Pawn Crossing the River

Chapter 118: Behind the Stone Gate

The biggest flaw of being banished to an immortal the day after tomorrow is that there is a dead end, and there is no way to go after immortality. But the advantage is just like the heretical method, which has great advantages in the heaven and human stage. At this time, Qi Xuansu dare not say that he can definitely beat Zhang Yuelu, but he is indeed clearly stronger than Zhang Yuelu in some aspects, such as physical fitness. Even if there is any danger behind the door, Qi Xuansu is also safer than Zhang Yuelu.

"Don't worry yet." Zhang Yuelu stood still, "Tianyuan, have you noticed that the contents recorded in these four murals explain one thing."

Qi Xuansu reacted: "Since the mural mentions the great uprising in the last years of the Jinzhang, it means that this ruins may not have been built in the early years of the Jinzhang, but most likely in the last years of the Jinzhang, or even in the early years of the Wei Dynasty."

Zhang Yuelu said: "Strictly speaking, this is the last time anyone used this place."

Qi Xuansu asked: "Then what is the significance of this building?"

"Maybe the answer lies behind the door." Zhang Yuelu looked at the stone door, "This may be a sealed place, and there is some kind of vicious monster sealed behind the stone door. It may also be a retreat place, and behind the stone door is a certain Taoist senior. "

Qi Xuansu looked at the first mural again, which was the scene of Lin Lingsu, the founder of Quanzhen Taoism, fighting with others, and said: "I remember that this immortal national master during the Jin Dynasty did not ascend in the end, but fell mysteriously. The specific fall The time is unknown, some say he was punished by God, others say he went crazy, and some say he faked his death to escape the world, right? "

"Although Master Changchun and Mr. Tongzhen Daling Lin Lingsu are both one of the founders of Quanzhen Taoism, they are not from the same lineage. Master Changchun is from the Longmen lineage, and Lin Lingsu is from the Shenxiao lineage. The difference is that Cihang The difference between the first lineage and the Zhang lineage is that even if the founder of the Cihang lineage was enthroned, he would not go to the Da Zhenren Mansion. This place was obviously built by the disciples of the Changchun lineage. How could he become the founder of the Shenxiao lineage? A place of rest?" Zhang Yuelu held a negative attitude.

Qi Xuansu made another guess: "Could it be that Patriarch Lin went crazy and was suppressed here by the Changchun Master?"

Zhang Yuelu still didn’t agree: “It was precisely because Changchun Master ascended and passed away that there were thirty years of disputes between Buddhism and Taoism and the decline of Quanzhen Taoism. If this place is a place of suppression, how can we explain these events in the last years of the Golden Tent? mural?"

Qi Xuansu pondered for a moment and said: "Since you can predict the future with the 'Ziwei Dou Shu', it should not be difficult for the immortals to glimpse certain scenes in the future. If the Changchun Master left a mural here to record the future scenes he had glimpsed, then it would be It makes sense.”

Zhang Yuelu thought for a moment: "It is indeed possible. Back then, the Heavenly Master used his supreme magical power to gain a glimpse of several fragments of the future 'Dharma End' era at the expense of three years of cultivation."

Qi Xuansu became interested and asked: "What does 'Mo Dharma' look like?"

This is the benefit of a large family. They can easily learn some secrets in the eyes of others.

Zhang Yuelu hesitated for a moment and replied: "When the emperor's crown falls, the king's dream is shattered. One after another, the mountains and rivers are stained with blood. The sky collapses and the earth breaks apart, and the world becomes new."

Qi Xuansu repeated softly: "When the imperial crown falls, the king's dream is shattered."

Without the emperor's world, what kind of world would it be?

Zhang Yuelu returned to the topic: "We assume that these murals are left by Changchun real people who had a glimpse of the future. So what is his purpose in building this underground palace? These future scenes can also be described in words, and it does not exceed a hundred words, which is even easier. To preserve or spread, there is obviously no need to leave murals in this place where they will never see the light of day.”

Qi Xuansu shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily true. Maybe Changchun Master didn't understand the specific meaning of the future he glimpsed. For example, in the fourth mural, he saw a long river and an uprising, but he didn't know the specific process, and it was very difficult to understand the future. It is difficult to describe it in words, so we can only use murals to reconstruct the scenes he saw. On the contrary, when we see the murals, we will immediately think of the records in the history books. What we know actually does not come from the murals, but from the murals. It comes from the history books we have read, and the mural just serves as a primer.”

"Furthermore, the secret must not be leaked. Isn't it said that rashly revealing the secret will shorten your life? That's why we have to leave a mural here to prevent others from knowing."

"The first point does make sense." Zhang Yuelu said, "As for the second point, you came from the Wanxiang Dao Palace and you actually believed these rumors. If it was just a loss of life, wouldn't the Immortal Immortal have no scruples? Anyway, he is not afraid. Loss of longevity. As far as I know, it has no impact whether the secret is revealed, but too much divination will cause the soul to be dusted. In the end, every calculation will be inaccurate, so divination should be used with caution and sparingly as to whether it is leaked to others. Calculating the outcome is irrelevant.”

Qi Xuansu said: "In this case, the Heavenly Master can make the glimpse of the future public."

Zhang Yuelu asked back: "Even the death of Beilong, which is so close and certain, the Taoist sect and the imperial court chose to keep it secret for fear of causing unrest in people's hearts. Why do you think that the Tianshi would shake the foundation of the country and cannot confirm it?" Are the true and shocking news made public?”

Qi Xuansu was speechless.

Half a year ago, he didn't know about Beilong's death.

Qi Xuansu suggested: "Speaking of divination, you might as well use the 'Ziwei Dou Shu' to measure good or bad luck. If it is a bad omen, we will turn around and leave, and report this to Jinque and let them send people to deal with it, no matter what is inside The demons are weird, even the sleeping ancient immortals can be suppressed by the Dao Sect. If it is a good omen, we will open the door and go in, maybe the senior master will leave an opportunity to us, the descendants."

Zhang Yuelu disagreed and said: "We are not here to look for opportunities, but to find clues about Qian Xiangyun's case."

Qi Xuansu added: "Speaking of Qian Xiangyun, if there is anything weird, Qian Xiangyun should be the first to suffer, but Qian Xiangyun has always been safe and sound, and even escaped overseas unharmed. It can be seen that here There shouldn’t be much danger.”

Zhang Yuelu made up his mind, took out the hexagram stick from the sumeru object, and started the hexagram according to the formula.

Got a "no blame" hexagram.

Zhang Yuelu said softly: "Sixty-three, if there is no restraint, then if you sigh, there is no blame. Xiang said: If there is no restraint, who is to blame?"

Qi Xuansu asked: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Yuelu explained: "You should be restrained, but you can't be restrained. You will regret it afterward. There is no harm."

Qi Xuansu directly omitted something and regretted it afterwards, and refined the four words "no trouble".

For a Jianghu person like him, he can take risks if he is more than 50% sure, not to mention that there is no danger and it is almost unimpeded.

Zhang Yuelu was not a timid person. Seeing that Qi Xuansu had made up her mind, she moved out of the way, but she still turned the "photoless paper" in her hand into a paper armor and put it on Qi Xuansu's body. This semi-immortal object can be used both offensively and defensively. The disadvantage is that it is not good at everything, but the advantage is that it is good at everything.

Then Zhang Yuelu was responsible for vigilance and preparedness for unexpected events.

Qi Xuansu came to the stone door, held it with both hands, and exerted force with both arms. In an instant, the veins in Qi Xuansu's arms popped out under his clothes, and his energy and blood flowed rapidly several times faster than usual, but it was not enough. The stone door cannot be pushed.

Next, Qi Xuansu's arms completely transformed into golden bodies, and were filled with huge amounts of true energy.

At the end, the body and spirit in Qi Xuansu's acupuncture points also lit up one after another. It cannot be said that he used the strength of sucking milk, but he also gave his best.

In fact, the alchemist also had talismans or spells that could temporarily increase his strength, but Qi Xuansu didn't know how to do it, so he had to give up. Just these means are enough.

The stone door that had been motionless finally began to roar, and a crack slowly opened.

Qi Xuansu looked inside through this gap and saw that it was an alchemy room. The first thing that caught his eye was a huge three-legged alchemy furnace.

Zhang Yuelu also brought his face closer and looked inside.

In this way, Qi Xuansu could rest his chin on the top of her head: "I'm not looking down on Qian Xiangyun, but how did she open the door? Is there any other way to open the door?"

Zhang Yuelu added: "It should be, just keep pushing the door."

After confirming that there was no danger, Zhang Yuelu no longer took precautions, activated his true energy, and helped Qi Xuansu push the door open.

In terms of brute force, the banished immortal is still slightly inferior to the martial artist, or in other words, all inheritances are inferior to the martial artist.

Qi Xuansu also continued to exert force.

After a while, the two stone doors finally opened a gap for one person to pass through.

Qi Xuansu retracted his hands, still maintaining the four levels of protection of "Qingming Armor", "No Photo Paper", Golden Body Realm, and Seeing God's Indestructibility, and was the first to pass through the portal.

Zhang Yuelu summoned "Taiyi Yunyi", combined with "Five Qi Yanluo", and followed Qi Xuansu.

The alchemy room is spotless. Because it is used for alchemy, it is not built with wood. Except for various masonry, the rest of the structure is all made of brass, making it look magnificent.

The dome is shaped into a checkerboard shape, and there is a huge luminous pearl in each square. At a glance, there are hundreds of them, just like the stars above the night. Because of their large number, they actually form a thin layer of stars. Thin haze. It's just that the light of the night pearls is cold, like moonlight. Even if there are many, it still makes people feel a bit colder.

Behind the alchemy furnace is a Taoist wearing Bagua robes, sitting cross-legged on the throne, facing the alchemy furnace, motionless.

Judging from the appearance, this person is about forty years old. He is as rich as jade, has a strange appearance, three long beards, and an immortal spirit. He looks like a living person, making people mistakenly think that he is a Youdao Quanzhen. I am meditating and doing some cleansing.

There was misty smoke flowing slowly around him, like smoke and clouds from a fairyland, or like the mist of a ghost land.

The two of them could not feel the slightest breath of this person. Qi Xuansu took out the compass given by Qi Niang. It could not only detect "Xuan Yu", but also had the basic function of a compass. There was no abnormality in the pointer, neither crazy rotation nor any vibration.

Qi Xuansu said: "This Taoist does not have any corpse energy in his body. He has not turned into a corpse. He seems to be just a remnant of his predecessor."

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