Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 117 Six Era


Over the past five hundred years, great changes have taken place in clothing, behavior, etiquette, and even ethics.

Not to mention the architectural style.

Qi Xuansu said: "After the Jinzhang took over the Central Plains, the capital was Yanjing Mansion, which was not called the Imperial Capital at that time. In other words, the predecessor of the Imperial City was the capital city built by the Jinzhang people. So here is the ruins of an underground palace left by the Jinzhang people. , not surprising."

Zhang Yuelu walked into the hall and said: "At first, I thought that this underground palace was related to the traditional state religion Shamanism of the Golden Tent. However, I soon discovered that something was wrong. Not only was there no trace of Shamanism here, but it had a very profound Quanzhen religion. Traces of Tao."

While speaking, Zhang Yuelu pointed at a few places. There were both patterns and words. Indeed, they had nothing to do with the shamanism that believed in the Immortal Heaven. On the contrary, they were very familiar to people in the Taoist sect.

As for why we talk about the traditional state religion, it is because the Golden Tent people always have two state religions, one is the unshakable shamanism, and the other is constantly changing depending on the situation.

Qi Xuansu observed it carefully for a moment and said, "These traces are a bit strange. They don't seem to be exactly the same as the current Quanzhen Tao."

"It's not surprising." Zhang Yuelu said, "Today's Quanzhen Tao is the Quanzhen Tao after Xuansheng removed its dross. In other words, many inappropriate contents have been deleted by Xuansheng, and this belongs to The Quanzhen Tao of five hundred years ago."

Qi Xuansu came from Wanxiang Taoist Palace and knew the history of Taoism very well. He immediately asked: "Is the Quanzhen Taoism five hundred years ago a relic left by the Changchun lineage?"

The Taoist sect prospered twice. Once, the Ancestral Dragon lost his deer, and the White Emperor gained the world. He believed in Huang Lao, "Huang" is the Emperor of Heaven, and "Lao" is the Taoist ancestor. The Taoist sect prospered and took charge of the government. Later, Emperor Wu ascended the throne and placed great emphasis on Confucianism. Confucianism and Taoism competed, and Taoism was completely defeated, thus starting the nearly thousand-year-long dominance of Confucianism.

Until the Li family established Daqi, because Taishang Daozu was also named Li, the Li family respected Taishang Daozu as their ancestor and called him "Great Saint Ancestor" and "Taishang Xuanyuan Emperor", and Taoism became the state religion.

The last years of the Jin Dynasty were one of the most decadent and degenerate periods for Taoism. At this time, Taoism was influenced by Buddhism. They talked about magical powers and boasted all kinds of nonsense, and created many gods out of thin air. However, they could not boast about Buddhism, nor could they draw cakes to satisfy their hunger. In Buddhism, True King Sun died during this period and was completely crushed by the Great Sun Tathagata.

At this time, the Taoist sect has abandoned the Taishang Taozu's view of the universe. The ideas are confusing and the principles are nonsense. In terms of managing the world, benefiting the people, and governing the country, it is completely defeated by the Confucian sect. There is no trace of the style of Huang Lao when he was in power, and it has essentially become a Taoist sect. The three religions are at the bottom.

During this period, many Taoist people pleased the powerful, attached themselves to the court, and took the upper-level route. The most outstanding among them is Mr. Tongzhen Daling, the founder of Quanzhen Taoism Shenxiao, Mr. Lin Lingsu. He once fought with Buddhist monks and advised the Emperor of Jin Dynasty: "Buddhism has harmed Taoism. Although it cannot be destroyed now, it can be corrected by combining Buddhism and Buddhism." The temple was transformed into a palace, the Sakyamuni was transformed into a deity, the Bodhisattva was transformed into a great scholar, the Arhat was transformed into a venerable person, and the monk was transformed into a virtuous scholar.

In accordance with the memorial, the emperor issued an edict to change Buddhism to Taoism, change clothes, and change surnames. The Left and Right Street Recording Academy was changed to the Moral Academy, and the Seng Recording Department was changed to the Deshi Department, which was affiliated to the Moral Academy. Soon the nun was changed to a female deity.

The crown prince went to the palace to fight, and the twelve monks including Hu monk Li Zang, two monks from Wutai, Dao Jian and others fought with Lin Lingsu. As a result, the monks were defeated and preferred to wear the crown and hold the slip.

Today’s “Buddhist Great Virtue” comes from this.

However, the end of the founder of Quanzhen Taoism was not good. During the flood in the capital, there was a second battle between Buddhism and Taoism, and a dragon appeared. Lin Lingsu used his evil ways to kill the dragon, but the flood did not recede. People thought it was A sign of national subjugation. The floods receded only because of the spiritual appearance of the great monks. Lin Lingsu therefore left the capital and returned to his hometown, but died mysteriously not long after.

In the evaluation of later generations, both Taoism and Confucianism and Buddhism have a negative attitude towards this patriarch.

Later, the Jin Dynasty moved southward and the Jin Dynasty was destroyed. Another founder of Quanzhen Taoism began to emerge.

Among the five founders of Quanzhen Taoism, Patriarch Chongyang was the last one. He had seven disciples who successively took up the post of master of Quanzhen Tao. Master Danyang was succeeded by Master Changsheng, and Master Changsheng was succeeded by Master Changchun. This Changchun real person once went to Serbia in his twilight years



Outside, out of Iron Gate Pass, arrived at the Daxue Mountain Palace, met with the Golden Horde Khan, and advised the Golden Horde Khan to "respect heaven and love the people, reduce massacres, and be pure in heart and desires", and was revered as a "god" by the Golden Horde Khan.

After the Changchun master returned to the imperial capital, which was still called Yanjing at that time, the Golden Horde Khan gave him a tiger talisman and a seal, and ordered him to take charge of the Taoist sects in the world. He also issued an edict to exempt Taoist temples and Taoist priests from all taxes and duties. As a result, Quanzhen Taoism flourished again. A large number of palaces and temples were built in the imperial capital, and altars were set up for ritual ceremonies. At that time, religious gates were opened in all directions, and Taoist monks gathered in large numbers.

Today's Jade Palace was expanded on the ruins of a Taoist palace left by a real person in Changchun.

Then it makes perfect sense that there is such a Quanzhen Tao ruins under the Jade Palace.

Zhang Yuelu expressed his approval: "This place should have a great relationship with the real person in Changchun. However, it took me a lot of time to check these details. I was afraid that people outside could not find me, so I stopped here and returned outside."

"Let's continue." Qi Xuansu silently activated the Golden Body Realm and "Green Underworld Armor" and stepped forward.

Zhang Yuelu took out the "photoless paper", turned it into a paper umbrella, and walked side by side with Qi Xuansu.

Five hundred years ago, the Quanzhen Taoism was the most decadent and degenerate period of the Taoism. Today, many people in the Taoism regard it as a dark age of barbarism and ignorance, or even black history.

Zhang Yuelu said slowly: "In the past two hundred years, some members of the Taoist sect have been deeply influenced by Western learning after traveling to the West. They followed the Western methods and divided the history of the Taoist sect into six eras. The earliest was Taishang Taoist ancestor who stayed in the human world and The era of sages when the White Emperor reused Huang Lao, then the barbaric era when Zhengyiyi and Taiping Taoism rose barbarically, then the golden age when Daqi Taoism became the state religion in the prosperous age of Daqi, and then the rise of Quanzhen Taoism but it was deeply influenced by Buddhism and became the most decadent and decadent The dark age, the era of change during the Wei Dynasty when Taoism merged with hundreds of schools but also split and fought, and finally the civilized era where Taoism unified and became the master of the world."

Qi Xuansu said: "I have also heard about Western learning. I heard that Westerners divided us into three generations. They said that Zulong and Baidi created the first empire, Dachen and Daqi were the second empire, and Dawei and Daqi were the second empire. Xuan is the Third Empire. In this way, the Age of Sages is at the beginning of the First Empire, the Age of Barbarism is at the end of the First Empire, the Golden Age is at the beginning of the Second Empire, and the Age of Change is at the end of the Second Empire. In the early days of the empire, we are now..."

Zhang Yuelu said: "There is no doubt that the civilization we live in is at the end of the Third Empire. Beilong is about to die. Whether it is an empire as Westerners call it or a dynasty as Easterners call it, how can the world exist under one family and one surname? How long? One hundred years? Or two hundred years?”

While talking, the two walked through the hall and entered a long corridor, but compared to the corridor they came from, this corridor was wider and was very bright with the blessing of the formation.

The power of the formation comes from the earth's energy. As long as the earth's energy is constant, the formation can exist for a long time.

Probably because of the influence of Buddhism, there are many murals here. On the contrary, after many reforms in Taoism today, there are almost no such things as murals, and they prefer to use meticulous words to record various major events or secrets.

The two looked at the murals. The first mural recorded a battle. There were monks, Taoist priests, rolling waves, and a dragon looming in the waves.

After Qi Xuansu carefully identified it, he said, "This seems to be Lin Lingsu's battle with Buddhism."

Zhang Yuelu nodded and looked at the second mural.

This mural records a group of nineteen people walking in the Gobi grassland, with snow-capped mountains and a palace built on the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

"This is Changchun Master and his eighteen disciples going to the grassland to meet the Golden Horde Khan at the Daxue Mountain Palace." Qi Xuansu once visited the Daxue Mountain Palace with Zhang Yuelu, and they have a deep memory.

Zhang Yuelu sighed with emotion: "This Patriarch probably would not have thought that three hundred years later, the Daxue Mountain Palace would actually become the location of our Taoist sect's Western Region Taoist Palace."

The two of them continued to look down.

The third change is a bit strange. The background is obviously not in the Central Plains, but rather in the royal court of the Golden Tent. It is full of exotic style. In a luxurious hall, hundreds of Taoist priests and monks are arguing fiercely.

Zhang Yuelu pondered for a moment: "



This should be the debate in Kaiping City. With the support of the first Khan of the Golden Horde, the Quanzhen Taoism of Changchun Master almost unified the north. However, by the time of the third Khan of the Golden Horde, Buddhism complained to the third Khan. Suing Quanzhen Taoism opened up the thirty-year dispute between Buddhism and Taoism. Moreover, Quanzhen Taoism was too powerful at this time, which aroused the concerns of the Golden Horde nobles. Therefore, with the help of the Golden Horde nobles, and Thanks to the efforts of Buddhists in the Western Regions, Buddhism successfully defeated Taoism in the key Kaiping City debate. Since then, Quanzhen Taoism has begun to decline, and Buddhism has replaced Taoism as the state religion of the Golden Tent, keeping pace with Shamanism. Since then, Buddhism has become even more domineering than Quanzhen Taoism, making Taoism and Confucianism very angry. "

After being reminded by Zhang Yuelu, Qi Xuansu also remembered: "Jin Zhang would not have thought that this would bring about huge changes within the Taoist sect, completely abandoning the upper-level route of flattering the powerful, and returning to the bottom where Huang Tiandang is dead. line, began to accumulate strength and prepare for rebellion, so the Taiping Dao rose again, gradually replacing the status of Quanzhen Dao, and indirectly led to the failure of the Golden Horde, and also laid a solid foundation for the Taoist sect to defeat the Confucian sect later. "

The two came to the fourth mural. The content of this mural was endless battles on the battlefield. The difference between the two could be clearly distinguished from their clothes. There was a big river in the distance, which should be a long river.

Qi Xuansu said concisely and concisely: "Instigate the long river and the world to rebel."

Zhang Yuelu said: "At this time, the Taoist sect is still in a subordinate position, and the main force is the Confucian sect."

Four murals encapsulate Taomen's transition from the Dark Ages to the Age of Change.

At the same time, this corridor has reached its end, and there is only one stone door opening in front of it.

Qi Xuansu signaled Zhang Yuelu to get out of the way, and he pushed open the stone door.


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