Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 116 The Hidden Underground Palace

Qi Xuansu was not surprised at all that there would be underground palaces and secret chambers under the Jade Palace. In fact, the hell was built underground. Qi Xuansu was surprised that no one noticed it.

"How did you find out?" Qi Xuansu couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's a coincidence. After Qian Xiangyun escaped, I personally searched her residence and found the entrance."

Qi Xuansu sighed: "Zhang Futang is an expert in handling cases, unlike me, who can only deal with the palace. Although there are some cellars for hiding people in the palace, how can they be compared with the caves hidden in the Jade Palace? ?”

"Don't talk nonsense here. I guess Li Changge doesn't know anything about this matter. Although Taiping Dao is united, it is definitely not to the extent that everyone can be frank and honest with each other. Especially a high-quality Taoist like Qian Xiangyun must have some things that cannot be tolerated. Secrets known to others." Zhang Yuelu paused deliberately when he said this, and then gave Qi Xuansu a meaningful look.

Qi Xuansu innocently said: "What do you think I am doing?"

Zhang Yuelu was too lazy to point him out and continued: "I didn't want Li Changge to know about this, so I arranged for him and Yao Pei to be responsible for Wen Weng's affairs. With Yao Pei dragging him around, even if Li Changge was aware of it, it was unlikely he would take any action. "

In any case, Zhang Yuelu is the convener of the five-person group and has a certain degree of independence. Especially if there are sufficient reasons, Li Changge cannot openly refuse her arrangement.

Qi Xuansu said: "Let's go over and take a look now. Speaking of which, the last time the two of us worked together to handle a case was in Jinling Mansion. This time our swords are combined again, and we will definitely be invincible."

"What two swords combined, it sounds like you are using a sword." Zhang Yuelu said.

Qi Xuansu casually said: "I heard that the Zhang family has two swords, one is called "Qingyun" and the other is called "Zixia". It just so happens that each of us has one, and the two swords are perfect together. "

"Okay, you've come up with the idea of ​​"Celestial Master's Male and Female Swords" before you even entered the Zhang family. Am I leading the wolf into the house? "Zhang Yuelu has always been very talkative in this regard. People who have experienced life and death together can afford to joke.

"What does it mean to enter your Zhang family? I won't be a son-in-law." Qi Xuansu said, "I hope that in the future, when people mention Zhang Yuelu, they will say that she is Qi Xuansu's wife, instead of mentioning Qi Xuansu, they will say that he is Zhang Yuelu's husband. ”

Zhang Yuelu smiled slightly: "Then there is only one possibility, you become the great master."

Qi Xuansu said half-jokingly: "You allow the daughter of your three major families to become the chief master, but don't allow poor children like us who came from the Wanxiang Dao Palace to have a dream?"

In a dream, the Great Master ascended to the world. Looking up, he saw the sky above and the world below.

Zhang Yuelu said seriously: "It's not that only children from three families can be great masters. My master, Master Cihang, is not named Zhang, and Master Donghua is not surnamed Yao. The key is to have a deputy master, the great master, to support you wholeheartedly behind your back."

The three major families, Zhang, Li, and Yao, represent the Heavenly Master, the National Master, and the Earth Master respectively.

Xuan Sheng was worried that there would be an arbitrary Grand Master in the future, so he set a rule that the Grand Master must have the support of at least one deputy Grand Master before he could implement the decree.

Without the support of one of them, what if he became the head master? He's not even a lame master.

The sixth generation headmaster was ignored.

As for the Fifth Generation Grand Master, he had the support of the three deputy Grand Masters, because he replaced all those who did not support him.

Blood relations naturally have this advantage, so in the eighth generation, it finally became three high-ranking disciples competing for the top master.

Qi Xuan Suzhen just said it casually, without considering the feasibility of it, so he couldn't say how disappointed he was. Instead, he said: "Whether we want to be a great master or not, we will discuss it later. Let's talk about this cave first."

"You come with me." There was nothing strange on Zhang Yuelu's face, but in fact he was slightly complaining about himself.

She came to see Qi Xuansu on official business, but found out that Qi Xuansu had gone somewhere, so she waited here for Qi Xuansu to come back. At first, I really wanted to ask more questions, but then I changed my mind and thought it would be better to let nature take its course. It is rare to have such a good moonlit night scene, with Penglai Pond beside it, and it is okay for the two of them to enjoy the scenery under the moonlight, but I did not expect the final result.

Is it "remaining true to our original aspirations" or talking about official matters.

Whatever, whatever.

Zhang Yuelu calmed down and led Qi Xuansu to Qian Xiangyun's residence. There was a Lingguan guarding the place and no one could enter. The spiritual officials have long been accustomed to the high energy of high-quality Taoist priests. When encountering special circumstances, it is common for them to work non-stop for several days. It is not surprising that they are still investigating the case at this time.

Qian Xiangyun's residence is not small, with pavilions, ponds, rockeries, pine, orchid, plum and bamboo, and even a white crane. This shows that the former deputy palace master is a very elegant person, but as Qian Xiangyun Yun fled, and all these were taken back by the Jade Palace, especially the big white crane, which was quite spiritual and seemed to know that its master would never come back. It huddled in a corner, feeling a little depressed.

Zhang Yuelu was very familiar with this place and led Qi Xuansu directly to Qian Xiangyun's study.

The study rooms of people in Taoist sects have similar layouts. This is probably because Taoist sects attach great importance to creation. They always like to place things like ancient bookshelves and multi-treasure cypresses in their study rooms. Instead of placing books, they place some strange things in the eyes of Confucianism. Skilled objects, such as Zhang Yuelu's study, have a model of an armored ship.

Qian Xiangyun's study room didn't even have a bookshelf. Instead, there were multiple archaeological shelves, each listing artillery models of different sizes. The largest one was the size of a human head, and the smallest one was only the size of a palm.

This reminded Qi Xuansu of a story that circulated among Taoist sects. It was said that a temple of Yin was rampant in a certain place, and the local Taoist priests led people to clean it out. The temple of a Yin temple, Zhu, thought he had some skills, so he wanted to negotiate with the Taoist temple, saying that the outcome would be determined by a battle of wits. If he wins, the Taoist priest will not be able to harass Yun Yun again, and a group of foolish men and women start making noises, wanting to see the level of the Taoist priest's spells.

The Taoist priest's response was very simple. He asked the spiritual officers to surround the Y Temple, directly set up artillery, aimed at the Y Temple, and blasted it. Private fighting is the way for Taoists to solve problems. Are you worthy of a private fight? I'll flatten you directly.

As for the group of foolish men and women, they dispersed as soon as the cannon was fired, but they were stopped by the spiritual officials and forced to stay where they were. They watched the Y Temple being razed to the ground and the temple ministers being beaten to death with random cannons. . As believers, these foolish men and women were sentenced to three months of hard labor by the Taoist sect as punishment.

Afterwards, the Taoist priest summoned other innocent people and preached about the dangers of the Y Temple as usual. You don't have to believe in it. The Taoist sect never forces you to believe it, but you must never believe in a cult. Once discovered, you will be severely punished. Then each person was given a pound of millet as a sign of comfort.

If it is difficult to carve rotten wood, then we will not carve it. People in the world always fear power more than kindness, and giving both kindness and power is hard to say whether it is the right way, but it is the most effective. Qi Xuansu came to a museum shelf and looked at these artillery models carefully.

People in the Taoist sect have some special preferences for boats and firearms.

Just as the people of the Golden Tent like horses and bows and arrows.

In the past it was the age of horses and bows, now it is the age of ships and firearms.

The cannon models are so realistic that one even has a rope that can be pulled to fire.

Zhang Yuelu adjusted the direction of several artillery models, then pulled the rope of the artillery model, hammered the striker, and saw a ray of light shooting out of the barrel and landing on another artillery model on the Bogu rack.

The second artillery model did not have a rope designed to be pulled, so it could not be activated. However, after being hit by the brilliance, the same brilliance shot out from the barrel, focusing again on the artillery model on the third Bogu rack.

By repeating this process, the light interweaves and finally converges on the largest artillery model.

This artillery model also shot out brilliance, but it did not hit any artillery model. Instead, it opened a permanent "Yin Yang Gate".

"Wonderful idea, how did you discover it?" Qi Xuansu couldn't help but said.

Zhang Yuelu said: "It's actually not difficult. There are so many artillery models, which are a bit deliberate and naturally suspicious. I just need to find the one that is different among them, and then keep arranging and combining them."

Zhang Yuelu said it in an understatement, but Qi Xuansu felt that he probably couldn't solve such a mystery.

Qi Xuansu asked: "Have you ever gone in?"

"I've been in it before." Zhang Yuelu nodded, "It's a big underground palace, I didn't have too many

Go deep. I used the compass to locate my location. It was still in the Jade Palace, but it was underground, and there was no other road connecting it to the ground. It could only be accessed through the "Yin Yang Gate". This may be the reason why it has never been discovered. "

"You are quite courageous. Aren't you afraid of being trapped in there?" Qi Xuansu said slightly reproachfully.

Zhang Yuelu pursed his lips: "If I disappear in the Jade Palace, then the Imperial Palace will definitely search the Jade Palace thoroughly. According to my last whereabouts, Qian Xiangyun's residence must be the focus of the search, so I want to find The cave here is not difficult. There are countless Taoist masters. Isn’t it easy to rescue me?”

Qi Xuansu had to admit that Zhang Yuelu was quite thoughtful.

Zhang Yuelu said: "After we enter, the Yin-Yang Gate in the study will be closed, but there is also a mechanism to open the Yin-Yang Gate on the other side, so we don't have to worry about being trapped inside. "

After all, she walked into it first.

Qi Xuansu followed.

After passing through the "Yin Yang Gate", the scene in front of me changed. Just as Zhang Yuelu said, this was a huge underground palace. The two of them were standing in a corridor, with a dead end behind them, but there was an outline of a door on the wall, similar to a relief. , this should be the "Yin Yang Gate" to go out.

The two of them walked forward along the corridor, and at the end was a wide hall.

Zhang Yuelu said: "When I came here last time, I made a preliminary observation. This place should not have been built by this dynasty, nor the previous dynasty. It does have an obvious golden tent style."

The Da Qi dynasty of the Li family was followed by the Da Jin of the Zhao family, then the Jinzhang briefly took over the Central Plains, then the Da Wei of the Xu family, and now the Da Xuan of the Qin family.

It was already five hundred years ago that the Golden Account took control of the Central Plains.

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