Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 46 Confrontation

Qi Xuansu believes that everything has two sides, there are disadvantages and advantages.

Take the death of Gao Mingyin as an example. The downside is that many clues have been broken and a key witness has died. The good side is that a ghost inside the Imperial Palace has also emerged. If the cause of Gao Mingyin's death can be found out and the murderer can be identified, a greater breakthrough can be achieved.

It's like two people fighting each other, just facing each other. There are flaws everywhere, but there are no flaws everywhere. But as long as you take action, there will definitely be a flaw.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu focused his main energy on finding out the cause of Gao Mingyin's death.

On the other side, Shi Bingyun has not waited for Qian Xiangyun. It is said that Deputy Palace Master Qian was not in the Imperial City recently and went to Bohai Palace. This is also reasonable. The Imperial Palace is dominated by the Imperial Palace, but the entire jurisdiction is far more than the Imperial Capital. It also includes the Zhili prefectures and counties around the Imperial Capital. The Imperial Capital Palace can also be called the Zhili Palace, and Bohai Palace is located there. It is within the jurisdiction of the Imperial Palace, so Qian Xiangyun's departure from the Imperial Palace to Bohai Palace does not count as leaving his post without permission.

Shi Bingyun is not in a hurry. Qian Xiangyun cannot hide in Bohai Mansion forever and will eventually return to the Imperial Capital.

But Shi Bingyun didn't expect that in two days, she didn't expect Qian Xiangyun, but she did expect the real person in charge, Li Ruoshui.

Regarding Gao Mingyin's case, Li Ruoshui never interfered from beginning to end. After all, it was not a major matter related to the entire Imperial Palace. It was enough for a deputy palace master to come forward. There was really no need for the master to personally intervene unless the master planned to do so. On this matter, there is no sign of separation from the second deputy palace master.

Therefore, Li Ruoshui's sudden appearance surprised Shi Bingyun, and even caught him a little off guard.

In terms of appearance alone, Li Ruoshui is younger than Shi Bingyun and has an indifferent demeanor, which fits the world's imagination of a Taoist. However, since she has been able to reach the position of real person in charge of the government, it shows that she cannot be indifferent. man of.

Li Ruoshui invited Shi Bingyun to his signature room. The two sat across the table from each other, and then pushed an official letter in front of Shi Bingyun.

"This is the note just sent from the Daolu Department." Li Ruoshui leaned back in his chair, no emotion could be heard in his tone.

The fierce disputes among the three realms do not mean that every member of the three realms is like an enemy. There should still be no lack of courtesy on the face, and the Imperial Palace is a place that needs to report to the group for warmth. The relationship between them is quite harmonious. In fact, except for the Kunlun Taoist House, which is closest to Yujing, the other Taoist temples are all very similar on the surface.

Shi Bingyun quickly read the note, then slapped the table: "It's nonsense and bloody slander."

Li Ruoshui said noncommittally: "Those who are involved in Buddhism will not be able to slip through or be smoothed over. They must give a clear explanation."

Shi Bingyun frowned, read the official letter in his hand again, and asked: "Then what is the attitude of the master?"

Li Ruoshui's answer was very concise: "Business matters."

Shi Bingyun said: "What is official business? Logically speaking, the entire Imperial Palace is a subordinate of your master, the master. The master should have a minimum judgment on his subordinates, right?"

Li Ruoshui said: "Judgment depends on the basis, and all the basis is in the official letter in your hand."

Shi Bingyun shook the official letter in his hand: "Only based on this page, can we determine the final result? Chief Qi officially took office on the eighth day of October. Gao Mingyin died on the first day of November. Today is the third day of November. Chief Qi returned to the Imperial Capital. In less than a month, I have only handled one case. First I suffered an assassination, and now I am reported to be a member of a secret society. Don't you think it's strange that someone is trying to manipulate the person in charge? "

Li Ruoshui said: "If the things mentioned in this note are true, then Chief Qi's betrayal did not happen within a month of his coming to the Imperial Palace, but as early as when he was still the deacon of Tiangang Hall."

Shi Bingyun looked at Li Ruoshui: "You mean, Qi Xuansu has turned traitor to the enemy a long time ago and is a senior secret society member lurking within our Taoist sect, right?"

Li Ruoshui could not tell the truth and said lightly: "What I said is just a fact. It is only based on the current evidence and does not include my personal opinions. As for whether this fact is true or false, or how to finalize the case, it will be decided in the end. Let’s look at the evidence. I’m here to discuss it with you today, not to make a final decision. It’s up to you to give my opinion on what to do.”

Shi Bingyun was silent for a moment and said slowly: "Then tell me your opinion."

Li Ruoshui said: "Should we temporarily remove Qi Xuansu from the position of chief? If it is true, it can prevent him from causing greater harm to the Taoist sect. If it is false, we should avoid the limelight. After all, he is better than Lin Feng. He must be destroyed. He has provoked too many people recently, which is not a good thing for him."

There was something else Shi Bingyun didn't understand, but he couldn't agree with it so much, so he could only say: "Let me think about it."

Li Ruoshui said: "This matter is related to the reputation of the Taoist sect. There cannot be any delay. An explanation must be given as soon as possible to minimize the impact. Even if Qi Xuansu is unjustly accused, if the decision is not made, many unfounded rumors will emerge, and then it will be settled." We have found out the truth, but the bad reputation has been spread, which is difficult to recover, and this is what Jinque does not want to see. "

Shi Bingyun directly countered: "Since the real person in charge mentioned Jinque, I have to mention it. This Chief Qi was seconded from Ziweitang and is nominally my subordinate. But seriously, he It is under the direct control of Master Donghua. If something like this happened, it might not be good for us to make a rash decision, right? It would be better to inform Master Donghua. In any case, Master Donghua is not only the leader of Ziweitang. , and is the chief counselor of Jinque."

This is the reason why Li Ruoshui only "discussed" rather than "ordered". The key lies in this secondment. Qi Xuansu is Donghua Zhenren's person. This is not just the so-called relationship background. This can be said openly. There is a formal subordinate relationship, and Qi Xuansu's ultimatum still has "Ziweitang" printed on it.

Li Ruoshui emphasized his tone and said: "I have given some thought to one point, so I just suggested that Chief Qi should cease his specific duties as chief. I did not say that he should be relieved of his duties as chief. It was just that he should put aside the matters at hand. He is As the head of Ziweitang, I really have no control over what Ziweitang does. If he is to be dismissed from his post as chief, I should indeed ask Master Donghua for instructions. But the current Gao Mingyin case is an errand of the Imperial Palace. Could it be that As the master of the Imperial Palace, I can’t even make the decision on this small matter, so why should I ask Master Donghua for instructions? Master Donghua is only the chief counselor, not the chief master.”

Shi Bingyun was silent for a moment, somewhat speechless. In terms of status, the chief counselor is indeed higher than the ordinary counselors, but there is no clear subordinate relationship between the two. On the three-acre land of the Imperial Palace, it is the master, Li Ruoshui, who has the final say.

This is like the six ministers of the imperial court and the local governors. According to convention, when local officials come to Beijing, they will give Bingjing and Tanjing to the ministers, but this does not mean that the governors have to obey the orders of the ministers. They only listen to the cabinet. Jun's edict or the emperor's imperial edict.

The same is true for Daomen. Of course, the masters of each Taoist government must have a good relationship with the masters of Jiutang, but it does not mean that they have to obey the orders of the masters and put aside various personal attachments and other relationships. Talk, the only ones who can publicly order them openly are the Grand Master and Jin Que.

Donghua Zhenren cannot represent Jinque.

But Shi Bingyun was really unwilling to admit defeat, and the two of them froze for a moment.

After a moment, Li Ruoshui slowed down his tone and said: "The Imperial Palace can be rebuilt and it will no longer be a mess. It is indispensable without the hard work of you and me. It is not easy for us to get to where we are today. No one wants the plaque of the Imperial Palace." There is dust on the floor, so for the sake of the overall situation of the Imperial Palace, let Qi Xuansu put aside the errands at hand. If something happens, Master Donghua will not take responsibility. "

Facing Shi Bingyun, Li Ruoshi had to make a compromise. He only emphasized the suspension of the errands Qi Xuansu was doing, but didn't mention anything else.

Shi Bingyun said slowly: "How long is this 'stop and stop' exactly? There must be a time limit."

Li Ruoshui said: "It depends on when the details can be found out."

Shi Bingyun's anger surged again: "If this report comes from within the Taoist sect, then that's it. After all, he is one of our own, so it is excusable. But what a Buddhist man said can be used as evidence? The Buddhist sect has been saying this all these years Wolf Zi’s ambition, what is his relationship with our Taoist sect, the master doesn’t know, right?”

Li Ruoshui's tone also became tougher: "But on the surface, our Taoism and Buddhism have stopped fighting and have shaken hands to make peace. The conference of the three religions is a clear proof. So no matter what we think in private, on the surface, We cannot regard the words of Buddhists as fart, and we must take it seriously and give a clear explanation. As for how to find out and how long it will take to find out, that is not what you and I should be concerned about. That is the wind. If there is no problem with Xiantang's errand, it will just clear his name."

Shi Bingyun stood up angrily, holding the desk with both hands, and leaned forward slightly: "I don't agree, I don't agree, especially at this time, there are undercurrents in the Imperial City, and various forces are moving frequently. Gao Mingyin's case is obviously involved in something. Big shot, they made this decision. If the real person in charge insists, then we will report our mutual opinions to Jin Que and let Jin Que decide."

"In addition, regarding Qi Xuansu's matter, I will also report in detail to the rotating master."

Li Ruoshui narrowed his eyes: "Okay."

The two women stared at each other without giving an inch.

After a while, Li Ruoshui still took a step back and expressed his attitude: "Let's do this. We will not let Feng Xiantang intervene for now. We will just suspend Qi Xuansu's duties as chief and ask him to stay in the Jade Palace and not go out. Then we will wait for Jinque's opinion. How about that?" ?”

Shi Bingyun closed his eyes and exhaled a breath: "I agree."


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