candidate. He doesn't need to practice, has enough time, and has enough realm to cultivate, and he can't disobey the orders of the Taoist sect.

Half of the spiritual officers in the Dao Sect are under the command of Tiangang Hall. In this war in the Western Regions, Tiangang Hall's reinforcements are mainly composed of spiritual officers.

Qi Xuansu was the first to get off the carriage, holding the door open and waiting for Zhang Yuelu to get off.

After Zhang Yuelu got off the carriage, he thanked him and said, "You go to Yaoguangxuan first, and I'll go see the real person in charge."

Qi Xuansu closed the car door and nodded in agreement.

Several people entered the heavily guarded Tiangang Hall. Zhang Yuelu went straight to the main hall, while the rest went to Yaoguangxuan.

Qi Xuansu walked side by side with the two principals.

Sun Yongfeng smiled and said: "Brother Qi has made great achievements this time. A sixth-grade Taoist priest is probably stable."

"Thank you for your kind words from Master Sun. Xuansu would like to thank you in advance." Qi Xuansu's posture was very low.

Lingquanzi smiled lightly and said: "Tian Yuan doesn't have to be too modest. This is inevitable. Let's not talk about the falsehoods, just the truth. The salary of a sixth-grade Taoist priest is much higher than that of a seventh-grade Taoist priest. Lao Sun, How much does it take for you to take care of this?"

Sun Yongfeng took over the conversation: "The basic salary for a sixth-grade Taoist priest is thirty yuan of peace money per month. Tiangang Hall has a special subsidy, which is about twenty yuan of peace money per month. Brother Qi is not yet thirty years old, and he has been promoted to six After tasting the Taoist priests, we will prepare wine, and there will be a monthly subsidy of ten yuan. If there are foreign affairs like this, an additional subsidy will be added depending on the situation, which will be about eight hundred yuan a year."

Qi Xuansu was speechless and said: "Eight hundred Taiping is not a small amount. If you put it in some small places, it can be enough to buy a house and land. You can be considered a rich man."

"If you need to buy a house and land elsewhere." Sun Yongfeng said with a smile, "After a while, the Duzhitang will issue a settling-in allowance for you to settle down in Yujing. The specific amount is based on the rank of the Taoist priest and is based on the position. The subsidy, Brother Qi, is about one thousand Taiping dollars. If you already have a place to live, then this settling-in allowance will be in vain. "

Lingquanzi added: "This is Tiangang Hall. The local Taoist government and some deserted halls do not have such treatment. It only costs less than 500 Taiping per year, which is not enough to fill the gap between teeth."

Sun Yongfeng said with deep feeling: "The inner alchemy cultivates oneself, but if you want to quickly improve your cultivation, you also need the assistance of various external alchemy. The money is always spent like water, and this small amount of money is really stretched. If Fighting with others, the loss of various talismans, and the damage to flying swords and magic weapons are all money."

"Isn't the loss of the Talisman Magical Artifact reimbursable?" Qi Xuansu said slightly surprised.

Lingquanzi laughed: "If you want to be reimbursed, you must give a valid reason. For example, our extermination of the demon this time is a valid reason. But who doesn't have a few enemies? Or other emergencies, this cannot be done to reimburse."

Sun Yongfeng said: "There are also expenses for food and clothing, hiring servants, and socializing and entertainment. You must always maintain your dignity and not make your colleagues laugh. There are countless places to spend money."

Lingquanzi said happily: "It's enough for a monk like me. If you want to form a Taoist couple, then..."

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