Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 64 Two Theater Tickets

Back at Yaoguangxuan, Lingquanzi and Sun Yongfeng each went to their own signing rooms. Qi Xuansu went directly to the main hall, returned to his seat, took out a piece of official paper from the Taoist sect, spread out the inkstone, and polished ink while thinking. Where to start.

Not long after, Mu Jin also came in, sat down and stared at Qi Xuansu coldly. Especially after seeing the official document Qi Xuansu spread out, he couldn't hide his anger.

In the past at Beichen Hall, Zhang Yuelu had left these matters to her, but now he had left them to Qi Xuansu. How could she not hate Qi Xuansu? It was this boy who made his Zhang Yuelu "feel different in love"!

The ink in the inkstone gradually melted, Qi Xuansu filled up his pen and began to write about the time when he and others arrived at Bishan Temple.

After a while, Mu Jin finally said: "Deacon Qi."

"Is something wrong?" Qi Xuansu asked without raising his head.

Mu Jin said slowly: "When did you and the deputy hall master meet?"

Qi Xuansu still didn't look up: "You should ask the deputy hall master."

Mu Jin's expression changed and her tone increased: "Do you not want to say it? Or can't you say it?"

Qi Xuansu put down the brush in his hand and finally looked up at Mu Jin: "There's nothing I can't say, but I'm just curious. Why is Deacon Mu asking about this?"

Mu Jin said coldly: "I am doing it for the deputy hall master's benefit. In any case, she is still young and easily deceived."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Qi Xuansu smiled, "The deputy hall master is a man of his own opinion. This has nothing to do with his age. I would like to advise Deacon Mu that there are some things that the deputy hall master just doesn't want to worry about too much, but no matter how profound he is, There will be a day when love is exhausted.”

Mu Jin's face changed greatly: "What do you mean by this? You might as well speak more clearly!"

Qi Xuansu did not answer, but took out his pocket watch and took a look: "What do you want from me?"

In fact, Qi Xuansu has understood one thing a long time ago. The relationship with Zhang Yuelu is actually a double-edged sword. The advantage is that Qi Xuansu has a backer, but the disadvantage is that it will cause unnecessary trouble. But Qi Xuansu did not expect that a woman would run away. Come and compete with yourself to be jealous.

Mu Jin approached Qi Xuansu and lowered her voice: "Stop pretending, I know who you are."

"That's strange. I don't even know what kind of person I am, but you do." Qi Xuansu said with a smile.

Mu Jin said: "A person like you, ambitious and capable, is actually the same as Xu Kou. Xu Kou is strong, but you are soft. Xu Kou provoked the deputy hall master because he wanted to use him as a stepping stone. Shi, when you approach the deputy hall master, you also want to use the deputy hall master as a ladder for advancement, but the method is different. "

Qi Xuansu laughed and said: "Deacon Mu, you think too highly of me, Qi Xuansu, and you underestimate Deputy Hall Master Zhang. You make it sound like the Deputy Hall Master is a wealthy lady who doesn't know the sinister human heart."

Mu Jin said: "Of course she is not a wealthy lady who is unaware of the sinister nature of people's hearts, but a woman of this age will inevitably misunderstand people and be deceived by villains."

Qi Xuansu understood what he said, and Mu Jin's words confirmed that he was a pretty boy who was good at scheming women. This was really unfair. After he came out of the Wanxiang Dao Palace, the woman he had the most contact with was Qiniang. How could he be good at dealing with women? In this regard, he is a real novice.

It's just that Qi Xuansu didn't want to argue in this regard, he just said: "Then you should persuade Deputy Hall Master Zhang to let her return to her lost ways and stay away from villains, instead of trying to make fun of me here."

"You!" Mu Jin was furious and pointed at Qi Xuansu, trembling slightly with anger.

In terms of realm cultivation, Mu Jin is a Qi practitioner at the Yuxu stage, so she is naturally better than Qi Xuansu. If she really wants to take action, Qi Xuansu may not be able to get an advantage. But after all, this is the government office of Tiangangtang, and Sun Yongfeng is next door. Mu Jin doesn't have the courage to fight here yet.

"If Deacon Mu has nothing else to do, then don't disturb me." Qi Xuansu picked up the brush again and continued to write furiously on the official paper.

Mu Jin could only slam the door and leave.

Although Qi Xuansu was not good at this, he had already thought about it and had a draft in mind, so he wrote quickly.

About half an hour later, Zhang Yuelu came back. Seeing Qi Xuansu alone, he asked, "Where are the Mu Jin people?"

Qi Xuansu raised his head: "Going out."

Zhang Yuelu came to Qi Xuansu's desk, took a page he had just written, and glanced at it quickly: "Is there too many words?"

"Is that much?" Qi Xuansu stopped writing and looked up at Zhang Yuelu.

Zhang Yuelu put down the official document in his hand: "It's better to be more concise, and don't count the money based on the number of words."

Qi Xuansu could only say: "Okay."

Zhang Yuelu said: "I have good news for you. Your sixth-grade Taoist priest should be stable."

"Really?" Although Qi Xuansu had already expected it, the feeling was still very different when he actually got confirmation from Zhang Yuelu.

"Of course it's true." Zhang Yuelu casually pulled up a chair and sat down opposite Qi Xuansu, "The real person in charge asked about the general process of slaying the demons this time. After listening, he valued you very much and praised you for your courage and resourcefulness. , and said that we should focus on cultivating you.”

Qi Xuansu was half happy and half worried for a moment. What he was happy about was that he had gained the discernment of the real person in charge. The road in the future could not be said to be smooth, but it was not far away. What worries me is that his identity has broken into the sight of the real person in charge, which will undoubtedly increase the possibility of being exposed. Once his identity is exposed, he will be irreversible.

Every time he thinks about this, Qi Xuansu has the urge to leave the Qingping Society as soon as possible. As long as he accumulates nine thousand merits, he can leave the Qingping Society and live a normal life. Otherwise, he will live in the shadow of the Qingping Society for the rest of his life. , I am afraid that my identity will be exposed one day, which is too depressing.

Zhang Yuelu looked at Qi Xuansu's face and asked, "Why, do you think you are too young to dislike a sixth-grade Taoist priest?"

"What the hell." Qi Xuansu came back to his senses, "The food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. How can I dislike being small? I just didn't react for a while."

Zhang Yuelu continued: "I listen to Master Zhangtang. You, me, and Master Lingquan will remember the 'Xuanzi Gong', and everyone else will remember 'Huangzi Gong.' Master Lingquan and I are both Taoist priests of the fourth grade of sacrificial wine." , just a 'Xuanzi Gong' is not enough to go further, but it is different for you, a 'Xuanzi Gong' is enough for you to level up directly. In this way, you don't have to be lower than other deacons."

Qi Xuansu bowed his head and said, "Thank you, Deputy Hall Master, for taking the trouble. I am very grateful."

"Pretending to be a Taoist priest again?" Zhang Yuelu said displeased.

Qi Xuansu said: "The main reason is that I am in the government office of Tiangangtang and I dare not make any mistakes."

Zhang Yuelu did not care anymore and said instead: "However, because it is approaching the end of the year, the process at Ziwei Hall will be slower. It will probably be the beginning of next year before you can be officially promoted to a sixth-grade Taoist priest. Before that, you have to receive The seventh grade Taoist priest's silver."

Qi Xuansu asked: "How much Taiping money is the standard silver for a seventh-grade Taoist priest?"

"I asked for you." Zhang Yuelu said, "The basic salary for a seventh-grade Taoist priest is twenty yuan of peace money per month. Tiangang Hall subsidizes ten yuan of peace money, which is thirty yuan of peace money per month. In addition to this In addition, we also have a 100 yuan Taiping stipend for this business trip. You can go to Mr. Sun later to receive two months' stipend, a total of 160 yen taiping."

Qi Xuansu counted the money he had on hand, and adding the 160 yuan of peace money, it was just over 300 yuan of peace money.

Zhang Yuelu asked again: "With two months of vacation plus the New Year's Day, there will be about three months. What are your plans?"

Qi Xuansu really has a plan, which is to take advantage of these three months to do some errands for Qingpinghui and accumulate merit. He will first set a small goal to save a thousand meritorious deeds, and by the way, he will also give the regular silver to Qingpinghui. Get it.

It's just that Qi Xuansu couldn't express these plans to Zhang Yuelu. He could only say: "I don't have any plans. I will practice hard in the old house and strive to reach the Yuxu stage as soon as possible."

Zhang Yuelu blinked: "You are alone, right?"

"Yes." Qi Xuansu nodded.

Zhang Yuelu hesitated for the first time, and said slowly: "It's better for you to stay alone in Yujing, lonely and deserted..."

"What better?" Qi Xuansu was stunned by Zhang Yuelu's words.

Zhang Yuelu changed the subject: "By the way, the director gave me two theater tickets. Do you want to go with me?"

Qi Xuansu was startled again: "A theater ticket given by the real person in charge? Where did the theater troupe come from?"

Qi Xuansu's first reaction was not that the master in charge had such a leisurely mood, but that there was actually an opera troupe in Yujing City? In his memory, Yujing City always lacked fireworks. In addition, Yujing City strictly prohibited theaters, so he subconsciously believed that there were no theater troupes in Yujing City.

Zhang Yuelu said: "In fact, it has always been there, but you are not in Yujing often, so you don't know this."

Qi Xuansu thought about it. When he lived with his master in Yujing City, he rarely left Haichanfang. There were many places he only heard his master mention, rather than going there himself. It was reasonable that there were places he didn't know about. .

Since it was Zhang Yuelu who invited him, Qi Xuansu couldn't refuse. What's more, he had come to his senses at this moment. The real person in charge of the hall did not go to the theater himself, nor did he ask Zhang Yuelu to accompany him to the theater. Instead, he directly gave Zhang Yuelu two tickets. Theater tickets, this move seems to have profound meaning.

Qi Xuansu asked casually: "Isn't a theater ticket cheap?"

"It is indeed not cheap." Zhang Yuelu nodded, "I heard from Master Zhangtang that a ticket costs 100 Taiping. But it is possible that someone else gave it to him."

"As expected of Shenzhi Zhenren, the first move is two hundred peace coins." Qi Xuansu said with a sigh, "It's not as good as us..."

Zhang Yuelu asked: "Why not?"

"It's nothing." Qi Xuansu shook his head.

Affected by Qiniang, Qi Xuansu originally wanted to say that we should sell these two tickets, but at the last moment Qi Xuansu finally remembered that these two tickets actually had nothing to do with him, and even if they were sold, they would not give him any money. , how you want to control it depends on Zhang Yuelu's intention.

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