Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 47 Suspicion

After Shi Bingyun left Li Ruoshui's signing room, he returned to his own signing room. First, he had a secret remote conversation with his senior sister Cihang using the mother-in-law talisman for half an hour, and then asked Qi Xuansu to be invited.

Qi Xuansu didn't know it at this time and came to Shi Bingyun's signing room. He was about to talk about the cause of Gao Mingyin's death, but Shi Bingyun waved his hand: "Let's not talk about these for now. I have other things to ask you for."

Because of Qiniang's teachings, Qi Xuansu was very good at observing people's emotions, so he immediately saw that Shi Bingyun was unhappy. He almost suppressed his anger and couldn't help but ask: "Has anyone been involved in this case? Is it the real person in charge?"

"You can guess." Shi Bingyun snorted, "The root cause is Gao Mingyin's case, but now it is also your case."

"My case?" Qi Xuansu asked doubtfully, "I will handle Gao Mingyin's case. Of course it is my case."

Shi Bingyun corrected: "It's not a case you handle, it's a case involving you. Let's take a look at this first."

After saying that, Shi Bingyun pushed the note in front of Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu took the note and browsed it quickly. His expression suddenly changed: "Monk Yanxiu? I didn't go to him, but he took the initiative to come to the door."

"Do you know this person?" Shi Bingyun said slightly surprised.

Qi Xuansu gave an overview of what happened at the Yulan Temple in Yishan City: "Although this person is a member of the Buddhist sect, he has a vicious heart. I have always wanted to seek revenge from him, but his whereabouts are erratic and I have no time to slow down." I looked for him slowly and was delayed. I didn’t expect that it would lead to today’s disaster.”

Shi Bingyun said: "Don't regret it in a hurry. Please tell me the truth first. What happened in this note? Of course the Daolu Department has no right to arrest you, but since they gave the official note, we will Give a clear answer.”

The so-called note refers to the form of correspondence between the two major powers, and is a means of foreign negotiation and ceremonial exchanges. The use of notes must be treated with caution and handled in a timely manner. Signing or rejecting, replying or ignoring, processing in a timely manner or delaying are all attitudes. Under normal circumstances, except for some purely informed notes, the other party should be replied to in a corresponding manner.

Taoism and the imperial court are not subordinate to each other and have equal status, so they use notes in the same way, and the meaning is the same. The same is true between Taoism and Buddhism, between Taoism and Confucianism, and between Taoism and the Holy Court.

Qi Xuansu frowned and looked at the note in his hand again.

The above just mentioned one thing. The Buddhist monk Yanxiu reported to the Taoist priest Qi Xuansu that the Taoist priest Qi Xuansu was a member of the secret society Lingshan witchcraft, and presented some evidence.

Regarding the attitude towards secret associations, the positions of the imperial court and the Taoist sect were consistent and consistent, so the Daolu Division followed the rules and sent a note to the Imperial Palace, requesting a clear answer from the Imperial Palace.

In terms of rules and procedures, neither Dao Lusi nor Li Ruoshui had any problems. This was also the main reason why Shi Bingyun had to compromise. The principle is the same. Unless he intends to overturn the table, no one can deny the legitimacy of the rules openly. , sacredness, this is the so-called teacher's reputation.

Qi Xuansu can use the "Great Xuan Law" to defeat Tianchen Division, and others can naturally use the same method to deal with Qi Xuansu.

Qi Xuansu's mood at this time can be described as very complicated, including shock, fear, and a bit of happiness.

In a sense, he is indeed a member of the secret society. He just participated in the "Dream Society" not long ago, but he is not a member of the Lingshan Witch Cult, but a member of the Qingping Society.

Not many people know his identity as a member of the Qingping Society, but they are all trustworthy people. If there are some flaws, others will help him smooth them out. For example, the "inn" in Fengtai County was wiped out by Qiniang. It has to be said that Qiniang is usually not a serious person, but she has been making trouble in the world for so many years. How can she be a kind person? She never shows mercy when she should take action. The so-called killing with talk and laughter is just that. Qi Xuansu learned the ruthlessness from Qiniang, Qi Haoran never taught him this. As for Qin Wubing, Pei Xiaolou personally came forward. Although he did not find Qin Wubing, he did find Qin Wubing's father, Qin Gongfu. Father and son are one, so Qin Wubing will not go against his father, so it can be considered a cover-up. .

In fact, even if you know that he once used the pseudonym "Wei Wugui", it is not a big problem. Since he faked his death to hide his identity, of course he must have a pseudonym. It is impossible to carry out secret investigations under his original name. The key is not to know that Wei Wugui is the "Golden Mistaken Sword" ".

Apart from Li Qingnu, only Liuhu's adoptive father "Bodhisattvaman" knew about it.

It seems fine now.

Qi Xuansu shook the note in his hand: "The evidence presented here is all based on rumors and completely untrue."

Shi Bingyun glanced at him: "Don't take it seriously. Let me ask you, why didn't you die when you fell from a flying boat thousands of feet high? Of course you can say that Master Donghua saved you, but such words are usually not used It's okay to come out and block other people's mouths. Now when we really discuss it on the table, we need to tell the truth and rely on evidence, not just talk. Didn't Master Donghua seal some of your files? Now you can use this to unblock your files. Can many things withstand investigation?"

Qi Xuansu was also a little unsure, because he really didn't know what Donghua had written in his file. Was it truthful? Or is there some fiction? If he were Yao Pei, he could have a good talk with Master Donghua and ask him to give him the truth, but the relationship between the two has not reached this level. Many times, Qi Xuansu tries to take advantage of Master Donghua. It's a bit like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Donghua Zhenren is not Qiniang, nor is she Qi Xuansu's cheap father-in-law. She will not think about everything for Qi Xuansu. Maybe she will leave a back-up in this file to prevent Qi Xuansu from losing control in the future.

Qi Xuansu has only one truly reliable backer, and that is Qiniang.

Therefore, Qi Xuansu always expected the worst outcome, besides death, to follow Qiniang and continue wandering around the world.

Of course Qi Xuansu can also tell the truth, that is, he has the "heart of immortality stone", so immortality is reasonable. So the question is, where does this "heart of immortality stone" come from?

Qi Xuansu couldn't answer.

Shi Bingyun asked again: "Second, why didn't you die when you encountered a divine descent in the Bon Temple? I just asked my senior sister to investigate the matter. At that time, the divine descent was so powerful that it could be seen in the entire Yishan City. Don't think about it. Denying the existence of divine descendants. In addition, Zhang Qingxiao needs a detailed written explanation to report to you, so this experience is also explained in detail. You have indeed been to Yulan Temple, and there are files for checking. You should not say that you did not go. Passed the Yulan Temple. Moreover, in Zhang Qingxiao's request for merit report, it was also confirmed that the monk Yanxiu had indeed appeared in the Yulan Temple. Now Yanxiu testified as the person involved that you survived the encounter with the god Wu Luo. How do you explain this to prove that you are a believer in Wu Luo?"

Qi Xuansu knew the power of written records. A routine request for credit report turned out to be key evidence. Zhang Yuelu probably would not have thought of it.

Shi Bingyun added: "The original document about Zhang Qingxiao's request for credit for you should be in Ziwei Hall, but there should also be copies in Tiangang Hall and Beichen Hall. If we really want to investigate, they will definitely use it as evidence. Don't hold on to it. Lucky mentality.”

Qi Xuansu fell into silence.

It's still the same old question. He can give a perfect answer with the "Heart of the Immortal Stone", but the key is that he can't explain the origin of the "Heart of the Immortal Stone".

Shi Bingyun continued: "You encountered the god Wu Luo who descended into immortality at Yulan Temple, followed Zhang Yuelu back to Yunjin Mountain, and returned to Yujing in a flying boat on the first day of the first lunar month. Wu Luo appeared near the Kunlun Pass and broke the flying boat. As a result, you were safe and sound again. Then you disappeared for a long time, and then came the third item. An innkeeper confirmed that you had appeared near Tso Wenbu. Soon after, a major incident occurred that shocked the Taoist sect. Wu Luo openly attacked the Tiangang Hall. On the Dragon Battleship, Shangguan Jingzhen died in battle, and the other Taoist priests and spiritual officials suffered heavy casualties. You don’t want to say that it’s all a coincidence, do you? Even if I believe it, will others believe it?”

Qi Xuansu patted his forehead lightly.

Qin Wubing could control the men in black, but he could not control the Qingluan Guards and the "inn". He did save an "inn" shopkeeper in Cuowenbu.

At that time, the men in black came in and drove out all the idlers. The innkeeper had a good relationship with the Qingluan Guards, but he was not the same person as the men in black. In addition, the elite of the "inn" were in the old workshop site on the bank of Cuowenbu Lake. The whole army was wiped out, and the shopkeeper could only leave alone. On the way, he was robbed by a group of "inn" assassins. In order to find out the location of "Bai Yutang", Qi Xuansu came to the rescue. The "inn" shopkeeper gave Qi Xuansu a map afterwards. .

"I don't want to know what you did during the time you were missing." Shi Bingyun looked at Qi Xuansu, not hiding his anger, "I just ask you, how could you leave such a big deal for others to take? Don't you know Qing Xuansu?" What's the relationship between Luan Wei and the Inn? Do you still believe in the loyalty of the Jianghu? How can you say that an old Jianghu and a wild Taoist are thoughtful and this is how you act? Leader, I am not a Taoist priest, where is your sword?"

Qi Xuansu was speechless.

To be fair, if he is not the person involved, from the perspective of a third party, he will also think it is too coincidental. Wherever you go, Wu Luo appears, but you are still safe and sound again and again. Why should Wu Luo treat you? Open up the net? If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, and of course the suspicion is extremely high.

Of course, Shi Bingyun was not wrong; he was indeed not thinking carefully. The key is that at that time he felt that there was no hope of returning to the Taoist sect, so naturally he didn't think about it that much, and it was inevitable that he would handle it improperly.

Shi Bingyun sighed: "I am now announcing the measures to deal with you. From now on, you should stop all the errands at hand, hand over the hand when it is time, and then stay in the Jade Palace, don't go anywhere, reflect on it, and take a good Think about how to answer the above three questions. I will report the matter to Jinque and ask him to make a decision. "

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